1948. No. .
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Meat Export Control Act 1935-1946.
Dated this Twenty- Third
day of September , 1948.
By His Excellency's Command,
Minister of State for Commerce and Agriculture.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Meat Export Control (Staff) Regulations.
2.—(1.) Except as provided in this regulation, these Regulations shall be deemed to have come into operation on the seventh day of November, 1946.
(2.) Sub-regulation (2.) of regulation 5 of these Regulations shall be deemed to have come into operation on the eighth day of May, 1947.
(3.) Sub-regulation (2.) of regulation 7 of these Regulations shall be deemed to have come into operation on the third day of September, 1947.
3. The Meat Export Control (Staff) Regulations (being Statutory Rules 1936, No. 39, as amended by Statutory Rules 1937, Nos. 44 and 110 ; 1938, No. 36 ; 1940, Nos. 15 and 205 ; and 1942, Nos. 193 and 529) and the Meat Export Control (Banking) Regulations (being Statutory Rules 1936, No. 31, as amended by Statutory Rules 1937, No. 38) are repealed.
4.—(1.) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears ─
" officer " means an officer appointed under the Act;
" returned soldier " has the same meaning as that expression has in the Commonwealth Public Service Act 1922-1947 ;
* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on , 1948.
3421.–PRICE 8D. 8/24.8,1948.
" the Act " means the Meat Export Control Act 1935-1946 ;
" the Manager " means the Manager of the Board.
(2.) In these Regulations, any reference to a Table shall be read as a reference to a Table in the Schedule to these Regulations.
Salaries of officers.
5.—(1.) An officer who occupies an office specified in Table A shall, subject to this regulation, be paid the minimum salary specified in that Table opposite to that office or, where a maximum salary is also so specified, such higher salary (not exceeding that maximum salary) as the Chairman determines.
(2.) Notwithstanding anything contained in the last preceding sub regulation, an officer who occupies an office specified in Table C and is a member of an organization registered under the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904-1947 or a returned soldier shall be the minimum salary specified in that Table opposite to that office, where a maximum salary is also so specified, such higher salary (not exceeding that maximum salary) as the Chairman determines.
(3) Where, in any determination under the Arbitration (Public Service) Act 1920-1947, marginal increases have been granted to officers or any class of officers in the Commonwealth Public Service, the Chairman may, subject to this regulation, apply as on and from the first pay period commencing on or after the twenty-eighth day of August, 1947, such marginal increases to officers who are members of an organization registered under the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904-1947 or who are returned soldiers.
(4.) The Chairman may, if he is satisfied with the conduct, diligence and efficiency of an officer, grant to the officer such annual increments (if any) as are specified in Table A or Table C, as the case may be, opposite to the office occupied by that officer, but so that the annual salary of the officer shall not exceed the maximum salary so specified.
(5.) Where an officer is appointed to the London office of the Board, that portion of his salary which is paid in England shall be paid in English currency.
(6.) The rates of pay and conditions of employment of persons engaged in the United Kingdom for employment shall be those prescribed for that class of employment in the High Commissioner (Staff) Regulations made under the High Commissioner Act 1909-1945.
Variations of salary on account of variations in cost of living.
6.—(1.) In this regulation, " index number " means the weighted average retail price index number for the six state capital cities of the Commonwealth, as shown in the " Court " series of retail price index numbers published from time to time by, or at the direction of, the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration.
(2.) Where the index number for the six months ending on the thirty-first day of March or the thirtieth day of September in any year is less than 81.7, salaries payable in pursuance of these Regulations shall, unless in the case of any particular officer the Chairman otherwise directs, as from the commencement of the first fortnightly pay period beginning in the month of May or the month of November (as
the case may be) next following, be reduced by the amount shown in the following table opposite the index number group within which the index number falls :—
Index Number Groups. | Amount of decrease in salary. | ||
Adult males. | Adult females. | Officers under 21 years of age. | |
| Per annum. | Per annum. | Per annum. |
| £ | £ | £ |
79.4─81.6 .................. | 6 | 4 | 3 |
77.1─79.3.................. | 12 | 8 | 6 |
74.8─77.0.................. | 18 | 12 | 9 |
72.5–74.7................... | 24 | 16 | 12 |
70.2–72.4................... | 30 | 20 | 15 |
67.9–70.1................... | 36 | 24 | 18 |
(3.) If the index number falls below 67.9, salaries shall be further reduced in the manner specified in the last preceding sub-regulation, that is to say, for each fall of 2.3 points in the index number, salaries shall be reduced by Six pounds per annum in the case of adult males, Four pounds per annum in the case of adult females and Three pounds per annum in the case of officers under 21 years of age.
