No. 59 of 1963.
An Act to authorize the issue and application, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, of a sum for the service of the year ending on the thirtieth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-four, and to appropriate that sum.
[Assented to 28th October, 1963.]
BE it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 1963–64.
2. This Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
Issue and application of £378,216,000.
3. The Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and apply for the service of the year ending on the thirtieth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-four, the sum of Three hundred and seventy-eight million two hundred and sixteen thousand pounds.
4. All
F.11568/63.—Price 13s.
Appropriation of £679,980,000.
4. All sums authorized by the Supply Act 1963–64 and by this Act to be issued out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the service of the year ending on the thirtieth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-four, amounting, as appears by the First Schedule to this Act, in the aggregate to the sum of Six hundred and seventy-nine million nine hundred and eighty thousand pounds, are appropriated, and shall be deemed to have been appropriated as from the first day of July, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-three, for the purposes and services expressed in the Second Schedule to this Act in respect of the financial year ending on the thirtieth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and sixty-four.
| £ |
By the Supply Act 1963–64..................................... | 301,764,000 |
By this Act................................................ | 378,216,000 |
Total.................................... | 679,980,000 |
Page Reference. | — | Total. | |
| part 1.—departments and services—other than business undertakings and territories of the commonwealth— | £ | |
| |
6 | parliament........................................... | 1,385,000 | |
10 | Prime Minister's Department............................... | 14,360,000 | |
17 | Department of External Affairs............................. | 13,502,000 | |
34 | Department of the Treasury................................ | 17,642,000 | |
37 | Advance to the Treasurer................................. | 16,000,000 | |
38 | Attorney-General's Department............................. | 3,181,000 | |
43 | Department of the Interior................................. | 7,537,000 | |
48 | Department of Works.................................... | 10,182,000 | |
51 | Department of Civil Aviation............................... | 15,537,000 | |
54 | Department of Customs and Excise........................... | 6,029,000 | |
56 | Department of Health.................................... | 5,242,000 | |
59 | Department of Trade.................................... | 4,792,000 | |
72 | Department of Primary Industry............................. | 16,930,000 | |
75 | Department of Social Services.............................. | 8,986,000 | |
77 | Department of Shipping and Transport........................ | 12,139,000 | |
80 | Department of Territories................................. | 664,000 | |
82 | Department of Immigration................................ | 13,246,000 | |
89 | Department of Labour and National Service..................... | 3,043,000 | |
91 | Department of National Development......................... | 12,652,000 | |
94 | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization........ | 10,600,000 | |
96 | Defence Services— | £ |
| Department of Defence......................... | 2,007,000 |
| Department of the Navy........................ | 54,509,000 |
| Department of the Army........................ | 78,317,000 |
| Department of Air............................ | 80,518,000 |
| Department of Supply......................... | 30,539,000 |
| General Services............................. | 2,756,000 |
| 248,646,000 |
| Less Amount Chargeable to Loan Fund............. | 62,500,000 |
| 186,146,000 | |
110 | War and Repatriation Services.............................. | 123,035,000 | |
| Total Part 1................................. | 502,830,000 | |
| |
116 | Commonwealth Railways................................. | 5,582,000 | |
118 | Postmaster-General's Department............................ | 113,821,000 | |
122 | Broadcasting and Television Services......................... | 15,703,000 | |
| Total Part 2................................. | 135,106,000 | |
| |
126 | Northern Territory...................................... | 10,119,000 | |
126 | Australian Capital Territory................................ | 6,364,000 | |
126 | Norfolk Island......................................... | 37,700 | |
126 | Papua and New Guinea................................... | 25,477,200 | |
126 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands.................................. | 46,000 | |
126 | Christmas Island....................................... | 100 | |
| Total Part 3................................. | 42,044,000 | |
| TOTAL................................... | 679,980,000 |
Estimate—1963–64, Black figures.
Expenditure—1962–63, Light figures.
Division No. | — | Salaries and Payments in the Nature of Salary. | Administrative Expenses. | Other Services. | Total. |
| £ | £ | £ | £ |
101 | SENATE......................... | 44,400 | 48,000 | .. | 92,400 |
| 40,340 | 57,384 | .. | 97,724 |
102 | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES........ | 62,300 | 85,800 | .. | 148,100 |
| 56,759 | 83,698 | .. | 140,457 |
103 | PARLIAMENTARY REPORTING STAFF.. | 90,300 | 100,300 | .. | 190,600 |
| 83,447 | 120,034 | .. | 203,482 |
104 | LIBRARY........................ | 27,600 | 24,200 | .. | 51,800 |
| 20,934 | 22,190 | .. | 43,125 |
105 | JOINT HOUSE DEPARTMENT......... | 132,800 | 80,300 | .. | 213,100 |
| 123,859 | 80,418 | .. | 204,277 |
| 3,424 | 3,308 | .. | 6,732 |
107 | JOINT COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | 7,400 | 3,400 | .. | 10,800 |
| 6,449 | 2,226 | .. | 8,676 |
116 | CONVEYANCE OF MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT AND OTHERS | .. | 360,000 | .. | 360,000 |
| 368,266 | .. | 368,266 |
