Taxation Administration Act 1953
No. 1, 1953
Compilation No. 206
Compilation date: 1 April 2024
Includes amendments: Act No. 119, 2023
Registered: 11 April 2024
This compilation is in 4 volumes
Volume 1: sections 1–18
Schedule 1 (sections 6‑1 to 21‑5)
Volume 2: Schedule 1 (sections 45‑1 to 298‑110)
Volume 3: Schedule 1 (sections 308‑1 to 990‑5)
Volume 4: Endnotes
Each volume has its own contents
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 April 2024 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self‑repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Schedule 1—Collection and recovery of income tax and other liabilities
Chapter 2—Collection, recovery and administration of income tax
Part 2‑10—Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments
Division 45—Instalment payments
Guide to Division 45 2
45‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 45‑A—Basic rules
45‑5 Object of this Part
45‑10 Application of Part
45‑15 Liability for instalments
45‑20 Information to be given to the Commissioner by certain payers
45‑25 Penalty for failure to notify Commissioner
45‑30 Credit for instalments payable
Subdivision 45‑B—When instalments are due
45‑50 Liability to pay instalments
45‑60 Meaning of instalment quarter
45‑61 When quarterly instalments are due—payers of quarterly instalments
45‑65 Meaning of instalment month
45‑67 When monthly instalments are due—payers of monthly instalments
45‑70 When annual instalments are due
45‑72 Means of payment of instalment
45‑75 Instalments recoverable in same way as income tax
45‑80 General interest charge on late payment
45‑90 Commissioner may withdraw instalment rate
Subdivision 45‑C—Working out instalment amounts
45‑110 How to work out amount of quarterly instalment on instalment income basis
45‑112 Amount of instalment for quarterly payer who pays on basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑114 How to work out amount of monthly instalment
45‑115 How to work out amount of annual instalment
45‑120 Meaning of instalment income
Subdivision 45‑D—Quarterly payers
45‑125 Quarterly payer who pays instalments on the basis of instalment income
45‑130 Quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑132 Quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑134 Quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
Subdivision 45‑DA—Monthly payers
45‑136 Monthly payer
45‑138 Monthly payer requirement
Subdivision 45‑E—Annual payers
When you start and stop being an annual payer
45‑140 Choosing to pay annual instalments
45‑145 Meaning of instalment group
45‑150 Entity stops being annual payer if involved with GST registration or instalment group
45‑155 Entity stops being annual payer if notional tax is $8,000 or more, or entity chooses to pay quarterly
45‑160 Head company of a consolidated group stops being annual payer
Subdivision 45‑F—Varying the instalment rate for quarterly or monthly payers who pay on the basis of instalment income
45‑200 Application
45‑205 Choosing a varied instalment rate
45‑210 Notifying Commissioner of varied instalment rate
45‑215 Credit on using varied rate in certain cases
Subdivision 45‑G—General interest charge payable in certain cases if instalments are too low
45‑225 Effect of Subdivision in relation to monthly payers
45‑230 Liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment worked out on the basis of varied rate
45‑232 Liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment worked out on the basis of estimated benchmark tax
45‑233 Reduction in GIC liability under section 45‑232 if shortfall is made up in later instalment
45‑235 Liability to GIC on shortfall in annual instalment
45‑240 Commissioner may remit general interest charge
Subdivision 45‑H—Partnership income
45‑260 Instalment income for a period in which you are in a partnership
Subdivision 45‑I—Trust income included in instalment income of beneficiary
45‑280 Instalment income for a period in which you are a beneficiary of a trust
45‑285 Instalment income includes distributions by certain resident unit trusts
45‑286 Instalment income includes distributions by certain managed investment trusts
45‑287 When trusts are disqualified due to concentrated ownership
45‑288 Resident investment trusts for beneficiaries who are absolutely entitled
45‑290 Exceptions to exclusion of trust capital gains from beneficiary’s instalment income
Subdivision 45‑J—How Commissioner works out your instalment rate and notional tax
45‑320 Working out instalment rate
45‑325 Working out your notional tax
45‑330 Working out your adjusted taxable income
45‑335 Working out your adjusted withholding income
45‑340 Adjusted tax on adjusted taxable income or on adjusted withholding income
Subdivision 45‑K—How Commissioner works out your benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
45‑355 When Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
45‑360 How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate
45‑365 Working out your benchmark tax
45‑370 Working out your adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year
45‑375 Adjusted assessed tax on adjusted assessed taxable income
Subdivision 45‑L—How Commissioner works out amount of quarterly instalment on basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑400 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 4 quarterly instalments
45‑402 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 2 quarterly instalments
45‑405 Working out your GDP‑adjusted notional tax
Subdivision 45‑M—How amount of quarterly instalment is worked out on basis of your estimate of your benchmark tax
45‑410 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 4 quarterly instalments
45‑412 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 2 quarterly instalments
45‑415 Estimating your benchmark tax
45‑420 Credit in certain cases where amount of instalment is nil
Subdivision 45‑N—How this Part applies to the trustee of a trust
Trustees to whom this Part applies
45‑450 Trustees to whom a single instalment rate is given
45‑455 Trustees to whom several instalment rates are given
45‑460 Rest of Subdivision applies only to multi‑rate trustees
45‑465 Meaning of instalment income
45‑468 Multi‑rate trustee may pay quarterly instalments
How Commissioner works out instalment rate and notional tax for a multi‑rate trustee
45‑470 Working out instalment rate
45‑473 Commissioner must notify you of notional tax
45‑475 Working out your notional tax
45‑480 Working out your adjusted taxable income
45‑483 Meaning of reduced beneficiary’s share and reduced no beneficiary’s share
45‑485 Working out your adjusted withholding income
How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax for a multi‑rate trustee
45‑525 When Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
45‑530 How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate
45‑535 Working out your benchmark tax
Subdivision 45‑P—Anti‑avoidance rules
45‑595 Object of this Subdivision
45‑597 Effect of Subdivision in relation to instalment months
45‑600 General interest charge on tax benefit relating to instalments
45‑605 When do you get a tax benefit from a scheme?
45‑610 What is your tax position for an income year?
45‑615 What is your hypothetical tax position for an income year?
45‑620 Amount on which GIC is payable, and period for which it is payable
45‑625 Credit if you also got a tax detriment from the scheme
45‑630 When do you get a tax detriment from a scheme?
45‑635 No tax benefit or detriment results from choice for which income tax law expressly provides
45‑640 Commissioner may remit general interest charge in special cases
Subdivision 45‑Q—General rules for consolidated groups
Guide to Subdivision 45‑Q
45‑700 What this Subdivision is about
Application of Subdivision
45‑703 Effect of this Subdivision and Subdivision 45‑R in relation to monthly payers
45‑705 Application of Subdivision to head company
Usual operation of this Part for consolidated group members
45‑710 Single entity rule
45‑715 When instalments are due—modification of section 45‑61
45‑720 Head company cannot be an annual payer—modification of section 45‑140
Membership changes
45‑740 Change of head company
45‑755 Entry rule (for an entity that becomes a subsidiary member of a consolidated group)
45‑760 Exit rule (for an entity that ceases to be a subsidiary member of a consolidated group)
45‑775 Commissioner’s power to work out different instalment rate or GDP‑adjusted notional tax
Subdivision 45‑R—Special rules for consolidated groups
Guide to Subdivision 45‑R
45‑850 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
45‑855 Section 701‑1 disregarded for certain purposes
45‑860 Member having a different instalment period
45‑865 Credit rule
45‑870 Head company’s liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment
45‑875 Other rules about the general interest charge
45‑880 Continued application of Subdivision 45‑Q to the head company of an acquired group
45‑885 Early application of Subdivision 45‑Q to the head company of a new group
Subdivision 45‑S—MEC groups
Guide to Subdivision 45‑S
45‑900 What this Subdivision is about
45‑905 Objects of Subdivision
General modification rules
45‑910 Extended operation of Part to cover MEC groups
Extended operation of Subdivision 45‑Q
45‑913 Sections 45‑705 and 45‑740 do not apply to members of MEC groups
45‑915 Application of Subdivision 45‑Q to provisional head company
45‑917 Assumption for applying section 45‑710 (single entity rule)
45‑920 Change of provisional head company
45‑922 Life insurance company
Extended operation of Subdivision 45‑R
45‑925 Additional modifications of sections 45‑855 and 45‑860
45‑930 Modifications of sections 45‑865 and 45‑870 and a related provision
45‑935 Additional modifications of section 45‑885
Part 2‑15—Returns and assessments
Division 70—Tax receipts
Guide to Division 70 146
70‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 70‑A—Tax receipts
70‑5 Tax receipt to be provided to certain individual taxpayers
Part 2‑30—Collecting Medicare levy with income tax
Division 90—Medicare levy and Medicare levy surcharge
Subdivision 90‑A—Treatment like income tax
90‑1 Laws apply in relation to Medicare levy and Medicare levy surcharge as they apply in relation to income tax
Part 2‑35—Excess superannuation contributions
Division 97—Excess contributions determinations
Subdivision 97‑A—Excess concessional contributions determinations
Guide to Subdivision 97‑A
97‑1 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
97‑5 Determination of excess concessional contributions
97‑10 Review
Subdivision 97‑B—Excess non‑concessional contributions determinations
Guide to Subdivision 97‑B
97‑20 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
97‑25 Excess non‑concessional contributions determinations
97‑30 Associated earnings
97‑35 Review
Chapter 3—Collection, recovery and administration of other taxes
Part 3‑10—Indirect taxes
Division 105—General rules for indirect taxes
Guide to Division 105 154
105‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 105‑D—General interest charge and penalties
105‑80 General interest charge
105‑85 Amending Acts cannot impose penalties or general interest charge earlier than 28 days after Royal Assent
Subdivision 105‑F—Indirect tax refund schemes
105‑120 Refund scheme—defence related international obligations
105‑125 Refund scheme—international obligations
Subdivision 105‑G—Other administrative provisions
105‑145 Commissioner must give things in writing
Division 110—Goods and services tax
Guide to Division 110 159
110‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 110‑F—Review of GST decisions
110‑50 Reviewable GST decisions
Division 111—Wine tax and luxury car tax
Guide to Division 111 164
111‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 111‑C—Review of wine tax decisions
111‑50 Reviewable wine tax decisions
Subdivision 111‑D—Effect on contracts from amendments to laws
111‑60 Alteration of contracts if cost of complying with agreement is affected by later alteration to wine tax or luxury car tax laws
Division 112—Fuel tax
Guide to Division 112 167
112‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 112‑E—Review of fuel tax decisions
112‑50 Reviewable fuel tax decisions
Part 3‑15—Major bank levy
Division 115—General provisions relating to the major bank levy
115‑1 What this Division is about
115‑5 Returns
115‑10 When major bank levy is due and payable
Division 117—Anti‑avoidance
Guide to Division 117 171
117‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 117‑A—Application of this Division
117‑5 Object of this Division
117‑10 Application of this Division
117‑15 Meaning of MBL benefit
117‑20 Matters to be considered in determining purpose
Subdivision 117‑B—Commissioner may negate effects of schemes for MBL benefits
117‑25 Commissioner may negate entity’s MBL benefits
117‑30 Determination has effect according to its terms
117‑35 Commissioner may disregard scheme in making determinations
117‑40 One determination may cover several quarters etc.
117‑45 Commissioner must give copy of determination to entity affected
117‑50 Objections
Part 3‑17—Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
Division 125—General provisions relating to Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
125‑1 What this Division is about
Operative provisions
125‑5 Returns
125‑10 When Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy and related charges are due and payable
125‑15 Assessments of Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
Part 3‑20—Superannuation
Division 131—Releasing money from superannuation
Subdivision 131‑A—Releasing money from superannuation
Guide to Subdivision 131‑A
131‑1 What this Subdivision is about
Requesting a release authority
131‑5 Requesting the release of amounts from superannuation interests
131‑10 Restrictions on the total amount you can request to be released
Issuing a release authority to superannuation provider
131‑15 Issuing release authorities
131‑20 Amount to be stated in a release authority
131‑25 Contents of a release authority
131‑30 Varying and revoking a release authority
Complying with a release authority
131‑35 Obligations of superannuation providers
131‑40 Voluntary compliance with a release authority relating to defined benefit interests
131‑45 Meaning of maximum available release amount
131‑50 Notifying Commissioner
131‑55 Notifying you
131‑60 Compensation for acquisition of property
Consequences of releasing amounts
131‑65 Entitlement to credits
131‑70 Interest for late payments of money received by the Commissioner in accordance with release authority
131‑75 Income tax treatment of amounts released—proportioning rule does not apply
Division 133—Division 293 tax
Guide to Division 133 190
133‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 133‑A—Deferral determination
Guide to Subdivision 133‑A
133‑5 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
133‑10 Determination of tax that is deferred to a debt account
133‑15 Defined benefit tax
133‑20 How to attribute the defined benefit tax to defined benefit interests
133‑25 Determination reducing tax deferred to a debt account
133‑30 General provisions applying to determinations under this Subdivision
Subdivision 133‑B—Debt account
Guide to Subdivision 133‑B
133‑55 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
133‑60 Debt account to be kept for deferred tax
133‑65 Interest on debt account balance
133‑70 Voluntary payments
133‑75 Commissioner must notify superannuation provider of debt account
Subdivision 133‑C—Compulsory payment
Guide to Subdivision 133‑C
133‑100 What this Subdivision is about
Debt account discharge liability
133‑105 Liability to pay debt account discharge liability
133‑110 When debt account discharge liability must be paid
133‑115 General interest charge
133‑120 Meaning of debt account discharge liability
133‑125 Notice of debt account discharge liability
End benefit
133‑130 Meaning of end benefit
133‑135 Superannuation provider may request debt account status
133‑140 End benefit notice—superannuation provider
133‑145 End benefit notice—material changes or omissions
Division 135—Releasing money from superannuation
Guide to Division 135 204
135‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 135‑A—When the Commissioner must issue a release authority
Guide to Subdivision 135‑A
135‑5 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
135‑10 Release authorities
Subdivision 135‑B—When a release authority can be given to a superannuation provider
Guide to Subdivision 135‑B
135‑35 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
135‑40 When you may give release authority to superannuation provider
Subdivision 135‑C—Release of superannuation money under a release authority
Guide to Subdivision 135‑C
135‑70 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
135‑75 Requirement for superannuation provider to release money
135‑80 Compensation for acquisition of property
135‑85 Release amount
135‑90 How the Commissioner applies amounts received under a release authority
135‑95 Defined benefit interests—releasing amounts to pay debt account discharge liability
135‑100 Income tax treatment of amounts released—proportioning rule does not apply
Division 136—Transfer balance cap
Guide to Division 136 211
136‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 136‑A—Excess transfer balance determinations
Guide to Subdivision 136‑A
136‑5 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
136‑10 Excess transfer balance determination
136‑15 Review
136‑20 Electing to commute a different superannuation income stream
136‑25 Notifying Commissioner of transfer balance debits
Subdivision 136‑B—Commutation authorities
Guide to Subdivision 136‑B
136‑50 What this Subdivision is about
Obligations of Commissioner
136‑55 Issuing of commutation authorities
136‑60 Varying and revoking a commutation authority
136‑65 Issuing further commutation authorities
136‑70 Notifying of non‑commutable excess transfer balance
Obligations of superannuation income stream providers
136‑80 Obligations on superannuation income stream providers
136‑85 Notifying the Commissioner
136‑90 Notifying you
Division 138—First home super saver scheme
Guide to Division 138 221
138‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 138‑A—First home super saver determination
Guide to Subdivision 138‑A
138‑5 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
138‑10 First home super saver determination
138‑15 Review
Subdivision 138‑B—FHSS maximum release amount
Guide to Subdivision 138‑B
138‑20 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
138‑25 FHSS maximum release amount
138‑30 FHSS releasable contributions amount
138‑35 Eligible contributions
138‑40 Associated earnings
Part 3‑30—Diverted profits tax
Division 145—Assessments of diverted profits tax
Guide to Division 145 228
145‑1 What this Division is about
145‑5 DPT assessments—modified application of Division 155
145‑10 When DPT assessments can be made
145‑15 Period of review of DPT assessments
145‑20 Review of assessments
145‑25 Restricted DPT evidence
Chapter 4—Generic assessment, collection and recovery rules
Part 4‑1—Returns and assessments
Division 155—Assessments
Guide to Division 155 234
155‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 155‑A—Making assessments
155‑5 Commissioner may make assessment
155‑10 Commissioner must give notice of assessment
155‑15 Self‑assessment
155‑20 Assessment of indirect tax on importations and customs dealing
155‑25 Special assessment
155‑30 Delays in making assessments
Subdivision 155‑B—Amending assessments
When Commissioner may amend assessments
155‑35 Amendment during period of review
155‑40 Amendment during period of review—certain applications taken to be notices
155‑45 Amendment on application
155‑50 Amendment to give effect to private ruling
155‑55 Amendment to give effect to certain anti‑avoidance declarations
155‑60 Amendment because of review, objection or fraud
Special rules about amending amended assessments
155‑65 Amending amended assessments
155‑70 Refreshed period of review
General rules
155‑75 Refunds of amounts overpaid
155‑80 Amended assessments are assessments
Subdivision 155‑C—Validity and review of assessments
155‑85 Validity of assessment
155‑90 Review of assessments
Subdivision 155‑D—Miscellaneous
155‑95 Entities
Part 4‑15—Collection and recovery of tax‑related liabilities and other amounts
Division 250—Introduction
Subdivision 250‑A—Guide to Part 4‑15
250‑1 What this Part is about
250‑5 Some important concepts about tax‑related liabilities
250‑10 Summary of tax‑related liabilities
Subdivision 250‑B—Object of this Part
250‑25 Object
Division 255—General rules about collection and recovery
Subdivision 255‑A—Tax‑related liabilities
255‑1 Meaning of tax‑related liability
255‑5 Recovering a tax‑related liability that is due and payable
Subdivision 255‑B—Commissioner’s power to vary payment time
255‑10 To defer the payment time
255‑15 To permit payments by instalments
255‑20 To bring forward the payment time in certain cases
Subdivision 255‑C—Service of documents if person absent from Australia or cannot be found
Guide to Subdivision 255‑C
255‑35 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
255‑40 Service of documents if person absent from Australia or cannot be found
Subdivision 255‑D—Security deposits
255‑100 Commissioner may require security deposit
255‑105 Notice of requirement to give security
255‑110 Offence
255‑115 Order to comply with requirement
255‑120 Offence
Division 260—Special rules about collection and recovery
Guide to Division 260 268
260‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 260‑A—From third party
260‑5 Commissioner may collect amounts from third party
260‑10 Notice to Commonwealth, State or Territory
260‑15 Indemnity
260‑20 Offence
Subdivision 260‑B—From liquidator
260‑40 Subdivision does not apply to superannuation guarantee charge
260‑45 Liquidator’s obligation
260‑50 Offence
260‑55 Joint liability of 2 or more liquidators
260‑60 Liquidator’s other obligation or liability
Subdivision 260‑C—From receiver
260‑75 Receiver’s obligation
260‑80 Offence
260‑85 Joint liability of 2 or more receivers
260‑90 Receiver’s other obligation or liability
Subdivision 260‑D—From agent winding up business for foreign resident principal
260‑105 Obligation of agent winding up business for foreign resident principal
260‑110 Offence
260‑115 Joint liability of 2 or more agents
260‑120 Agent’s other obligation or liability
Subdivision 260‑E—From deceased person’s estate
260‑140 Administered estate
260‑145 Unadministered estate
260‑150 Commissioner may authorise amount to be recovered
Division 263—Mutual assistance in the administration of foreign tax laws
Subdivision 263‑A—Foreign revenue claims
Guide to Subdivision 263‑A
263‑5 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
263‑10 Meaning of foreign revenue claim
263‑15 Requirements for foreign revenue claims
263‑20 Foreign Revenue Claims Register
263‑25 Registering claims
263‑30 When amount is due and payable
263‑35 Amending the Register etc.
263‑40 Payment to competent authority
Subdivision 263‑B—Service of documents in Australia on behalf of foreign revenue authorities
Guide to Subdivision 263‑B
263‑55 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
263‑60 Meaning of foreign service of document request
263‑65 Service of document subject to foreign service of document request
Division 265—Other matters
Subdivision 265‑A—Right of person to seek recovery or contribution
Guide to Subdivision 265‑A
265‑35 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
265‑40 Right of recovery if another person is liable
265‑45 Right of contribution if persons are jointly liable
Subdivision 265‑B—Application of laws
265‑65 Non‑application of certain taxation laws
Subdivision 265‑C—Direction to pay superannuation guarantee charge
Guide to Subdivision 265‑C
265‑85 What this Subdivision is about
265‑90 Direction to pay superannuation guarantee charge
265‑95 Offence
265‑100 Variation or revocation
265‑105 Effect of liability being reduced or ceasing to exist
265‑110 Taxation objection
265‑115 Extension of period to comply if taxation objection made
Division 268—Estimates
Guide to Division 268 296
268‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 268‑A—Object
268‑5 Object of Division
Subdivision 268‑B—Making estimates
268‑10 Commissioner may make estimate
268‑15 Notice of estimate
Subdivision 268‑C—Liability to pay estimates
268‑20 Nature of liability to pay estimate
268‑25 Accuracy of estimate irrelevant to liability to pay
268‑30 Estimate provable in bankruptcy or winding up
Subdivision 268‑D—Reducing and revoking estimates
268‑35 How estimate may be reduced or revoked—Commissioner’s powers
268‑40 How estimate may be reduced or revoked—statutory declaration or affidavit
268‑45 How estimate may be reduced or revoked—rejection of proof of debt
268‑50 How estimate may be reduced—amount paid or applied
268‑55 When reduction or revocation takes effect
268‑60 Consequences of reduction or revocation—refund
268‑65 Consequences of reduction or revocation—statutory demand changed or set aside
268‑70 Consequences of reduction or revocation—underlying liability
Subdivision 268‑E—Late payment of estimates
268‑75 Liability to pay the general interest charge
268‑80 Effect of paying the general interest charge
Subdivision 268‑F—Miscellaneous
268‑85 Effect of judgment on liability on which it is based
268‑90 Requirements for statutory declaration or affidavit
268‑95 Liquidators, receivers and trustees in bankruptcy
268‑100 Division not to limit or exclude Corporations or Bankruptcy Act
Division 269—Penalties for directors of non‑complying companies
Guide to Division 269 320
269‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 269‑A—Object and scope
269‑5 Object of Division
269‑10 Scope of Division
Subdivision 269‑B—Obligations and penalties
269‑15 Directors’ obligations
269‑20 Penalty
269‑25 Notice
269‑30 Effect on penalty of directors’ obligation ending before end of notice period
269‑35 Defences
Subdivision 269‑C—Discharging liabilities
269‑40 Effect of director paying penalty or company discharging liability
269‑45 Directors’ rights of indemnity and contribution
Subdivision 269‑D—Miscellaneous
269‑50 How notice may be given
269‑52 Copies of notices
269‑55 Division not to limit or exclude Corporations Act
Part 4‑25—Charges and penalties
Division 280—Shortfall interest charge
Guide to Division 280 338
280‑1 Guide to Division 280
Subdivision 280‑A—Object of Division
280‑50 Object of Division
Subdivision 280‑B—Shortfall interest charge
280‑100 Liability to shortfall interest charge—income tax
280‑101 Liability to shortfall interest charge—excess exploration credit tax
280‑102 Liability to shortfall interest charge—petroleum resource rent tax
280‑102A Liability to shortfall interest charge—excess non‑concessional contributions tax
280‑102B Liability to shortfall interest charge—Division 293 tax
280‑102C Liability to shortfall interest charge—diverted profits tax
280‑102D Liability to shortfall interest charge—Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
280‑103 Liability to shortfall interest charge—general
280‑105 Amount of shortfall interest charge
280‑110 Notification by Commissioner
Subdivision 280‑C—Remitting shortfall interest charge
280‑160 Remitting shortfall interest charge
280‑165 Commissioner must give reasons for not remitting in certain cases
280‑170 Objecting against remission decision
Division 284—Administrative penalties for statements, unarguable positions and schemes
Guide to Division 284 350
284‑5 What this Division is about
Subdivision 284‑A—General provisions
284‑10 Object of Division
284‑15 When a matter is reasonably arguable
284‑20 Which statements this Division applies to
284‑25 Statements by agents
284‑30 Application of Division to trusts
284‑35 Application of Division to partnerships
Subdivision 284‑B—Penalties relating to statements
Guide to Subdivision 284‑B
284‑70 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
284‑75 Liability to penalty
284‑80 Shortfall amounts
284‑85 Amount of penalty
284‑90 Base penalty amount
284‑95 Joint and several liability of directors of corporate trustee that makes a false or misleading statement
Subdivision 284‑C—Penalties relating to schemes
Guide to Subdivision 284‑C
284‑140 What this Subdivision is about
Operative provisions
284‑145 Liability to penalty
284‑150 Scheme benefits and scheme shortfall amounts
284‑155 Amount of penalty
284‑160 Base penalty amount: schemes
284‑165 Exception—threshold for penalty arising from cross‑border transfer pricing
Subdivision 284‑D—Provisions common to Subdivisions 284‑B and 284‑C
284‑220 Increase in base penalty amount
284‑224 Reduction of base penalty amount if law was applied in an accepted way
284‑225 Reduction of base penalty amount if you voluntarily tell the Commissioner
Subdivision 284‑E—Special rules about unarguable positions for cross‑border transfer pricing
284‑250 Undocumented transfer pricing treatment not reasonably arguable
284‑255 Documentation requirements
Division 286—Penalties for failing to lodge documents on time
Subdivision 286‑A—Guide to Division 286
286‑1 What this Division is about
Subdivision 286‑B—Object of Division
286‑25 Object of Division
Subdivision 286‑C—Penalties for failing to lodge documents on time
286‑75 Liability to penalty
286‑80 Amount of penalty
Division 288—Miscellaneous administrative penalties
288‑10 Penalty for non‑electronic notification
288‑20 Penalty for non‑electronic payment
288‑25 Penalty for failure to keep or retain records
288‑30 Penalty for failure to retain or produce declarations
288‑35 Penalty for preventing access etc.
288‑40 Penalty for failing to register or cancel registration
288‑45 Penalty for failing to issue tax invoice etc.