(4.) Where the index number for the six months ending on the thirty-first day of March or the thirtieth day of September in any year exceeds 83.9, salaries payable in pursuance of these Regulations shall, unless in the case of any particular officer the Chairman otherwise directs, as from the commencement of the first fortnightly pay period beginning in the month of May or the month of November (as the case may be) next following, be increased by the appropriate amount shown in the following table opposite the index number group within which the index number falls:—
Index Number Groups. | Amount of decrease in salary. | ||
Adult males. | Adult females. | Officers under 21 years of age. | |
| Per annum. | Per annum. | Per annum. |
| £ | £ | £ |
84.0-86.2................... | 6 | 4 | 3 |
86.3-88.5................... | 12 | 8 | 6 |
88.6-90.8 .................. | 18 | 12 | 9 |
90.9-93.1 .................. | 24 | 16 | 12 |
93.2-95.4 .................. | 30 | 20 | 15 |
95.5-97.7 .................. | 36 | 24 | 18 |
(5.) If the index number rises above 97.7 salaries shall be further increased in the manner specified in the last preceding sub-regulation, that is to say, for each rise of 2.3 points in the index number salaries shall be increased by Six pounds per annum in the case of adult males, Four pounds per annum in the case of adult females and Three pounds per annum in the ease of officers under 21 years of age.
(6.) The following amounts shall, unless in the case of any particular officer the Chairman otherwise directs, be added to salaries payable in pursuance of these Regulations :─
| Per annum. |
| £ |
Adult males.......................................... | 16 |
Adult females ........................................ | 11 |
Officers under 21 years of age.............................. | 8 |
(7.) For the purposes of these Regulations (other than the last preceding regulation) the salary of an officer shall be deemed to be his salary, as varied in pursuance of this regulation.
(8.) The first adjustment of salaries under this regulation shall be deemed to have been made as from the commencement of these Regulations, and shall be based on the index number for the six months ended on the thirtieth day of September, 1946, which shall be deemed to be 99.7.
Rate of travelling allowance.
7.—(1.) An officer who is required to travel on the business of the Board shall, subject to the next succeeding sub-regulation, be paid travelling allowance at the rate set out in Table B.
(2.) Notwithstanding the provisions of the last preceding sub-regulation, on and after the date on which this sub-regulation comes into operation, an officer who is required to travel on the business of the Board shall be paid travelling allowance at the rate set out in Table D.
(3.) No allowance shall be payable under sub-regulation (1.) or sub-regulation (2.) of this regulation where an officer is not required to be absent from his head-quarters over night.
(4.) The Chairman may approve of the payment of actual expenditure in lieu of travelling allowance where it is established to his satisfaction that the prescribed rate is inadequate.
(5.) An officer who is required to take up permanent duty at an overseas destination, or in a State of the Commonwealth other than that in which he is normally resident, shall be allowed ─
(a) first-class fares for himself, his wife and his family ;
(b) first-class fares for the return of himself, his wife and his family on the termination of his employment, unless the employment is terminated by his own act or default or for misconduct ; and
(c) the actual cost of the transfer of his furniture and household effects─
(i) to the place of permanent duty; and
(ii) from the place of permanent duty to the place of the original engagement on the termination of his employment, unless the employment is terminated by his own act or default or for misconduct.
(6.) An allowance payable under this regulation to an officer appointed to the London office of the Board shall be paid in English currency except when such officer is in Australia.
Conditions of employment of officers.