117 | MAINTENANCE OF MINISTERS' AND MEMBERS' ROOMS | 172,100 | 140,000 | .. | 312,100 |
| 168,580 | 137,303 | .. | 305,883 |
| Total........................ | 540,830 | 844,170 | .. | 1,385,000 |
| 503,792 | 874,827 | .. | 1,378,621 |
| 1963-64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
Division No. 101.—SENATE. | £ | £ | £ |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 136.... | 36,400 | 34,400 | 34,118 |
02. Temporary and casual employees................ | 6,850 | 6,100 | 5,220 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 1,150 | 1,100 | 1,002 |
| 44,400 | 41,600 | 40,340 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 3,000 | 4,460 | 4,298 |
02. Printing, binding and distribution of papers......... | 14,200 | 13,700 | 12,912 |
03. Standing and Select Committees—Expenses........ | 8,000 | 5,000 | 6,691 |
04. Senators' sessional travelling allowance........... | 20,000 | 20,000 | 17,784 |
05. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 2,800 | 2,920 | 2,813 |
Inter-Parliamentary Union Conferences—Representation | .. | 11,620 | 12,886 |
| 48,000 | 57,700 | 57,384 |
Total Division No. 101.............. | 92,400 | 99,300 | 97,724 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 136.... | 46,800 | 44,500 | 42,976 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 12,250 | 11,600 | 11,184 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 3,250 | 3,100 | 2,599 |
| 62,300 | 59,200 | 56,759 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence................... | 3,000 | 3,000 | 2,816 |
02. Printing, binding and distribution of papers........ | 29,500 | 34,750 | 32,165 |
03. Standing and Select Committees—Expenses........ | 3,000 | 500 | 387 |
04. Members' sessional travelling allowance.......... | 40,000 | 40,000 | 39,116 |
05. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conferences— Representation | 5,000 | 6,000 | 4,170 |
06. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 5,300 | 4,750 | 5,044 |
| 85,800 | 89,000 | 83,698 |
Total Division No. 102.............. | 148,100 | 148,200 | 140,457 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 136.... | 80,875 | 77,000 | 75,576 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 7,650 | 7,500 | 6,673 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 1,775 | 1,400 | 1,198 |
| 90,300 | 85,900 | 83,447 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Hansard— Printing, distribution and binding—Senate. | 35,000 | 36,000 | 41,446 |
02. Hansard—Printing, distribution and binding—House of Representatives | 60,000 | 54,000 | 73,889 |
03. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 5,300 | 4,700 | 4,699 |
| 100,300 | 94,700 | 120,034 |
Total Division No. 103.............. | 190,600 | 180,600 | 203,482 |
Division No. 104.—LIBRARY. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 136.... | 22,400 | 17,700 | 16,042 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 4,100 | 4,200 | 4,040 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 1,100 | 1,000 | 853 |
| 27,600 | 22,900 | 20,934 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Books, maps, plates and documents............. | 15,000 | 15,000 | 13,034 |
02. Subscriptions to newspapers, periodicals and annuals.. | 5,700 | 5,700 | 3,335 |
03. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 3,500 | 3,900 | 2,961 |
Commonwealth Parliamentary Handbook—Printing.. | .. | 2,681 | 2,860 |
| 24,200 | 27,281 | 22,190 |
Total Division No. 104.............. | 51,800 | 50,181 | 43,125 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 137.... | 35,000 | 35,600 | 33,082 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 91,650 | 85,800 | 85,265 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 6,150 | 5,900 | 5,512 |
| 132,800 | 127,300 | 123,859 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence................... | 3,000 | 4,200 | 3,059 |
02. Postage, telegrams, and telephone services......... | 45,000 | 45,000 | 44,384 |
03. Fuel, light and power....................... | 23,000 | 23,000 | 22,851 |
04. Parliament gardens........................ | 1,350 | 1,200 | 1,101 |
05. Minor repairs and maintenance................ | 3,850 | 4,200 | 3,603 |
06. Plant and equipment....................... | 1,000 | 2,700 | 2,594 |
07. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 3,100 | 3,000 | 2,827 |
| 80,300 | 83,300 | 80,418 |
Total Division No. 105.............. | 213,100 | 210,600 | 204,277 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 137.... | 3,930 | 2,955 | 2,947 |
Temporary and casual employees............... | .. | 960 | 477 |
| 3,930 | 3,915 | 3,424 |
2.—Administrative Expenses....................... | 2,170 | 2,610 | 3,308 |
Total Division No. 106.............. | 6,100 | 6,525 | 6,732 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 137.... | 7,300 | 6,690 | 6,368 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 100 | 100 | 81 |
| 7,400 | 6,790 | 6,449 |
2.—Administrative Expenses....................... | 3,400 | 3,360 | 2,226 |
Total Division No. 107.............. | 10,800 | 10,150 | 8,676 |
| 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
Under Control of Department of the Interior. | £ | £ | £ |
Division No. 116.—CONVEYANCE OF MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT AND OTHERS | 360,000 | 375,000 | 368,266 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 137.... | 38,400 | 38,254 | 37,290 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 133,700 | 132,500 | 131,290 |
Extra duty pay........................... | .. | 100 | .. |
| 172,100 | 170,854 | 168,580 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Postage, telegrams and telephone services......... | 73,500 | 73,000 | 74,365 |
02. Rent.................................. | 52,300 | 50,900 | 50,311 |
03. Office services........................... | 8,500 | 8,490 | 7,910 |
04. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 5,700 | 5,700 | 4,717 |
| 140,000 | 138,090 | 137,303 |
Total Division No. 117.............. | 312,100 | 308,944 | 305,883 |
Total Parliament.......... | 1,385,000 | 1,389,500 | 1,378,621 |
Estimate—1963–64, Black figures.
Expenditure—1962–63, Light figures.