288‑46 Penalty for failing to ensure tax information about supplies of low value goods is included in customs documents
288‑50 Penalty for both principal and agent issuing certain documents
288‑70 Administrative penalties for life insurance companies
288‑75 Administrative penalty for a copyright or resale royalty collecting society
288‑80 Administrative penalty for over declaring conduit foreign income
288‑85 Failure by Reporting Financial Institution to obtain self‑certification
288‑95 Failing to comply etc. with release authority
288‑100 Excess money paid under release authority
288‑105 Superannuation provider to calculate crystallised pre‑July 83 amount of superannuation interest by 30 June 2008
288‑110 Contravention of superannuation data and payment regulation or standard
288‑115 AMIT under or over resulting from intentional disregard of or recklessness as to taxation law
288‑120 Prohibited offsets of liabilities using interest etc. accrued on farm management deposits
288‑125 Producing or supplying electronic sales suppression tools
288‑130 Possessing electronic sales suppression tools
288‑135 Incorrectly keeping records using electronic sales suppression tools
Division 290—Promotion and implementation of schemes
Subdivision 290‑A—Preliminary
290‑5 Objects of this Division
290‑10 Extra‑territorial application
Subdivision 290‑B—Civil penalties
290‑50 Civil penalties
290‑55 Exceptions
290‑60 Meaning of promoter
290‑65 Meaning of tax exploitation scheme
Subdivision 290‑C—Injunctions
290‑120 Conduct to which this Subdivision applies
290‑125 Injunctions
290‑130 Interim injunctions
290‑135 Delay in making ruling
290‑140 Discharge etc. of injunctions
290‑145 Certain limits on granting injunctions not to apply
290‑150 Other powers of the Federal Court unaffected
Subdivision 290‑D—Voluntary undertakings
290‑200 Voluntary undertakings
Division 295—Miscellaneous civil penalties
Subdivision 295‑B—Civil penalty for possession of tobacco without relevant documentation
Guide to Subdivision 295‑B
295‑70 What this Subdivision is about
295‑75 Possession of tobacco without relevant documentation etc.
295‑80 Things treated as tobacco
Division 298—Machinery provisions for penalties
Subdivision 298‑A—Administrative penalties
298‑5 Scope of Subdivision
298‑10 Notification of liability
298‑15 Due date for penalty
298‑20 Remission of penalty
298‑25 General interest charge on unpaid penalty
298‑30 Assessment of penalties under Division 284 or section 288‑115
Subdivision 298‑B—Civil penalties
298‑80 Application of Subdivision
298‑85 Civil evidence and procedure rules for civil penalty orders
298‑90 Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings
298‑95 Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings
298‑100 Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings
298‑105 Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not admissible in criminal proceedings
298‑110 Civil double jeopardy
Schedule 1—Collection and recovery of income tax and other liabilities
Chapter 2—Collection, recovery and administration of income tax
Part 2‑10—Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments
Division 45—Instalment payments
Table of Subdivisions
Guide to Division 45
45‑A Basic rules
45‑B When instalments are due
45‑C Working out instalment amounts
45‑D Quarterly payers
45‑E Annual payers
45‑F Varying the instalment rate for quarterly payers who pay on the basis of instalment income
45‑G General interest charge payable in certain cases if instalments are too low
45‑H Partnership income
45‑I Trust income included in instalment income of beneficiary
45‑J How Commissioner works out your instalment rate and notional tax
45‑K How Commissioner works out your benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
45‑L How Commissioner works out amount of quarterly instalment on basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑M How amount of quarterly instalment is worked out on basis of your estimate of your benchmark tax
45‑N How this Part applies to the trustee of a trust
45‑P Anti‑avoidance rules
45‑Q General rules for consolidated groups
45‑R Special rules for consolidated groups
45‑S MEC groups
45‑1 What this Division is about
If you have business or investment income, you must pay instalments towards your income tax liability. However, you do not have to do so unless the Commissioner has given you an instalment rate. Generally, instalments are payable for each quarter of your income year. Alternatively, instalments could be payable monthly or annually.
Your instalments may be based on your previous year’s income tax liability and notified to you by the Commissioner, or on your estimate of your income tax liability for the current income year. (In this case, you are a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP adjusted notional tax). Generally, four quarterly instalments are payable annually on this basis, but you may only be required to pay two.
If you are not eligible to pay instalments on that basis, or if you are so eligible but choose not to do so, you must work out the amount of your quarterly instalment by multiplying your instalment income for an instalment quarter by the rate the Commissioner gave you, or by a rate you choose yourself. (In this case, you are a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income).
If your business or investment income exceeds a certain limit, you may have to pay an instalment after the end of each month. (In this case, you are a monthly payer).
If you are not required to be registered for GST purposes, you may be able to choose to pay an annual instalment after the end of the income year. (In this case, you are an annual payer).
The amount of annual instalment can be your instalment income for the income year multiplied by the rate the Commissioner gave you, or an amount based on your previous year’s income tax liability and notified to you by the Commissioner, or your own estimate of your income tax liability for the income year.
Table of sections
45‑5 Object of this Part
45‑10 Application of Part
45‑15 Liability for instalments
45‑20 Information to be given to the Commissioner by certain payers
45‑25 Penalty for failure to notify Commissioner
45‑30 Credit for instalments payable
(1) The object of this Part is to ensure the efficient collection of:
(a) income tax; and
(b) *Medicare levy; and
(ca) amounts of liabilities to the Commonwealth under Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003; and
(caa) amounts of liabilities to the Commonwealth under Part 3A of the VET Student Loans Act 2016; and
(cb) amounts of liabilities to the Commonwealth under Chapter 2AA of the Social Security Act 1991; and
(cc) amounts of liabilities to the Commonwealth under Part 2 of the Student Assistance Act 1973; and
(cd) amounts of liabilities to the Commonwealth under Chapter 3 of the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loans Act 2014; and
(d) amounts of liabilities to the Commonwealth under Part 2B.3 of the Social Security Act 1991; and
(e) amounts of liabilities to the Commonwealth under Division 6 of Part 4A of the Student Assistance Act 1973;
through the application of the principles set out in the rest of this section.
(2) As you earn *instalment income, you pay instalments after the end of each *instalment quarter worked out on the basis of your instalment income for that quarter if you are required or choose to work out your instalment on this basis. However, you may be able to pay an amount notified by the Commissioner. (There are exceptions to this).
(2A) Alternatively:
(a) you may be required to pay instalments after the end of each *instalment month worked out on the basis of your instalment income for that month; or
(b) you may be able to choose to pay an annual instalment for the income year.
(3) The total of your instalments for an income year is as close as possible to the total of your liabilities for the income year that are covered by subsection (1), except so far as the amounts of those liabilities are attributable to a *net capital gain. (The exception does not apply to the entities listed in subsections 45‑120(2) and (2A) or the net capital gains specified in subsection 45‑120(2B).)
(4) Consequently, the additional amounts you have to pay to discharge those liabilities, after an assessment of your income tax for the income year is made, are as low as possible.
(5) If you are a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income, the amount of each of your instalments for an income year is the same proportion (as nearly as possible, subject to the principles in subsections (3) and (4)) of the total of those instalments as your *instalment income for that *instalment quarter is of your total instalment income for the income year.
(5A) If you are a *monthly payer, the amount of each of your instalments for an income year is the same proportion (as nearly as possible, subject to the principles in subsections (3) and (4)) of the total of those instalments as your *instalment income for that *instalment month is of your total instalment income for the income year.
(6) When instalments are payable, and how their amount is calculated, are the same for different kinds of entities, except as expressly provided.
Note: Subdivision 45‑P penalises an entity whose tax position, so far as it relates to PAYG instalments and related matters, is altered by a scheme that is inconsistent with the object of this Part.
This Part applies to individuals, companies, and the entities listed in items 4 to 10, and 12 and 13, of the table in section 9‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (which lists the entities that must pay income tax).
Note 1: Section 45‑450 provides for how this Part applies to a trustee covered by any of items 4 to 8, and 12 and 13, of the table in section 9‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. In most respects, the trust is treated like a company.
Note 2: This Part also applies to a trustee covered by item 11 of the table in section 9‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, but only to the extent set out in section 45‑455, and the rest of Subdivision 45‑N, in this Schedule.
45‑15 Liability for instalments
(1) The Commissioner may give you an instalment rate from time to time, by giving you written notice of the rate.
(2) You are liable to pay instalments under this Division if the Commissioner has given you an instalment rate.
Note 1: The instalment rate that the Commissioner gives you is worked out under section 45‑320 or 45‑775.
Note 2: If your assessable income has always consisted wholly of withholding payments (other than non‑quotation withholding payments), the Commissioner will not give you an instalment rate.
Note 3: Work out the amount of your instalments under Subdivision 45‑C.
Note 4: If the Commissioner withdraws the rate under section 45‑90, you are not liable to pay further instalments.
Note 5: For provisions about collection and recovery of amounts you are liable to pay under this Part, see Part 4‑15.
45‑20 Information to be given to the Commissioner by certain payers
(1) If you are liable to pay an instalment for a period (even if it is a nil amount), you must notify the Commissioner of the amount of your *instalment income for the period.
(2) You must notify the Commissioner in the *approved form and on or before the day when the instalment is due (regardless of whether it is paid).
(2A) If you are a *monthly payer for the period, you must give the notification electronically, unless the Commissioner otherwise approves.
Note: A penalty applies if you fail to give the notification electronically as required—see section 288‑10.
(2B) The notification is given electronically if it is transmitted to the Commissioner in an electronic format approved by the Commissioner.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to:
(a) a quarterly instalment worked out under section 45‑112 (on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax or estimated benchmark tax); or
(b) an annual instalment, unless it is worked out under paragraph 45‑115(1)(a) (based on the Commissioner’s rate and your instalment income for the income year).
45‑25 Penalty for failure to notify Commissioner
(1) If you fail to notify the Commissioner of an amount as required by section 45‑20, or you notify an amount that is less than the correct amount, you are liable to pay the *failure to notify penalty on the amount, or on the shortfall, multiplied by the instalment rate that you are required to use to work out the instalment for the period, for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the amount was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day before you notify the Commissioner of the correct amount, or he or she otherwise becomes aware of it.
(2) This section does not apply to a notification required to be lodged on or after 1 July 2000.
Note: See instead Division 286 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
45‑30 Credit for instalments payable
(1) You are entitled to a credit when the Commissioner makes an assessment of the income tax you are liable to pay for an income year or an assessment that no income tax is payable by you for an income year.
(2) The credit is equal to:
• the total of each instalment payable by you for the income year (even if you have not yet paid it);
reduced by:
• the total of each credit that you have claimed under section 45‑215 or 45‑420 in respect of such an instalment.
(3) The making of the assessment, and the resulting credit entitlement, do not affect the liability to pay an instalment.
Note: How the credit is applied is set out in Division 3 of Part IIB.
(4) If:
(a) you are a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group at any time during a *consolidation transitional year for you; and
(b) an amount of instalment payable by you, or an amount of credit claimed by you under section 45‑215 or 45‑420, is taken into account in working out a credit to which the *head company of that consolidated group is entitled under section 45‑865 for a consolidation transitional year for the head company;
that amount, to the extent to which it is so taken into account under that section, is not to be taken into account in working out any credit to which you are entitled under this section for any year.
Subdivision 45‑B—When instalments are due
Table of sections
45‑50 Liability to pay instalments
45‑60 Meaning of instalment quarter
45‑61 When quarterly instalments are due—payers of quarterly instalments
45‑65 Meaning of instalment month
45‑67 When monthly instalments are due—payers of monthly instalments
45‑70 When annual instalments are due
45‑72 Means of payment of instalment
45‑75 Instalments recoverable in same way as income tax
45‑80 General interest charge on late payment
45‑90 Commissioner may withdraw instalment rate
45‑50 Liability to pay instalments
(1) Subject to subsection (4), you are liable to pay an instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year if, at the end of that instalment quarter, you are:
(a) a *quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax; or
(b) a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), you are liable to pay an instalment for an *instalment quarter that is the third or fourth instalment quarter in an income year if, at the end of that quarter, you are a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax.
(2A) Subject to subsection (4), you are liable to pay an instalment for an *instalment month if, at the end of that month, you are a *monthly payer.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), you are liable to pay an instalment for an income year if, at the end of the *starting instalment quarter in that year, you are an *annual payer.
(4) You are only liable to pay an instalment for an *instalment quarter, an *instalment month or an income year if:
(a) the Commissioner has given you an instalment rate; and
(b) the Commissioner has not withdrawn your instalment rate before the end of that quarter, month or year.
45‑60 Meaning of instalment quarter
For an income year (whether it ends on 30 June or not), the following are the instalment quarters:
(a) your first instalment quarter consists of the first 3 months of the income year; and
(b) your second instalment quarter consists of the fourth, fifth and sixth months of the income year; and
(c) your third instalment quarter consists of the seventh, eighth and ninth months of the income year; and
(d) your fourth instalment quarter consists of the tenth, 11th and 12th months of the income year.
45‑61 When quarterly instalments are due—payers of quarterly instalments
You are not a deferred BAS payer
(1) Subject to subsection (2), if you are:
(a) a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income; or
(b) a *quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax; or
(c) a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax;
the instalment for an *instalment quarter that you are liable to pay is due on or before the 21st day of the month after the end of that quarter.
Note: You are only liable to pay instalments for the third and fourth instalment quarters in an income year if you are a quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax. See section 45‑50.
You are a deferred BAS payer
(2) If:
(a) subsection (1) would, but for this subsection, have applied to you in relation to an *instalment quarter; but
(b) you are a *deferred BAS payer on the 21st day of the month after the end of that quarter;
the instalment for that quarter is instead due on or before:
(c) the 28th day of the month after the end of that quarter unless all or a part of a December falls within the last month of that quarter; or
(d) if all or a part of a December falls within the last month of that quarter—the next 28 February.
Note 1: You are only liable to pay instalments for the third and fourth instalment quarters in an income year if you are a quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax. See section 45‑50.
Note 2: If you are the head company of a consolidated group to which Subdivision 45‑Q applies, the instalment is due on or before the 21st day of the month after the end of the quarter: see section 45‑715.
45‑65 Meaning of instalment month
For an income year (whether it ends on 30 June or not), the following are instalment months:
(a) the month that starts on the first day of the income year;
(b) each subsequent month.
Note: For the meaning of month, see section 2G of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.
45‑67 When monthly instalments are due—payers of monthly instalments
You are not a deferred BAS payer
(1) If you are a *monthly payer, the instalment for an *instalment month that you are liable to pay is due on or before the 21st day of the next instalment month.
(2) If:
(a) subsection (1) would, but for this subsection, have applied to you in relation to an *instalment month; but
(b) you are a *deferred BAS payer on the 21st day of the next instalment month;
the instalment for the month mentioned in paragraph (a) is instead due on or before:
(c) the 28th day of that next instalment month unless that next instalment month is January; or
(d) if that next instalment month is January—the next 28 February.
Note: If you are the head company of a consolidated group to which Subdivision 45‑Q applies, the instalment is due on or before the 21st day of that next month: see section 45‑715 (as it has effect because of section 45‑703).
45‑70 When annual instalments are due
(1) This section applies if you are liable to pay an annual instalment for the 2002‑03 income year or a later income year.
(2) If the income year ends on 30 June, the instalment is due on or before the next 21 October.
(3) If the income year ends on a day other than 30 June, the instalment is due on or before the 21st day of the fourth month after the end of the income year.
45‑72 Means of payment of instalment
You must pay an instalment by *electronic payment, or any other means approved in writing by the Commissioner.
45‑75 Instalments recoverable in same way as income tax
Instalments are to be treated as income tax for the purposes of sections 254 and 255 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
45‑80 General interest charge on late payment
If you fail to pay some or all of an instalment by the time by which the instalment is due to be paid, you are liable to pay the *general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the instalment was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day on which, at the end of the day, any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the instalment;
(ii) general interest charge on any of the instalment.
45‑90 Commissioner may withdraw instalment rate
(1) The Commissioner may:
(a) by giving you written notice, withdraw your instalment rate; or
(b) by legislative instrument, withdraw the instalment rate of a class of entities that includes you.
Note: If the Commissioner does so, you cease to be liable to pay instalments (even if you have chosen a rate under section 45‑205). See subsection 45‑50(4).
(2) If the Commissioner withdraws your instalment rate and later gives you another one:
(a) you are again liable to pay instalments in accordance with section 45‑50; and
(b) this Division has effect as if the Commissioner has given you an instalment rate for the first time.
Subdivision 45‑C—Working out instalment amounts
Table of sections
45‑110 How to work out amount of quarterly instalment on instalment income basis
45‑112 Amount of instalment for quarterly payer who pays on basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑114 How to work out amount of monthly instalment
45‑115 How to work out amount of annual instalment
45‑120 Meaning of instalment income
45‑110 How to work out amount of quarterly instalment on instalment income basis
(1) Work out the amount of an instalment you are liable to pay for an *instalment quarter as follows if, at the end of that instalment quarter, you are a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income:
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
Applicable instalment rate means:
(a) unless paragraph (b) or (c) applies—the most recent instalment rate given to you by the Commissioner under section 45‑15 before the end of that quarter; or
(b) if you have chosen an instalment rate for that quarter under section 45‑205—that rate; or
(c) if you have chosen an instalment rate under section 45‑205 for an earlier *instalment quarter in that income year (and paragraph (b) does not apply)—that rate.
Note: If you believe the Commissioner’s rate is not appropriate for the current income year, you may choose a different instalment rate under Subdivision 45‑F.
45‑112 Amount of instalment for quarterly payer who pays on basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
(1) If, at the end of an *instalment quarter in an income year, you are a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax who is liable to pay an instalment for that quarter, the amount of your instalment for that quarter is:
(a) unless paragraph (b) or (c) applies—the amount that the Commissioner works out under Subdivision 45‑L, and notifies to you, as the amount of the instalment; or
(b) if you choose to work out the amount of the instalment on the basis of your estimate of your *benchmark tax for that income year, and you notify the Commissioner in accordance with subsection (2)—the amount worked out under Subdivision 45‑M; or
(c) if paragraph (b) applied to your instalment for an earlier *instalment quarter in that income year—the amount that the Commissioner works out under Subdivision 45‑M, and notifies to you, as the amount of the instalment.
(2) If the amount of the instalment is worked out under paragraph (1)(b) on the basis of your estimate of your *benchmark tax for the income year, you must notify the Commissioner in the *approved form, on or before the day when the instalment is due (disregarding subsection (3)), of the amount of that estimate.
(3) If:
(a) after the end of an *instalment quarter the Commissioner notifies you of an amount as the amount of your instalment for that quarter; and
(b) the amount of your instalment for that quarter is not worked out under paragraph (1)(b);
the instalment is due on or before the 21st day after the day on which the notice is given.
45‑114 How to work out amount of monthly instalment
(1) Work out the amount of an instalment you are liable to pay for an *instalment month as follows if, at the end of that instalment month, you are a *monthly payer:
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
applicable instalment rate means:
(a) unless paragraph (b) or (c) applies—the most recent instalment rate given to you by the Commissioner under section 45‑15 before the end of that month; or
(b) if you have chosen an instalment rate for that month under section 45‑205—that rate; or
(c) if you have chosen an instalment rate under section 45‑205 for an earlier *instalment month in that income year (and paragraph (b) does not apply)—that rate.
Note: If you believe the Commissioner’s rate is not appropriate for the current income year, you may choose a different instalment rate under Subdivision 45‑F.
(3) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, determine one or more specified additional methods by which a specified class of entity that is a *monthly payer at the end of an *instalment month may work out, in specified circumstances, the amount of an instalment that it is liable to pay for the instalment month.
Note: For specification by class, see subsection 13(3) of the Legislation Act 2003.
(4) You may choose a method specified in the determination:
(a) unless paragraph (b) applies—for any *instalment month; or
(b) if the determination provides that that method can be chosen only for the first instalment month in an *instalment quarter—for the first instalment month in an instalment quarter.
(5) The determination may provide that an entity that chooses a method in accordance with paragraph (4)(b) for the first *instalment month in an *instalment quarter is taken to have chosen that method under subsection (4) for the other instalment months in that quarter. The determination has effect accordingly.
(6) Subsection (7) applies if:
(a) the Commissioner has made a determination under subsection (3); and
(b) at the end of an *instalment month, you are a *monthly payer; and
(c) you choose under subsection (4), for that month:
(i) if the determination specifies one additional method to work out that amount—that method; or
(ii) if the determination specifies more than one additional method to work out that amount—one of those methods.
(7) Despite subsection (1), work out the amount of an instalment you are liable to pay for that *instalment month in accordance with the method that you chose for that month under subsection (4).
45‑115 How to work out amount of annual instalment
(1) The amount of an instalment you are liable to pay for the 2002‑03 income year or a later income year is whichever of the following you choose:
(a) the amount worked out using the formula:
(b) your most recent *notional tax notified by the Commissioner before the end of the income year;
(c) the amount that you estimate will be your *benchmark tax for the income year.
Note 1: You cannot choose a different instalment rate under Subdivision 45‑F if you are an annual payer. Instead you can work out the amount of your instalment under paragraph (c).
Note 2: You may be liable to general interest charge under section 45‑235 if working out your instalment under paragraph (c) leads you to pay an instalment that is less than 85% of your benchmark tax for the income year (worked out by the Commissioner under section 45‑365).
(2) Commissioner’s instalment rate for an income year means the most recent instalment rate given to you by the Commissioner before the end of the income year.
(3) If you choose to work out your instalment under paragraph (1)(c), you must notify the Commissioner, in the *approved form, of the amount of the instalment on or before the day when it is due.
45‑120 Meaning of instalment income
General rule
(1) Your instalment income for a period includes your *ordinary income *derived during that period, but only to the extent that it is assessable income of the income year that is or includes that period.
Note 1: No other amount is instalment income unless it is covered by another provision of this section or by Subdivision 45‑H or 45‑I.
Note 1A: The operation of this section and other provisions relating to instalment income is affected by sections 45‑855 and 45‑860 (about a member of a consolidated group during a period before the members of the group are treated as a single entity for the purposes of this Part.)
Note 2: If during that period you are a partner in a partnership, or a beneficiary of a trust, your instalment income also includes some of the partnership’s or trust’s instalment income for the period (except in some cases). See Subdivision 45‑H or 45‑I.
Statutory income included for some entities
(2) The instalment income of:
(a) a *complying approved deposit fund or a *non‑complying approved deposit fund; or
(b) a *complying superannuation fund or a *non‑complying superannuation fund; or
(c) a *pooled superannuation trust;
for a period also includes the entity’s *statutory income, to the extent that:
(d) it is reasonably attributable to that period; and
(e) it is assessable income of the income year that is or includes that period.
(2A) The instalment income of a *life insurance company for a period also includes any part of its *statutory income that:
(a) is reasonably attributable to that period; and
(b) is included in the *complying superannuation class of its taxable income for the income year that is or includes that period.
Net gains under Subdivision 250‑E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 included in instalment income
(2B) Your instalment income for a period also includes the difference between:
(a) a gain (or gains) you make from a *financial arrangement to the extent to which it is (or they are):
(i) assessable under Subdivision 250‑E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(ii) reasonably attributable to that period; and
(b) a loss (or losses) you make from a financial arrangement to the extent to which it is (or they are):
(i) allowable to you as a deduction under Subdivision 250‑E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(ii) reasonably attributable to that period.
This is so only if the gain (or gains) referred to in paragraph (a) exceeds the loss (or losses) referred to in paragraph (b).
Effect of Division 230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 on instalment income
(2C) Your instalment income for a period also includes the difference between:
(a) a gain (or gains) you make from a *financial arrangement to the extent to which it is (or they are):
(i) assessable under Division 230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(ii) reasonably attributable to that period; and
(b) a loss (or losses) you make from a financial arrangement to the extent to which it is (or they are):
(i) allowable to you as a deduction under Division 230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(ii) reasonably attributable to that period.
This is so only if the gain (or gains) referred to in paragraph (a) equals or exceeds the loss (or losses) referred to in paragraph (b).
(2D) However, your instalment income for a period is worked out disregarding subsection (2C) if any of the following apply:
(a) you are an individual;
(b) the only gains and losses that would be taken into account under subsection (2C) for the period are from *financial arrangements that are *qualifying securities.
(2E) A gain or loss that is taken into account under subsection (2C) in working out an amount (including a nil amount) to be included in your instalment income for a period is not to be, to any extent, taken into account again under another provision of this section in calculating your instalment income for the same or any other period.
Exclusion: amounts in respect of withholding payments
(3) Your instalment income for a period does not include amounts in respect of:
(a) *withholding payments (except *non‑quotation withholding payments) made to you during that period; and
(b) amounts included in your assessable income under section 86‑15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for which there are amounts required to be paid under Division 13; and
(c) which a penalty is applicable under section 12‑415.
Farm management deposits: effect of making and repayment
(4) Your instalment income for a period is reduced (but not below nil) by a *farm management deposit made during that period, but only to the extent that, at the end of that period, you can reasonably expect to be able to deduct the deposit under section 393‑5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for the income year that is or includes that period.
(5) Your instalment income for a period also includes an amount that section 393‑10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 includes in your assessable income, for the income year that is or includes that period, because of a repayment during that period of all or some of a *farm management deposit.
Gross proceeds on disposal of registered emissions units included in instalment income
(5A) Your instalment income for a period also includes an amount that section 420‑25 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 includes in your assessable income, for the income year that is or includes that period, because you cease to *hold a *registered emissions unit during that period.
Instalment income of entity that is not liable for instalments
(6) An entity can have *instalment income for a period even if the entity is not liable to pay an instalment for that period.
Note: For example, although a partnership does not pay instalments, it is necessary to work out the partnership’s instalment income in order to work out instalments payable by the partners. See Subdivision 45‑H.
Subdivision 45‑D—Quarterly payers
Table of sections
45‑125 Quarterly payer who pays instalments on the basis of instalment income
45‑130 Quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑132 Quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑134 Quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑125 Quarterly payer who pays instalments on the basis of instalment income
(1) You are a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income if:
(a) at the end of the *starting instalment quarter in an income year, you are not a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax and you are not a *monthly payer or an *annual payer; or
(b) but for this section, you would be a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the end of the starting instalment quarter in an income year but you choose to pay quarterly instalments on the basis of your instalment income.
Note: The entity must make the choice mentioned in paragraph (b) in accordance with subsection (4).
(2) The starting instalment quarter in an income year (the current year) is:
(a) if the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during an *instalment quarter in the current year—that instalment quarter (even if it is not the first instalment quarter in the current year); or
(b) if the Commissioner has given you an instalment rate during a previous income year and your instalment rate has not been withdrawn—the first instalment quarter in the current year.
How and when you become such a payer
(3) You become a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income just before the end of the *starting instalment quarter if paragraph (1)(a) or (b) is satisfied.
(4) You must make the choice mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) by notifying the Commissioner in the *approved form on or before the day on which the instalment for that quarter is due (disregarding subsection 45‑112(3)).
How and when you stop being such a payer
(5) If you are a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income because of paragraph (1)(a), you stop being such a payer at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if:
(a) at the end of that quarter, you become:
(i) a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax; or
(ii) an *annual payer; or
(b) at the end of the first *instalment month of that quarter, you become a *monthly payer.
No quarterly payer status in quarter if monthly payer in following month
(5A) Despite subsections (1) and (3), you cannot be a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income at a time in an *instalment quarter if you are a *monthly payer at a time in the first *instalment month that ends after that quarter.
(6) If you are a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income because of paragraph (1)(b), you stop being such a payer at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if:
(a) you become an *annual payer at the end of that quarter; or
(b) both of the following conditions apply:
(i) you choose not to be a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income;
(ii) you become a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the end of that quarter.
