No. 60 of 1941.
An Act to grant and apply out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund a sum for the service of the year ending the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and forty-two and to appropriate the Supplies granted by the Parliament for that year.
[Assented to 3rd December, 1941.]
BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, for the purpose of appropriating the grant originated in the House of Representatives, as follows:—
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 1941–42.
2. This Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
Issue and application of £64,226,000.
3. The Treasurer may issue out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and apply towards making good the supply hereby granted to His Majesty for the service of the year ending the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and forty-two the sum of Sixty-four million two hundred and twenty-six thousand pounds.
4. All
F.7916.—Price 9s.
Appropriation of supply £107,164,000.
4. All sums granted by this Act and the other Acts mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund towards making good the supply granted to His Majesty for the service of the year ending the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and forty-two amounting as appears by that Schedule in the aggregate to the sum of One hundred and seven million one hundred and sixty-four thousand pounds are appropriated and shall be deemed to have been appropriated as from the first day of July One thousand nine hundred and forty-one for the purposes and services expressed in the Second Schedule to this Act in relation to the financial year ending the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and forty-two.
| £ |
Act No. 25 of 1941................. | 15,141,000 |
Act No. 27 of 1941................. | 11,576,000 |
Act No. 30 of 1941................. | 16,221,000 |
Under this Act.................... | 64,226,000 |
| 107,164,000 |
PARLIAMENT............................................. | 155,400 | |
PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT............................. | 745,000 | |
DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS......................... | 134,000 | |
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY............................. | 1,021,100 | |
ATTORNEY-GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT......................... | 291,600 | |
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.............................. | 494,700 | |
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY..................... | 25,645,000 |
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY..................... | 108,000,000 |
DEPARTMENT OF AIR........................... | 43,055,000 |
DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS..................... | 23,060,000 |
OTHER WAR SERVICES.......................... | 2,267,000 |
| 213,925,000 |
Less AMOUNT CHARGEABLE TO LOAN FUND....... | 139,338,000 |
| 74,587,000 |
DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION............................ | 474,300 | |
DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND CUSTOMS........................ | 736,000 | |
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH................................... | 151,900 | |
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE................................ | 574,000 | |
DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES........................... | 349,000 | |
MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES................................. | 1,032,000 | |
REFUNDS OF REVENUE..................................... | 3,200,000 | |
ADVANCE TO THE TREASURER............................... | 6,000,000 | |
WAR (1914–18) SERVICES.................................... | 1,266,000 | |
TOTAL PART 1................................ | 91,212,000 | |
| |
COMMONWEALTH RAILWAYS................................ | 1,103,000 | |
POSTMASTER-GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT....................... | 13,897,000 | |
TOTAL PART 2................................ | 15,000,000 | |
| |
NORTHERN TERRITORY..................................... | 435,960 | |
AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY............................ | 417,850 | |
PAPUA.................................................. | 44,190 | |
NEW GUINEA............................................. | 50,000 | |
NORFOLK ISLAND......................................... | 4,000 | |
TOTAL PART 3................................ | 952,000 | |
TOTAL...................................... | 107,164,000 |
Division Number. | — | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | Increase on Expenditure, 1940–41. | Decrease on Expenditure, 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | |||||