Division No. | — | Salaries and Payments in the Nature of Salary. | Administrative Expenses. | Other Services. | Total. |
| £ | £ | £ | £ |
121 | ADMINISTRATIVE................. | 210,600 | 192,800 | 520,600 | 924,000 |
| 196,841 | 193,690 | 785,335 | 1,175,866 |
| 51,824 | 119,751 | .. | 171,575 |
123 | HIGH COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE—UNITED KINGDOM | 797,700 | 384,200 | .. | 1,181,900 |
| 798,171 | 367,070 | .. | 1,165,241 |
124 | COMMONWEALTH ARCHIVES OFFICE.. | 63,600 | 29,900 | .. | 93,500 |
| 55,309 | 22,622 | .. | 77,931 |
125 | OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS......... | .. | 157,900 | .. | 157,900 |
| .. | 143,764 | .. | 143,764 |
126 | GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S OFFICE...... | 20,250 | 9,500 | .. | 29,750 |
| 23,144 | 12,778 | .. | 35,922 |
127 | COMMONWEALTH OFFICE OF EDUCATION | 207,100 | 143,700 | 4,153,400 | 4,504,200 |
| 179,245 | 142,552 | 3,865,453 | 4,187,250 |
128 | AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES COMMISSION | 35,900 | 23,000 | .. | 58,900 |
| 26,250 | 17,989 | .. | 44,239 |
129 | THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY | .. | .. | 3,816,000 | 3,816,000 |
| .. | .. | 3,184,500 | 3,184,500 |
130 | NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA... | .. | .. | 595,000 | 595,000 |
| .. | .. | 517,000 | 517,000 |
131 | COMMONWEALTH GRANTS COMMISSION | 24,500 | 5,000 | .. | 29,500 |
| 23,368 | 5,154 | .. | 28,521 |
132 | AUDIT OFFICE.................... | 896,400 | 51,100 | .. | 947,500 |
| 793,959 | 46,244 | .. | 840,203 |
133 | PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD............ | 759,050 | 264,500 | .. | 1,023,550 |
| 663,024 | 237,793 | .. | 900,817 |
| .. | 705,000 | .. | 705,000 |
| Total........................ | 3,069,100 | 2,205,900 | 9,085,000 | 14,360,000 |
| 2,811,135 | 2,014,407 | 8,352,288 | 13,177,829 |
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 121.—ADMINISTRATIVE. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 138.... | 178,100 | 166,500 | 157,514 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 22,840 | 24,199 | 23,867 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 9,660 | 14,000 | 15,460 |
| 210,600 | 204,699 | 196,841 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 17,000 | 20,000 | 22,684 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 15,750 | 13,200 | 12,341 |
03. Postage, telegrams and telephone services.......... | 23,500 | 27,000 | 26,947 |
04. Commonwealth Gazettes—Printing and distribution (including postage) | 67,500 | 62,500 | 61,858 |
05. Distinguished visitors, guests and special occasions—Official hospitality, presentations and entertainment | 30,000 | 30,000 | 26,833 |
06. Commonwealth Economic Committee—Contribution.. | 29,400 | 32,059 | 32,001 |
07. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 9,650 | 10,400 | 11,026 |
| 192,800 | 195,159 | 193,690 |
3.—Other Services— |
01. Historical and other works of art, including commission of portraits | 11,000 | 9,000 | 7,634 |
02. Exhibitions of Australian works of art in Australia and overseas —Contributions towards expenses | 6,000 | 11,000 | 13,619 |
03. Commonwealth Literary Fund (for payment to the credit of the Commonwealth Literary Fund Trust Account) | 25,000 | 25,000 | 25,000 |
04. Act of grace payments in special circumstances...... | 546 | 401 | 401 |
05. Returned Sailors', Soldiers' and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia—Travel facilities for Federal President | 600 | 600 | 543 |
06. State funerals............................ | 1,418 | 1,000 | 832 |
07. Australian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association—Contribution | 5,429 | 5,429 | 5,429 |
08. Inter-Parliamentary Union—Contribution.......... | 1,410 | 1,410 | 1,397 |
09. Ex-members of Parliament and others or their dependants— Annual allowances | 5,617 | 6,012 | 5,582 |
10. British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Reports—Cost of publication | 3,000 | 4,000 | 28 |
11. Committee of Economic Enquiry................ | 32,000 | 10,400 | 6,679 |
Royal Visit, 1963.......................... | .. | 172,000 | 178,645 |
Royal Commission of Inquiry into alleged improper practices in the Postmaster-General's Department in Victoria | .. | 32,200 | 28,901 |
Visit of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, 1962 | .. | 30,000 | 26,826 |
Visit of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Thailand, 1962 | .. | 60,000 | 56,394 |
Commonwealth Institute—Cost of new Australian Court | .. | 1,003 | 1,003 |
| 92,020 | 369,455 | 358,911 |
4.—Grants-in-Aid— |
01. Australian Academy of Science................. | 35,500 | 35,500 | 35,500 |
02. Social Science Research Council of Australia........ | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
03. Royal Australian Historical Society.............. | 500 | 500 | 500 |
04. Royal Historical Society of Victoria.............. | 500 | 500 | 500 |
05. Royal Historical Society of Queensland........... | 500 | 500 | 500 |
06. Tasmanian Historical Research Association......... | 200 | 200 | 200 |
07. Australian Humanities Research Council........... | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
08. Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust............. | 200,000 | 75,000 | 75,000 |
09. Surf Life Saving Association.................. | 12,000 | 12,000 | 12,800 |
10. Royal Life Saving Society.................... | 12,000 | 12,000 | 12,000 |
11. Commonwealth Council of the Royal Life Saving Society | 630 | 630 | 627 |
12. Boy Scouts' Association...................... | 10,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 |
13. Girl Guides' Association..................... | 8,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
14. Returned ex-servicemen and their dependants—Special relief | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 |
15. Royal Institute of Public Administration—Australian Capital Territory Group | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 |
16. National Youth Council of Australia.............. | 4,500 | 3,500 | 3,500 |
17. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.......... | 90,000 | 60,000 | 60,000 |
18. Flood Relief—New South Wales................ | 30,000 | 15,000 | 65,000 |
19. Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science—Towards cost of 1964 congress | 6,000 | .. | .. |
20. Churchill College, Cambridge—Towards cost of Australian timber | 4,000 | .. | .. |
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 121.—ADMINISTRATIVE—continued. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
| £ | £ | £ |
21. Returned Sailors', Soldiers' and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia—Towards cost of representation at British Commonwealth Ex-service League Conference—Ottawa 1963 | 2,500 | .. | .. |
22. Returned Sailors', Soldiers' and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia—Towards fares of delegate to National Congress | 750 | 750 | 750 |
World Power Conference, Australia, 1962......... | .. | 2,500 | 2,500 |