(7) You may only make the choice mentioned in paragraph (6)(b) if you would otherwise satisfy paragraph 45‑130(1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) at the end of that quarter. You must make that choice by notifying the Commissioner in the *approved form on or before the day on which the instalment for that quarter is due (disregarding subsection 45‑112(3)).
45‑130 Quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
(1) You are a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax if, at the end of the *starting instalment quarter in an income year:
(a) you are an individual who is not an *annual payer, a *monthly payer or a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income; or
(b) you are a *self‑assessment entity:
(i) that is not an *annual payer or a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income; and
(ii) your base assessment instalment income (within the meaning of section 45‑320) for the *base year is $2 million or less; or
(c) you satisfy all of the following conditions:
(i) you are a self‑assessment entity whose base assessment instalment income (within the meaning of section 45‑320) for the *base year is more than $2 million;
(ii) you are not an annual payer, but you satisfy the conditions set out in subsection 45‑140(1) for an annual payer;
(iia) you are not a *monthly payer;
(iii) you are not a quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income; or
(d) for the 2009‑10 income year or a later income year—you are one of the following kinds of entity (an eligible business entity):
(i) a *small business entity (other than because of subsection 328‑110(4) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997);
(ii) an entity covered by subsection (1A) of this section.
Note: Paragraph (a) may apply to you if you are a multi‑rate trustee. See section 45‑468.
(1A) An entity is covered by this subsection for an income year if:
(a) the entity is not a *small business entity (other than because of subsection 328‑110(4) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) for the income year; and
(b) the entity would be such a small business entity for the income year if:
(i) each reference in Subdivision 328‑C (about what is a small business entity) of that Act to $10 million were instead a reference to $50 million; and
(ii) the reference in paragraph 328‑110(5)(b) of that Act to a small business entity were instead a reference to an entity covered by this subsection.
How and when you become such a payer
(2) You become such a payer just before the end of the *starting instalment quarter if paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) is satisfied.
(2A) For the purposes of subsection (2), you satisfy proposed paragraph (1)(d) at the end of the *starting instalment quarter in an income year if you are an eligible business entity for the income year that includes that instalment quarter.
How and when you stop being such a payer
(3) You stop being a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if you fail to satisfy paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) at the end of that quarter.
(3A) For the purposes of subsection (3), you fail to satisfy proposed paragraph (1)(d) at the end of the first *instalment quarter in an income year if you are not an eligible business entity for the income year that includes that instalment quarter.
(4) In addition, you stop being such a payer at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if:
(a) at the end of that quarter, you become:
(i) a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income; or
(ii) an *annual payer; or
(b) at the end of the first *instalment month of that quarter, you become a *monthly payer.
No quarterly payer status in quarter if monthly payer in following month
(5) Despite subsections (1) and (2), you cannot be a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at a time in an *instalment quarter if you are a *monthly payer at a time in the first *instalment month that ends after that quarter.
45‑132 Quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
(1) You are a quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax if, at the end of the *starting instalment quarter in an income year:
(a) you satisfy the conditions to be a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax under section 45‑130; and
(b) you do not satisfy the conditions to be a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax under section 45‑134.
How and when you become such a payer
(2) You become such a payer just before the end of the *starting instalment quarter if paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) are satisfied.
How and when you stop being such a payer
(3) You stop being a *quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if you fail to satisfy paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) at the end of that quarter.
(4) In addition, you stop being such a payer at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if:
(a) at the end of that quarter, you become:
(i) a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income; or
(ii) an *annual payer; or
(b) at the end of the first *instalment month of that quarter, you become a *monthly payer.
45‑134 Quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
(1) You are a quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax if, at the end of the *starting instalment quarter in an income year, you are an individual that is a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax and one or more of the following paragraphs apply:
(a) both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) you are carrying on a *primary production business in the income year;
(ii) the assessable income that was *derived from, or resulted from, a primary production business that you carried on in the *base year exceeded the amount of so much of your deductions in that year that are reasonably related to that income;
(b) both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) you are a *special professional in the income year;
(ii) your *assessable professional income in the base year exceeded the amount of so much of your deductions in that year that are reasonably related to that income.
Note: This section may apply to you if you are a multi‑rate trustee. See section 45‑468.
How and when you become such a payer
(2) You become such a payer just before the end of the *starting instalment quarter if subsection (1) is satisfied.
How and when you stop being such a payer
(3) You stop being a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if you fail to satisfy subsection (1) at the end of that quarter.
(4) In addition, you stop being such a payer at the start of the first *instalment quarter in the next income year if:
(a) at the end of that quarter, you become:
(i) a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income; or
(ii) an *annual payer; or
(b) at the end of the first *instalment month of that quarter, you become a *monthly payer.
Subdivision 45‑DA—Monthly payers
Table of sections
45‑136 Monthly payer
45‑138 Monthly payer requirement
(1) You are a monthly payer at a time if:
(a) you were a monthly payer immediately before that time; or
(b) if paragraph (a) does not apply—you satisfy the requirement in subsection 45‑138(1) for the income year in which that time occurs.
Note: If paragraph (b) applies, see subsection (3) for the time at which you become a monthly payer.
(2) The starting instalment month in an income year (the current year) is:
(a) if the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during an *instalment month in the current year—the next instalment month in the current year; or
(b) if the Commissioner has given you an instalment rate during a previous income year and your instalment rate has not been withdrawn—the first instalment month in the current year.
How and when you become such a payer
(3) Despite subsection (1), if paragraph (1)(b) applies, you become a *monthly payer just before the end of the *starting instalment month in the income year.
How and when you stop being such a payer
(4) Despite subsection (1), you stop being a *monthly payer at the start of the first *instalment month in a later income year if:
(a) you do not satisfy the requirement in subsection 45‑138(1) for that later income year; and
(b) you give the Commissioner a notice (the MP stop notice) in the *approved form for that later income year before the start of that later income year.
45‑138 Monthly payer requirement
(1) You satisfy the requirement in this subsection for an income year if at the start of your *MPR test day for that income year, your base assessment instalment income (within the meaning of section 45‑320) for the *base year equals or exceeds:
(a) $20 million; or
(b) if regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph specify a different amount—that amount.
(2) However, you do not satisfy the requirement in subsection (1) for an income year if, at the start of your *MPR test day for that income year:
(a) you have (or, if you are a *member of a *GST group, the *representative member of the GST group has) an obligation to give the Commissioner a *GST return for a quarterly *tax period; and
(b) you are not the *head company of a *consolidated group nor the *provisional head company of a *MEC group; and
(c) your base assessment instalment income (within the meaning of section 45‑320) for the *base year is less than $100 million.
(3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), at the start of an entity’s *MPR test day:
(a) determine the amount of the entity’s base assessment instalment income (within the meaning of section 45‑320) for the *base year only on the basis of the information provided by the Commissioner to the entity before that start of that day; and
(b) in determining on that day whether an entity has an obligation mentioned in paragraph (2)(a), disregard any creation or removal of such an obligation after that day (even if that change is made retrospective to that day).
(4) An entity’s MPR test day for an income year is:
(a) if the Commissioner gives the entity an instalment rate for the first time during an *instalment month in the income year—the last day of that month; or
(b) otherwise—the first day of the third last month of the previous income year.
(5) Subsection (6) applies if, disregarding that subsection, an entity does not satisfy the requirement in subsection (1) for an income year.
(6) For the purposes of this section, in determining the entity’s base assessment instalment income (within the meaning of section 45‑320) for the *base year:
(a) disregard subsection 45‑120(2C); and
(b) disregard paragraph (3)(a) of this section, to the extent that that paragraph relates to the operation of subsection 45‑120(2C).
(7) If, because of subsection (6), the entity satisfies the requirement in subsection (1) for an income year, the entity must give the Commissioner a notice in the *approved form in respect of that income year before:
(a) if the *starting instalment month in the income year is determined under paragraph 45‑136(2)(a)—the end of that starting instalment month; or
(b) if the starting instalment month in the income year is determined under paragraph 45‑136(2)(b)—the start of that starting instalment month.
Subdivision 45‑E—Annual payers
Table of sections
When you start and stop being an annual payer
45‑140 Choosing to pay annual instalments
45‑145 Meaning of instalment group
45‑150 Entity stops being annual payer if involved with GST registration or instalment group
45‑155 Entity stops being annual payer if notional tax is $8,000 or more, or entity chooses to pay quarterly
45‑160 Head company of a consolidated group stops being annual payer
When you start and stop being an annual payer
45‑140 Choosing to pay annual instalments
(1) You may choose to pay instalments annually instead of quarterly if, at the end of the *starting instalment quarter, you satisfy the following conditions:
(a) you are neither registered, nor *required to be registered, under Part 2‑5 of the *GST Act; and
(b) you are not a partner in a partnership that is registered, or required to be registered, under that Part; and
(c) your most recent *notional tax notified by the Commissioner is less than $8,000; and
(d) in the case of a company—the company is not a *participant in a *GST joint venture under Division 51 of that Act; and
(e) in the case of a company—the company is not part of an *instalment group.
Note: You cannot choose to be an annual payer while you are the head company of a consolidated group to which Subdivision 45‑Q applies: see section 45‑720.
(1A) You may also choose at a time (subject to subsection (2)) to pay instalments annually instead of quarterly if at that time either:
(a) an *annual tax period election of yours has effect and, if you are a partner in one or more partnerships that are registered under Part 2‑5 of the *GST Act, an annual tax period election of each of those partnerships has effect; or
(b) all of the following subparagraphs apply:
(i) you are neither registered, nor *required to be registered, under Part 2‑5 of the GST Act;
(ii) you are a partner in one or more partnerships that are registered under that Part;
(iii) an annual tax period election of each of those partnerships has effect;
and at the end of the *starting instalment quarter, you satisfy the following conditions:
(c) you are not a partner in a partnership that is required to be registered under Part 2‑5 of the GST Act;
(d) your most recent *notional tax notified by the Commissioner is less than $8,000;
(e) in the case of a company—the company is not a *participant in a *GST joint venture under Division 51 of that Act;
(f) in the case of a company—the company is not part of an *instalment group.
Note: You cannot choose to be an annual payer while you are the head company of a consolidated group to which Subdivision 45‑Q applies: see section 45‑720.
(2) You must make the choice under subsection (1) or (1A) by notifying the Commissioner, in the *approved form, on or before the day on which that instalment would otherwise be due.
(3) You become an annual payer just before the end of the *starting instalment quarter if:
(a) you satisfy the conditions in subsection (1) or (1A); and
(b) you choose to pay instalment annually.
45‑145 Meaning of instalment group
(1) An instalment group consists of:
(a) a company:
(i) that has *majority control of at least one other company; but
(ii) of which no other company has *majority control; and
(b) any other company of which the first‑mentioned company has *majority control.
(2) A company has majority control of another company if, and only if:
(a) the first company is in a position to cast, or control the casting of, more than 50% of the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the other company; or
(b) the first company has the power to appoint or remove the majority of the directors of the other company; or
(c) the other company is, or a majority of its directors are, accustomed or under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act according to the directions, instructions or wishes of the first company.
45‑150 Entity stops being annual payer if involved with GST registration or instalment group
(1) You stop being an *annual payer if, during an *instalment quarter that is in an income year that starts after the commencement of this section:
(a) you become *required to be registered under Part 2‑5 of the *GST Act; or
(b) you become a partner in a partnership that is required to be registered under that Part; or
(c) a partnership in which you are a partner becomes required to be registered under that Part; or
(d) in the case of a company—the company becomes a *participant in a *GST joint venture under Division 51 of that Act; or
(e) in the case of a company—the company becomes part of an *instalment group; or
(f) an *annual tax period election of yours, or of a partnership in which you are a partner, ceases to have effect.
(2) If you stop being an *annual payer under subsection (1):
(a) you must still pay an annual instalment for the income year mentioned in that subsection; and
(b) you must pay an instalment for each instalment quarter in the next income year for which subsection 45‑50(1) or (2) requires you to do so.
(3) You may again become an *annual payer if:
(a) after you stop being an *annual payer under subsection (1), you satisfy the conditions in subsection 45‑140(1) or (1A); and
(b) you again choose under section 45‑140 to pay instalments annually.
(1) You stop being an *annual payer at the start of the first *instalment quarter in an income year (the current year) if:
(a) after the end of the first instalment quarter in the previous income year and before the end of the first instalment quarter in the current year, the Commissioner notifies you of your *notional tax, and it is $8,000 or more; or
(b) you choose to pay instalments quarterly instead of annually.
(1A) You must make the choice by notifying the Commissioner, in the *approved form, on or before the day on which the instalment for the first *instalment quarter for the current year would otherwise be due (disregarding subsection 45‑112(3)).
(2) You must pay an instalment for the first *instalment quarter of the next income year, and later instalment quarters, in accordance with Subdivision 45‑B.
(3) You must still pay an annual instalment for the previous income year referred to in subsection (1).
(4) You may again become an *annual payer at the end of the first *instalment quarter in a later income year if:
(a) at that time, you satisfy the conditions in subsection 45‑140(1) or in paragraphs 45‑140(1A)(c), (d), (e) and (f); and
(b) you again choose under section 45‑140 to pay annually.
45‑160 Head company of a consolidated group stops being annual payer
(1) You stop being an *annual payer at the start of an *instalment quarter if Subdivision 45‑Q starts applying to you as the *head company of a *consolidated group during that quarter.
(2) You must pay an instalment for that *instalment quarter and later instalment quarters in accordance with Subdivision 45‑B.
(3) You may again become an *annual payer if:
(a) after you stop being an *annual payer under subsection (1), you satisfy the conditions in subsection 45‑140(1) or (1A); and
(b) you again choose under section 45‑140 to pay instalments annually.
Note: You cannot choose to be an annual payer while you are the head company of a consolidated group to which Subdivision 45‑Q applies: see section 45‑720.
Table of sections
45‑200 Application
45‑205 Choosing a varied instalment rate
45‑210 Notifying Commissioner of varied instalment rate
45‑215 Credit on using varied rate in certain cases
(1) This Subdivision applies if you are a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income at the end of an *instalment quarter.
(2) If you are a *monthly payer, this Subdivision has effect in relation to you in respect of an *instalment month in the same way in which it has effect in relation to a *quarterly payer in respect of an *instalment quarter.
45‑205 Choosing a varied instalment rate
(1) You may choose an instalment rate for working out under section 45‑110 the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year.
(2) If you do so, you must use that instalment rate to work out the amount of that instalment. (You cannot later choose another instalment rate for working out that amount.)
Note 1: If choosing a rate leads you to pay an instalment that is too low, you may be liable to general interest charge under section 45‑230.
Note 2: If you choose a rate under this section, you must use it even if the Commissioner later gives you a new instalment rate.
(3) You must also use that instalment rate to work out the amount of the instalment that you are liable to pay for each later *instalment quarter in that income year, unless you choose another instalment rate under subsection (1) for working out that amount.
Note 1: If you choose a rate under this section, you must use it even if the Commissioner later gives you a new instalment rate.
Note 2: If a rate you have chosen for an instalment quarter is not appropriate for a later instalment quarter in the same income year, you should choose another rate under subsection (1) for the later quarter. If the earlier rate is too low, you may be liable to general interest charge under section 45‑230.
(4) However, for working out under section 45‑110 the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in a later income year, you must use the most recent instalment rate given to you by the Commissioner before the end of that quarter, unless you again choose another instalment rate under subsection (1).
(5) Subsection (6) applies if you are a monthly payer.
(6) Treat the references in subsections (1) and (4) to section 45‑110 as instead being references to section 45‑114.
45‑210 Notifying Commissioner of varied instalment rate
If you work out the amount of an instalment using an instalment rate you have chosen under section 45‑205, you must specify that rate in the notice about your instalment income that you must give the Commissioner under section 45‑20.
45‑215 Credit on using varied rate in certain cases
(1) You are entitled to claim a credit if:
(a) the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter (the current quarter) in an income year is to be worked out using an instalment rate you chose under section 45‑205; and
(b) that rate is lower than the instalment rate you used to work out the amount of your instalment for the previous instalment quarter (if any) in the same income year; and
(c) the amount worked out using the method statement is greater than nil.
Method statement
Step 1. Add up the instalments you are liable to pay for the earlier *instalment quarters in the income year (even if you have not yet paid all of them).
Step 2. Subtract from the step 1 amount each earlier credit that you have claimed under this section or section 45‑420 in respect of the income year.
Step 3. Multiply the total of your *instalment income for those earlier *instalment quarters by the instalment rate to be used for the current quarter.
Step 4. Subtract the step 3 amount from the step 2 amount.
Step 5. If the result is a positive amount, it is the amount of the credit you can claim.
(2) A claim for a credit must be made in the *approved form on or before the day on which the instalment for the current quarter is due.
Note: How the credit is applied is set out in Division 3 of Part IIB.
(3) The credit entitlement does not affect your liability to pay an instalment.
Subdivision 45‑G—General interest charge payable in certain cases if instalments are too low
Table of sections
45‑225 Effect of Subdivision in relation to monthly payers
45‑230 Liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment worked out on the basis of varied rate
45‑232 Liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment worked out on the basis of estimated benchmark tax
45‑233 Reduction in GIC liability under section 45‑232 if shortfall is made up in later instalment
45‑235 Liability to GIC on shortfall in annual instalment
45‑240 Commissioner may remit general interest charge
45‑225 Effect of Subdivision in relation to monthly payers
If you are a *monthly payer, this Subdivision has effect in relation to you in respect of an *instalment month in the same way in which it has effect in relation to a *quarterly payer in respect of an *instalment quarter.
45‑230 Liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment worked out on the basis of varied rate
(1) You are liable to pay the *general interest charge under this section if:
(a) you use an instalment rate (the varied rate) under section 45‑205 to work out the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter (the variation quarter) in an income year; and
(b) the varied rate is less than 85% of your *benchmark instalment rate for that income year that the Commissioner works out under Subdivision 45‑K.
(2) You are liable to pay the *general interest charge on the amount worked out as follows:
rate discrepancy means the difference between the varied rate and the lesser of:
(a) the most recent instalment rate given to you by the Commissioner before the end of the variation quarter; and
(b) your *benchmark instalment rate for that income year.
credit adjustment means:
(a) if, as a result of using the varied rate for the variation quarter, you claimed a credit under section 45‑215—the amount worked out as follows:
or the amount of the credit, whichever is less; and
(b) otherwise—nil.
(2A) If the variation quarter is in a *consolidation transitional year for you as a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group, a reference in subsection (2) to:
(a) your *instalment income for the variation quarter; or
(b) your instalment income for the earlier instalment quarters in the income year;
is taken to be a reference to so much of that income as is reasonably attributable to the period in that quarter or those quarters (as appropriate) during which you are not a subsidiary member of the group.
(3) You are liable to pay the charge for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the instalment for the variation quarter was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day on which your assessed tax for the income year is due to be paid.
(4) The Commissioner must give you written notice of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (2). You must pay the charge within 14 days after the notice is given to you.
(5) If any of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (2) remains unpaid at the end of the 14 days referred to in subsection (4), you are also liable to pay the *general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) starts at the end of those 14 days; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day on which, at the end of the day, any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the unpaid amount;
(ii) general interest charge on the unpaid amount.
(1) You are liable to pay the *general interest charge under this section if:
(a) the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter (the variation quarter) in an income year is worked out under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c) on the basis of your estimate of your *benchmark tax for that income year; and
(b) the estimate used is less than 85% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365).
Amount on which the charge is payable
(2) You are liable to pay the *general interest charge on the amount worked out as follows (if it is a positive amount):
acceptable amount, of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year, has the meaning given by subsections (3), (3A), (3B), (3C) and (3D).
actual amount means:
(a) the amount of your instalment, as worked out on the basis of the estimate; or
(b) if, as a result of using the estimate, you claimed a credit under section 45‑420 for the variation quarter—the amount of the credit, expressed as a negative amount.
(3) If you are a *quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax, the acceptable amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter is:
(a) if the amount of the instalment is worked out under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c)—the amount worked out using the table in this subsection (which can be a negative amount); or
(b) otherwise—the amount notified to you by the Commissioner under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter.
Acceptable amount of an instalment | ||
Item | If the *instalment quarter is: | The acceptable amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter is: |
1 | the first in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter; and (b) 25% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
2 | the second in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner would have notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter if the amounts of all your instalments for that income year had been required to be worked out under Subdivision 45‑L; and (b) the amount worked out by subtracting: • the *acceptable amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that income year; from: • 50% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
3 | the third in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner would have notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter if the amounts of all your instalments for that income year had been required to be worked out under Subdivision 45‑L; and (b) the amount worked out by subtracting: • the total of the *acceptable amounts of your instalments for the earlier instalment quarters in that income year; from: • 75% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
4 | the fourth in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner would have notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter if the amounts of all your instalments for that income year had been required to be worked out under Subdivision 45‑L; and (b) the amount worked out by subtracting: • the total of the *acceptable amounts of your instalments for the earlier instalment quarters in that income year; from: • 100% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
(3A) Subject to subsections (3B), (3C) and (3D), if you are a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax, the acceptable amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year is:
(a) if the amount of the instalment is worked out under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c)—the amount worked out using the table in this subsection (which can be a negative amount); or
(b) otherwise—the amount notified to you by the Commissioner under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter.
Acceptable amount of an instalment | ||
Item | If the *instalment quarter is: | The acceptable amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter is: |
1 | the third *instalment quarter in that income year | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter; and (b) 75% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
2 | the fourth *instalment quarter in that income year | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner would have notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter if the amounts of all your instalments for that income year had been required to be worked out under Subdivision 45‑L; and (b) the amount worked out by subtracting: • the *acceptable amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that income year; from: • 100% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
(3B) If:
(a) you are a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax; and
(b) the Commissioner first gives you an instalment rate during the second *instalment quarter in an income year;
the acceptable amount of your instalment for an instalment quarter in that income year is:
(c) if the amount of the instalment is worked out under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c)—the amount worked out using the table in this subsection (which can be a negative amount); or
(d) otherwise—the amount notified to you by the Commissioner under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter.
Acceptable amount of an instalment | ||
Item | If the *instalment quarter is: | The acceptable amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter is: |
1 | the third *instalment quarter in that income year | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter; and (b) 50% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
2 | the fourth *instalment quarter in that income year | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner would have notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter if the amounts of all your instalments for that income year had been required to be worked out under Subdivision 45‑L; and (b) the amount worked out by subtracting: • the *acceptable amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that income year; from: • 75% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
(3C) If:
(a) you are a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax; and
(b) the Commissioner first gives you an instalment rate during the third *instalment quarter in an income year;
the acceptable amount of your instalment for an instalment quarter in that income year is:
(c) if the amount of the instalment is worked out under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c)—the amount worked out using the table in this subsection (which can be a negative amount); or
(d) otherwise—the amount notified to you by the Commissioner under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter.
Acceptable amount of an instalment | ||
Item | If the *instalment quarter is: | The acceptable amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter is: |
1 | the third *instalment quarter in that income year | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter; and (b) 25% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
2 | the fourth *instalment quarter in that income year | the lower of: (a) the amount that the Commissioner would have notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter if the amounts of all your instalments for that income year had been required to be worked out under Subdivision 45‑L; and (b) the amount worked out by subtracting: • the *acceptable amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that income year; from: • 50% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365). |
(3D) If:
(a) you are a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax; and
(b) the Commissioner first gives you an instalment rate during the fourth *instalment quarter in an income year;
the acceptable amount of your instalment for an instalment quarter in that income year is the lower of the following amounts:
(c) the amount that the Commissioner notified to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) as the amount of your instalment for that instalment quarter;
(d) 25% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365).
Period for which the charge is payable
(4) You are liable to pay the charge for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the instalment for the variation quarter was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day on which your assessed tax for the income year is due to be paid.
Commissioner to notify you
(5) The Commissioner must give you written notice of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (2). You must pay the charge within 14 days after the notice is given to you.
Further charge if charge under subsection (2) remains unpaid
(6) If any of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (2) remains unpaid at the end of the 14 days referred to in subsection (5), you are also liable to pay the *general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) starts at the end of those 14 days; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day on which, at the end of the day, any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the unpaid amount;
(ii) general interest charge on the unpaid amount.
Modifications for subsidiary member of consolidated group
(7) Subsections (1) to (6) apply to you with the modifications set out in subsections (8) to (10) if the variation quarter is in a *consolidation transitional year for you as a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group.
(8) For the purposes of subsection (7), a reference in subsection (1), (3), (3A), (3B), (3C) and (3D) to your *benchmark tax for that year is taken to be a reference to the amount worked out as follows:
(9) For the purposes of subsection (7), a reference in this section to:
(a) the acceptable amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year; or
(b) the acceptable amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in an income year; or
(c) the acceptable amounts of your instalments for the earlier instalment quarters in an income year;
is taken to be a reference to so much of the acceptable amount of instalment or acceptable amounts of instalments, worked out under subsection (3), (3A), (3B), (3C) or (3D) for that quarter or those quarters (as appropriate), as is reasonably attributable to the period in that quarter or those quarters (as appropriate) during which you are not a *subsidiary member of the group.
(10) For the purposes of subsection (7), a reference to the actual amount in subsection (2) is taken to be a reference to so much of the actual amount worked out under that subsection as is reasonably attributable to the period in the variation quarter during which you are not a *subsidiary member of the group.
45‑233 Reduction in GIC liability under section 45‑232 if shortfall is made up in later instalment
(1) This section reduces the amount (the shortfall) on which you are liable to pay the *general interest charge under subsection 45‑232(2) if, for a later *instalment quarter (the later quarter) that is in the same income year as the variation quarter, the amount worked out as follows is a negative amount:
That amount (expressed as a positive number) is called the top up.
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
actual amount of your instalment for the later quarter means:
(a) the amount of your instalment for the later quarter, as worked out under section 45‑112; or
(b) if you claimed a credit under section 45‑420 for the later quarter—the amount of the credit, expressed as a negative amount.
Amount of the reduction
(3) The shortfall is reduced by applying so much of the top up as does not exceed the shortfall.
(4) However, if some of the top up has already been applied (under any other application or applications of this section) to reduce the amount on which you are liable to pay the *general interest charge under subsection 45‑232(2) as it applies to a different *instalment quarter, the shortfall is reduced by applying so much of the top up as has not already been applied, and does not exceed the shortfall.
Period for which reduction has effect
(5) The reduction has effect for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the instalment for the later quarter was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day on which your assessed tax for the income year is due to be paid.
45‑235 Liability to GIC on shortfall in annual instalment
(1) You are liable to pay the *general interest charge under this section if:
(a) you choose to estimate the amount of your instalment (the estimated instalment amount) for an income year under paragraph 45‑115(1)(c) or former paragraph 45‑175(1)(b); and
(b) that amount is less than 85% of your *benchmark tax for the income year (which the Commissioner works out under section 45‑365).