8.—(1.) Subject to these Regulations, the provisions of the Commonwealth Public Service Regulations for the time being in force or any determination made under the Arbitration (Public Service) Act 1920-1947 in respect of any particular class of officers with respect to ─
(a) leave of absence and holidays ;
(b) attendance of officers ;
(c) performance of duties ;
(d) hours of duty and overtime payment ;
(e) salary marginal allowances and other allowances ; and
(f) such other conditions of employment as are not prescribed in these Regulations,
shall apply to officers, and any reference in the Commonwealth Public Service Regulations to the Board, the Permanent Head or the Chief Officer shall be read as a reference to the Chairman.
Allowances to Executive Officer London.
9.—(1.) The Executive Officer of the Board stationed in London shall be paid─
(a) an allowance at a rate approved by the Minister for entertainment purposes ; and
(b) until the appointment of a representative of the Board in London in pursuance of section 14 of the Act, an allowance at the rate of Three hundred and fifty pounds per annum.
(2.) An allowance paid to the Executive Officer of the Board under this regulation shall be paid in English currency.
Allowance to Assistant Executive Officer and Surveyor, London.
10.—(1.) The Assistant Executive Officer and Surveyor of the Board stationed in London shall be paid an allowance at a rate approved by the Minister for entertainment purposes.
(2.) An allowance paid to the Assistant Executive Officer and Surveyor of the Board under this regulation shall be paid in English currency.
Entertainment allowance.
11. The Board may make available to the Chairman an amount which shall not, except with the approval of the Minister, exceed Two hundred pounds in any one year, for entertainment expenses incurred by officers of the Board, and the Chairman may reimburse any officer from the amount so made available such expenses as, in the opinion of the Chairman, the officer has incurred for entertainment.
Signing of cheques.
12. Cheques drawn on any account referred to in section nineteen A of the Act or on the Meat Export Fund shall be signed by not less than two officers appointed by the Chairman for that purpose.
Secretary to report to Board as to certain matters.
13. The Manager shall report to the Board whenever the necessity arises, any alterations which, in his opinion, are necessary or expedient for the more economical, efficient or convenient working of his office, and any alterations which, in his opinion, should be made in the salaries or allowances of officers, and shall bring under the notice of the Board any matter in relation to an officer or to the working of his office with which he thinks it desirable that the Board should be acquainted.
Officers stationed in London.
14. Such of the powers and functions as are conferred by these Regulations on the Board, the Chairman or the Manager may, by resolution of the Board, be conferred on the representative of the Board in London.
Office. | Annual Salary. | ||
Minimum. | Maximum. | Increment. | |
| £ | £ | £ |
Head Office and States. |
Manager............................... | 1,062 | 1,212 | 50 |
Technical Officer and State Representative—New South Wales |
| 975 |
Chief Accountant......................... | 840 | 912 | 24 |
Publicity Officer ......................... | 696 | 768 | 24 |
State Representative—Victoria |
| 875 |
State Representative—Queensland.............. |
| 750 |
Research Officer.......................... | 594 | 720 |
3 of 24 |
Executive Officer—Meat Canning .............. | 522 | 594 | 18 |
Branch Accountant........................ | 450 | 522 | 18 |
Inspector .............................. | 300 | 450 |
7 of 18 |
| |
Clerk (under 21 years of age) ─ |
Under 17 years ........................ | 96 |
At 17 years........................... | 108 |
At 18 years........................... | 120 |
At 19 years........................... | 144 |
At 20 years........................... | 168 |
Adult............................... | 234 | 318 |
4 of 18 |
| |
| 300 | 366 |
4 of 12 |
| 342 | 414 |