Publication of "Australian Painting—1788-1960" by Dr. Bernard Smith—Towards cost | .. | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Commonwealth Games—Perth................ | .. | 14,397 | 14,300 |
Indian Red Cross Society—Gift of Knitting Wool.... | .. | 2,210 | 2,210 |
Howard Florey Laboratories—University of Melbourne | .. | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Post Graduate Medical School, London—Towards cost of building extension | .. | .. | 12,538 |
| 428,580 | 363,187 | 426,424 |
Total Division No. 121.............. | 924,000 | 1,132,500 | 1,175,866 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 138.... | 26,500 | 27,000 | 26,887 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 25,350 | 26,000 | 23,314 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 2,150 | 2,500 | 1,623 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— | 54,000 | 55,500 | 51,824 |
01. Travelling allowances—Ministers and Leaders of the Opposition | 34,000 | 36,000 | 31,462 |
02. Travelling and subsistence—Staff.............. | 22,000 | 22,000 | 18,931 |
03. Incidental and other expenditure............... | 700 | 750 | 695 |
04. Visit abroad of the Minister for the Navy—1963..... | 2,700 | 5,700 | 3,116 |
05. Visits abroad of the Minister for External Affairs and Attorney-General—1963 | 3,000 | .. | 2,889 |
06. Visit abroad of the Minister for Customs and Excise—1963 | 400 | .. | 168 |
07. Visit abroad of the Minister for Supply—1963...... | 900 | .. | 4,887 |
08. Visit abroad of the Leader of the Opposition—1963.. | 2,400 | .. | 5,536 |
09. Visit abroad of the Prime Minister—1963......... | 5,900 | .. | 1,630 |
10. Visit abroad of a Parliamentary Delegation to South East Asia—1963 | 14,300 | .. | 1,583 |
Visits abroad of the Minister for Trade—1962...... | .. | 5,600 | 4,396 |
Visits abroad of the Minister for Defence—1962..... | .. | 100 | .. |
Visit abroad of the Prime Minister—1962......... | .. | 7,300 | 6,958 |
Visit abroad of the Minister for Immigration—1962.. | .. | 2,400 | 2,680 |
Visit abroad of the Deputy Leader of the Opposition—1962 | .. | 1,200 | 942 |
Visit abroad of the Speaker of the House of Representatives—1962 | .. | 100 | 145 |
Visits abroad of the Minister for External Affairs and Attorney-General—1962 | .. | 10,850 | 5,943 |
Visit abroad of the Hon. R. T. Pollard, M.P.—1962... | .. | 4,500 | 4,066 |
Visit abroad of F. Crean, Esq., M.P.—1962........ | .. | 4,500 | 4,129 |
Visit abroad of the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate— 1962 | .. | 6,700 | 6,054 |
Visit abroad of the Treasurer—1962............. | .. | 4,750 | 4,262 |
Visit abroad of the Minister for Territories—1962.... | .. | 900 | 854 |
Visit abroad of the Minister for Trade—1963....... | .. | .. | 8,426 |
| 86,300 | 113,350 | 119,751 |
Total Division No. 122.............. | 140,300 | 168,850 | 171,575 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 138... | 402,900 | 401,400 | 400,467 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 366,100 | 353,300 | 354,907 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 28,700 | 35,800 | 42,797 |
| 797,700 | 790,500 | 798,171 |
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 123.—HIGH COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE— UNITED KINGDOM— continued. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
2.—Administrative Expenses— | £ | £ | £ |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 18,500 | 18,400 | 19,606 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 30,000 | 24,800 | 24,702 |
03. Postage, telegrams and telephone services.......... | 119,700 | 106,100 | 107,608 |
04. Cablegrams............................. | 32,000 | 29,300 | 27,404 |
05. Municipal and other taxes.................... | 18,200 | 16,600 | 17,968 |
06. Maintenance, Australia House................. | 61,900 | 77,000 | 72,221 |
07. Rent and maintenance, official residences.......... | 10,600 | 11,300 | 10,759 |
08. Rent and maintenance, other office premises........ | 56,800 | 54,300 | 53,420 |
09. National Insurance (Employers') Contributions...... | 22,200 | 19,200 | 18,912 |
10. Motor Vehicles—Maintenance and running expenses.. | 5,800 | 5,400 | 4,887 |
11. Minor expenditure for all Departments........... | 800 | 800 | 608 |
12. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 7,700 | 10,200 | 8,977 |
| 384,200 | 373,400 | 367,070 |
Total Division No. 123.............. | 1,181,900 | 1,163,900 | 1,165,241 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 139.... | 43,850 | 36,000 | 36,121 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 17,920 | 16,600 | 17,511 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 1,830 | 1,700 | 1,678 |
| 63,600 | 54,300 | 55,309 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 2,200 | 1,800 | 1,646 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 10,600 | 10,500 | 10,470 |
03. Postage, telegrams and telephone services......... | 2,300 | 1,800 | 1,761 |
04. Office services........................... | 4,600 | 4,600 | 4,564 |
05. Freight and cartage........................ | 5,600 | 4,300 | 2,462 |
06. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 4,600 | 2,600 | 1,720 |
| 29,900 | 25,600 | 22,622 |
Total Division No. 124.............. | 93,500 | 79,900 | 77,931 |
01. Allowance to Governor-General for upkeep of Governor- General's establishments | 62,500 | 58,500 | 58,500 |
02. Wages of staff, other than Governor-General's establishments | 8,200 | 8,100 | 7,996 |
03. Telephone services........................ | 11,500 | 11,500 | 11,321 |
04. Repairs and maintenance..................... | 19,900 | 17,500 | 16,296 |
05. Maintenance of grounds..................... | 30,500 | 29,200 | 29,073 |
06. Fuel, light and power....................... | 9,200 | 9,000 | 7,848 |
07. Freight and transport....................... | 11,500 | 10,000 | 10,534 |
08. Purchase of motor vehicles................... | 2,400 | .. | .. |
09. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 2,200 | 2,200 | 2,197 |
Total Division No. 125.............. | 157,900 | 146,000 | 143,764 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 139.... | 11,340 | 11,250 | 10,299 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 8,190 | 8,650 | 8,620 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 720 | 650 | 829 |
Salary of the Administrator................... | .. | 3,397 | 3,396 |
| 20,250 | 23,947 | 23,144 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence................... | 5,000 | 7,900 | 7,700 |
02. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 4,500 | 5,000 | 5,077 |
| 9,500 | 12,900 | 12,778 |
Total Division No. 126.............. | 29,750 | 36,847 | 35,922 |
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
| 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
| £ | £ | £ |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 139.... | 229,400 | 199,700 | 192,210 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 32,950 | 31,900 | 30,815 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 5,550 | 4,750 | 4,720 |
| 267,900 | 236,350 | 227,745 |
