Referendum (Constitution Alteration) (No. 2)

No. 121 of 1965

An Act relating to the Manner of Voting at Referendums in relation to Proposed Laws for the alteration of the Constitution.

[Assented to 18 December, 1965]

[Date of commencement, 15 January, 1966]

BE it enacted by the Queens Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act (No. 2) 1965.

(2.) The Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act 19061936, as amended by the Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act 1965, is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.

(3.) Section 1 of the Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act 1965 is amended by omitting sub-section (2.).

(4.) The Principal Act, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act 19061965.

2. Section 14 of the Principal Act is repealed and the following section inserted in its stead:—

Manner of voting.

14. The voting at a referendum shall be by ballot and each elector shall indicate his vote—

(a) if he approves the proposed law—by writing the word Yes in the space provided on the ballot-paper; or

(b) if he does not approve the proposed law—by writing the word No in the space so provided..

Informal ballot-papers.

3. Section 21 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting the second proviso from sub-section (1.).

The Schedule.

4. The Schedule to the Principal Act is amended by omitting Forms C and D and inserting in their stead the following forms:—

Form C


Commonwealth of Australia

Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act

State of (here insert name of State)

Submission to the Electors of a Proposed Law for the alteration of the Constitution.

DIRECTIONS:—Mark your vote on this ballot-paper as follows:—

If you APPROVE the proposed law, write the word Yes in the space provided opposite the question.

If you DO NOT APPROVE the proposed law, write the word No in the space provided opposite the question.

Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled (here set out the title of the proposed law)?

Form D


Commonwealth of Australia

Referendum (Constitution Alteration) Act

State of (here insert name of State)

Submission to the Electors of Proposed Laws for the alteration of the Constitution.

1. Proposed law entitled (here set out the title of the proposed law).

DIRECTIONS:—Mark your vote on this ballot-paper as follows:—

If you APPROVE the proposed law, write the word Yes in the space provided opposite the question.

If you DO NOT APPROVE the proposed law, write the word No in the space provided opposite the question.

Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled (here set out the title of the proposed law)?


2. Proposed law entitled (here set out the title of the proposed law).

DIRECTIONS:—Mark your vote on this ballot-paper as follows:—

If you APPROVE the proposed law, write the word Yes in the space provided opposite the question.

If you DO NOT APPROVE the proposed law, write the word No in the space provided opposite the question.

Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled (here set out the title of the proposed law)?