2 of 18 |
| |
| 378 | 450 | 18 |
| 414 | 486 | 18 |
| 450 | 522 | 18 |
Cleaner (Male)—To be paid in accordance with the .. |
conditions of any Arbitration Determination for ... |
the time being in force which relates to this class ... |
of work .............................. |
Assistant, Grade 1 (Female)─ |
Under 17 years........................... | 84 |
At 17 years ........................... | 96 |
At 18 years ........................... | 108 |
At 19 years ........................... | 126 |
At 20 years ........................... | 150 |
Adult............................... | 162 | 178 | 8 |
Assistant, Grade 2 (Female)................... | 186 | 194 | 8 |
Assistant, Grade 3 (Female).................. | 202 | 210 | 8 |
Telephonist (Female) ...................... | 174 | 198 | 8 |
Typist, Grade 1 (Female) ─ |
Under 17 years......................... | 84 |
At 17 years ........................... | 96 |
At 18 years ........................... | 114 |
At 19 years ........................... | 138 |
At 20 years ........................... | 168 |
Adult ............................... | 186 | 226 | 8 |
Typist, Grade 2 .......................... | 234 | 242 | 8 |
Typist, Grade 3........................... | 250 | 262 | 12 |
Accounting Machinist (Female) ─ |
Grade 1 ............................. | As for Typist, Grade 1 | ||
Grade 2 ............................. | As for Typist, Grade 2 | ||
Grade 3 ............................. | As for Typist, Grade 3 |
TABLE A —continued
Office. | Annual Salary. | ||
Minimum. | Minimum. | Increment | |
| £ | £ | £ |
Messenger ─ |
Under 16 years .......................... | 66 |
At 16 years............................. | 78 |
At 17 years............................. | 96 |
At 18 years............................. | 114 |
At 19 years............................. | 138 |
At 20 years............................. | 168 |
London Office. |
Executive Officer........................ | 750 | 1,200 | 50 |
Assistant Executive Officer and Surveyor......... | 650 | 1,000 | 50 |
Assistant Surveyor........................ | 500 | 750 | 25 |
1. Officers travelling on duty in Australia —
Where the maximum salary of position (excluding cost of living variation but including marginal increases) is— | Allowance Capital Cities. | Allowance Other than Capital Cities. | ||||||||||
First fourteen days' residence. | After fourteen days' residence, | First fourteen days' residence, | After fourteen days' residence, | |||||||||
Married officer. | Unmarried officer. | Married officer. | Unmarried officer. | |||||||||
| Per Day | Per Week | Per Week | Per Day | Per week | Per Week | ||||||
| s. | d. | s | d. | s. | d. | s. | d. | s. | d. | s. | d. |
£342 and less....... | 14 | 6 | 50 | 0 | 35 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 42 | 0 | 30 | 0 |
£343 but not more than £720 | 18 | 6 | 70 | 0 | 45 | 0 | 14 | 6 | 50 | 0 | 45 | 0 |
£721 but less than £1,012 | 22 | 0 | 80 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 17 | 0 | 63 | 0 | 40 | 0 |
over £1,012 ........ | 25 | 0 |
| 20 | 0 |
(Hourly rate in each case to be 1/24th of daily rate or 1/168th of weekly rate.)
2. Officers whose head-quarters are in Australia and who are travelling on duty overseas—
In United States of America and Canadian Cities.—Hotel accounts for normal accommodation and sustenance only and excluding all charges for such items as refreshments, gratuities, tobacco, papers or laundry plus an allowance of $7.50 per day for senior officers and $5 for other officers.
In United Kingdom Cities.—Hotel accounts as above plus allowance £E.1 10s. per day for senior officers and £E.1 for other officers.
When Travelling between Places.—£E.2 2s. day or $10 in United States of America and Canada, reduced to £E.10s. or $2.50 in United States of America and Canada, when the transport provided includes sustenance.
For the purposes of this Table, senior officers are officers receiving salary over £750 actual per annum.
3. Officers whose head-quarters are in England and who are required to travel on duty in the United Kingdom—
Hotel accounts as above, plus 10s. per day.
