1962. No. 16.



WHEREAS by section fourteen of the Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924-1958 it is enacted that the regulations may prohibit the export from the Commonwealth of dairy produce—

(a) except by a person who holds a licence granted as prescribed; and

(b) except in accordance with such conditions and restrictions as are prescribed after recommendation to the Minister by the Australian Dairy Produce Board:

And whereas the Australian Dairy Produce Board has recommended to the Minister that the conditions and restrictions applying to the export from the Commonwealth of dairy produce should be the conditions and restrictions set forth in the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations as amended in the manner set forth in the following Regulation:

Now therefore I, the Governor-General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924-1958.

Dated this twenty-second day of February, 1962.


By His Excellency’s Command,

(sgd.) C. F. ADERMANN

Minister of State for Primary Industry.


Amendment of the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations.

Regulation 5 of the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations is repealed and the following regulation inserted in its stead:—

Regulation of export.

“5.—(1.) The export of butter or cheese to the United Kingdom is prohibited except by a person who holds a licence in force under these Regulations to export butter or cheese, as the case may be, to the United Kingdom.

* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 12th March, 1962.

† Statutory Rules 1955, No. 38, as amended by 1957, No. 50; 1958, No. 29; and 1961, No. .

10168/61.—Price 3d. 9/18.12.1961.

“(2.) The export of butter or cheese to a country other than the United Kingdom is prohibited except by a person who holds a licence in force under these Regulations to export butter or cheese, as the case may be, to countries other than the United Kingdom.

“(3.) The export of butter or cheese for use of the passengers and crew of a ship on a voyage from Australia to an overseas port is prohibited—

(a) except by a person who holds a licence in force under these Regulations to export butter or cheese, as the case may be, to be so used; or

(b) unless the butter or cheese was supplied by a person authorized in writing by the Board to supply butter or cheese, as the case may be, to be so used.

“(4.) The export of a product (not being butter or cheese) that is dairy produce for the purposes of the Act is prohibited except by a person who holds a licence in force under these Regulations to export that product.

“(5.) The export of dairy produce is prohibited except in accordance with the conditions and restrictions prescribed by these Regulations.”.


By Authority: A. J. Arthur, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.