05. Less amount to be provided from Division No. 141/5/02 | 60,800 | 48,500 | 48,500 |
| 207,100 | 187,850 | 179,245 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 6,000 | 7,380 | 7,200 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 4,300 | 4,700 | 3,859 |
03. Postage, telegrams and telephone services.......... | 14,000 | 13,680 | 13,053 |
04. Publications............................. | 17,430 | 16,000 | 15,892 |
05. External relations in education, including United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | 12,170 | 10,140 | 9,011 |
06. Teaching material for broadcast lessons in English (short wave) | 9,500 | 14,200 | 12,875 |
07. Payments to States for administration of scholarship scheme | 80,000 | 80,000 | 78,735 |
08. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 5,300 | 6,200 | 5,927 |
| 148,700 | 152,300 | 146,552 |
13. Less amount to be provided from Division No. 141/5/02 | 5,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
| 143,700 | 148,300 | 142,552 |
3.—Other Services— |
01. Australian International Awards, including South-East Asia scholarships | 40,000 | 34,000 | 32,250 |
02. Commonwealth Educational Co-operation Scheme.... | 280,000 | 280,000 | 239,995 |
03. Oriental languages—Courses at Universities........ | 25,000 | 23,000 | 19,988 |
04. Australian National Flag—Presentation to schools and youth organizations | 3,000 | 3,000 | 2,913 |
| 348,000 | 340,000 | 295,147 |
4.—Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme— |
01. Tuition fees and living allowances............... | 3,769,000 | 3,513,000 | 3,534,904 |
5.—Grants-in-Aid— |
01. Australian Council for Educational Research........ | 7,500 | 7,500 | 7,500 |
02. Australian Association of Occupational Therapists (New South Wales) | 3,000 | 3,000 | 3,000 |
03. The Occupational Therapy School of Victoria....... | 2,000 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
04. Federation of British Industries Scholarships........ | 2,150 | 2,950 | 1,853 |
05. University of Sydney—Current Affairs Bulletin...... | 4,750 | 4,750 | 4,750 |
06. College of Nursing, Australia.................. | 3,000 | 3,500 | 2,800 |
07. New South Wales College of Nursing............ | 3,500 | 3,500 | 3,500 |
08. Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation—Commonwealth Bursaries Scheme | 1,500 | 1,000 | 999 |
09. Australian Physiotherapy Association—New South Wales Branch | 2,000 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
10. University of Sydney—Chair of Aeronautics........ | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
11. Victorian Council of Speech Therapy............. | 2,000 | .. | 2,000 |
| 36,400 | 35,200 | 35,402 |
Total Division No. 127............. | 4,504,200 | 4,224,350 | 4,187,250 |
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
| 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 139... | 26,000 | 20,900 | 20,667 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 9,320 | 4,750 | 4,776 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 580 | 600 | 808 |
| 35,900 | 26,250 | 26,250 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence................... | 10,000 | 14,500 | 13,746 |
02. Consultants—Fees........................ | 1,000 | 1,000 | 824 |
03. Printing of brochure on Australian universities...... | 5,000 | 5,000 | 214 |
04. Incidental and other expenditure............... | 7,000 | 3,000 | 3,206 |
| 23,000 | 23,500 | 17,989 |
Total Division No. 128............. | 58,900 | 49,750 | 44,239 |
01. Running expenses—Supplementary grant(a)....... | 3,816,000 | 3,144,000 | 3,184,500 |
01. For expenditure under the National Library Act(b)... | 595,000 | 517,000 | 517,000 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 139... | 22,700 | 22,930 | 22,197 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 1,800 | 970 | 1,171 |
| 24,500 | 23,900 | 23,368 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence................... | 2,700 | 2,700 | 3,068 |
02. Incidental and other expenditure............... | 2,300 | 2,100 | 2,086 |
| 5,000 | 4,800 | 5,154 |
Total Division No. 131............. | 29,500 | 28,700 | 28,521 |
Division No. 132.—AUDIT OFFICE. |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 140... | 860,250 | 778,000 | 758,657 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 30,630 | 34,300 | 31,016 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 5,520 | 4,700 | 4,287 |
| 896,400 | 817,000 | 793,959 |
(a) In addition £325,000 provided from the Special Appropriation in the Australian National University Act. (b) Details are shown on page 29 of the Estimates of Receipts and Summary of Estimated Expenditure.
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 132.—AUDIT OFFICE—continued. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
2.—Administrative Expenses— | £ | £ | £ |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................. | 31,280 | 33,000 | 29,078 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 5,490 | 4,823 | 4,782 |
03. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........ | 6,410 | 6,220 | 5,781 |
04. Freight and cartage, including removal expenses... | 6,140 | 4,840 | 4,965 |
05. Incidental and other expenditure.............. | 1,780 | 2,160 | 1,638 |
| 51,100 | 51,043 | 46,244 |
Total Division No. 132............ | 947,500 | 868,043 | 840,203 |
Division No. 133.—PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD. |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 140.. | 714,300 | 645,300 | 645,357 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............. | 37,600 | 37,200 | 37,049 |
03. Extra duty pay.......................... | 7,150 | 6,700 | 6,668 |
| 759,050 | 689,200 | 689,074 |
Less amount provided from Division No. 141/5/02.. |
| 26,050 | 26,050 |
| 759,050 | 663,150 | 663,024 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................. | 43,220 | 53,800 | 53,223 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 35,200 | 21,800 | 21,675 |
03. Postage, telegrams and telephone services....... | 38,700 | 35,760 | 35,098 |
04. Medical examinations—New appointees........ | 5,700 | 5,500 | 5,723 |
05. Office services......................... | 960 | 1,250 | 1,185 |
06. Examinations—Expenses.................. | 34,960 | 30,200 | 29,921 |
07. Scholarship assistance, including overseas training.. | 26,900 | 22,400 | 20,870 |
08. Recruitment—Advertising and other expenses..... | 26,430 | 22,500 | 22,101 |
09. Instructional aids and films................. | 1,700 | 2,200 | 2,070 |
10. Typist-in-training scheme.................. | 30,400 | 26,300 | 26,178 |
11. Legal expenses......................... | 5,000 | 8,000 | 6,634 |
12. Incidental and other expenditure.............. | 15,330 | 13,400 | 13,118 |
| 264,500 | 243,110 | 237,793 |
Total Division No. 133............ | 1,023,550 | 906,260 | 900,817 |
Division No. 134.—AUSTRALIAN SECURITY INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATION | 858,000 | 705,000 | 705,000 |
Total Prime Minister's Department | 14,360,000 | 13,171,100 | 13,177,829 |
Estimate—1963–64, Black figures.