(2) If you estimated the amount of the instalment under former paragraph 45‑175(1)(b), you are liable to pay the *general interest charge on the difference between the estimated instalment amount and the lower of the following amounts:
(a) your most recent *notional tax notified by the Commissioner at least 30 days before the day on which the instalment was due;
(b) your *benchmark tax for the income year.
(3) If you estimated the amount of the instalment under paragraph 45‑115(1)(c), you are liable to pay the *general interest charge on the difference between the estimated instalment amount and the lowest of the following amounts:
(a) the amount of your instalment worked out using the most recent instalment rate given to you by the Commissioner before the end of the income year;
(b) your most recent *notional tax notified by the Commissioner before the end of the income year under subsection 45‑320(5);
(c) your *benchmark tax for the income year.
(4) You are liable to pay the charge for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the instalment for the income year was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day on which your assessed tax for the income year is due to be paid.
(5) The Commissioner must give you written notice of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (2) or (3). You must pay the charge within 14 days after the notice is given to you.
(6) If any of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (2) or (3) remains unpaid at the end of the 14 days referred to in subsection (5), you are also liable to pay the *general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) starts at the end of those 14 days; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day on which, at the end of the day, any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the unpaid amount;
(ii) general interest charge on the unpaid amount.
45‑240 Commissioner may remit general interest charge
The Commissioner may, if he or she is satisfied that because special circumstances exist it would be fair and reasonable to do so, remit the whole or any part of any *general interest charge payable under subsection 45‑230(2) or 45‑232(2) or subsection 45‑235(2) or (3).
Subdivision 45‑H—Partnership income
45‑260 Instalment income for a period in which you are in a partnership
(1) Your instalment income for a period (the current period) includes an amount for each partnership in which you are a partner at any time during the current period. The amount is worked out using the formula:
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
your assessable income from the partnership for the last income year means so much of your individual interest in the partnership’s net income for an income year as was included by section 92 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 in your assessable income for the most recent income year:
(a) that ended before the start of the current period; and
(b) for which you have an assessment, or for which the Commissioner has notified you that you do not have a taxable income.
(3) However, if for any reason the component defined in subsection (2) does not exist or is a nil amount, or the partnership had no *instalment income for that income year, your instalment income for the current period includes, for that partnership, an amount that is fair and reasonable having regard to:
(a) the extent of your interest in the partnership during the current period; and
(b) the partnership’s *instalment income for the current period; and
(c) any other relevant circumstances.
Exception for corporate limited partnerships
(4) Your instalment income for the current period does not include an amount for a partnership that is a *corporate limited partnership for the income year that is or includes that period.
Note: Your instalment income will still include a distribution by the partnership that is ordinary income. See section 45‑120.
Subdivision 45‑I—Trust income included in instalment income of beneficiary
Table of sections
45‑280 Instalment income for a period in which you are a beneficiary of a trust
45‑285 Instalment income includes distributions by certain resident unit trusts
45‑286 Instalment income includes distributions by certain managed investment trusts
45‑287 When trusts are disqualified due to concentrated ownership
45‑288 Resident investment trusts for beneficiaries who are absolutely entitled
45‑290 Exceptions to exclusion of trust capital gains from beneficiary’s instalment income
45‑280 Instalment income for a period in which you are a beneficiary of a trust
(1) Your instalment income for a period (the current period) includes an amount for each trust of which you are a beneficiary at any time during the current period. The amount is worked out using the formula:
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
your assessable income from the trust for the last income year means so much of a share of the trust’s net income for an income year as:
(a) Division 6 of Part III of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 included in your assessable income for the most recent income year:
(i) that ended before the start of the current period; and
(ii) for which you have an assessment, or for which the Commissioner has notified you that you do not have a taxable income; and
(b) is not attributable to a *capital gain made by the trust.
Note: For exceptions to paragraph (b), see section 45‑290.
(3) However, if for any reason the component defined in subsection (2) does not exist or is a nil amount, or the trust had no *instalment income for that income year, your instalment income for the current period includes, for that trust, an amount that is fair and reasonable having regard to:
(a) the extent of your interest in the trust, and your interest in the income of the trust, during the current period; and
(b) the trust’s *instalment income for the current period; and
(c) any other relevant circumstances.
Exception for corporate unit trusts and public trading trusts
(4) Your instalment income for the current period does not include an amount for a trust if the trustee is liable to be assessed, and to pay tax, under section 102S of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 for the income year that is or includes that period.
Note: Your instalment income will still include a distribution by the trust that is ordinary income. See section 45‑120.
Exception for certain resident unit trusts
(5) Your instalment income for the current period does not include an amount for a trust under subsection (1) if the conditions in either subsection 45‑285(1) or (2) are satisfied for you for that trust for that period.
Note: Your instalment income will instead include a distribution by the trust: see section 45‑285.
Exception for trusts whose beneficiary is absolutely entitled
(6) Your instalment income for the current period does not include an amount for a trust under subsection (1) if, throughout the current period:
(a) the trustee of the trust did not have any active duties to perform in the management of the trust (other than the duty to deal with the trust income and capital in accordance with any requests made or directions given by the beneficiary or beneficiaries); and
(b) if there was only one beneficiary, the beneficiary:
(i) was absolutely entitled to the trust assets; and
(ii) had a vested and indefeasible interest in any trust income arising from time to time; and
(c) if there was more than one beneficiary, each beneficiary:
(i) was absolutely entitled to that beneficiary’s interest in the trust assets; and
(ii) had a vested and indefeasible interest in a proportion of any trust income arising from time to time, being a proportion that corresponded to the beneficiary’s proportional interest in the trust capital.
Instead, your instalment income for the current period includes the following amount:
45‑285 Instalment income includes distributions by certain resident unit trusts
(1) Your instalment income for a period includes trust income or trust capital that a unit trust distributes to you, or applies for your benefit, during that period if:
(a) the unit trust is a resident unit trust (within the meaning of section 102Q of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) for the income year of the trust that is or includes that period; and
(b) throughout that period:
(i) any of the units in the trust were listed for quotation in the official list of a stock exchange in Australia or elsewhere; or
(ii) any of the units in the trust were offered to the public; or
(iii) the units in the trust were held by at least 50 persons; and
(c) section 45‑287 in this Schedule did not apply to the trust at any time during that period; and
(d) throughout that period, the trust’s activities consisted only of activities listed in the definition of eligible investment business in section 102M of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
(It does not matter whether the trust income or trust capital is included in your assessable income for the income year that is or includes that period.)
(2) Your instalment income for a period also includes trust income or trust capital that a unit trust distributes to you, or applies for your benefit, during that period if:
(a) the income or capital is not included in your instalment income under subsection (1); and
(b) the unit trust is a resident unit trust (within the meaning of section 102Q of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) for the income year of the trust that is or includes that period; and
(c) throughout that period, the trust’s activities consisted only of activities listed in the definition of eligible investment business in section 102M of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936; and
(d) throughout that period, either:
(i) you are yourself the trustee of a unit trust that satisfies each of paragraphs (1)(a) to (d) of this section; or
(ii) you are yourself the trustee of one or more trusts covered by section 45‑288; or
(iii) you are exempt from tax; or
(iv) you are a *complying superannuation entity or a statutory fund of a *life insurance company.
(It does not matter whether the trust income or trust capital is included in your assessable income for the income year that is or includes that period.)
Extension—nominee and bare trust situations
(3) In determining, for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(b)(iii), how many persons hold units in a unit trust, if:
(a) another trust (the holding trust) is a unit holder in the unit trust; and
(b) the holding trust is a trust of the kind covered by subsection 45‑280(6); and
(c) the beneficiary’s or beneficiaries’ absolute entitlement exists at all times while the holding trust is in existence;
the beneficiary or beneficiaries count as persons who hold units in the unit trust, and the trustee of the holding trust does not.
45‑286 Instalment income includes distributions by certain managed investment trusts
Your instalment income for a period includes trust income or trust capital that a trust distributes to you, or applies for your benefit, during that period if:
(a) the income or capital is not included in your instalment income under section 45‑280 or 45‑285; and
(b) the trust satisfies the condition in paragraph 275‑10(3)(a) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation to the income year that is or includes that period; and
(c) the trust is a *managed investment trust for that income year; and
(d) the trust meets the requirement in section 275‑110 of that Act throughout the income year.
(It does not matter whether the trust income or trust capital is included in your assessable income for the income year that is or includes that period.)
45‑287 When trusts are disqualified due to concentrated ownership
Concentrated ownership
(1) This section applies to a trust if an individual holds, or up to 20 individuals hold between them directly or indirectly and for their own benefit, interests in the trust:
(a) carrying *fixed entitlements to:
(i) at least 75% of the trust’s income; or
(ii) at least 75% of the trust’s capital; or
(b) if beneficiaries of the trust have a right to vote in respect of activities of the trust—carrying at least 75% of those voting rights.
Single individual
(2) Subsection (1) operates as if all of these were a single individual:
(a) an individual, whether or not the individual holds interests in the trust; and
(b) the individual’s *associates; and
(c) for any interests in respect of which other individuals are nominees of the individual or of the individual’s associates—those other individuals.
Concentrated ownership—potential due to possible variation of rights etc.
(3) This section also applies to a trust if, because of:
(a) any provision in the trust’s constituent document, or in any contract, agreement or instrument:
(i) authorising the variation or abrogation of rights attaching to any of the interests in the trust; or
(ii) relating to the conversion, cancellation, extinguishment or redemption of any of those interests; or
(b) any contract, *arrangement, option or instrument under which a person has power to acquire any of those interests; or
(c) any power, authority or discretion in a person in relation to the rights attaching to any of those interests;
it is reasonable to conclude that the rights attaching to any of the interests are capable of being varied or abrogated in such a way (even if they are not in fact varied or abrogated in that way) that, directly or indirectly, the trust would be disqualified under subsection (1).
(4) In applying this section:
(a) if a *complying superannuation fund, *approved deposit fund or *superannuation fund for foreign residents has more than 50 members and has, directly or indirectly, a *fixed entitlement to any of the trust’s income or capital—that entitlement is taken to be held by more than 20 individuals for their own benefit; and
(b) if a complying superannuation fund, approved deposit fund or superannuation fund for foreign residents has 50 or fewer members and has, directly or indirectly, a fixed entitlement to any of the trust’s income or capital—each of the members is taken to have a share of that entitlement, in equal proportions, for his or her own benefit.
45‑288 Resident investment trusts for beneficiaries who are absolutely entitled
This section covers a trust if:
(a) the trust is a resident unit trust within the meaning of section 102Q of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936; and
(b) the trust is of the kind covered by subsection 45‑280(6) in this Schedule; and
(c) the requests or directions that beneficiaries may give the trustee are limited to requests or directions as to which of the activities listed in the definition of eligible investment business in section 102M of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 the trustee should engage in; and
(d) all of the trust’s beneficiaries became beneficiaries as a result of a public offer to invest in the trust; and
(e) either:
(i) the trust has 50 or more beneficiaries; or
(ii) if the trustee of the trust is also the trustee of one or more other trusts that satisfy paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this section—all those trusts together have a total of 50 or more beneficiaries.
45‑290 Exceptions to exclusion of trust capital gains from beneficiary’s instalment income
(1) This section sets out cases where paragraph (b) of the definition of your assessable income from the trust for the last income year in subsection 45‑280(2) does not apply.
(2) It does not apply in the case of:
(a) a *complying approved deposit fund or a *non‑complying approved deposit fund for the income year that is or includes the current period; or
(b) a *complying superannuation fund or a *non‑complying superannuation fund for that year; or
(c) a *pooled superannuation trust for that year.
(3) It does not apply in the case of a *life insurance company to the extent that the share of the trust’s net income is included in the *complying superannuation class of its taxable income for the income year that is or includes the current period.
Subdivision 45‑J—How Commissioner works out your instalment rate and notional tax
Table of sections
45‑320 Working out instalment rate
45‑325 Working out your notional tax
45‑330 Working out your adjusted taxable income
45‑335 Working out your adjusted withholding income
45‑340 Adjusted tax on adjusted taxable income or on adjusted withholding income
45‑320 Working out instalment rate
(1) Except as provided by section 45‑775, an instalment rate that the Commissioner gives you must be the percentage worked out to 2 decimal places (rounding up if the third decimal place is 5 or more) using the formula:
However, the instalment rate must be a nil rate if either component of the formula is nil.
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
base assessment instalment income means so much of your assessable income, as worked out for the purposes of the *base assessment, as the Commissioner determines is *instalment income for the *base year.
(3) The base assessment is the latest assessment for your most recent income year for which an assessment has been made. However, if the Commissioner is satisfied that there is a later income year for which you do not have a taxable income, the base assessment is the latest return or other information from which an assessment for that income year would have been made.
(4) The base year is the income year to which the *base assessment relates.
(5) When the Commissioner gives you the instalment rate, he or she must also notify you of the amount of your *notional tax, as worked out for the purposes of working out the instalment rate.
45‑325 Working out your notional tax
Notional tax if you have no withholding income
(1) Your notional tax is your *adjusted tax (worked out under section 45‑340) on your *adjusted taxable income (worked out under section 45‑330) for the *base year.
Notional tax if you have no‑TFN contributions income
(1A) In working out the notional tax of a *complying superannuation fund, *non‑complying superannuation fund or *RSA provider for the *base year, assume that the entity had no *no‑TFN contributions income for the base year and that the entity was not entitled to a *tax offset for the base year under Subdivision 295‑J of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Notional tax if you have withholding income
(2) However, your notional tax (as worked out under subsection (1)) is reduced if your assessable income for the *base assessment includes amounts in respect of *withholding payments (except *non‑quotation withholding payments).
(3) It is reduced (but not below nil) by your *adjusted tax (worked out under section 45‑340) on your *adjusted withholding income (worked out under section 45‑335) for the *base year.
Commissioner may take into account effect of the law, as applying to income years after base year
(4) For the purposes of working out your *notional tax, the Commissioner may work out an amount as if provisions of an Act or regulations, as they may reasonably be expected to apply for the purposes of your assessment for a later income year, had applied for the purposes of the *base assessment.
Commissioner may take into account proposed changes to the law so as to reduce instalment rate
(5) For the purposes of working out your *notional tax, the Commissioner may work out an amount as if provisions of an Act or regulations that, in the Commissioner’s opinion, are likely to be enacted or made had applied for the purposes of the *base assessment. But the Commissioner may do so only if, as a result, the instalment rate given to you is reduced.
(6) If the *base year is the income year immediately preceding the income year in which 1 July 2000 occurred, subsections (4) and (5) apply for the purpose of working out the *base assessment instalment income of a *life insurance company in the same way as they apply for the purpose of working out such a company’s *notional tax.
45‑330 Working out your adjusted taxable income
(1) Your adjusted taxable income for the *base year is your total assessable income for the *base assessment, reduced by:
(a) any *net capital gain included in that assessable income; and
(b) your deductions for the base year (except *tax losses), as used in making that assessment; and
(c) the amount of any tax loss, to the extent that it is *unutilised at the end of the base year.
Exception: superannuation entities and net capital gains
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply in the case of:
(a) a *complying approved deposit fund or a *non‑complying approved deposit fund for the *base year; or
(b) a *complying superannuation fund or a *non‑complying superannuation fund for that year; or
(c) a *pooled superannuation trust for that year.
Special rule for some entities
(2A) If an entity:
(a) has *tax losses transferred to it under Subdivision 707‑A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or
(b) is a *corporate tax entity at any time during the *base year;
the adjusted taxable income of the entity for the base year is worked out under subsection (1) as if paragraph (1)(c) were replaced by the following provision:
(c) the lesser of the following amounts:
(i) the amount of any tax loss, to the extent that it is *unutilised at the end of the base year;
(ii) the amount of the deductions for tax losses used in making your *base assessment.
Amounts assessable under Subdivision 250‑E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
(2AA) To avoid doubt, paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to a *net capital gain that is included in your assessable income under Subdivision 250‑E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Special rule for life insurance companies
(3) The adjusted taxable income of a *life insurance company for the *base year is worked out as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. Recalculate the taxable income of the *ordinary class for the *base assessment on the basis that it did not include any *net capital gain.
Step 2. Add to the step 1 result the deductions for *tax losses of the *ordinary class that were used in making the *base assessment.
Step 3. Reduce the step 2 result by the lesser of the following amounts:
(a) the amount of any *tax losses of the *ordinary class, to the extent that they are *unutilised at the end of the *base year;
(b) deductions for tax losses of the ordinary class that were used in making the *base assessment.
Step 4. Add to the step 3 result the taxable income of the *complying superannuation class for the *base assessment.
Step 5. Add to the step 4 result the deductions for *tax losses of the *complying superannuation class that were used in making the *base assessment.
Step 6. Reduce the step 5 result by the lesser of the following amounts:
(a) the amount of any *tax losses of the *complying superannuation class, to the extent that they are *unutilised at the end of the *base year;
(b) deductions for tax losses of the complying superannuation class that were used in making the *base assessment.
The result of this step is the adjusted taxable income of the company for the *base year.
45‑335 Working out your adjusted withholding income
Your adjusted withholding income for the *base year is:
• the total of the amounts included in your assessable income for the *base assessment in respect of *withholding payments (except *non‑quotation withholding payments);
reduced by:
• your deductions for that year, as used in making that assessment, to the extent that they reasonably relate to those amounts.
45‑340 Adjusted tax on adjusted taxable income or on adjusted withholding income
Your adjusted tax on your *adjusted taxable income, or on your *adjusted withholding income, for the *base year is worked out as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. The income tax payable on your *adjusted taxable income, or on your *adjusted withholding income, for the *base year is worked out disregarding any *tax offset under:
(aa) section 61‑110 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the Low Income tax offset); or
(a) Subdivision 61‑G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the private health insurance tax offset); or
(da) Subdivision 61‑L of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (tax offset for Medicare levy surcharge (lump sum payments in arrears)); or
(db) Division 160 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the corporate loss carry back tax offset for 2020‑21, 2021‑22 or 2022‑23 for businesses with turnover under $5 billion); or
(e) section 205‑70 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the tax offset for *franking deficit tax liabilities); or
(g) section 290‑230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the tax offset for superannuation contributions made for a spouse); or
(ga) Subdivision 360‑A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the tax offset for early stage investors in innovation companies); or
(h) Subdivision 418‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the junior minerals exploration incentive tax offset).
Step 2. The *Medicare levy payable on your *adjusted taxable income, or on your *adjusted withholding income, for the *base year is worked out disregarding sections 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F and 8G of the Medicare Levy Act 1986 (which increase Medicare levy in certain cases).
Step 3. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the *base year in respect of an *accumulated HELP debt if your taxable income for the base year had been your *adjusted taxable income, or your *adjusted withholding income, for that year is worked out.
Step 3AAA. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the *base year in respect of an *accumulated VETSL debt if your taxable income for the base year had been your *adjusted taxable income, or your *adjusted withholding income, for that year is worked out.
Step 3AA. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the *base year in respect of an *accumulated SSL debt if your taxable income for the base year had been your *adjusted taxable income, or your *adjusted withholding income, for that year is worked out.
Step 3AB. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the *base year in respect of an *accumulated ABSTUDY SSL debt if your taxable income for the base year had been your *adjusted taxable income, or your *adjusted withholding income, for that year is worked out.
Step 3AC. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the *base year in respect of an *accumulated AASL debt if your taxable income for the base year had been your *adjusted taxable income, or your *adjusted withholding income, for that year is worked out.
Step 3A. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the *base year by way of an *FS assessment debt if your taxable income for the base year had been your *adjusted taxable income, or your *adjusted withholding income, for that year is worked out.
Step 4. The results of steps 1, 2, 3, 3AAA, 3AA, 3AB, 3AC and 3A are added together. The result is your adjusted tax on your *adjusted taxable income, or on your *adjusted withholding income.
Subdivision 45‑K—How Commissioner works out your benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
Table of sections
45‑355 When Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
45‑360 How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate
45‑365 Working out your benchmark tax
45‑370 Working out your adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year
45‑375 Adjusted assessed tax on adjusted assessed taxable income
45‑355 When Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
(1) The Commissioner may work out your *benchmark instalment rate for an income year (the variation year) if, under section 45‑205, you choose an instalment rate to work out the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in that year.
(1A) The Commissioner may work out your *benchmark tax for an income year (the variation year) if, under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c), the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year is worked out on the basis of your estimate of your *benchmark tax for that income year.
(2) The Commissioner may work out your *benchmark tax for an income year (the variation year) if, under paragraph 45‑115(1)(c), you estimate the amount of your annual instalment for that year.
45‑360 How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate
(1) Your benchmark instalment rate for the variation year is the percentage worked out to 2 decimal places (rounding up if the third decimal place is 5 or more) using the formula:
However, your benchmark instalment rate is a nil rate if either component of the formula is nil.
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
variation year instalment income means so much of your assessable income for the variation year as the Commissioner determines is *instalment income for that year.
45‑365 Working out your benchmark tax
Benchmark tax if you had no withholding income
(1) Your benchmark tax is your *adjusted assessed tax (worked out under section 45‑375) on your *adjusted assessed taxable income (worked out under section 45‑370) for the variation year.
Benchmark tax if you have no‑TFN contributions income
(1A) In working out the benchmark tax of a *complying superannuation fund, *non‑complying superannuation fund or *RSA provider for the variation year, assume that the entity had no *no‑TFN contributions income for the variation year and that the entity was not entitled to a *tax offset for the variation year under Subdivision 295‑J of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Benchmark tax if you had withholding income
(2) However, your benchmark tax (as worked out under subsection (1)) is reduced if your assessable income for the variation year includes amounts in respect of *withholding payments.
(3) It is reduced (but not below nil) by the sum of:
(a) the total amount of the credits to which you are entitled for the variation year under section 18‑15 (for amounts withheld from withholding payments made to you during the variation year); and
(b) the total amount of the credits to which you are entitled for the variation year under section 18‑27 (for amounts paid under Division 13 in respect of amounts included in your assessable income under section 86‑15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997).
45‑370 Working out your adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year
(1) Your adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year is your taxable income for the year, reduced by any *net capital gain included in your assessable income for the year.
Exception: superannuation entities and net capital gains
(2) In working out the adjusted assessed taxable income, taxable income is not reduced by any *net capital gain in the case of:
(a) a *complying approved deposit fund or a *non‑complying approved deposit fund for the variation year; or
(b) a *complying superannuation fund or a *non‑complying superannuation fund for the variation year; or
(c) a *pooled superannuation trust for the variation year.
Special rule for life insurance companies
(3) The adjusted assessed taxable income of a *life insurance company for the variation year is worked out as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. Recalculate the *ordinary class of the taxable income for the variation year on the basis that the assessable income that relates to the class did not include any *net capital gain.
Step 2. Add to the step 1 result the *complying superannuation class of the taxable income for the variation year.
45‑375 Adjusted assessed tax on adjusted assessed taxable income
Your adjusted assessed tax on your *adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year is worked out as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. The income tax payable on your *adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year is worked out disregarding any *tax offset under:
(aa) section 61‑110 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the Low Income tax offset); or
(a) Subdivision 61‑G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the private health insurance tax offset); or
(ca) Subdivision 61‑L of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (tax offset for Medicare levy surcharge (lump sum payments in arrears)); or
(d) section 205‑70 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the tax offset for *franking deficit tax liabilities); or
(f) section 290‑230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the tax offset for superannuation contributions made for a spouse); or
(fa) Subdivision 360‑A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the tax offset for early stage investors in innovation companies); or
(g) Subdivision 418‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (the junior minerals exploration incentive tax offset).
Step 2. The *Medicare levy payable on your *adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year is worked out disregarding sections 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F and 8G of the Medicare Levy Act 1986 (which increase Medicare levy in certain cases).
Step 3. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the variation year in respect of an *accumulated HELP debt if your taxable income for that year had been your *adjusted assessed taxable income for that year is worked out.
Step 3AAA. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the variation year in respect of an *accumulated VETSL debt if your taxable income for that year had been your *adjusted assessed taxable income for that year is worked out.
Step 3AA. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the variation year in respect of an *accumulated SSL debt if your taxable income for that year had been your *adjusted assessed taxable income for that year is worked out.
Step 3AB. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the variation year in respect of an *accumulated ABSTUDY SSL debt if your taxable income for that year had been your *adjusted assessed taxable income for that year is worked out.
Step 3AC. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the variation year in respect of an *accumulated AASL debt if your taxable income for that year had been your *adjusted assessed taxable income for that year is worked out.
Step 3A. The amount (if any) that you would have been liable to pay for the variation year by way of an *FS assessment debt if your taxable income for that year had been your *adjusted assessed taxable income for that year is worked out.
Step 4. The results of steps 1, 2, 3, 3AAA, 3AA, 3AB, 3AC and 3A are added together. The result is your adjusted assessed tax on your *adjusted assessed taxable income for the variation year.
Table of sections
45‑400 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 4 quarterly instalments
45‑402 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 2 quarterly instalments
45‑405 Working out your GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑400 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 4 quarterly instalments
(1) This section applies if you are a *quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the end of an *instalment quarter in an income year (the current year).
Working out amount of instalment
(2) The amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter which the Commissioner must work out and notify to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) is:
(a) the amount worked out in accordance with the table if it is positive; or
(b) otherwise—nil.
Amount of quarterly instalment worked out on basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax | ||
Item | If the instalment quarter is: | The amount of the instalment is: |
1 | the first in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | 25% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax |
2 | the second in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | 50% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax, reduced by the amount of your instalment for the earlier *instalment quarter in that income year |
3 | the third in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | 75% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax, reduced by the total of your instalments for earlier *instalment quarters in that income year |
4 | the fourth in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment | 100% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax, reduced by the total of your instalments for earlier *instalment quarters in that income year |
Note: Your instalments for earlier instalment quarters may have been worked out on a basis other than GDP‑adjusted notional tax.
Amount reduced in circumstances specified by regulations
(3) In the circumstances (if any) specified by the regulations, the amount worked out in accordance with the table in subsection (2) is reduced by the amount worked out under the regulations.
(4) Without limiting subsection (3), the regulations may specify circumstances by:
(a) specifying the particular *instalment quarter to which the reduction applies; or
(b) specifying the kind of payers to whom the reduction applies.
(5) In working out, under subsection (2), the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year, assume that there had not been any reductions under subsection (3) for earlier instalment quarters in that year.
45‑402 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 2 quarterly instalments
(1) This section applies if you are a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the end of an *instalment quarter in an income year (the current year).
(2) If you are liable to pay an instalment for that *instalment quarter, the amount of that instalment which the Commissioner must work out and notify to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a) is:
(a) the amount worked out in accordance with this section if it is positive; or
(b) otherwise—nil.
