1961. No. 121.



WHEREAS by sub-section (1.) of section 8 of the Sulphuric Acid Bounty Act 1954-1960 it is provided that the rate of bounty in respect of any sulphuric acid is the rate applicable to that sulphuric acid fixed by, or ascertained in accordance with, regulations made from time to time under that Act, after inquiry and report by the Tariff Board:

And whereas the Tariff Board has, after inquiry, made a report to the Minister of State for Trade dated the twentieth day of June, 1960, containing recommendations with respect to the rates of bounty under that act:

Now therefore I, the Governor-General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Sulphuric Acid Bounty Act 1954-1960.

Dated this 28th day of September, 1961.



By His Excellency’s Command,

Signature of Denham Henty

Minister of State for Customs and Excise.



Rate of bounty.

1.—(1.) Regulation 4 of the Sulphuric Acid Bounty Regulations is amended by inserting after the words “first day of January, 1961,” the words “not being iron pyrites purchased by the producer before that day for the purposes of the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the producer,”.

(2.) This regulation shall be deemed to have come into operation on the first day of January, 1961.

Rate of bounty for acid produced from iron pyrites purchased before 1st January, 1961.

2. The rates of bounty applicable to sulphuric acid produced at a factory from iron pyrites purchased by the producer before the first day of January, 1961, for the purposes of the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the producer and received into the factory on or after that day are, and shall be deemed to have been, the rates of bounty that would be, or would have been, applicable to the sulphuric acid if the pyrites had been received into the factory before that day.


3. These Regulations do not apply in relation to sulphuric acid produced before the date of notification of these Regulations in the Gazette if that application would make applicable to the sulphuric acid a rate of bounty less than the rate of bounty that would otherwise be applicable to the sulphuric acid.


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 5th October, 1961.

† Statutory Rules 1955, No. 4, as amended by Statutory Rules 1957, No. 55; and 1960, No. 104.


By Authority: A. J. ARTHUR, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.

6460/61.—PRICE 3D.       9/28.7.1961.