Expenditure—1962–63, Light figures.
Division No. | — | Salaries and Payments in the Nature of Salary. | Administrative Expenses. | Other Services. | Total. |
| £ | £ | £ | £ |
141 | ADMINISTRATIVE.................. | 658,000 | 648,750 | 8,179,650 | 9,486,400 |
| 526,253 | 634,677 | 7,183,982 | 8,344,913 |
142 | ANTARCTIC DIVISION.............. | 272,200 | 540,800 | .. | 813,000 |
| 250,915 | 563,269 | .. | 814,184 |
| 202,000 | .. | 202,000 |
| .. | 210,694 | .. | 210,694 |
144 | EMBASSY—UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 219,700 | 148,700 | .. | 368,400 |
| 221,348 | 120,839 | .. | 342,187 |
145 | EMBASSY—UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS | 61,900 | 28,000 | .. | 89,900 |
| 63,838 | 27,109 | .. | 90,948 |
146 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF FRANCE..... | 117,700 | 65,700 | .. | 183,400 |
| 102,425 | 62,912 | .. | 165,337 |
147 | EMBASSY—KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS | 36,800 | 15,100 | .. | 51,900 |
| 37,014 | 14,593 | .. | 51,607 |
148 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA.. | 66,600 | 49,700 | .. | 116,300 |
| 101,062 | 75,031 | .. | 176,092 |
149 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF IRELAND.... | 12,800 | 5,600 | .. | 18,400 |
| 13,570 | 4,191 | .. | 17,760 |
150 | EMBASSY—JAPAN................. | 68,900 | 52,900 | .. | 121,800 |
| 64,488 | 41,990 | .. | 106,478 |
151 | EMBASSY—FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY | 52,400 | 24,400 | .. | 76,800 |
| 48,379 | 25,393 | .. | 73,772 |
152 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES | 28,400 | 26,600 | .. | 55,000 |
| 27,725 | 22,925 | .. | 50,651 |
153 | EMBASSY—THAILAND.............. | 45,400 | 35,600 | .. | 81,000 |
| 44,939 | 44,164 | .. | 89,103 |
154 | EMBASSY—BURMA................ | 26,100 | 17,100 | .. | 43,200 |
| 20,380 | 14,915 | .. | 35,294 |
155 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF ITALY...... | 48,000 | 26,500 | .. | 74,500 |
| 44,358 | 22,284 | .. | 66,642 |
156 | EMBASSY—UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL. | 23,400 | 14,300 | .. | 37,700 |
| 19,986 | 11,445 | .. | 31,432 |
157 | EMBASSY—BELGIUM............... | 43,600 | 21,700 | .. | 65,300 |
| 42,786 | 24,443 | .. | 67,229 |
159 | EMBASSY—VIETNAM............... | 32,000 | 36,000 | .. | 68,000 |
| 26,597 | 30,861 | .. | 57,458 |
161 | EMBASSY—CAMBODIA............. | 28,700 | 28,600 | .. | 57,300 |
| 24,598 | 32,938 | .. | 57,536 |
162 | EMBASSY—UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC... | 31,400 | 22,800 | .. | 54,200 |
| 28,020 | 24,521 | .. | 52,541 |
163 | EMBASSY—ISRAEL................ | 21,000 | 6,700 | .. | 27,700 |
| 15,469 | 6,572 | .. | 22,041 |
164 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF THE ARGENTINE | 20,200 | 15,100 | .. | 35,300 |
| 16,547 | 17,760 | .. | 34,307 |
Division No. | — | Salaries and Payments in the Nature of Salary. | Administrative Expenses. | Other Services. | Total. |
| £ | £ | £ | £ |
165 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF KOREA...... | 22,200 | 17,600 | .. | 39,800 |
| 17,536 | 17,681 | .. | 35,217 |
168 | EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA | 26,700 | 15,300 | .. | 42,000 |
| 23,030 | 14,209 | .. | 37,239 |
169 | PERMANENT MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS | 82,600 | 38,900 | .. | 121,500 |
| 83,750 | 31,649 | .. | 115,400 |
170 | EMBASSY—LAOS.................. | 30,800 | 24,900 | .. | 55,700 |
| 23,933 | 25,350 | .. | 49,283 |
172 | LEGATION—SWEDEN............... | 25,700 | 30,900 | .. | 56,600 |
| 22,746 | 41,329 | .. | 64,075 |
175 | HIGH COMMISSION—CANADA........ | 44,200 | 31,100 | .. | 75,300 |
| 41,703 | 30,851 | .. | 72,554 |
176 | HIGH COMMISSION—NEW ZEALAND... | 29,100 | 17,000 | .. | 46,100 |
| 28,642 | 14,649 | .. | 43,291 |
177 | HIGH COMMISSION—INDIA.......... | 52,400 | 38,900 | .. | 91,300 |
| 48,985 | 36,171 | .. | 85,157 |
178 | HIGH COMMISSION—PAKISTAN....... | 43,700 | 38,100 | .. | 81,800 |
| 37,429 | 29,910 | .. | 67,338 |
179 | HIGH COMMISSION—TANGANYIKA.... | 16,500 | 18,500 | .. | 35,000 |
| 10,523 | 13,516 | .. | 24,039 |
180 | HIGH COMMISSION—CEYLON........ | 22,200 | 11,200 | .. | 33,400 |
| 23,048 | 9,463 | .. | 32,512 |
181 | HIGH COMMISSION—GHANA......... | 19,900 | 18,900 | .. | 38,800 |
| 18,169 | 14,816 | .. | 32,985 |
182 | HIGH COMMISSION—MALAYA........ | 40,700 | 27,600 | .. | 68,300 |
| 39,743 | 23,952 | .. | 63,695 |
183 | HIGH COMMISSION—NIGERIA........ | 22,300 | 29,600 | .. | 51,900 |
| 21,318 | 22,693 | .. | 44,011 |
184 | COMMISSION—SINGAPORE.......... | 41,600 | 25,000 | .. | 66,600 |
| 42,560 | 25,997 | .. | 68,557 |
185 | CONSULATE-GENERAL—GENEVA..... | 41,600 | 25,400 | .. | 67,000 |
| 43,164 | 22,562 | .. | 65,726 |
186 | CONSULATE-GENERAL—MADRID..... | 13,000 | 16,600 | .. | 29,600 |
| 519 | .. | .. | 519 |
187 | CONSULATE—NOUMEA............. | 10,600 | 7,000 | .. | 17,600 |
| 10,694 | 5,127 | .. | 15,821 |
188 | CONSULATE-GENERAL—NEW YORK... | 152,100 | 77,900 | .. | 230,000 |
| 148,344 | 79,732 | .. | 228,076 |
189 | CONSULATE-GENERAL—SAN FRANCISCO | 48,600 | 30,700 | .. | 79,300 |
| 42,860 | 37,800 | .. | 80,660 |
190 | OTHER REPRESENTATION ABROAD.... | 37,500 | 9,400 | .. | 46,900 |
| 38,336 | 7,895 | .. | 46,231 |
| Total........................ | 2,739,200 | 2,583,150 | 8,179,650 | 13,502,000 |
| 2,507,729 | 2,538,878 | 7,183,982 | 12,230,588 |
III.—Department of External Affairs.
