1941. No. 7.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Science and Industry Research Act 1920–1939.
Dated this seventh day of January, 1941.
By His Excellency’s Command,
for Prime Minister.
Amendments of the Science and Industry Research Regulations.†
Constitution of State Committees and terms of appointment.
1. Regulation 3 of the Science and Industry Research Regulations is amended—
(a) by omitting from sub-regulation (1.) the words “not more than fifteen members, exclusive of ex officio members” and inserting in their stead the words “such other members, not exceeding the number of each class of member specified in this regulation to be eligible for appointment, as are appointed in pursuance of section 12a of the Act and this regulation”; and
(b) by omitting from sub-regulation (6.) the word “ten” and inserting in its stead the word “twenty”.
Salaries of certain officers.
2. Regulation 3b. of the Science and Industry Research Regulations is amended by omitting from the table in sub-regulation (1.) each of the amounts of salary specified therein and respectively inserting in their stead an amount ascertained by adding £12 to each of the amounts so omitted.
*Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on , 1941.
†Statutory Rules 1926, No. 125, as amended by Statutory Rules 1927, Nos. 38 and 57; 1934, No. 41; 1936, No. 13; 1937, No. 3; 1938, No. 14; 1939, Nos. 15, 45 and 83; and 1940, No. 224.
6049.—20/22.12.1941.—Price 3d.
Salaries of technical officers.
3. Regulation 3c. of the Science and Industry Research Regulations is amended by omitting from the columns headed “Males” of the table in sub-regulation (2.) each of the amounts of salary specified therein and respectively inserting in their stead an amount ascertained by adding £12 to each of the amounts so omitted.
Meaning of “officer” and “salary” in regulations 8-12.
4. Regulation 13 of the Science and Industry Research Regulations is amended by omitting paragraph (a) from the definition of “salary”.
5. Regulations 2, 3 and 4 of these Regulations shall be deemed to have come into operation on the tenth day of July, 1941.
By Authority: L. F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.