Amount of instalment
(3) Subject to subsections (4) to (6), the amount of that instalment is worked out in accordance with the following table:
Amount of quarterly instalment | ||
Item | If the *instalment quarter is: | the amount of the instalment is: |
1 | the third *instalment quarter in the income year | 75% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax |
2 | the fourth *instalment quarter in the income year | 100% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax, reduced by your instalment for earlier instalment quarter in that income year |
You receive instalment rate for the first time in second quarter
(4) If the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during the second *instalment quarter in that income year, the amount of the instalment is worked out in accordance with the following table:
Amount of quarterly instalment | ||
Item | If the *instalment quarter is: | the amount of the instalment is: |
1 | the third *instalment quarter in the income year | 50% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax |
2 | the fourth *instalment quarter in the income year | 75% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax, reduced by your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that income year |
You receive instalment rate for the first time in third quarter
(5) If the Commissioner first gives you an instalment rate during the third *instalment quarter in that income year, the amount of the instalment is worked out in accordance with the following table:
Amount of quarterly instalment | ||
Item | If the *instalment quarter is: | the amount of the instalment is: |
1 | the third *instalment quarter in the income year | 25% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax |
2 | the fourth *instalment quarter in the income year | 50% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax, reduced by your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that income year |
You receive instalment rate for the first time in fourth quarter
(6) If the Commissioner first gives you an instalment rate during the fourth *instalment quarter in that income year, the amount of the instalment must be equal to 25% of your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax.
45‑405 Working out your GDP‑adjusted notional tax
(1) Except as provided by section 45‑775, your GDP‑adjusted notional tax is worked out in the same way as your *notional tax would be worked out for the purposes of working out an instalment rate if that instalment rate were to be given to you at the same time as notice of the amount of the instalment referred to in section 45‑400 or 45‑402 (as appropriate).
(2) However, for the purposes of subsection (1):
(a) your *adjusted taxable income for the *base year; and
(b) your *adjusted withholding income (if any) for the *base year;
are each increased in accordance with the formula:
(3) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (2):
original amount means the amount that, apart from subsection (2), would be your *adjusted taxable income for the *base year, or your *adjusted withholding income for the *base year, as appropriate.
GDP adjustment means:
(a) the percentage (rounded to the nearest whole number, rounding down a number ending in .5) worked out using the following formula; or
(b) if the percentage worked out using the formula is negative—0%:
(4) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (3):
sum of GDP amounts (current year) means the sum of the *GDP amounts, for the *quarters in the last calendar year (the later calendar year) ending at least 3 months before the start of the current year, specified in the document referred to in subsection (6).
sum of GDP amounts (previous year) means the sum of the *GDP amounts, for the *quarters in the calendar year (the earlier calendar year) before the later calendar year, specified in the document referred to in subsection (6).
(5) The GDP amount for a *quarter is the amount published by the Australian Statistician as the original gross domestic product at current prices for that quarter.
(6) The GDP adjustment must be worked out on the basis of the first document that:
(a) is published by the Australian Statistician after the end of the later calendar year; and
(b) sets out the *GDP amounts for all the *quarters in both the later calendar year and the earlier calendar year.
(7) To avoid doubt, subsections 45‑325(4) and (5) also have effect for the purposes of working out your *GDP‑adjusted notional tax.
Nil GDP adjustment for 2020‑21 income year
(8) Despite subsections (3) and (6), if the current year is the 2020‑21 income year, then for the purposes of the formula in subsection (2) the GDP adjustment is 0%.
Note: This subsection will be repealed on 1 July 2025: see Part 2 of Schedule 5 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2020 Measures No. 3) Act 2020.
Reduced GDP adjustment for 2022‑23 income year
(9) Despite subsections (3) and (6), if the current year is the 2022‑23 income year, then for the purposes of the formula in subsection (2) the GDP adjustment is 2%.
Note: This subsection will be repealed on 1 July 2027: see Part 2 of Schedule 5 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Cost of Living Support and Other Measures) Act 2022.
Reduced GDP adjustment for 2023‑24 income year
(10) Despite subsections (3) and (6), if the current year is the 2023‑24 income year, then for the purposes of the formula in subsection (2) the GDP adjustment is 6%.
Note: This subsection will be repealed on 1 July 2028: see Part 2 of Schedule 4 to the Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Measures No. 2) Act 2023.
Table of sections
45‑410 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 4 quarterly instalments
45‑412 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 2 quarterly instalments
45‑415 Estimating your benchmark tax
45‑420 Credit in certain cases where amount of instalment is nil
45‑410 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 4 quarterly instalments
(1A) This section applies if you are a *quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the end of an *instalment quarter in an income year (the current year).
(1) For the purposes of paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c), the amount of your instalment for that *instalment quarter in an income year is:
(a) the amount worked out, in accordance with this section, on the basis of the estimate of your *benchmark tax for that income year that section 45‑415 requires to be used, if that amount is positive; or
(b) otherwise—nil.
Note: If the amount is negative, you can claim a credit under section 45‑420.
First instalment quarter
(2) If the *instalment quarter is the first in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment, the amount is 25% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
Second instalment quarter
(3) If the *instalment quarter is the second in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment, the amount is worked out by subtracting:
• the amount of your instalment under section 45‑112 for the earlier *instalment quarter in that income year;
• 50% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
Third instalment quarter
(4) If the *instalment quarter is the third in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment, the amount is worked out using this method statement.
Method statement
Step 1. The total of your instalments under section 45‑112 for earlier *instalment quarters in that income year is subtracted from 75% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
Step 2. If you were entitled to claim a credit under section 45‑420 for the second of those earlier *instalment quarters, the amount of the credit is added to the step 1 amount.
Fourth instalment quarter
(5) If the *instalment quarter is the fourth in that income year for which you are liable to pay an instalment, the amount is worked out using this method statement.
Method statement
Step 1. The total of your instalments under section 45‑112 for earlier *instalment quarters in that income year is subtracted from the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
Step 2. For each credit that you were entitled to claim under section 45‑420 for any of those earlier *instalment quarters, the amount of the credit is added to the step 1 amount.
45‑412 Working out amount of instalment—payers of 2 quarterly instalments
(1) This section applies if you are a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the end of an *instalment quarter in an income year.
(2) If you are liable to pay an instalment for that quarter, the amount of that instalment for the purposes of paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c) is:
(a) the amount worked out, in accordance with this section, on the basis of the estimate of your *benchmark tax for that income year that section 45‑415 requires to be used, if that amount is positive; or
(b) otherwise—nil.
Note: If the amount is negative, you can claim a credit under section 45‑420.
Instalment for third quarter
(3) Subject to subsections (5) to (9), the amount of the instalment for the third *instalment quarter in that year is 75% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
Instalment for fourth quarter
(4) Subject to subsections (5) to (9), the amount of the instalment for the fourth *instalment quarter in that year is worked out by subtracting:
(a) the amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that year;
(b) the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
You receive instalment rate for the first time in second quarter
(5) If the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during the second *instalment quarter in the income year, the amount of the instalment for the third *instalment quarter in that year is 50% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
(6) If the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during the second *instalment quarter in the income year, the amount of the instalment for the fourth instalment quarter in that year is worked out by subtracting:
(a) the amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that year;
(b) 75% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
You receive instalment rate for the first time in third quarter
(7) If the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during the third *instalment quarter in the income year, the amount of the instalment for the third instalment quarter in that year is 25% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
(8) If the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during the third *instalment quarter in the income year, the amount of the instalment for the fourth instalment quarter in that year is worked out by subtracting:
(a) the amount of your instalment for the earlier instalment quarter in that year;
(b) 50% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
You receive instalment rate for the first time in fourth quarter
(9) If the Commissioner gives you an instalment rate for the first time during the fourth *instalment quarter in the income year, the amount of the instalment for that quarter is 25% of the estimate of your *benchmark tax.
45‑415 Estimating your benchmark tax
(1) If you choose under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) to work out the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year on the basis of your estimate of your *benchmark tax for that income year, you must make the estimate on or before the day on which the instalment is due (disregarding subsection 45‑112(3)).
(2) Having done so, you must use that estimate to work out the amount of that instalment. (You cannot later make another estimate for working out that amount.)
Note: If your estimate leads you to pay an instalment that is too low, you may be liable to general interest charge under section 45‑232.
(3) The Commissioner must also use that estimate to work out under this Subdivision the amount of each instalment:
(a) that you are liable to pay for a later *instalment quarter in that income year; and
(b) whose amount he or she must notify to you under paragraph 45‑112(1)(c);
unless a later application of this subsection requires him or her to use a later estimate you make under subsection (1) of this section.
Note: This means that if an estimate you have made is not appropriate for a later instalment quarter in the same income year, you should choose under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) to work out the amount of your instalment for that later quarter on the basis of a new estimate under this section. If the instalment that the Commissioner works out on the basis of the earlier estimate is too low, you may be liable to general interest charge under section 45‑232.
45‑420 Credit in certain cases where amount of instalment is nil
(1) You are entitled to claim a credit if the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter (the current quarter) in an income year is nil because the amount worked out for the current quarter in accordance with section 45‑410 or 45‑412 (as appropriate) is negative. The amount of the credit is equal to that amount, expressed as a positive amount.
(2) A claim for a credit must be made in the *approved form on or before the day on which the instalment for the current quarter is due.
Note: How the credit is applied is set out in Division 3 of Part IIB.
Subdivision 45‑N—How this Part applies to the trustee of a trust
Table of sections
Trustees to whom this Part applies
45‑450 Trustees to whom a single instalment rate is given
45‑455 Trustees to whom several instalment rates are given
45‑460 Rest of Subdivision applies only to multi‑rate trustees
45‑465 Meaning of instalment income
45‑468 Multi‑rate trustee may pay quarterly instalments
How Commissioner works out instalment rate and notional tax for a multi‑rate trustee
45‑470 Working out instalment rate
45‑473 Commissioner must notify you of notional tax
45‑475 Working out your notional tax
45‑480 Working out your adjusted taxable income
45‑483 Meaning of reduced beneficiary’s share and reduced no beneficiary’s share
45‑485 Working out your adjusted withholding income
How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax for a multi‑rate trustee
45‑525 When Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
45‑530 How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate
45‑535 Working out your benchmark tax
Trustees to whom this Part applies
45‑450 Trustees to whom a single instalment rate is given
(1) This Part applies to a trustee covered by any of items 4 to 8, and 12 and 13, of the table in section 9‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(2) Such a trustee is called a single‑rate trustee.
(3) This Part applies to the trustee of a trust that is a *public trading trust, for an income year as if the trustee had a taxable income for the income year equal to the net income of the trust for the income year.
45‑455 Trustees to whom several instalment rates are given
Trustee previously assessed in respect of beneficiary
(1) This Part also applies for an income year (the current year), to the trustee of a trust, in respect of a beneficiary of the trust, if for a previous income year the trustee of the trust was liable to be assessed, and to pay tax, under subsection 98(1) or (2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 in respect of that beneficiary.
(2) However, this Part does not apply for the current year to the trustee in respect of that beneficiary if:
(a) for that previous income year the trustee was liable to be assessed, and to pay tax, under subsection 98(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 in respect of that beneficiary; and
(b) that beneficiary will no longer be under a legal disability, or it is reasonable to expect that he or she will no longer be under a legal disability, at the end of the current year.
Trustee previously assessed under section 99 or 99A
(3) This Part also applies for an income year to the trustee of a trust if for a previous income year the trustee was liable to be assessed, and to pay tax, under section 99 or 99A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
Multiple applications of this Part to the same trustee for the same income year
(4) The application of this Part for an income year, to the trustee of a trust, in respect of a beneficiary of the trust, because of subsection (1), is distinct from, and additional to, each of the following:
(a) the application of this Part for that income year, to the trustee of the trust, in respect of another beneficiary;
(b) the application of this Part for that income year, to the trustee of the trust, because of subsection (3);
(c) the application of this Part for that income year to a beneficiary of the trust.
(5) The application of this Part for an income year, to the trustee of a trust, because of subsection (3), is distinct from, and additional to, each of the following:
(a) the application of this Part for that income year, to the trustee of the trust, in respect of a beneficiary of the trust, because of subsection (1);
(b) the application of this Part for that income year to a beneficiary of the trust.
(6) A multi‑rate trustee is a trustee to whom this Part applies because of this section.
45‑460 Rest of Subdivision applies only to multi‑rate trustees
The rest of this Subdivision applies to you if, and only if, you are a *multi‑rate trustee. (It applies instead of Subdivisions 45‑J and 45‑K.)
Note: Except as provided in the rest of this Subdivision or elsewhere, this Part applies according to its terms to a multi‑rate trustee. For example, a multi‑rate trustee can become an annual payer under Subdivision 45‑E.
45‑465 Meaning of instalment income
Your instalment income for a period is the whole of the trust’s *instalment income for that period.
45‑468 Multi‑rate trustee may pay quarterly instalments
Subdivision 45‑D (about quarterly payers) applies to you in the same way as it applies to an individual.
Note: This means that a multi‑rate trustee may pay instalments on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax if the trustee otherwise satisfies the relevant test that applies to an individual.
How Commissioner works out instalment rate and notional tax for a multi‑rate trustee
45‑470 Working out instalment rate
(1) An instalment rate that the Commissioner gives you must be the percentage worked out to 2 decimal places (rounding up if the third decimal place is 5 or more) using the formula:
However, the instalment rate must be a nil rate if either component of the formula is nil.
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
base assessment instalment income means so much of the assessable income of the trust, as worked out for the purposes of the *base assessment, as the Commissioner determines is *instalment income of the trust for the *base year.
(3) The base assessment is the latest assessment for the most recent income year for which an assessment has been made of the tax payable by you:
(a) under subsection 98(1) or (2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 in respect of the same beneficiary; or
(b) under section 99 or 99A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936;
as appropriate.
(4) However, if the Commissioner is satisfied that there is a later income year for which no tax is payable as mentioned in subsection (3), the base assessment is the latest return or other information from which an assessment of tax so payable for that income year would have been made.
(5) The base year is the income year to which the *base assessment relates.
45‑473 Commissioner must notify you of notional tax
When the Commissioner gives you the instalment rate, he or she must also notify you of the amount of your *notional tax, as worked out for the purposes of working out the instalment rate.
45‑475 Working out your notional tax
Notional tax if no withholding income
(1) Your notional tax is your *adjusted tax (worked out under section 45‑340) on your *adjusted taxable income (worked out under section 45‑480) for the *base year.
Notional tax if trust has withholding income
(2) However, your notional tax (as worked out under subsection (1)) is reduced if the trust’s assessable income for the *base assessment includes amounts in respect of *withholding payments (except *non‑quotation withholding payments).
(3) It is reduced (but not below nil) by your *adjusted tax (worked out under section 45‑340) on your *adjusted withholding income (worked out under section 45‑485) for the *base year.
Commissioner may take into account actual and proposed changes to the law
(4) Subsections 45‑325(4) and (5) apply for the purposes of working out your *notional tax under this section.
45‑480 Working out your adjusted taxable income
(1) Your adjusted taxable income for the *base year is worked out using the formula:
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
adjusted net income of the trust means the net income of the trust, as worked out for the purposes of the *base assessment and:
(a) reduced by any *net capital gain included in the trust’s assessable income as so worked out; and
(b) increased by any deductions for *tax losses that were made in so working out that net income; and
(c) reduced by the amount of any tax loss, to the extent that it is *unutilised at the end of the *base year.
reduced net income of the trust means the net income of the trust, as worked out for the purposes of the *base assessment and reduced by any *net capital gain included in the trust’s assessable income as so worked out.
relevant share means the *reduced beneficiary’s share, or the *reduced no beneficiary’s share, as appropriate, of the net income of the trust, as worked out for the purposes of the *base assessment.
45‑483 Meaning of reduced beneficiary’s share and reduced no beneficiary’s share
(1) If the trustee of a trust is liable to be assessed, and to pay tax, for an income year under subsection 98(1) or (2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 in respect of a particular beneficiary, the reduced beneficiary’s share of the net income is the amount on which the trustee is so liable to be assessed and to pay tax, except so much of that amount as is attributable to a *net capital gain included in the trust’s assessable income for that income year.
(2) If the trustee of a trust is liable to be assessed, and to pay tax, for an income year under section 99 or 99A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the reduced no beneficiary’s share of the net income is the amount on which the trustee is so liable to be assessed and to pay tax, except so much of that amount as is attributable to a *capital gain made by the trust during that income year.
45‑485 Working out your adjusted withholding income
(1) Your adjusted withholding income for the *base year is worked out using the formula:
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
net withholding income of the trust means:
• the total of the amounts included in the trust’s assessable income for the *base assessment in respect of *withholding payments (except *non‑quotation withholding payments);
reduced by:
• the trust’s deductions for that year, as used in making that assessment, to the extent that they reasonably relate to those amounts.
reduced net income of the trust has the meaning given by subsection 45‑480(2).
relevant share has the meaning given by subsection 45‑480(2).
How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax for a multi‑rate trustee
45‑525 When Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate and benchmark tax
(1) The Commissioner may work out your *benchmark instalment rate for an income year (the variation year) if, under section 45‑205, you choose an instalment rate to work out the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in that year.
(2) The Commissioner may work out your *benchmark tax for an income year (the variation year) if, under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c), the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in an income year is worked out on the basis of your estimate of your *benchmark tax for that income year.
(3) The Commissioner may work out your *benchmark tax for an income year (the variation year) if, under paragraph 45‑115(1)(c), you estimate the amount of your annual instalment for that year.
45‑530 How Commissioner works out benchmark instalment rate
(1) Your benchmark instalment rate for the variation year is the percentage worked out to 2 decimal places (rounding up if the third decimal place is 5 or more) using the formula:
However, your benchmark instalment rate is a nil rate if either component of the formula is nil.
(2) For the purposes of the formula in subsection (1):
variation year instalment income means so much of the trust’s assessable income for the variation year as the Commissioner determines is *instalment income for that year.
45‑535 Working out your benchmark tax
Benchmark tax if no withholding income
(1) Your benchmark tax is your *adjusted assessed tax (worked out under section 45‑375) on the *reduced beneficiary’s share, or the *reduced no beneficiary’s share, as appropriate, of the net income of the trust for the variation year.
Benchmark tax if you had withholding income
(2) However, your benchmark tax (as worked out under subsection (1)) is reduced if the trust’s assessable income for the variation year includes amounts in respect of *withholding payments.
(3) It is reduced (but not below nil) by the total amount of the credits to which you are entitled for the variation year under section 18‑25 (for amounts withheld from the withholding payments).
Subdivision 45‑P—Anti‑avoidance rules
Table of sections
45‑595 Object of this Subdivision
45‑597 Effect of Subdivision in relation to instalment months
45‑600 General interest charge on tax benefit relating to instalments
45‑605 When do you get a tax benefit from a scheme?
45‑610 What is your tax position for an income year?
45‑615 What is your hypothetical tax position for an income year?
45‑620 Amount on which GIC is payable, and period for which it is payable
45‑625 Credit if you also got a tax detriment from the scheme
45‑630 When do you get a tax detriment from a scheme?
45‑635 No tax benefit or detriment results from choice for which income tax law expressly provides
45‑640 Commissioner may remit general interest charge in special cases
45‑595 Object of this Subdivision
(1) The object of this Subdivision is to penalise an entity whose *tax position, so far as it relates to *PAYG instalments (and related credits and *general interest charge), is altered by a *scheme that is inconsistent with:
(a) the purposes and objects of this Part ; or
(b) the purposes and objects of any relevant provisions of this Part;
(whether those purposes and objects are stated expressly or not).
(2) This Subdivision is not intended to apply to a straightforward use of structural features of this Part if that use is consistent with the purposes and objects mentioned in subsection (1).
(3) This Subdivision is to be interpreted and applied accordingly.
45‑597 Effect of Subdivision in relation to instalment months
This Subdivision has effect in relation to an *instalment month in the same way in which it has effect in relation to an *instalment quarter.
45‑600 General interest charge on tax benefit relating to instalments
(1) You are liable to pay the *general interest charge under section 45‑620 if:
(a) you get a *tax benefit from a *scheme; and
(b) the tax benefit relates to a *component of your *tax position for an income year, and that component is covered by section 45‑610; and
(c) having regard to the matters referred to in subsection (3), it would be concluded that an entity that entered into or carried out the scheme (or part of it) did so for the sole or dominant purpose of:
(i) an entity (whether you, that entity or another entity) getting one or more tax benefits from the scheme; or
(ii) 2 or more entities (whether or not including you or that entity) each getting one or more tax benefits from the scheme.
(2) It does not matter:
(a) whether or not you entered into or carried out the *scheme (or part of it); or
(b) whether the entity that entered into or carried out the scheme (or part of it) did so alone or together with one or more others; or
(c) whether the scheme (or any part of it) was entered into or carried out inside or outside Australia; or
(d) whether or not the *tax benefit you got is of the same kind as a tax benefit mentioned in paragraph (1)(c).
Matters to be considered in determining purpose of scheme
(3) In considering an entity’s purpose in entering into or carrying out a *scheme (or part of one), have regard to these matters:
(a) the manner in which the scheme or part was entered into or carried out;
(b) the form and substance of the scheme, including:
(i) the legal rights and obligations involved in the scheme; and
(ii) the economic and commercial substance of the scheme;
(c) the purposes and objects of this Part and of any relevant provisions of this Part (whether those purposes and objects are stated expressly or not);
(d) the timing of the scheme;
(e) the period over which the scheme was entered into and carried out;
(f) the effect that this Act would have in relation to the scheme apart from this Subdivision;
(g) any change in your financial position that has resulted from the scheme, or may reasonably be expected to result from it;
(h) any change that has resulted from the scheme, or may reasonably be expected to result from it, in the financial position of an entity that has or had a connection or dealing with you, whether the connection or dealing is or was of a family, business or other nature;
(i) any other consequence for you, or for such an entity, of the scheme having been entered into or carried out;
(j) the nature of the connection between you and such an entity, including the question whether the dealing is or was at *arm’s length.
GIC is payable on each of 2 or more tax benefits
(4) If you get 2 or more *tax benefits from the *scheme, this section has a separate application to each of them.
45‑605 When do you get a tax benefit from a scheme?
(1) This section describes how to work out whether you get a tax benefit from a *scheme and, if so, the amount of the tax benefit.
(2) First, determine your actual *tax position for an income year (apart from this Subdivision).
(3) Next, determine your *hypothetical tax position for the same income year (apart from this Subdivision).
(4) Then compare each *component of the 2 positions. If the amount of that component of the actual *tax position is lower than the amount of that component of the *hypothetical tax position, the difference between the 2 amounts is a tax benefit that you get from the *scheme.
Note 1: The difference between the 2 amounts is not a tax benefit to the extent that it is attributable to certain things for which the income tax law expressly provides. See section 45‑635.
Note 2: An entity may get 2 or more tax benefits from the same scheme. One reason is that the scheme may affect 2 or more components of the entity’s tax position for an income year. Another reason is that the scheme may affect the tax position for 2 or more income years.
45‑610 What is your tax position for an income year?
Your tax position for an income year consists of a number of components. The table sets out each component, and how to work out the amount of the component.
Components of your tax position that relate to PAYG instalments and credits | ||
Item | Each of these is a component: | The amount of that component is: |
1 | Your instalment for each *instalment quarter in the income year is a quarterly instalment component. | The amount worked out as follows: (a) if you are liable to pay an instalment for that instalment quarter—the amount of the instalment; or (b) if for any reason you are not liable to pay an instalment for that instalment quarter—nil (even if you are an *annual payer or a *quarterly payer who pays 2 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax); or (c) if you are entitled to claim a credit for that instalment quarter under section 45‑420 (because the instalment for that quarter is to be worked out on the basis of your estimated benchmark tax)—the amount of the credit (expressed as a negative amount). |
2 | Your annual instalment for the income year is the annual instalment component. | The amount worked out as follows: (a) if you are liable to pay an annual instalment for the income year—the amount of the instalment; or (b) if for any reason you are not liable to pay an annual instalment for the income year—nil (even if you are a *quarterly payer). |
3 | A variation credit component is a credit arising under section 45‑215 because the amount of your instalment for an *instalment quarter in the income year is to be worked out using an instalment rate you chose under section 45‑205. | The amount worked out as follows: (a) if you are entitled to the credit—the amount of the credit (expressed as a negative amount); or (b) otherwise—nil. |
4 | A variation GIC component is the *general interest charge you are liable to pay under: (a) subsection 45‑230(2) (varied instalment rate); or (b) subsection 45‑232(2) (estimated benchmark tax); or (c) subsection 45‑235(2) or (3) (annual instalment); because of how your instalment for an *instalment quarter in the income year, or for the income year, was worked out. | The amount worked out as follows: (a) if you are liable to pay the charge—the amount of the charge; or (b) otherwise—nil. |
Example: A scheme results in X Pty Ltd being able to choose to be an annual payer for the 2000‑01 income year.
The following table shows the actual tax position of X Pty Ltd for that year, and also its hypothetical tax position as defined in section 45‑615. X Pty Ltd has got 4 tax benefits from the scheme: one for each of the 4 instalment quarters.
2000‑01 income year | ||
For this component: | The amount of that component of the actual tax position is: | The amount of that component of the hypothetical tax position is: |
Quarterly instalment component for first instalment quarter | nil | $3,000 |
Quarterly instalment component for second instalment quarter | nil | $4,000 |
Quarterly instalment component for third instalment quarter | nil | $3,000 |
Quarterly instalment component for fourth instalment quarter | nil | $2,000 |
Annual instalment component | $12,000 | nil |
45‑615 What is your hypothetical tax position for an income year?
Your hypothetical tax position for an income year is what would have been, or what could reasonably be expected to have been, your *tax position for the income year if the *scheme had not been entered into or carried out.
45‑620 Amount on which GIC is payable, and period for which it is payable
(1) You are liable to pay the *general interest charge on twice the *tax benefit mentioned in paragraph 45‑600(1)(a).
Note 1: To the extent that you also got a tax detriment from the scheme, you get a credit: see section 45‑625.
Note 2: In special circumstances the Commissioner can remit some or all of the general interest charge: see section 45‑640.
(2) You are liable to pay the charge for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which your instalment for the period mentioned in the applicable item of the table in section 45‑610 was due to be paid, or would have been due to be paid if you had been liable to pay an instalment for that period; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day on which your assessed tax for the income year is due to be paid.
(3) The Commissioner must give you written notice of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (1). You must pay the charge within 14 days after the notice is given to you.
(4) If any of the *general interest charge to which you are liable under subsection (1) remains unpaid at the end of the 14 days referred to in subsection (3), you are also liable to pay the general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) starts at the end of those 14 days; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day on which, at the end of the day, any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the unpaid amount;
(ii) general interest charge on the unpaid amount.
45‑625 Credit if you also got a tax detriment from the scheme
(1) You are entitled to a credit if:
(a) you are liable to pay *general interest charge under section 45‑620 because you got one or more *tax benefits from the *scheme; and
(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that:
(i) you got a *tax detriment from the scheme; and
(ii) the tax detriment relates to a *component of your *tax position for an income year, and that component is covered by section 45‑610.
(It does not matter whether that income year is the same as the one referred to in section 45‑600.)
Note: How the credit is applied is set out in Division 3 of Part IIB.