Division No. 141.—ADMINISTRATIVE. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 141... | 577,000 | 459,000 | 449,043 |
02. Temporary and casual employees.............. | 51,200 | 60,000 | 49,701 |
03. Extra duty pay........................... | 29,800 | 27,800 | 27,509 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— | 658,000 | 546,800 | 526,253 |
01. Travelling and subsistence................... | 52,000 | 48,000 | 49,176 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 88,050 | 55,800 | 50,331 |
03. Postage, telegrams and telephone services......... | 48,000 | 48,000 | 42,295 |
04. Representation at overseas conferences.......... | 182,200 | 158,200 | 169,665 |
05. Courier service.......................... | 115,000 | 105,000 | 116,888 |
06. Cablegrams and radiograms.................. | 123,000 | 119,000 | 120,718 |
07. Subscriptions to newspapers, journals and periodicals. | 7,100 | 5,650 | 5,562 |
08. Language tuition fees...................... | 9,000 | 9,000 | 3,738 |
09. Local government non-beneficial rates on diplomatic and consular properties in Australia | 3,000 | .. | 2,913 |
10. Remission of sales tax on motor vehicles purchased by diplomatic and consular representatives in Australia | 5,000 | .. | .. |
11. Incidental and other expenditure............... | 16,400 | 21,880 | 19,124 |
Colombo Plan Consultative Committee Meeting, Melbourne, 1962 | .. | 59,300 | 54,267 |
3.—Other Services— | 648,750 | 629,830 | 634,677 |
01. Exchange of visits with Asia, Africa and Pacific Islands | 25,000 | 25,000 | 21,841 |
02. Pension to former employee under special circumstances | 400 | 400 | 371 |
03. Relief to destitute Australians abroad, including funeral expenses | 15,000 | 8,000 | 7,297 |
04. United Nations Association of Australia—Grant..... | 6,500 | 6,100 | 6,100 |
05. Scott Polar Research Institute—Grant............ | 800 | 800 | 800 |
06. Costs of transporting to Hong Kong an X-ray machine given to the Colony by the Cancer Institute Board of Victoria | 250 | 250 | .. |
Payment to widow of former officer under special circumstances | .. | 291 | 416 |
Suez Canal surcharges..................... | .. | 197 | 195 |
| 47,950 | 41,038 | 37,020 |
4.—International Organizations—Contributions— |
01. International Labour Organization.............. | 124,200 | 103,806 | 103,806 |
02. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.......... | 11,550 | 10,527 | 10,527 |
03. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization... | 142,150 | 142,150 | 142,941 |
04. United Nations........................... | 577,950 | 626,690 | 627,395 |
05. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | 133,025 | 121,000 | 116,546 |
06. South Pacific Commission................... | 94,400 | 92,139 | 92,139 |
07. South-east Asia Treaty Organization............ | 57,155 | 56,930 | 54,287 |
08. International Atomic Energy Agency............ | 68,250 | 49,500 | 48,139 |
09. Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization | 1,500 | 520 | 1,348 |
10. Eastern Regional Organization of Public Administration | 520 | 500 | 504 |
11. Bureau of Permanent Court of Arbitration......... | 500 | 1,500 | 478 |
12. United Nations—Cost of Emergency Force........ | 79,900 | .. | .. |
13. United Nations—Cost of United Nations Force in the Congo | 285,100 | .. | .. |
| 1,576,200 | 1,205,262 | 1,198,109 |
5.—International Development and Relief— |
01. Colombo Plan—Economic development.......... | (a) 2,700,000 | 2,810,000 | 2,763,924 |
02. Colombo Plan—Technical assistance............ | 2,300,000 | 1,990,000 | 2,057,972 |
03. Special Commonwealth African Assistance Plan..... | 150,000 | 66,000 | 75,940 |
04. United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance— Contribution | 335,000 | 280,000 | 278,954 |
05. United Nations Special Fund—Contribution........ | 375,000 | .. | .. |
06. United Nations International Children's Fund (for payment to the credit of the International Development and Relief Trust Account) | 240,000 | 240,000 | 240,000 |
07. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East—Contribution (for payment to the credit of the International Development and Relief Trust Account) | 90,000 | 90,000 | 90,000 |
08. United Nations High Commissioner's Programmes for Refugees—Contribution | 75,000 | 50,000 | 50,000 |
09. International Red Cross—Contribution........... | 7,500 | 7,500 | 7,500 |
10. World Food Programme—Contribution........... | 244,000 | 223,220 | 201,600 |
11. International Social Service of Japan—Contribution.. | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
12. Disaster relief—Pakistan.................... | 35,000 | .. | 15,000 |
(a) In addition £2,770,000 provided from too Special Appropriation in the Indus Basin Development Fund Agreement Act.
III.—Department of External Affairs.