Office. | Annual Salary. | ||
Minimum. | Maximum. | Increment. | |
Head Office and States......... | £ | £ | £ |
Research Officer.......................... | 648 | 720 | 3 of 24 |
Executive Officer—Meat Canning.............. | 576 | 648 | 18 |
Branch Accountant........................ | 504 | 576 | 18 |
Inspector .............................. | 324 | 504 | 18 |
Clerk— Under 21 years of age— |
Under 17 years......................... | 108 |
At 17 years............................ | 120 |
At 18 years............................ | 138 |
At 19 years............................ | 162 |
At 20 years............................ | 192 |
| 246 | 360 | 1 of 18 4 of 24 |
| 312 | 396 |
2 of 18 |
| |
| 378 | 468 | 18 |
| 414 | 504 | 18 |
| 468 | 540 | 18 |
| 504 | 576 | 18 |
Typist, Grade 1 (Female)— |
Under 17 years......................... | 92 |
At 17 years............................ | 116 |
At 18 years............................ | 128 |
At 19 years............................ | 146 |
At 20 years............................ | 170 |
Adult — |
Without shorthand ability................. | 190 | 226 | 12 |
With shorthand ability to write 100 words per minute | 202 | 238 | 12 |
With shorthand ability to write 120 words per minute | 214 | 250 | 12 |
Typists under the age of 21 years may be paid an allowance at the rate of £12 per anuum if able to write shorthand at the rate of 100 words per minute, or £24 per annum if able to write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute |
Typist, Grade 2 (Female) .................... | 262 | 274 | 12 |
Typist, Grade 3 (Female) .................... | 286 | 298 | 12 |
Accounting Machinist, Grade 1 (Female)— |
Under 17 years ......................... | 92 |
At 17 years............................ | 116 |
At 18 years............................ | 128 |
At 19 years............................ | 146 |
At 20 years............................ | 170 |
Adult................................ | 190 | 250 | 12 |
Advancement beyond £226 to be subject to passing such tests as the Minister approves |
Accounting Machinist, Grade 2 (Female).......... | As for Typist, Grade 1 | ||
Accounting Machinist, Grade 3 (Female) ......... | As for Typist, Grade 1 | ||
Telephonist (Female)....................... | 190 | 214 | 8 |
Messenger─ |
Under 16 years ......................... | 72 |
At 16 years............................ | 84 |
At 17 years............................ | 108 |
At 18 years............................ | 126 |
At 19 years............................ | 150 |
At 20 years ........................... | 180 |
1. Officers travelling on duty in Australia —
Where the maximum salary of position (excluding cost of living variation but including marginal increases) is— | Allowance– Capital Cities. | Allowance– Other than Capital Cities. | ||||||||||
First twenty-one days' residence, | After twenty-one days' residence, | First twenty-one days' residence, | After twenty-one days' residence, | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||
Married officer. | Unmarried officer. | Married officer. | Unmarried officer. | |||||||||
| Per day | Per week | Per week | Per day | Per week | Per week | ||||||
| s. | d. | s. | d. | s. | d. | s. | d. | s. | d. | s | d. |
£396 and less....... | 18 | 6 | 70 | 0 | 45 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 55 | 0 | 35 | 0 |
£397 but not more than £720 | 21 | 0 | 80 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 17 | 6 | 65 | 0 | 40 | 0 |
£721 but less than £1,012 | 25 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 60 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 75 | 0 | 50 | 0 |
over £1,012 ....... | 30 | 0 | 105 | 0 | 65 | 0 | 25 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 60 | 0 |
(Hourly rate in each case to be 1/24th of daily rate or 1/168th of weekly rate.)
2. Officers whose head-quarters are in Australia and who are travelling on duty overseas—
In United States of America and Canadian Cities—Hotel accounts for normal accommodation and sustenance only and excluding all charges for such items as refreshments, gratuities, tobacco, papers or laundry plus an allowance of $7.50 per day for senior officers and $5 for other officers.
In United Kingdom Cities.—Hotel accounts as above plus allowance £E.1 10s. per day for senior officers and £E.1 for other officers.
When Travelling between Places ─ £E.2 2s. or $10 in United States of America and Canada, reduced to £E.10s. or $2.50 in United States of America and Canada, when the transport provided includes sustenance.
For the purposes of this Table, senior officers are officers receiving salary over £750 actual per annum.
3. Officers whose head-quarters are in England and who are required to travel on duty in the United Kingdom —
Hotel accounts as above, plus 10s. per day.
4. Officers whose head-quarters are in England and who are required to travel on duty in European countries other than the United Kingdom —
Hotel accounts as above, plus £E.1 10s. per day.
By Authority : L. F. JOHNSTON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.