(2) The credit is equal to the *general interest charge on twice the amount of the *tax detriment for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which your instalment for the period mentioned in the item of the table in section 45‑610 that applies for the purposes of working out the amount of the tax detriment:
(i) was due to be paid; or
(ii) would have been due to be paid if you had been liable to pay an instalment for that period; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day on which your assessed tax for the income year is due to be paid.
(3) However, the credit cannot exceed the total *general interest charge you are liable to pay under section 45‑620 because you got one or more *tax benefits from the *scheme.
Credit for each of 2 or more tax detriments
(4) If you get 2 or more *tax detriments from the scheme, subsections (1) and (2) have a separate application to each of them. However, the total of the credits cannot exceed the total *general interest charge referred to in subsection (3).
45‑630 When do you get a tax detriment from a scheme?
(1) This section describes how to work out whether you get a tax detriment from a *scheme and, if so, the amount of the tax detriment.
(2) First, determine your actual *tax position for an income year (apart from this Subdivision).
(3) Next, determine your *hypothetical tax position for the same income year (apart from this Subdivision).
(4) Then compare each *component of the 2 positions. If the amount of that component of the actual *tax position is higher than the amount of that component of the *hypothetical tax position, the difference between the 2 amounts is a tax detriment that you get from the *scheme.
Example: In the fact situation in the example in section 45‑610, X Pty Ltd gets a tax detriment from the scheme for the annual instalment component of its tax position for the income year.
Note 1: The difference between the 2 amounts is not a tax detriment to the extent that it is attributable to certain things for which the income tax law expressly provides. See section 45‑635.
Note 2: An entity may get 2 or more tax detriments from the same scheme. One reason is that the scheme may affect 2 or more components of the entity’s tax position for an income year. Another reason is that the scheme may affect the tax position for 2 or more income years.
45‑635 No tax benefit or detriment results from choice for which income tax law expressly provides
Choice under the income tax law generally
(1) The difference between the 2 amounts referred to in subsection 45‑605(4) or 45‑630(4) is not a *tax benefit or *tax detriment if there would have been no difference between the 2 amounts but for one or more matters covered by subsection (3).
(2) The difference between the 2 amounts is not a *tax benefit or *tax detriment to the extent that the difference between the 2 amounts would have been less but for one or more matters covered by subsection (3).
(3) This subsection covers:
(a) an entity making an agreement, choice, declaration, election or selection; or
(b) an entity giving a notice or exercising an option;
for which this Act expressly provides. However, this subsection does not cover an entity doing such a thing under:
(c) Subdivision 126‑B (about CGT roll‑overs involving certain companies in the same wholly‑owned group) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or
(d) Subdivision 170‑B of that Act (about transferring a net capital loss between certain companies in the same wholly‑owned group).
Matters excluded in applying subsection (1) or (2)
(4) Subsection (1) or (2) does not apply to a matter covered by subsection (3) if an entity entered into or carried out the *scheme (or part of it) for the sole or dominant purpose of creating a circumstance or state of affairs whose existence is necessary for the entity referred to in subsection (3):
(a) to make the agreement, choice, declaration, election or selection; or
(b) to give the notice or exercise the option.
Choice under some CGT provisions
(5) The difference between the 2 amounts is not a *tax benefit or *tax detriment if:
(a) there would have been no difference between the 2 amounts but for one or more matters covered by subsection (7); and
(b) the *scheme consisted wholly of that matter or those matters.
(6) Also, the difference between the 2 amounts is not a *tax benefit or *tax detriment to the extent that the difference between the 2 amounts would have been less but for one or more matters covered by subsection (7), but only if the *scheme consisted wholly of that matter or those matters.
(7) This subsection covers:
(a) a choice made under Subdivision 126‑B (about CGT roll‑overs involving certain companies in the same wholly‑owned group) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or
(b) an agreement made under Subdivision 170‑B of that Act (about transferring a net capital loss between certain companies in the same wholly‑owned group);
45‑640 Commissioner may remit general interest charge in special cases
(1) The Commissioner may, if he or she is satisfied that because special circumstances exist it would be fair and reasonable to do so, remit the whole or any part of any *general interest charge payable under section 45‑620.
(2) If the Commissioner does so, section 45‑625 (about credits for tax detriments from schemes) applies, and is taken always to have applied, as if the remitted amount had never been payable.
Subdivision 45‑Q—General rules for consolidated groups
45‑700 What this Subdivision is about
This Subdivision allows the members of a consolidated group to be treated as a single entity for the purposes of Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments. Generally, the head company of the group is the entity liable to pay PAYG instalments.
The PAYG instalments provisions in this Part apply to the head company in much the same way as they apply to any other company. However, the operation of some of these provisions is modified by this Subdivision.
This Subdivision also contains special rules to deal with changes in the membership of the group.
Note 1: Subdivision 45‑R contains special rules that apply to members of a consolidated group before they are treated as a single entity for the purposes of this Part. It also contains special rules that affect the operation of this Subdivision (see sections 45‑880 and 45‑885).
Note 2: Subdivision 45‑S extends the operation of this Subdivision so that it can apply to members of a MEC group. It contains modifications of this Subdivision for the purposes of that extended operation.
Table of sections
Application of Subdivision
45‑703 Effect of this Subdivision and Subdivision 45‑R in relation to monthly payers
45‑705 Application of Subdivision to head company
Usual operation of this Part for consolidated group members
45‑710 Single entity rule
45‑715 When instalments are due—modification of section 45‑61
45‑720 Head company cannot be an annual payer—modification of section 45‑140
Membership changes
45‑740 Change of head company
45‑755 Entry rule (for an entity that becomes a subsidiary member of a consolidated group)
45‑760 Exit rule (for an entity that ceases to be a subsidiary member of a consolidated group)
45‑775 Commissioner’s power to work out different instalment rate or GDP‑adjusted notional tax
45‑703 Effect of this Subdivision and Subdivision 45‑R in relation to monthly payers
(1) If:
(a) a company is the *head company of a *consolidated group; and
(b) the company is a *monthly payer;
this Subdivision and Subdivision 45‑R have effect in relation to the company as the head company of the group in respect of an *instalment month in the same way in which they have effect in relation to a company that is a *quarterly payer as the head company of a consolidated group in respect of an *instalment quarter.
(2) If:
(a) an entity is a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group; and
(b) the entity is a *monthly payer;
this Subdivision and Subdivision 45‑R have effect in relation to the entity in respect of an *instalment month in the same way in which they have effect in relation to an entity that is a *quarterly payer in respect of an *instalment quarter.
(3) However, those effects are subject to any modifications set out in those Subdivisions.
Note: Subdivision 45‑S can also have effect in relation to a monthly payer because of the operation of this section and section 45‑910.
45‑705 Application of Subdivision to head company
Period during which Subdivision applies to head company
(1) Subject to sections 45‑880 and 45‑885, this Subdivision applies to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group during the period:
(a) starting at the start of the *instalment quarter of the company determined under subsection (2), (3) or (4); and
(b) ending:
(i) at the end of the instalment quarter of the company determined under paragraph (5)(a) or (b); or
(ii) just before the instalment quarter of the company determined under paragraph (5)(c) or (d).
When the period begins—initial head company instalment rate
(2) This Subdivision starts to apply to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group at the start of an *instalment quarter under this subsection if, during that quarter, the Commissioner gives the company (as that head company) the *initial head company instalment rate.
Note: The operation of this subsection may be affected by section 45‑885.
When the period begins—group created from MEC group
(3) This Subdivision starts to apply to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group at the start of an *instalment quarter (the starting quarter) under this subsection if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) the consolidated group is *created from a *MEC group during the starting quarter;
(b) the company is the head company of the consolidated group when the consolidated group is created from the MEC group;
(c) either of the following applies:
(i) this Subdivision applied, in accordance with Subdivision 45‑S, to the *provisional head company of the MEC group at the end of the previous instalment quarter;
(ii) the Commissioner gives the *initial head company instalment rate to the provisional head company of the MEC group during the starting quarter.
Note: For the application of this Subdivision to a provisional head company of a MEC group: see section 45‑915.
When the period begins—new head company
(4) This Subdivision starts to apply to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group at the start of an *instalment quarter (the starting quarter) under this subsection if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) the company is an interposed company mentioned in subsection 615‑30(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;
(b) the company chooses under that subsection that the consolidated group is to continue in existence at and after the completion time mentioned in that subsection;
(c) the completion time occurs during the starting quarter;
(d) one of the following subparagraphs applies:
(i) this Subdivision applied to the original entity mentioned in that subsection (as the head company of the consolidated group) at the end of the previous instalment quarter;
(ii) the Commissioner gives the *initial head company instalment rate to the original entity mentioned in that subsection (as the head company of the consolidated group) during the starting quarter;
(iii) the consolidated group is *created from a *MEC group during the starting quarter and this Subdivision applied to the *provisional head company of the MEC group at the end of the previous instalment quarter;
(iv) the consolidated group is created from a MEC group during the starting quarter and the Commissioner gives the initial head company instalment rate to the provisional head company of the MEC group during the starting quarter.
When the period begins—modified timing for head company that is monthly payer
(4A) Subsection (4B) applies if:
(a) apart from subsection (4B), this Subdivision starts to apply to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group at a particular time because of the operation of subsection (2), (3) or (4); and
(b) the company is a *monthly payer; and
(c) the Commissioner gave the *initial head company instalment rate as mentioned in subsection (2), subparagraph (3)(c)(ii), subparagraph (4)(d)(ii) or subparagraph (4)(d)(iv) in an *instalment month.
(4B) Treat subsection (2), (3) or (4) (as the case requires) as providing that this Subdivision starts to apply to the company as the *head company of the group at the start of the next *instalment month.
Note: For the application of this Subdivision to a monthly payer, see section 45‑703.
When the period ends
(5) This Subdivision stops applying to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group at the earliest of the following times after the company becomes the head company:
(a) the end of the *instalment quarter during which the consolidated group ceases to exist (other than because a *MEC group is *created from the consolidated group);
(b) the end of the instalment quarter during which the Commissioner is notified of the creation of a MEC group from the consolidated group if the MEC group is created during that instalment quarter;
(c) just before the instalment quarter during which the Commissioner is notified of the creation of a MEC group from the consolidated group if the MEC group was created before that instalment quarter;
(d) just before the instalment quarter that includes the completion time mentioned in subsection 615‑30(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 where an interposed company mentioned in that subsection chooses under that subsection that the consolidated group is to continue in existence.
Note: The operation of this subsection because of paragraph (a) may be affected by section 45‑880.
(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the Commissioner is notified of the creation of a *MEC group from a *consolidated group when the Commissioner receives a notice of the consolidation of the MEC group under subsection 719‑40(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(7) If this Subdivision stops applying to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group just before an *instalment quarter under paragraph (5)(c), then, for the purposes of this Part, this Act has effect for the company and other *members of the group as if:
(a) the consolidated group had continued to exist until just before the start of that quarter; and
(b) the company were the head company of the group until just before the start of that quarter.
(8) To avoid doubt, this Subdivision does not apply to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group for any time at all if:
(a) subsection (2), (3) or (4), and subsection (5), would, apart from this subsection, apply to the company; but
(b) the time at which this Subdivision would stop applying to the company under subsection (5) is before the time at which this Subdivision would start to apply to the company under subsection (2), (3) or (4).
(9) To avoid doubt, and apart from the operation of subsection (7), this Subdivision may apply to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group at a time when the company is not in fact the head company of the group.
Note: An example of this is when an interposed company becomes the new head company of a consolidated group. Under this section and section 45‑740, this Subdivision may start applying to the company as if it had already become the head company when it is not yet such a company.
Usual operation of this Part for consolidated group members
If an entity is a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group for any period during which this Subdivision applies to the *head company of the group:
(a) that entity; and
(b) any other subsidiary member of the group;
are taken for the purposes of this Part to be parts of that head company (rather than separate entities) during that period.
Note: That means, amongst other things, the head company would be liable to pay instalments for that period as if the subsidiary members were parts of the head company.
45‑715 When instalments are due—modification of section 45‑61
(1) If:
(a) the *head company of a *consolidated group is liable to pay an instalment for an *instalment quarter; and
(b) this Subdivision applies to the head company during that quarter;
then, despite subsection 45‑61(2), the instalment is due on or before the 21st day of the month after the end of that quarter whether or not the head company is a *deferred BAS payer on that day.
(2) Subsection (3) applies if section 45‑703 applies to the *head company of the *consolidated group (because it is a *monthly payer).
(3) Treat the reference in subsection (1) to subsection 45‑61(2) as instead being a reference to subsection 45‑67(2).
45‑720 Head company cannot be an annual payer—modification of section 45‑140
Despite any other provisions in this Part, the *head company of a *consolidated group cannot choose to be an *annual payer under section 45‑140 while this Subdivision applies to the head company.
Note: You stop being an annual payer when this Subdivision starts applying to you as the head company of a consolidated group: see section 45‑160.
(1) The object of this section (except subsection (8)) is to ensure that, for the purposes of this Part, when a company becomes the new *head company of a *consolidated group:
(a) the company inherits the history of the former head company of the group; and
(b) the history of the new head company is effectively ignored.
(2) This section applies to a *head company of a *consolidated group if:
(a) the company is an interposed company mentioned in subsection 45‑705(4) (an interposed company that chooses under subsection 615‑30(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 that the consolidated group is to continue in existence at and after the completion time mentioned in that subsection); and
(b) the conditions in subsection 45‑705(4) are satisfied in relation to the interposed company (whether or not this Subdivision applies to the company as the head company of the group for any period of time).
(3) Everything that happened before the completion time in relation to the company (the original company) that was the *head company of the *consolidated group immediately before the completion time:
(a) is taken to have happened in relation to the interposed company instead of in relation to the original company; and
(b) is taken to have happened in relation to the interposed company instead of what would (apart from this section) be taken to have happened in relation to the interposed company before the completion time;
just as if, at all times before the completion time:
(c) the interposed company had been the original company; and
(d) the original company had been the interposed company.
(4) To avoid doubt, subsection (3) also covers everything that, immediately before the completion time, was taken to have happened in relation to the original company because of:
(a) section 701‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (single entity rule); or
(b) section 701‑5 of that Act (entry history rule); or
(c) section 703‑75 of that Act (effects of an interposed company becoming the *head company of a *consolidated group); or
(d) section 719‑90 of that Act (effects of a change of head company of a *MEC group); or
(e) section 45‑710 in this Schedule (single entity rule for the purposes of this Part), including an application of that section under Subdivision 45‑S in this Schedule; or
(f) this section; or
(g) section 45‑920 in this Schedule (effects of a change of *provisional head company of a MEC group for the purposes of this Part); or
(h) one or more previous applications of any of the provisions covered by paragraphs (a) to (g).
(5) In addition, and without affecting subsection (3):
(a) an assessment of the original company for an income year that ends before the income year that includes the completion time; or
(b) an amendment of the assessment;
is taken to be something that had happened to the interposed company, whether or not the assessment or amendment is made before the completion time.
(6) This section has effect for the purposes of applying this Part to *members of the *consolidated group in relation to an *instalment quarter of the interposed company that ends after the completion time.
Note: An assessment mentioned in subsection (5) may therefore be taken to be the base assessment of the interposed company for the purposes of this Part.
(7) Subsections (1) to (6) are to be disregarded in applying section 45‑705 (about the application of this Subdivision to a company as the *head company of a *consolidated group).
Note: For example, if the Commissioner has given an initial head company instalment rate to the original company during an earlier instalment quarter, the rate is not, despite this section, treated as if it had been given to the interposed company for the purposes of section 45‑705. Subject to the other provisions in that section, this Subdivision therefore starts applying to the interposed company under subsection 45‑705(4).
Special rule for the original company
(8) A provision of this Part that applies on an entity becoming a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group does not apply to the original company when it is taken to have become such a member at the completion time as a result of section 703‑70 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Note: Section 45‑755 (the entry rule) therefore does not apply to the original company on the company becoming a subsidiary member of the consolidated group.
45‑755 Entry rule (for an entity that becomes a subsidiary member of a consolidated group)
(1) Despite any other provisions in this Part, an entity is liable to pay an instalment for an *instalment quarter or income year (as appropriate) during which the entity becomes a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group if:
(a) this Subdivision applies to the *head company of the group at any time during that quarter or year (as appropriate); and
(b) the entity would otherwise be liable to pay an instalment for that quarter or year (as appropriate) if it had not become a subsidiary member of the group; and
(c) the entity becomes a subsidiary member of the group on a day other than the first day of that quarter or the first day of that year (as appropriate).
Note: Under paragraph (b), this section could apply to an entity that, at the time of becoming a subsidiary member of the group, was not a subsidiary member of another consolidated group, or was a member of another consolidated group but this Subdivision did not apply to the head company of that other group at that time.
Modifications for a quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax
(2) Subsections (3) and (4) apply to the entity if:
(a) the entity would have been a *quarterly payer who pays 4 instalments annually on the basis of GDP‑adjusted notional tax at the end of the *instalment quarter mentioned in subsection (1) if it had not become a *subsidiary member of the group; and
(b) the amount of the instalment payable by the entity for that quarter would have been worked out under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b); and
(c) that quarter is not the fourth instalment quarter in an income year.
(3) For the purposes of working out the amount of the instalment payable by the entity for that *instalment quarter, subsection 45‑410(5) applies to the entity as if that quarter were the fourth instalment quarter in the income year for which the entity is liable to pay an instalment.
(4) For the purposes of working out the *acceptable amount of the entity’s instalment for that instalment quarter, subsection 45‑232(3) applies to the entity as if that quarter were the fourth instalment quarter in the income year for which the entity is liable to pay an instalment.
45‑760 Exit rule (for an entity that ceases to be a subsidiary member of a consolidated group)
(1) This section applies to an entity if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) the entity ceases to be a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group during an *instalment quarter of the *head company of the group;
(b) this Subdivision applies to the head company of the group during that instalment quarter;
(c) the entity does not, at the time it ceases to be a subsidiary member of the group, become:
(i) a subsidiary member of another consolidated group the head company of which is one to which this Subdivision applies at that time; or
(ii) a member (other than the *provisional head company) of a *MEC group the provisional head company of which is one to which this Subdivision applies, in accordance with Subdivision 45‑S, at that time;
(d) this Part applies to the entity under section 45‑10.
(2) This Part applies to the entity as if:
(a) the Commissioner had given the entity an instalment rate equal to the most recent instalment rate given to the *head company mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) before the end of the *instalment quarter mentioned in that paragraph; and
(b) the entity were a *quarterly payer who pays on the basis of instalment income at the end of that instalment quarter, and of each subsequent instalment quarter, until:
(i) if the Commissioner first gives the entity an instalment rate worked out on the basis of the *base assessment covered by subsection (3) during the first instalment quarter of an income year—immediately before the end of that first instalment quarter; or
(ii) if that rate is given to the entity during any other instalment quarter of an income year—immediately after the end of the last instalment quarter of that year.
(3) This section only covers the first *base assessment of the entity for an income year that is, or includes, a period after the entity ceases to be a *subsidiary member of the group.
45‑775 Commissioner’s power to work out different instalment rate or GDP‑adjusted notional tax
(1) This section applies if any of the following changes (the membership change) occurs in relation to a *consolidated group while this Subdivision applies to the *head company of the group:
(a) an entity becomes a *subsidiary member of the group or a number of entities become subsidiary members of the group;
(b) an entity ceases to be a subsidiary member of the group or a number of entities cease to be subsidiary members of the group.
(2) If the Commissioner, having regard to the object of this Part and the membership change, is of the opinion that it would be reasonable to do so, the Commissioner may work out:
(a) an instalment rate that is higher, or lower, than the most recent instalment rate given by the Commissioner to the *head company under section 45‑15; or
(b) an amount of *GDP‑adjusted notional tax that is higher, or lower, than the amount of GDP‑adjusted notional tax worked out for the purposes of the most recent amount of instalment notified by the Commissioner to the head company under paragraph 45‑112(1)(a).
(3) The new instalment rate or amount of *GDP‑adjusted notional tax must be a rate or amount that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is reasonable having regard to the object of this Part and the membership change.
Note 1: Subdivision 45‑J does not apply for the purpose of working out an instalment rate under this section.
Note 2: Section 45‑405 does not apply for the purpose of working out an amount of GDP‑adjusted notional tax under this section.
Additional applications of subsection (2)
(4) If, after exercising the power in relation to the membership change under subsection (2) for the first time, and on the basis of an assessment (including an amendment) of the *head company for the income year in which the change occurs, or for an earlier year, the Commissioner has worked out:
(a) another instalment rate under section 45‑320 for the company (whether or not the Commissioner has given that rate to the company); or
(b) another amount of *GDP‑adjusted notional tax under section 45‑405 for the company (whether or not the Commissioner has notified the company an amount of instalment based on that other amount);
the Commissioner may again exercise the power under subsection (2) in relation to the membership change, as if:
(c) the rate mentioned in paragraph (a) were the most recent instalment rate mentioned in paragraph (2)(a); and
(d) the amount of GDP‑adjusted notional tax mentioned in paragraph (b) were the amount of GDP‑adjusted notional tax worked out for the purposes of the most recent amount of instalment that is mentioned in paragraph (2)(b).
(5) To avoid doubt, in relation to the membership change, the Commissioner:
(a) may exercise the power under subsection (2) by applying subsection (4) more than once; but
(b) must not exercise that power more than once in relation to a particular instalment rate mentioned in paragraph (4)(a) or a particular amount of *GDP‑adjusted notional tax mentioned in paragraph (4)(b).
Subdivision 45‑R—Special rules for consolidated groups
45‑850 What this Subdivision is about
This Subdivision deals with the application of this Part to members of a consolidated group after the group has come into existence but before the members are treated as a single entity for the purposes of this Part.
This Subdivision also contains special rules in relation to the application of Subdivision 45‑Q to members of a consolidated group in these circumstances:
(a) a group whose members were treated as a single entity under that Subdivision (a mature group) is acquired by another group (see section 45‑880); or
(b) a member of a mature group ceases to be such a member and becomes the head company of a new group (see section 45‑885).
Note: Subdivision 45‑S extends the operation of this Subdivision so that it can apply to members of a MEC group. It contains modifications of this Subdivision for the purposes of that extended operation.
Table of sections
Operative provisions
45‑855 Section 701‑1 disregarded for certain purposes
45‑860 Member having a different instalment period
45‑865 Credit rule
45‑870 Head company’s liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment
45‑875 Other rules about the general interest charge
45‑880 Continued application of Subdivision 45‑Q to the head company of an acquired group
45‑885 Early application of Subdivision 45‑Q to the head company of a new group
45‑855 Section 701‑1 disregarded for certain purposes
(a) an amount is required to be worked out for the purpose of determining the *instalment income of an entity that is a *member of a *consolidated group for a period that is all or a part of a *consolidation transitional year for the entity; and
(b) the period ends before Subdivision 45‑Q starts to apply, because of subsection 45‑705(2) or subparagraph 45‑705(3)(c)(ii), (4)(d)(ii) or (iv), to the *head company of the group;
that amount must be worked out without regard to any application of section 701‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to the entity in relation to the period.
45‑860 Member having a different instalment period
Different instalment period—instalment quarter
(1) If:
(a) but for Subdivision 45‑Q, a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group would be liable to pay an instalment for an *instalment quarter of the subsidiary member that includes the starting time; and
(b) that quarter starts before the start of the instalment quarter of the *head company of the group that includes the starting time;
then, despite section 45‑710, the subsidiary member is liable to pay an instalment for that quarter.
Different instalment period—income year
(2) If:
(a) but for Subdivision 45‑Q, a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group would be liable to pay an annual instalment for an income year of the subsidiary member that includes the starting time; and
(b) that year ends before the end of the income year of the *head company of the group that includes the starting time;
then, despite section 45‑710, the subsidiary member is liable to pay an instalment for that year.
Assumptions for working out amount of instalment
(3) The amount of the instalment must be worked out on the following assumptions:
(a) that the *instalment quarter or income year of the *subsidiary member (as appropriate) consists only of the period that is the part of the quarter or year occurring before the starting time;
(b) that an amount required to be worked out for the purpose of determining the *instalment income of the subsidiary member for that period is worked out under section 45‑855.
(4) For the purposes of this section, the starting time is the time at which Subdivision 45‑Q starts to apply to the *head company of the group because of subsection 45‑705(2) or subparagraph 45‑705(3)(c)(ii), (4)(d)(ii) or (iv).
(1) When the Commissioner makes an assessment:
(a) of the income tax that the *head company of a *consolidated group is liable to pay for a *consolidation transitional year for the head company; or
(b) that no income tax is payable by the head company for that year;
the head company is, in addition to any credit to which it is entitled under section 45‑30 for that year, entitled to a credit in relation to instalments payable by an entity that is a *subsidiary member of the group at any time during that year.
(2) The credit is equal to:
(a) the sum of so much of each instalment payable by the entity (even if it has not paid it) for an *instalment quarter of a *consolidation transitional year for the entity, or for that year, as is reasonably attributable to so much of that quarter or year:
(i) which is, or is included in, the consolidation transitional year for the *head company; and
(ii) during which the entity is a *subsidiary member of the group;
(b) the sum of so much of each credit that the entity has claimed under section 45‑215 or 45‑420 for each instalment quarter covered by paragraph (a) as is reasonably attributable to:
(i) for a credit under section 45‑215—so much of the preceding instalment quarters of that consolidation transitional year for the entity which is covered by subparagraphs (a)(i) and (ii); or
(ii) for a credit under section 45‑420—so much of that instalment quarter and the preceding instalment quarters of that consolidation transitional year for the entity which is covered by subparagraphs (a)(i) and (ii).
(3) To avoid doubt, if:
(a) during the *instalment quarter or the *consolidation transitional year mentioned in paragraph (2)(a), the entity is a *subsidiary member of:
(i) 2 or more *consolidated groups; or
(ii) one or more consolidated groups and one or more *MEC groups; and
(b) an amount is taken into account under that paragraph or paragraph (2)(b) in working out the credit to which the *head company of one of the groups is entitled under subsection (1);
that amount is not to be taken into account in working out the credit to which the head company of another of those groups is entitled under that subsection.
(4) A reference in subsection (3) to subsection (1) or paragraph (2)(a) or (b) includes a reference to that provision in its extended operation in relation to a *MEC group under Subdivision 45‑S.
Note: This section applies to members of a MEC group with the modifications set out in section 45‑930.
45‑870 Head company’s liability to GIC on shortfall in quarterly instalment
Liability for the general interest charge
(1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the *head company of a *consolidated group is liable to pay the *general interest charge under this section for an *instalment quarter in a *consolidation transitional year for the head company if:
(a) the instalment payable by at least one *member of the group for that quarter is worked out:
(i) under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c); or
(ii) by using an instalment rate under section 45‑205; and
(b) the sum of instalments payable by the members of the group for that quarter, reduced by credits claimed by those members under section 45‑215 or 45‑420 for that quarter, is less than 17/80 of the head company’s *benchmark tax for that consolidation transitional year.