Division No. 141.—ADMINISTRATIVE—continued. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
| £ | £ | £ |
Korean Technical Assistance.................. | .. | 35,000 | 24,407 |
Re-settlement of refugees of European origin in the Far East-Contribution to Inter-Governmental Committee for European Migration | .. | 50,000 | 50,000 |
Earthquake relief—Iran..................... | .. | 25,000 | 25,000 |
Relief and resettlement of Montagnard refugees—Grant to Government of Vietnam | .. | 20,000 | 22,251 |
Disaster relief—Indonesia.................... | .. | 25,000 | 26,304 |
Disaster relief—Sarawak..................... | .. | 5,000 | .. |
Australian National Committee for Freedom from Hunger Campaign—Advance | .. | .. | 16,000 |
| 6,555,500 | 5,920,720 | 5,948,853 |
Total Division No. 141.............. | 9,486,400 | 8,343,650 | 8,344,913 |
Division No. 142.—ANTARCTIC DIVISION. |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 141.... | 55,600 | 52,400 | 45,113 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 212,600 | 204,600 | 201,803 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
| 272,200 | 261,000 | 250,915 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Ship charter............................. | 145,000 | 169,600 | 175,878 |
02. Equipment and stores....................... | 297,600 | 295,760 | 301,707 |
03. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 98,200 | 87,580 | 85,683 |
| 540,800 | 552,940 | 563,269 |
Total Division No. 142.............. | 813,000 | 813,940 | 814,184 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 150,000 | 131,000 | 158,354 |
02. Freight and cartage, including removal expenses..... | 48,000 | 41,000 | 49,484 |
03. Regional conferences of heads of missions......... | 4,000 | 4,000 | 2,857 |
Total Division No. 143.............. | 202,000 | 176,000 | 210,694 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 141.... | 73,700 | 85,710 | 79,142 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 132,000 | 127,170 | 128,838 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 14,000 | 10,850 | 13,369 |
| 219,700 | 223,730 | 221,348 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 6,000 | 5,000 | 5,160 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 20,100 | 5,500 | 4,986 |
03. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams. | 79,900 | 72,190 | 75,699 |
04. Rent and maintenance, office.................. | 27,600 | 20,530 | 21,565 |
05. Maintenance, Ambassador's residence............ | 6,700 | 4,800 | 4,800 |
06. Rent and maintenance, other buildings............ | 4,300 | 1,600 | 1,787 |
07. Motor vehicles, maintenance and running expenses... | 2,900 | 2,700 | 2,883 |
08. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 1,200 | 3,710 | 3,960 |
| 148,700 | 116,030 | 120,839 |
Total Division No. 144.............. | 368,400 | 339,760 | 342,187 |
III.—Department of External Affairs.
| 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 142.... | 47,000 | 51,600 | 46,792 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 14,300 | 20,600 | 16,147 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 600 | 800 | 899 |
| 61,900 | 73,000 | 63,838 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 2,200 | 2,100 | 1,990 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 800 | .. | .. |
03. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams. | 4,800 | 5,050 | 4,908 |
04. Rent and maintenance, office and residence......... | 13,400 | 11,800 | 11,079 |
06. Rent and maintenance, other buildings............ | 3,200 | 3,650 | 3,338 |
07. Motor vehicles, maintenance and running expenses... | 1,500 | 1,200 | 1,730 |
08. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 2,100 | 3,500 | 4,064 |
| 28,000 | 27,300 | 27,109 |
Total Division No. 145.............. | 89,900 | 100,300 | 90,948 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 142.... | 41,200 | 39,200 | 38,934 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 72,300 | 57,400 | 59,660 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 4,200 | 4,700 | 3,831 |
| 117,700 | 101,300 | 102,425 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 1,600 | 1,900 | 1,328 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 8,800 | .. | .. |
03. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams. | 13,000 | 14,770 | 12,460 |
04. Rent and maintenance, office and Ambassador's residence | 26,600 | 23,044 | 23,324 |
06. Rent and maintenance, other buildings............ | 10,700 | 10,576 | 9,907 |
07. Motor vehicles, maintenance and running expenses... | 2,200 | 2,200 | 2,194 |
08. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 2,800 | 14,040 | 13,698 |
| 65,700 | 66,530 | 62,912 |
Total Division No. 146.............. | 183,400 | 167,830 | 165,337 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 143.... | 23,700 | 25,700 | 24,218 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 12,500 | 12,338 | 12,211 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 600 | 650 | 585 |
| 36,800 | 38,688 | 37,014 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 900 | 1,000 | 961 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 1,150 | .. | .. |
03. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams. | 3,000 | 5,300 | 3,065 |
04. Rent and maintenance, office.................. | 1,950 | 1,871 | 1,829 |
05. Maintenance, Ambassador's residence............ | 2,650 | 2,281 | 2,479 |
06. Rent and maintenance, other buildings............ | 3,750 | 3,600 | 3,525 |
07. Motor vehicles, maintenance and running expenses... | 1,200 | 1,000 | 1,017 |
08. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 500 | 1,800 | 1,717 |
| 15,100 | 16,852 | 14,593 |
Total Division No. 147.............. | 51,900 | 55,540 | 51,607 |
III.—Department of External Affairs.
Division No. 148.—EMBASSY—REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. | 1963–64. | 1962–63. | |
Appropriation. | Expenditure. | ||
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 143.... | 55,100 | 81,385 | 78,171 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 7,500 | 19,565 | 19,463 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 4,000 | 4,350 | 3,427 |
| 66,600 | 105,300 | 101,062 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |
01. Travelling and subsistence.................... | 3,000 | 2,040 | 1,362 |
02. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing | 10,600 | .. | .. |
03. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams. | 5,000 | 16,250 | 15,637 |
04. Rent and maintenance, office.................. | 3,000 | 5,120 | 5,576 |
05. Maintenance, Ambassador's residence............ | 4,800 | 2,350 | 2,618 |
06. Rent and maintenance, other buildings............ | 16,800 | 35,890 | 27,360 |
07. Motor vehicles, maintenance and running expenses.... | 4,000 | 6,500 | 5,396 |
08. Incidental and other expenditure................ | 2,500 | 7,950 | 7,082 |
Imprest advance.......................... | .. | 10,000 | 10,000 |
| 49,700 | 86,100 | 75,031 |
Total Division No. 148.............. | 116,300 | 191,400 | 176,092 |
1.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
01. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 143.... | 8,500 | 9,193 | 9,302 |
02. Temporary and casual employees............... | 4,000 | 4,119 | 4,005 |
03. Extra duty pay............................ | 300 | 300 | 262 |
| 12,800 | 13,612 | 13,570 |
2.—Administrative Expenses— |