Note: 17/80 of the head company’s benchmark tax represents an amount that is 85% of one quarter of that benchmark tax.
Amount on which the charge is payable
(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the *general interest charge is payable on the amount worked out in accordance with the following method statement (if the amount is a positive amount).
Method statement
Step 1. Work out the amount that is 1/4 of the *benchmark tax of the *head company for that *consolidation transitional year of that head company.
Step 2. Work out the sum of instalments that would have been payable by all the *members of the group for that *instalment quarter of that *head company if none of the members had worked out its instalment for that quarter under paragraph 45‑112(1)(b) or (c) or by using an instalment rate under section 45‑205.
Step 3. Work out the sum of instalments payable by all the *members of the group for that *instalment quarter, reduced by credits claimed by the members under section 45‑215 or 45‑420 for that quarter.
Step 4. Reduce the lesser of the results of steps 1 and 2 by the result of step 3. The result of this step is the amount on which the *general interest charge is payable if it is a positive amount. No general interest charge is payable if the result of this step is nil or a negative amount.
Amounts of instalments or credits that are taken into account
(3) In working out an amount of instalment or credit for a *subsidiary member of the group for the purposes of any of the following provisions:
(a) paragraph (1)(b);
(b) step 2 or 3 of the method statement;
take into account only an amount of instalment or credit covered by that provision that is reasonably attributable to a period in that *consolidation transitional year of the *head company during which it is a subsidiary member of the group.
Members having different instalment quarters
(4) In working out an amount of instalment or credit for a *subsidiary member whose *instalment quarters differ from those of the *head company for the purposes of any of the following provisions:
(a) paragraph (1)(a) or (b);
(b) step 2 or 3 of the method statement;
a reference to an instalment quarter in a *consolidation transitional year of the head company in any of those provisions includes a reference to the last instalment quarter of that subsidiary member ending before the end of that instalment quarter of the head company.
(5) Subsections (6) and (7) apply if:
(a) the *head company of the *consolidated group is a *monthly payer at a time in an *instalment month (the current month); and
(b) any of the other *members of the group (the subsidiary quarterly payers) are *quarterly payers at a time in the *instalment quarter (the current quarter) in which the current month starts.
(6) Apply the following rules:
(a) treat the reference in subsection (1) to an *instalment quarter as being a reference to the current month;
(b) treat the references in this section to that quarter (or that instalment quarter) as being references to the current month.
(7) Also apply the following rules, for the purposes of subsections (1) to (5):
(a) treat the subsidiary quarterly payers as *monthly payers for each *instalment month (a notional instalment month) that starts (disregarding paragraph (6)(a)) in the current quarter;
(b) apply this section separately in relation to each of those notional instalment months;
(c) treat the amount of instalment or credit for a subsidiary quarterly payer in respect of a notional instalment month as being the extent to which the amount of instalment or credit for the subsidiary quarterly payer for the current quarter is attributable to that notional instalment month.
45‑875 Other rules about the general interest charge
(1) The *general interest charge under section 45‑870 for an *instalment quarter in an income year is payable by the *head company for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the instalment for that quarter was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the day on which the head company’s assessed tax for that income year is due to be paid.
(2) The Commissioner must give the *head company written notice of the *general interest charge. The head company must pay the charge within 14 days after the notice is given to the head company.
(3) If any of the *general interest charge remains unpaid at the end of the 14 days, the *head company is also liable to pay the general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) starts at the end of those 14 days; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day on which, at the end of the day, any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the unpaid amount;
(ii) general interest charge on the unpaid amount.
(4) The Commissioner may, if he or she is satisfied that because special circumstances exist it would be fair and reasonable to do so, remit the whole or any part of any *general interest charge payable under section 45‑870.
45‑880 Continued application of Subdivision 45‑Q to the head company of an acquired group
(1) This section applies to a company for which all of the following conditions are satisfied in relation to a particular time (the takeover time):
(a) just before the takeover time, Subdivision 45‑Q applied to the company as the *head company of a *consolidated group;
(b) at the takeover time, the company becomes a *wholly‑owned subsidiary of a *member of another consolidated group or *MEC group;
(c) that other group is consolidated at or before the takeover time under section 703‑50 or 719‑50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;
(d) the Commissioner receives the choice (or notice) under that section for the consolidation of that other group not later than 28 days after the takeover time, or within such further period (if any) as the Commissioner allows;
(e) at the takeover time, Subdivision 45‑Q (including that Subdivision as applied under Subdivision 45‑S) does not apply to the head company or the *provisional head company of that other group.
(2) For the purposes of this Part only, this Act has effect in relation to the company and the other *members of the *consolidated group mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) (the preserved group) as if, during the period covered by subsection (5):
(a) the preserved group had continued to exist as a consolidated group; and
(b) the company were still the *head company of the preserved group; and
(c) Subdivision 45‑Q had continued to apply to the company as the head company of the preserved group; and
(d) an entity, while being a *subsidiary member of the preserved group, were not treated as a member of the group mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) (the new group).
(3) Subsection (2) does not stop the company from being a member of the new group for the purposes of this Part during the period covered by subsection (5).
Note: This means, for example, sections 45‑855 and 45‑860 apply to the head company as a member of the new group.
(4) However, for the purposes of applying section 45‑855 to the company, a reference in that section to an application of section 701‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to the company in relation to the period mentioned in section 45‑855 is taken to be:
(a) a reference only to an application of section 701‑1 of that Act to the company as a member of the new group during that period; and
(b) not a reference to an application (because of subsection (2) of this section) of section 701‑1 of that Act to the company as the *head company of the preserved group during that period.
(5) This subsection covers the period that starts from the start of the *instalment quarter of the company that includes the takeover time and ends at the earlier of the following times:
(a) the end of the instalment quarter of the company during which the company ceases to be a member of the new group;
(b) just before the instalment quarter of the company during which the Commissioner gives the *initial head company instalment rate to the *head company, or the *provisional head company, of the new group.
(6) The Commissioner may, on the application of the company made not later than 28 days after the takeover time, allow such extension of time for the purposes of paragraph (1)(d) as he or she considers appropriate.
(7) To avoid doubt, nothing in this section prevents the operation of section 45‑755 or 45‑760 to *members of the preserved group while it continues to exist under subsection (2).
45‑885 Early application of Subdivision 45‑Q to the head company of a new group
(1) This section applies to a company for which all of the following conditions are satisfied in relation to a particular time (the starting time):
(a) just before the starting time, the company was a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group, or a member of a *MEC group;
(b) just before the starting time, the consolidated group or MEC group was a mature group (see subsection (4));
(c) at the starting time, either of the following applies:
(i) the company ceases to be a subsidiary member of the consolidated group, or a member of the MEC group;
(ii) the group ceases to exist (otherwise than because a MEC group or consolidated group is *created from the group, or because its *head company or *provisional head company becomes a *wholly‑owned subsidiary of a member of another mature group);
(d) at the starting time, the company is the head company of another consolidated group;
(e) within 28 days after the starting time, or within such further period (if any) as the Commissioner allows, the Commissioner receives the notice under section 703‑58 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation to the choice to consolidate, at and after the starting time, that other consolidated group under section 703‑50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(2) For the purposes of this Part:
(a) the instalment rate that the Commissioner is taken to have given to the company under paragraph 45‑760(2)(a) has effect as if it were the *initial head company instalment rate for the company as the *head company of the *consolidated group mentioned in paragraph (1)(d); and
(b) an instalment rate that would otherwise be the initial head company instalment rate for the company as the head company of that consolidated group is not to be treated as that initial head company instalment rate.
Note: This means, subject to the provisions in section 45‑705, Subdivision 45‑Q starts applying to the company as the head company of the consolidated group at the start of the instalment quarter that includes the starting time: see subsection (2) of that section and paragraph 45‑760(2)(a).
(3) The Commissioner may, on the application of the company made within 28 days after the starting time, allow such extension of time for the purposes of paragraph (1)(e) as he or she considers appropriate.
Mature group
(4) For the purposes of this section, a *consolidated group or a *MEC group is a mature group at a particular time if:
(a) for a consolidated group—Subdivision 45‑Q applies to its *head company at that time; or
(b) for a MEC group—Subdivision 45‑Q, as applied under Subdivision 45‑S, applies to its *provisional head company at that time.
45‑900 What this Subdivision is about
This Subdivision sets out how this Part applies in relation to MEC groups and their members.
Table of sections
45‑905 Objects of Subdivision
General modification rules
45‑910 Extended operation of Part to cover MEC groups
Extended operation of Subdivision 45‑Q
45‑913 Sections 45‑705 and 45‑740 do not apply to members of MEC groups
45‑915 Application of Subdivision 45‑Q to provisional head company
45‑917 Assumption for applying section 45‑710 (single entity rule)
45‑920 Change of provisional head company
45‑922 Life insurance company
Extended operation of Subdivision 45‑R
45‑925 Additional modifications of sections 45‑855 and 45‑860
45‑930 Modifications of sections 45‑865 and 45‑870 and a related provision
45‑935 Additional modifications of section 45‑885
The objects of this Subdivision are to:
(a) extend the operation of this Part (except sections 45‑705 and 45‑740 and this Subdivision) so that it can apply in relation to *MEC groups and their members; and
(b) modify the rules in this Part for that extended operation so that they take account of the special characteristics of MEC groups.
45‑910 Extended operation of Part to cover MEC groups
(1) This Part (except sections 45‑705 and 45‑740 and this Subdivision) has effect in relation to members of a *MEC group in the same way in which it has effect in relation to *members of a *consolidated group.
(2) However, that effect is subject to the modifications set out in the following table and elsewhere in this Subdivision.
Modifications of this Part | ||
Item | A reference in this Part to: | Is taken to be a reference to: |
1 | a *consolidated group | a *MEC group |
2 | the *head company of a *consolidated group | the *provisional head company of a *MEC group |
3 | a *subsidiary member of a *consolidated group | a member (other than the *provisional head company) of a *MEC group |
(3) The modifications set out in the table do not apply to the following provisions:
(a) this Subdivision;
(b) subsection 45‑30(4) (see section 45‑930);
(d) note 2 at the end of section 45‑700;
(e) sections 45‑705 and 45‑740 (see sections 45‑913, 45‑915 and 45‑920);
(f) subparagraphs 45‑760(1)(c)(i) and (ii);
(g) the note at the end of section 45‑850;
(h) sections 45‑865 and 45‑870 (see section 45‑930);
(i) paragraphs (1)(b), (c), (d) and (e), and subsection (5), of section 45‑880;
(j) paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c), and subsection (4), of section 45‑885.
Note: The provisions covered by paragraphs (d), (f), (g), (i) and (j) apply to members of a MEC group without any modifications.
Extended operation of Subdivision 45‑Q
45‑913 Sections 45‑705 and 45‑740 do not apply to members of MEC groups
In applying Subdivision 45‑Q to members of a *MEC group, the Subdivision has effect as if:
(a) section 45‑705 had no effect and section 45‑915 had effect instead; and
(b) section 45‑740 had no effect and section 45‑920 had effect instead.
45‑915 Application of Subdivision 45‑Q to provisional head company
Period during which Subdivision applies to provisional head company
(1) Subject to sections 45‑880 and 45‑885 (as applied under this Subdivision), Subdivision 45‑Q applies to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group during the period:
(a) starting at the start of the *instalment quarter of the company determined under subsection (2), (3) or (4); and
(b) ending:
(i) at the end of the instalment quarter of the company determined under paragraph (6)(a) or (b); or
(ii) just before the instalment quarter of the company determined under paragraph (6)(c).
Note: The application of Subdivision 45‑Q to the provisional head company is subject to the modifications set out in this section and elsewhere in this Subdivision.
When the period begins—initial head company instalment rate
(2) Subdivision 45‑Q starts to apply to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group at the start of an *instalment quarter under this subsection if, during that quarter, the Commissioner gives the company (as that provisional head company) the *initial head company instalment rate.
Note: The operation of this subsection may be affected by section 45‑885 (as applied under this Subdivision).
When the period begins—group created from consolidated group
(3) Subdivision 45‑Q starts to apply to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group at the start of an *instalment quarter (the starting quarter) under this subsection if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) during the starting quarter, the Commissioner is notified of the creation of the MEC group from a *consolidated group (see subsection (5));
(b) the company is the provisional head company of the MEC group when the Commissioner is so notified;
(c) either of the following applies:
(i) Subdivision 45‑Q applied to the *head company of the consolidated group at the end of the previous instalment quarter;
(ii) the Commissioner gives the *initial head company instalment rate to the head company of the consolidated group during the starting quarter.
Note: For the application of Subdivision 45‑Q to a head company of a consolidated group: see section 45‑705.
When the period begins—new provisional head company
(4) Subdivision 45‑Q starts to apply to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group at the start of an *instalment quarter (the starting quarter) under this subsection if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) the company is appointed as the provisional head company of the MEC group under subsection 719‑60(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 during the starting quarter;
(b) one of the following applies:
(i) Subdivision 45‑Q applied to the former provisional head company of the MEC group at the end of the previous instalment quarter;
(ii) the Commissioner gives the *initial head company instalment rate to the former provisional head company of the MEC group during the starting quarter;
(iii) the Commissioner is notified during the starting quarter of the creation of the MEC group from a *consolidated group and Subdivision 45‑Q applied to the *head company of the consolidated group at the end of the previous instalment quarter;
(iv) the Commissioner is notified during the starting quarter of the creation of the MEC group from a consolidated group and the Commissioner gives the initial head company instalment rate to the head company of the consolidated group during the starting quarter.
When the period begins—modified timing for provisional head company that is monthly payer
(4A) Subsection (4B) applies if:
(a) apart from subsection (4B), Subdivision 45‑Q starts to apply to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group at a particular time because of the operation of subsection (2), (3) or (4); and
(b) the company is a *monthly payer; and
(c) the Commissioner gave the *initial head company instalment rate as mentioned in subsection (2), subparagraph (3)(c)(ii), subparagraph (4)(b)(ii) or subparagraph (4)(b)(iv) in an *instalment month.
(4B) Treat subsection (2), (3) or (4) (as the case requires) as providing that Subdivision 45‑Q starts to apply to the company as the *provisional head company of the *MEC group at the start of the next *instalment month.
Note: For the application of this Subdivision to a monthly payer, see sections 45‑703 and 45‑910.
Notification of creation of MEC group from consolidated group
(5) For the purposes of subsections (3) and (4), the Commissioner is notified of the creation of a *MEC group from a *consolidated group when the Commissioner receives a notice of the consolidation of the MEC group under subsection 719‑40(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
When the period ends
(6) Subdivision 45‑Q stops applying to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group at the earliest of the following times after the company becomes the provisional head company:
(a) the end of the *instalment quarter during which the MEC group ceases to exist (other than because a *consolidated group is *created from the MEC group);
(b) the end of the instalment quarter during which a consolidated group is created from the MEC group;
(c) just before the instalment quarter during which another company is appointed as the provisional head company of the MEC group under subsection 719‑60(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Note: The operation of this subsection because of paragraph (a) may be affected by section 45‑880 (as applied under this Subdivision).
(7) To avoid doubt, Subdivision 45‑Q does not apply to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group for any time at all if:
(a) subsection (2), (3) or (4), and subsection (6), would, apart from this subsection, apply to the company; but
(b) the time at which Subdivision 45‑Q would stop applying to the company under subsection (6) is before the time at which that Subdivision would start to apply to the company under subsection (2), (3) or (4).
(8) To avoid doubt, Subdivision 45‑Q may apply to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group at a time when the company is not in fact the provisional head company of the group.
Note: An example of this is when a company replaces another company as the provisional head company of a MEC group. Under this section and section 45‑920, Subdivision 45‑Q may start applying to the company as if it had already become the provisional head company when it is not yet such a company.
45‑917 Assumption for applying section 45‑710 (single entity rule)
In applying section 45‑710 to members of a *MEC group at a particular time, the company that is the *provisional head company of the group at that time must be assumed to be the *head company of the group at all times during the period:
(a) throughout which the group is in existence; and
(b) that is all or a part of the income year of the company that includes that particular time.
45‑920 Change of provisional head company
(1) The object of this section (except subsection (9)) is to ensure that, for the purposes of this Part, when a company becomes the new *provisional head company of a *MEC group:
(a) the company inherits the history of the former provisional head company; and
(b) the history of the new provisional head company is effectively ignored.
(2) This section applies to a *provisional head company of a *MEC group (the new provisional head company) that is appointed under subsection 719‑60(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 if one of the following conditions is satisfied:
(a) the conditions in subsection 45‑915(4) are satisfied in relation to the new provisional head company (whether or not Subdivision 45‑Q applies to the company as the provisional head company of the group for any period of time);
(b) the new provisional head company is so appointed during the *instalment quarter of the company in which the MEC group is *created from a *consolidated group and either:
(i) the Commissioner gives the *initial head company instalment rate to the *head company of the consolidated group during that instalment quarter; or
(ii) Subdivision 45‑Q applied to the head company of the consolidated group at the end of the previous instalment quarter.
(3) Everything that happened before the starting time in relation to the company (the former company) that was the *provisional head company of the *MEC group immediately before the starting time:
(a) is taken to have happened in relation to the new provisional head company instead of in relation to the former company; and
(b) is taken to have happened in relation to the new provisional head company instead of what would (apart from this section) be taken to have happened in relation to the new provisional head company before the starting time;
just as if, at all times before the starting time:
(c) the new provisional head company had been the former company; and
(d) the former company had been the new provisional head company.
(4) For the purposes of this section, the starting time is the time at which the *cessation event happened to the former company (the event that results in the appointment of the new provisional head company).
(5) To avoid doubt, subsection (3) also covers everything that, immediately before the starting time, was taken to have happened in relation to the former company because of:
(a) section 701‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (single entity rule); or
(b) section 701‑5 of that Act (entry history rule); or
(c) section 703‑75 of that Act (effects of an interposed company becoming the *head company of a *consolidated group); or
(d) section 719‑90 of that Act (effects of a change of head company of a *MEC group); or
(e) section 45‑710 in this Schedule (single entity rule for the purposes of this Part), including an application of that section under this Subdivision; or
(f) section 45‑740 in this Schedule (effects of an interposed company becoming the head company of a consolidated group for the purposes of this Part); or
(g) this section; or
(h) one or more previous applications of any of the provisions covered by paragraphs (a) to (g).
(6) In addition, and without affecting subsection (3):
(a) an assessment of the former company for an income year that ends before the income year that includes the starting time; or
(b) an amendment of the assessment;
is taken to be something that had happened to the new provisional head company, whether or not the assessment or amendment is made before the starting time.
(7) This section has effect for the purposes of applying this Part to members of the *MEC group in relation to an *instalment quarter of the new provisional head company that ends after the starting time.
Note: An assessment mentioned in subsection (6) may therefore be taken to be the base assessment of the new provisional head company for the purposes of this Part.
(8) Subsections (1) to (7) are to be disregarded in applying section 45‑915 (about the application of Subdivision 45‑Q to a company as the *provisional head company of a *MEC group).
Note: For example, if the Commissioner has given an initial head company instalment rate to the former company during an earlier instalment quarter, the rate is not, despite this section, treated as if it had been given to the new provisional head company for the purposes of section 45‑915. Subject to the other provisions in that section, Subdivision 45‑Q therefore starts applying to the new provisional head company under subsection 45‑915(4).
Special rule for the former company
(9) A provision of this Part that applies on an entity becoming a member (other than the *provisional head company) of a *MEC group does not apply to the former company when it becomes such a member at the starting time.
Note: Section 45‑755 (the entry rule, as applied under this Subdivision) therefore does not apply to the former company on the company becoming such a member of the MEC group.
In applying Subdivision 45‑Q to members of a *MEC group for an *instalment quarter of the *provisional head company of the group in an income year of the provisional head company, the company is taken to be a *life insurance company for that quarter if:
(a) one or more life insurance companies are members of the group at any time during that quarter; or
(b) one or more life insurance companies were members of the group at any time during a previous instalment quarter of the company in that year.
Extended operation of Subdivision 45‑R
45‑925 Additional modifications of sections 45‑855 and 45‑860
In applying sections 45‑855 and 45‑860 to members of a *MEC group, those sections have effect as if, in addition to the modifications set out in the table in section 45‑910:
(a) a reference in those sections to subsection 45‑705(2) were a reference to subsection 45‑915(2); and
(b) a reference in those sections to subparagraph 45‑705(3)(c)(ii), (4)(d)(ii) or (iv) were a reference to subparagraph 45‑915(3)(c)(ii), (4)(b)(ii) or (iv).
45‑930 Modifications of sections 45‑865 and 45‑870 and a related provision
(1) In applying sections 45‑865 and 45‑870, and subsection 45‑30(4) (which is related to section 45‑865), to members of a *MEC group, those provisions have effect as if:
(a) a reference in those provisions to a *consolidated group were a reference to a *MEC group; and
(b) a reference in those provisions to a MEC group were a reference to a consolidated group.
Note: This means a reference in those provisions to the head company of a consolidated group has effect as if it were a reference to the head company of a MEC group. Similarly, a reference in those provisions to a subsidiary member of a consolidated group has effect as if it were a reference to a subsidiary member of a MEC group.
(2) However, the modifications in subsection (1) do not apply to subsection 45‑865(4) and the note at the end of section 45‑865.
Note: This means subsection 45‑865(4) and the note apply to members of a MEC group without any modifications.
45‑935 Additional modifications of section 45‑885
In applying section 45‑885 to members of a *MEC group, that section has effect as if, in addition to the modifications set out in the table in section 45‑910, it had been modified as set out in the following table:
Modifications of section 45‑885 | ||
Item | Provision: | Modification: |
1 | Paragraph 45‑885(1)(e) | The paragraph is taken to have been replaced by the following paragraph: (e) within 28 days after the starting time, or within such further period (if any) as the Commissioner allows, the Commissioner receives a notice under section 719‑76 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation the consolidation of that other MEC group, at and after the starting time, under section 719‑50 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. |
2 | Subsection 45‑885(2) (including the note at the end of the subsection) | A reference to paragraph 45‑760(2)(a) is taken to be a reference to that paragraph as applied under this Subdivision |
3 | The note at the end of subsection 45‑885(2) | The reference to section 45‑705 is taken to be a reference to section 45‑915 |
Part 2‑15—Returns and assessments
Table of Subdivisions
Guide to Division 70
70‑A Tax receipts
70‑1 What this Division is about
The Commissioner must provide you with a tax receipt for an income year if you are an individual taxpayer and the total tax assessed to you for the income year is $100 or more (or such other amount as determined by the Commissioner from time to time).
The tax receipt must include information about how the total tax assessed to you for the income year is notionally used to finance different categories of Commonwealth government expenditure.
The tax receipt must also include information about the total amount of Commonwealth government debt, for the current and previous financial years, and the expected total amount of interest to be paid on that debt during the current financial year.
Table of sections
70‑5 Tax receipt to be provided to certain individual taxpayers
70‑5 Tax receipt to be provided to certain individual taxpayers
(1) The Commissioner must give you a *tax receipt in respect of an income year if:
(a) the Commissioner is required to give you a notice of assessment in respect of the income year and has not previously given you a notice in respect of the income year; and
(b) you are an individual; and
(c) the amount of income tax you owe (as worked out under step 4 of subsection 4‑10(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) for the *financial year that corresponds to the income year is equal to or greater than:
(i) if subparagraph (ii) does not apply—$100; or
(ii) if the Commissioner has made a determination under subsection (2)—the amount specified in the determination; and
(d) the notice is given to you within the period of 18 months after the end of the income year.
(2) The Commissioner may, by legislative instrument, make a determination that specifies an amount for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(c)(ii).
(3) The *tax receipt must include the following information:
(a) your name;
(b) the amount mentioned in paragraph (1)(c);
(c) how the amount mentioned in paragraph (1)(c) is notionally used to finance different categories of Commonwealth government expenditure (other than expenditure that relates to amounts collected under the *GST law that are paid to the States and Territories);
(d) an estimate of the total face value of Commonwealth stock and securities on issue at the end of the previous *financial year;
(e) an estimate of the expected total face value of Commonwealth stock and securities on issue at the end of the financial year;
(f) the expected total interest to be paid during the financial year in respect of the Commonwealth stock and securities referred to in paragraph (e).
Note: The allocation of how the total tax assessed to you is spent is a notional calculation and may not represent how the tax assessed to you is actually spent.
(4) For the purposes of determining the amounts in paragraphs (2)(d) to (f), the Commissioner must use the information in the budget economic and fiscal outlook report prepared for the purpose of section 10 of the Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 in respect of the *financial year referred to in paragraph (1)(c).
(5) For the purposes of determining the form of the information to be included in the *tax receipt, the Commissioner must seek the advice of the Minister and take that advice into account.
(6) The Commissioner must give you the *tax receipt as soon as practicable.
Part 2‑30—Collecting Medicare levy with income tax
Division 90—Medicare levy and Medicare levy surcharge
Table of Subdivisions
90‑A Treatment like income tax
Subdivision 90‑A—Treatment like income tax
Table of sections
90‑1 Laws apply in relation to Medicare levy and Medicare levy surcharge as they apply in relation to income tax
Except so far as the contrary intention appears, this Schedule and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 apply, and are taken always to have applied, in relation to the following in the same way as they apply in relation to income tax and *tax:
(a) *Medicare levy;
(b) *Medicare levy (fringe benefits) surcharge.
Part 2‑35—Excess superannuation contributions
Division 97—Excess contributions determinations
Table of Subdivisions
97‑A Excess concessional contributions determinations
97‑B Excess non‑concessional contributions determinations
Subdivision 97‑A—Excess concessional contributions determinations
97‑1 What this Subdivision is about
The Commissioner must give you a determination stating the amount of your excess concessional contributions.
Table of sections
Operative provisions
97‑5 Determination of excess concessional contributions
97‑10 Review
97‑5 Determination of excess concessional contributions
(1) If you have *excess concessional contributions for a *financial year, the Commissioner must make a written determination stating the amount of those excess concessional contributions.
(2) A determination under this section is an excess concessional contributions determination.
(3) The Commissioner may amend a determination at any time.
(5) Notice of a determination given by the Commissioner under this section is prima facie evidence of the matters stated in the notice.
If you are dissatisfied with an *excess concessional contributions determination made in relation to you, you may object against the determination in the manner set out in Part IVC.
Subdivision 97‑B—Excess non‑concessional contributions determinations
97‑20 What this Subdivision is about
The Commissioner must give you a determination stating:
(a) the amount by which your non‑concessional contributions exceed your non‑concessional contributions cap; and
(b) a proxy amount for your associated earnings on this excess; and
(c) the total amount that can be released from your superannuation interests in relation to this excess and those earnings.
Table of sections
Operative provisions
97‑25 Excess non‑concessional contributions determinations
97‑30 Associated earnings
97‑35 Review
97‑25 Excess non‑concessional contributions determinations
(1) If your *non‑concessional contributions for a *financial year (the contributions year) exceed your *non‑concessional contributions cap for the contributions year, the Commissioner must make a written determination stating:
(a) the amount of the excess; and
(b) the amount of your associated earnings worked out under section 97‑30; and
(c) the following amount (the total release amount):
(2) A determination under this section is an excess non‑concessional contributions determination.
(3) The Commissioner may amend a determination at any time.
(5) Notice of a determination given by the Commissioner under this section is prima facie evidence of the matters stated in the notice.
(1) You are taken to have associated earnings equal to the sum (rounded down to the nearest dollar) of the amounts worked out under the following formula for each of the days during the period:
(a) starting on the first day of the contributions year; and
(b) ending on the day the Commissioner makes the first *excess non‑concessional contributions determination you receive for the contributions year.
excess means the amount of the excess referred to in paragraph 97‑25(1)(a).
proxy rate means the lower of:
(a) the rate worked out under subsection 8AAD(1) for the first day of that period as if the base interest rate (within the meaning of subsection 8AAD(2)) for that day were the average of the base interest rates for each of the days of the contributions year; and
(b) a rate determined under subsection (2) for the contributions year.
sum of earlier daily proxy amounts means the sum of the amounts worked out under the formula for each of the earlier days (if any) during that period.
Note: Any excess non‑concessional contributions determination you receive after the first one for the contributions year is an amended determination.
(2) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, determine a rate for a specified *financial year.
If you are dissatisfied with an *excess non‑concessional contributions determination made in relation to you, you may object against the determination in the manner set out in Part IVC.
Chapter 3—Collection, recovery and administration of other taxes
Division 105—General rules for indirect taxes
Table of Subdivisions
Guide to Division 105
105‑D General interest charge and penalties
105‑F Indirect tax refund schemes
105‑G Other administrative provisions
105‑1 What this Division is about
This Division contains rules relating to the administration of the indirect tax laws.
Note 1: Administration rules relevant to particular indirect tax laws are in Divisions 110, 111 and 112.
Note 2: For assessment of assessable amounts under indirect tax laws, see Division 155.
The rules in this Division deal with the following:
(c) limits on credits, refunds and recovering amounts;
(e) the effect of not passing on refunds of overpaid amounts;
(f) charges and penalties;
(h) refunding indirect tax because of Australia’s international obligations;
(i) requirements for notifications.
Subdivision 105‑D—General interest charge and penalties
Table of sections
105‑80 General interest charge
105‑85 Amending Acts cannot impose penalties or general interest charge earlier than 28 days after Royal Assent
105‑80 General interest charge
(1) If any of an amount (the liability) to which this section applies remains unpaid after the time by which it is due to be paid, you are liable to pay the *general interest charge on the unpaid amount of the liability for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the liability was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day on which, at the end of the day, any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the liability;
(ii) general interest charge on any of the liability.
Note: The general interest charge is worked out under Division 1 of Part IIA.
(2) This section applies to either of the following amounts that you are liable to pay:
(a) an *assessed net fuel amount;
(b) an assessed amount of *indirect tax (including an *assessed net amount).
(1) An Act that amends an *indirect tax law does not have the effect of making you liable to:
(a) a penalty for an offence against an indirect tax law; or
(b) *general interest charge under section 105‑80;
for any act or omission that happens before the 28th day (the postponed day) after the day on which the amending Act receives the Royal Assent.
(2) If the amending Act would (apart from this section) have the effect of making you liable to such a penalty or charge because you contravened a requirement to do something:
(a) within a specified period ending before the postponed day; or
(b) before a specified time happening before the postponed day;
the requirement has effect instead by reference to a period ending at the start of the postponed day, or by reference to the start of the postponed day, as the case requires.
(3) This section does not relieve you from liability to such a penalty or charge to the extent to which the liability would have existed if the amending Act had not been enacted.
Subdivision 105‑F—Indirect tax refund schemes
Table of sections
105‑120 Refund scheme—defence related international obligations
105‑125 Refund scheme—international obligations
105‑120 Refund scheme—defence related international obligations
(1) The Commissioner must, on behalf of the Commonwealth, pay you an amount equal to the amount of *indirect tax borne by you in respect of an acquisition (within the meaning of the *GST Act) if:
(a) you are in a class of entities determined by the *Defence Minister; and
(b) the acquisition is covered by a determination of the Defence Minister; and
(c) the acquisition is made:
(i) by or on behalf of a *visiting force that is; or
(ii) by a member (within the meaning of the Defence (Visiting Forces) Act 1963) of the visiting force who is; or
(iii) by any other entity that is;
covered by a determination of the Defence Minister; and
(d) at the time of the acquisition, it was intended for:
(i) the official use of the visiting force; or
(ii) the use of a member (within the meaning of the Defence (Visiting Forces) Act 1963) of the visiting force; or
(iii) any other use;
and that use is covered by a determination of the Defence Minister; and
(e) you claim the amount in the *approved form.
(2) The amount is payable:
(a) in accordance with the conditions and limitations; and
(b) within the period and manner;
determined by the *Defence Minister.
(3) The *Defence Minister may only determine an entity under subparagraph (1)(c)(iii) or a use under subparagraph (1)(d)(iii) if the Commonwealth is under an international obligation to grant *indirect tax concessions in relation to the kind of entity or the kind of use.
(4) A determination under this section is a legislative instrument.
105‑125 Refund scheme—international obligations
(1) The Commissioner must, on behalf of the Commonwealth, pay you, or an entity in a class of entities determined by the Commissioner, an amount equal to the amount of *indirect tax borne by you in respect of an acquisition (within the meaning of the *GST Act) made by you if:
(a) you are a kind of entity specified in the regulations; and
(b) the acquisition is of a kind specified in the regulations; and
(c) you or the entity claims the amount in the *approved form.
(2) The amount is payable:
(a) in accordance with the conditions and limitations; and
(b) within the period and manner;
set out in the regulations.
(3) The regulations may only specify a kind of entity for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a) or a kind of acquisition for the purposes of paragraph (1)(b) if the Commonwealth is under an international obligation to grant *indirect tax concessions in relation to the kind of entity or the kind of acquisition.
(4) A determination by the Commissioner under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.
Subdivision 105‑G—Other administrative provisions
Table of sections
105‑145 Commissioner must give things in writing
105‑145 Commissioner must give things in writing
(1) Any notice, approval, direction, authority or declaration that the Commissioner may give, or must give, to you under an *indirect tax law must be in writing.
(2) However, this does not prevent the Commissioner giving any of those things to you by electronic transmission if a provision of an *indirect tax law allows the Commissioner to do so.
Division 110—Goods and services tax
Table of Subdivisions
Guide to Division 110
110‑F Review of GST decisions
110‑1 What this Division is about
This Division gives you the right to object against reviewable GST decisions that relate to you. Section 110‑50 sets out the reviewable GST decisions.
Subdivision 110‑F—Review of GST decisions
Table of sections
110‑50 Reviewable GST decisions
110‑50 Reviewable GST decisions
(1) You may object, in the manner set out in Part IVC, against a decision you are dissatisfied with that is:
(a) a *reviewable GST decision relating to you; or
(b) a *reviewable GST transitional decision relating to you.
(2) Each of the following decisions is a reviewable GST decision:
Reviewable GST decisions under GST Act | ||
Item | Decision | Provision of GST Act under which decision is made |
1 | refusing to register you | subsection 25‑5(1) |
2 | registering you | subsection 25‑5(2) |
3 | deciding the date of effect of your registration | section 25‑10 |
4 | refusing to cancel your registration | subsection 25‑55(1) |
5 | cancelling your registration | subsection 25‑55(2) |
6 | refusing to cancel your registration | section 25‑57 |
7 | deciding the date on which the cancellation of your registration takes effect | section 25‑60 |
8 | determining that the *tax periods that apply to you are each individual month | subsection 27‑15(1) |
9 | deciding the date of effect of a determination | subsection 27‑15(2) |
10 | refusing to revoke your election under section 27‑10 | subsection 27‑22(1) |
11 | deciding the date of effect of a revocation | subsection 27‑22(3) |
12 | refusing to revoke a determination under section 27‑15 | subsection 27‑25(1) |
13 | deciding the date of effect of a revocation | subsection 27‑25(2) |
14 | determining that a specified period is a *tax period that applies to you | section 27‑30 |
15 | refusing a request for a determination | section 27‑37 |
16 | revoking a determination under section 27‑37 | subsection 27‑38(1) |
17 | deciding the date of a revocation | subsection 27‑38(2) |
18 | refusing to permit you to account on a cash basis | subsection 29‑45(1) |
19 | deciding the date of effect of your permission to account on a cash basis | subsection 29‑45(2) |
20 | revoking your permission to account on a cash basis | subsection 29‑50(3) |
21 | deciding the date of effect of the revocation of your permission to account on a cash basis | subsection 29‑50(4) |
22 | refusing an application for a decision that an event is a *fund‑raising event | paragraph 40‑165(1)(c) |
23 | approving another day of effect | paragraph 48‑71(1)(b) |
24 | revoking an approval of a day of effect | subsection 48‑71(2) |
29 | refusing an application for approval | section 49‑5 |
30 | refusing an application for approval or revocation | subsection 49‑70(1) |
31 | revoking an approval under Division 49 | subsection 49‑70(2) |
32 | refusing an application for revocation | subsection 49‑75(1) |
33 | revoking the approval of a *GST religious group | subsection 49‑75(2) |
34 | deciding the date of effect of any approval, or any revocation of an approval, under Division 49 | section 49‑85 |
35 | approving another day of effect | paragraph 51‑75(1)(b) |
36 | revoking an approval of a day of effect | subsection 51‑75(2) |
42 | refusing an application for registration | section 54‑5 |
43 | deciding the date of effect of registration as a *GST branch | section 54‑10 |
44 | refusing to cancel the registration of a *GST branch | subsection 54‑75(1) |
45 | cancelling the registration of a *GST branch | subsection 54‑75(2) |
46 | deciding the date of effect of the cancellation of the registration of a *GST branch | section 54‑80 |
47 | cancelling the registration of an Australian resident agent | subsection 57‑25(1) |
48 | determining that the *tax periods that apply to a resident agent are each individual month | subsection 57‑35(1) |
49 | deciding the date of effect of a determination | subsection 57‑35(2) |
49A | cancelling the registration of a *representative of an *incapacitated entity | subsection 58‑25(1) |
49B | deciding to direct a *representative of an *incapacitated entity to give to the Commissioner a *GST return | paragraph 58‑50(1)(b) |
50 | cancelling the registration of a *non‑profit sub‑entity | subsection 63‑35(1) |
51 | refusing to allow, or allowing, a further period within which to make an agreement that the margin scheme is to apply | paragraph 75‑5(1A)(b) |
52 | refusing a request to allow an annual apportionment election to take effect from the start of another *tax period | paragraph 131‑10(2)(b) |
53 | disallowing an annual apportionment election | subsection 131‑20(3) |
53A | refusing to make requested decision about excess GST | subsection 142‑15(1) |
55 | refusing a request to allow an annual *tax period election to take effect from the start of another tax period | paragraph 151‑10(2)(b) |
56 | refusing a request to be allowed to make an annual *tax period election on a specified day | subsection 151‑20(3) |
57 | disallowing an annual *tax period election | subsection 151‑25(3) |
58 | refusing a request to allow an election to pay *GST by instalments to take effect from the start of another *tax period | paragraph 162‑15(2)(b) |
59 | refusing a request to be allowed to make an election on a specified day | subsection 162‑25(3) |
60 | disallowing an election to pay *GST by instalments | subsection 162‑30(3) |
62 | making a declaration to negate or reduce a GST disadvantage | subsection 165‑45(3) |
63 | deciding whether to grant a request for a declaration to negate or reduce a GST disadvantage | subsection 165‑45(5) |
(3) A decision under section 24B of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999 refusing an application for a determination under that section, or making a determination under that section, is a reviewable GST transitional decision.
Division 111—Wine tax and luxury car tax
Table of Subdivisions
Guide to Division 111
111‑C Review of wine tax decisions
111‑D Effect on contracts from amendments to laws
111‑1 What this Division is about
This Division gives you the right to object against decisions that relate to you disallowing the whole or part of a claim for a wine tax credit.
It also explains how contracts to supply wine or a luxury car are affected if a wine tax law or luxury car tax law changes.
Subdivision 111‑C—Review of wine tax decisions
Table of sections
111‑50 Reviewable wine tax decisions
111‑50 Reviewable wine tax decisions
(1) You may object, in the manner set out in Part IVC, against a decision you are dissatisfied with that is a *reviewable wine tax decision relating to you.
(2) Each of the following decisions is a reviewable wine tax decision:
Reviewable wine tax decisions | ||
Item | Decision | Provision of Wine Tax Act under which decision is made |
1 | disallowing the whole or a part of your claim for a *wine tax credit | section 17‑45 |
2 | deciding the date of effect of your approval as a New Zealand participant | section 19‑7 |
3 | refusing to approve you as a New Zealand participant | section 19‑7 |
4 | revoking your approval as a New Zealand participant | section 19‑8 |
5 | deciding the date of effect of revocation of your approval as a New Zealand participant | section 19‑8 |
Subdivision 111‑D—Effect on contracts from amendments to laws
Table of sections
111‑60 Alteration of contracts if cost of complying with agreement is affected by later alteration to wine tax or luxury car tax laws
(1) If, after a contract involving a *supply, or a *taxable dealing in relation to *wine, has been made, an alteration to the *wine tax law or the *luxury car tax law happens and the alteration directly causes an increase or decrease in the cost to a party to the agreement of complying with the agreement, then the contract is altered as follows:
(a) if the cost is increased—by allowing the party to add the increase to the contract price;
(b) if the cost is decreased—by allowing the other party to deduct the decrease from the contract price.
(2) The contract is not altered if:
(a) the contract has express written provision to the contrary; or
(b) it is clear from the terms of the contract that the alteration of the *wine tax law or the *luxury car tax law has been taken into account in the agreed contract price.
Table of Subdivisions
Guide to Division 112
112‑E Review of fuel tax decisions
112‑1 What this Division is about
This Division gives you the right to object against reviewable fuel tax decisions that relate to you. Section 112‑50 sets out the reviewable fuel tax decisions.
Subdivision 112‑E—Review of fuel tax decisions
Table of sections
112‑50 Reviewable fuel tax decisions
112‑50 Reviewable fuel tax decisions
(1) You may object, in the manner set out in Part IVC, against a decision you are dissatisfied with that is a *reviewable fuel tax decision relating to you.
(2) Each of the following decisions is a reviewable fuel tax decision:
Reviewable fuel tax decisions | ||
Item | Decision | Provision of the Fuel Tax Act 2006 under which decision is made |
2 | making a declaration to negate or reduce a *fuel tax disadvantage | subsection 75‑45(3) |
3 | deciding whether or not to grant a request to negate or reduce a *fuel tax disadvantage | subsection 75‑45(5) |
Division 115—General provisions relating to the major bank levy
115‑1 What this Division is about
An ADI that is liable to pay levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017 must give quarterly returns to the Commissioner.
An amount of levy is due and payable when an ADI’s last PAYG instalment within an instalment quarter is due.
Table of sections
115‑5 Returns
115‑10 When major bank levy is due and payable
(1) An *ADI that is liable to pay levy for a *quarter under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017 must give to the Commissioner a return relating to the levy, in the *approved form.
(2) The return must be given on or before the *MBL reporting day for the *quarter.
(3) The MBL reporting day for the *quarter is the day by which the *ADI is required to give to *APRA a report, in accordance with a standard determined by APRA under section 13 of the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001, that:
(a) relates to the *quarter; and
(b) states the total liabilities amount (within the meaning of the Major Bank Levy Act 2017) for the quarter in relation to the ADI.
115‑10 When major bank levy is due and payable
(1) An amount of levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017 that an *ADI is liable to pay for a *quarter is due and payable on the first day:
(a) that occurs on or after the *MBL reporting day for the quarter; and
(b) on which the last instalment that the ADI is liable to pay within an *instalment quarter is due under Subdivision 45‑B.
(2) If that amount remains unpaid after it is due and payable, the *ADI is liable to pay *general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the amount was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day at the end of which either of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the amount;
(ii) general interest charge on any of the amount.
Table of Subdivisions
Guide to Division 117
117‑A Application of this Division
117‑B Commissioner may negate effects of schemes for MBL benefits
117‑1 What this Division is about
This Division applies to deter schemes that give entities MBL benefits.
If the sole or dominant purpose of entering into a scheme is to give an entity such a benefit, the Commissioner may negate the MBL benefit an entity gets from the scheme by making a determination.
Subdivision 117‑A—Application of this Division
Table of sections
117‑5 Object of this Division
117‑10 Application of this Division
117‑15 Meaning of MBL benefit
117‑20 Matters to be considered in determining purpose
The object of this Division is to deter *schemes to give entities benefits that reduce or defer liabilities to levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017.
117‑10 Application of this Division
(1) This Division applies if:
(a) an entity gets or got an *MBL benefit from a *scheme; and
(b) taking account of the matters described in section 117‑20, it is reasonable to conclude that an entity that (whether alone or with others) entered into or carried out the scheme, or part of the scheme, did so for the sole or dominant purpose of that entity or another entity getting an MBL benefit from the scheme; and
(c) the scheme:
(i) has been or is entered into at or after 7.30 pm, by legal time in the Australian Capital Territory, on 9 May 2017; or
(ii) has been or is carried out or commenced at or after that time (other than a scheme that was entered into before that time).
(2) It does not matter whether the *scheme, or any part of the scheme, was entered into or carried out inside or outside Australia.
(1) An entity gets an MBL benefit from a *scheme, if:
(a) an amount of levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017 that is payable by the entity under this Act apart from this Division is, or could reasonably be expected to be, smaller than it would be apart from the scheme or a part of the scheme; or
(b) all or part of an amount of levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017 that is payable by the entity under this Act apart from this Division is, or could reasonably be expected to be, payable later than it would have been apart from the scheme or a part of the scheme.
(2) To avoid doubt, a smaller liability mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) includes a case where the liability is zero, or there is no such liability for a particular *quarter.
117‑20 Matters to be considered in determining purpose
The following matters are to be taken into account under section 117‑10 in considering an entity’s purpose in entering into or carrying out the *scheme, or part of the scheme:
(a) the manner in which the scheme was entered into or carried out;
(b) the form and substance of the scheme;
(c) the time at which the scheme was entered into and the length of the period during which the scheme was carried out;
(d) the effect that the Major Bank Levy Act 2017, and any other *taxation law to the extent that it applies in relation to that Act, would have in relation to the scheme apart from this Division;
(e) any change in the financial position of the entity that has resulted, or may reasonably be expected to result, from the scheme;
(f) any change that has resulted, or may reasonably be expected to result, from the scheme in the financial position of an entity (a connected entity) that has or had a connection or dealing with the entity, whether the connection or dealing is or was of a business or other nature;
(g) any other consequence for the entity or a connected entity of the scheme having been entered into or carried out;
(h) the nature of the connection (whether of a business or other nature) between the entity and a connected entity.
Subdivision 117‑B—Commissioner may negate effects of schemes for MBL benefits
Table of sections
117‑25 Commissioner may negate entity’s MBL benefits
117‑30 Determination has effect according to its terms
117‑35 Commissioner may disregard scheme in making determinations
117‑40 One determination may cover several quarters etc.
117‑45 Commissioner must give copy of determination to entity affected
117‑50 Objections
117‑25 Commissioner may negate entity’s MBL benefits
(1) For the purpose of negating an *MBL benefit the entity mentioned in paragraph 117‑10(1)(a) gets or got from the *scheme, the Commissioner may:
(a) make a determination stating the amount that is (and has been at all times) the entity’s liability for levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017, for a specified *quarter that has ended; or
(b) make a determination stating the amount that is (and has been at all times) a particular amount mentioned in paragraph 5(2)(a) or (b) of that Act, for a specified quarter that has ended.
(2) A determination under this section is not a legislative instrument.
(3) The Commissioner may take such action as the Commissioner considers necessary to give effect to the determination.
117‑30 Determination has effect according to its terms
For the purpose of making an *assessment, a statement in a determination under this Subdivision has effect according to its terms, despite the provisions of a *taxation law outside of this Division.
117‑35 Commissioner may disregard scheme in making determinations
For the purposes of making a determination under this Subdivision, the Commissioner may:
(a) treat a particular event that actually happened as not having happened; and
(b) treat a particular event that did not actually happen as having happened and, if appropriate, treat the event as:
(i) having happened at a particular time; and
(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity; and
(c) treat a particular event that actually happened as:
(i) having happened at a time different from the time it actually happened; or
(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity (whether or not the event actually involved any action by that entity).
117‑40 One determination may cover several quarters etc.
To avoid doubt, statements relating to different *quarters and different *MBL benefits may be included in a single determination under this Subdivision.
117‑45 Commissioner must give copy of determination to entity affected
(1) The Commissioner must give a copy of a determination under this Subdivision to the entity whose liability for levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017 is stated in the determination.
(2) A failure to comply with subsection (1) does not affect the validity of the determination.
If the entity whose liability for levy under the Major Bank Levy Act 2017 is stated in a determination under this Subdivision is dissatisfied with the determination, the entity may object against it in the manner set out in Part IVC of the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
Part 3‑17—Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
Division 125—General provisions relating to Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
125‑1 What this Division is about
You must give the Commissioner a return relating to Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy if you are a leviable entity for a financial year.
An amount of levy is due and payable 21 days after the day the Commissioner gives you a notice of assessment.
This Division contains other rules relating to the administration of the levy, including rules dealing with charges and assessments.
Table of sections
125‑5 Returns
125‑10 When Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy and related charges are due and payable
125‑15 Assessments of Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
(1) You must give the Commissioner a return relating to *Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy in the *approved form if you are a leviable entity (within the meaning of the Offshore Petroleum (Laminaria and Corallina Decommissioning Cost Recovery Levy) Act 2022) for a financial year that is a levy year (within the meaning of that Act).
Note: You are required to give the Commissioner a return in accordance with this subsection even if the amount of that levy you are liable to pay is nil.
(2) The return must be given within 6 months after the end of the financial year.
125‑10 When Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy and related charges are due and payable
Original assessments
(1) If you are liable to pay an amount of *Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy for a financial year, the amount is due and payable 21 days after the day the Commissioner gives you a notice of assessment for the financial year.
Amended assessments
(2) If the Commissioner amends your assessment of an amount of *Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy, any extra levy resulting from the amendment is due and payable 21 days after the day the Commissioner gives you notice of the amended assessment.
Shortfall interest charge
(3) If you are liable to pay an amount of *shortfall interest charge under section 280‑102D, the amount is due and payable 21 days after the day the Commissioner gives you notice of the charge.
General interest charge
(4) If an amount of levy or *shortfall interest charge payable under this section remains unpaid after it is due and payable, you are liable to pay *general interest charge on the unpaid amount for each day in the period that:
(a) started at the beginning of the day by which the amount was due to be paid; and
(b) finishes at the end of the last day at the end of which any of the following remains unpaid:
(i) the amount of levy or shortfall interest charge;
(ii) general interest charge on any of the amount of levy or shortfall interest charge.
125‑15 Assessments of Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy
(1) In applying Division 155 in relation to an amount of *Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy:
(a) apply the provisions of that Division with the modification set out in subsection (2) of this section; and
(b) disregard section 155‑70.
(2) Despite subsection 155‑35(2), the period of review, for an assessment of an amount of *Laminaria and Corallina decommissioning levy, is:
(a) the period:
(i) starting on the day on which the Commissioner first gives notice of the assessment to you under section 155‑10; and
(ii) ending on the last day of the period of 6 months starting the day after that day; or
(b) if the period of review is extended under subsection 155‑35(3) or (4)—the period as so extended.
Division 131—Releasing money from superannuation
Table of Subdivisions
131‑A Releasing money from superannuation
Subdivision 131‑A—Releasing money from superannuation
131‑1 What this Subdivision is about
You may request the Commissioner to require the release of an amount from your superannuation interests if you are given:
(a) an excess concessional contributions determination or excess non‑concessional contributions determination; or
(b) a notice of assessment of an amount of Division 293 tax; or
(c) a first home super saver determination.
The Commissioner may also require the release of an amount from your superannuation interests in related circumstances.
Superannuation providers must usually pay the amount required to be released. However, for defined benefit superannuation interests the provider may choose whether or not to pay.
Released amounts are paid to the Commissioner. You get a credit for the released amount. Surplus credits are refunded to you under Division 3A of Part IIB.
Table of sections
Requesting a release authority
131‑5 Requesting the release of amounts from superannuation interests
131‑10 Restrictions on the total amount you can request to be released
Issuing a release authority to superannuation provider
131‑15 Issuing release authorities
131‑20 Amount to be stated in a release authority
131‑25 Contents of a release authority
131‑30 Varying and revoking a release authority
Complying with a release authority
131‑35 Obligations of superannuation providers
131‑40 Voluntary compliance with a release authority relating to defined benefit interests
131‑45 Meaning of maximum available release amount
131‑50 Notifying Commissioner
131‑55 Notifying you
131‑60 Compensation for acquisition of property
Consequences of releasing amounts
131‑65 Entitlement to credits
131‑70 Interest for late payments of money received by the Commissioner in accordance with release authority
131‑75 Income tax treatment of amounts released—proportioning rule does not apply
Requesting a release authority
131‑5 Requesting the release of amounts from superannuation interests
(1) You may make a request under this section for a *financial year if you are given any of the following:
(a) an *excess concessional contributions determination for the financial year;
(b) an *excess non‑concessional contributions determination for the financial year;
(c) a notice of assessment of an amount of *Division 293 tax payable for the income year that corresponds to the financial year;
(d) a *first home super saver determination.
(2) You make the request by:
(a) notifying the Commissioner of the total amount to be released; and
(b) identifying your *superannuation interest or interests from which that total amount is to be released; and
(c) if you identify more than one superannuation interest—stating the amount to be released from each such interest.
(3) The request must:
(a) ensure that the total amount to be released for the determination or assessment complies with section 131‑10; and
(b) be in the *approved form; and
(c) be given to the Commissioner within:
(i) 60 days after the Commissioner issues the determination or notice referred to in subsection (1); or
(ii) a further period allowed by the Commissioner.
Unsuccessful requests—making a further request
(4) If:
(a) you make a valid request under this section; and
(b) the Commissioner gives you a notice under subsection 131‑55(1) stating an amount (the unreleased amount) that a *superannuation provider did not pay in relation to a release authority issued for that request;
you may make a further request to release the unreleased amount from another of your *superannuation interests.
(5) The further request must comply with subsection (2) and paragraphs (3)(a) and (b), and must be given to the Commissioner within:
(a) 60 days after the Commissioner issues the notice mentioned in paragraph (4)(b); or
(b) a further period allowed by the Commissioner.
Request is irrevocable
(6) A request under this section is irrevocable.
131‑10 Restrictions on the total amount you can request to be released
(1) The total amount you can request to be released complies with this section if that amount:
(a) if item 1, 3 or 4 of the following table applies—does not exceed the relevant amount referred to in that item; or
(b) if item 2 of the following table applies—is nil or equals the relevant amount referred to in that item.
Amount you can request to be released | ||