| £ | £ | £ | £ | £ |
1 | SENATE................. | 13,490 | 11,270 | 11,019 | 2,471 | .. |
2 | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | 22,100 | 16,030 | 15,742 | 6,358 | .. |
3 | PARLIAMENTARY REPORTING STAFF | 12,250 | 13,750 | 13,073 | .. | 823 |
4 | LIBRARY................. | 9,910 | 9,560 | 9,034 | 876 | .. |
6 | JOINT HOUSE DEPARTMENT.. | 22,250 | 21,380 | 21,717 | 533 | .. |
6 | PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS | 1,400 | 2,110 | 1,393 | 7 | .. |
7 | PARLIAMENTARY PRINTING. | 16,000 | 21,000 | 14,359 | 1,641 | .. |
8 | MISCELLANEOUS.......... | 58,000 | 54,500 | 57,223 | 777 | .. |
| Total........... | 155,400 | 149,600 | 143,560 | 111,840 | .. |
| Salaries and payments in the nature of salary | 59,670 | 58,720 | 58,248 | 1,422 | .. |
| General expenses............ | 27,600 | 32,750 | 25,016 | 2,584 | .. |
| Other services.............. | 68,130 | 58,130 | 60,296 | 7,834 | .. |
| Total........... | 155,400 | 149,600 | 143,560 | 11,840 | .. |
| £ |
| Estimate, 1941–42................... | 155,400 |
| ||
| Vote, 1940–41..................... | 149,600 |
| ||
| Increase..................... | 5,800 |
Division No. 1.—SENATE. | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 146...... | 8,470 | 8,176 | 8,152 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 280 | 264 | 252 |
3. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 110 | .. | .. |
B.—General Expenses— | 8,860 | 8,440 | 8,404 |
| |
1. Travelling and subsistence...................... | 100 | 100 | 101 |
2. Office requisites and equipment and stationery........ | 50 | 50 | 52 |
3. Postage and telegrams......................... | 50 | 50 | 50 |
4. Other incidental expenses...................... | 140 | 140 | 121 |
C—Other Services— | 340 | 340 | 324 |
| |
1. Postages and telegrams for Senators............... | 2,230 | 2,230 | 2,196 |
2. Select Committees—Expenses................... | 1,900 | 100 | .. |
3. Conveyance of Senators and their luggage in Canberra... | 160 | 160 | 95 |
| 4,290 | 2,490 | 2,291 |
Total Division No. 1............. | 13,490 | 11,270 | 11,019 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 146...... | 9,000 | 9,240 | 8,757 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 2,400 | 1,230 | 1,365 |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 190 | 329 |
B.—General Expenses— | 11,400 | 10,660 | 10,451 |
| |
1. Travelling and subsistence...................... | 120 | 120 | 151 |
2. Office requisites and equipment and stationery........ | 220 | 130 | 109 |
3. Postage and telegrams........................ | 90 | 80 | 90 |
4. Other incidental expenses...................... | 170 | 170 | 179 |
| 600 | 500 | 529 |
Carried forward................. | 12,000 | 11,160 | 10,980 |
Division No. 2.— HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—continued. | 1941–42. | 1940-41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
| £ | £ | £ |
Brought forward................ | 12,000 | 11,160 | 10,980 |
C.—Other Services— |
1. Postages and telegrams for Members............... | 4,890 | 4,640 | 4,639 |
2. Select Committees—Expenses................... | 5,000 | 10 | .. |
3. Conveyance of Members and their luggage in Canberra.. | 210 | 220 | 123 |
| 10,100 | 4,870 | 4,762 |
Total Division No. 2............. | 22,100 | 16,030 | 15,742 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1 Salaries and allowances as per schedule, page 147...... | 10,400 | 10,960 | 10,160 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 1,650 | 1,150 | 1,376 |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 1,440 | 1,441 |
| 12,050 | 13,550 | 12,977 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 100 | 100 | 38 |
2. Office requisites, equipment and stationery.......... | 70 | 70 | 36 |
3. Other incidental expenses...................... | 30 | 30 | 22 |
| 200 | 200 | 96 |
Total Division No. 3............. | 12,250 | 13,750 | 13,073 |
Division No. 4.—LIBRARY. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 147..... | 6,340 | 6,059 | 6,060 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 800 | 731 | 759 |
| 7,140 | 6,790 | 6,819 |
Carried forward............... | 7,140 | 6,790 | 6,819 |
Division No. 4.—LIBRARY—continued. | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
| £ | £ | £ |
Brought forward................. | 7,140 | 6,790 | 6,819 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 30 | 30 | 35 |
2. Office requisites and equipment and stationery........ | 40 | 60 | 46 |
3. Postage and telegrams........................ | 80 | 80 | 80 |
4. Books, maps, plates, documents, and insurance........ | 1,800 | 1,800 | 1,338 |
5. Subscriptions to newspapers, periodicals and annuals.... | 700 | 700 | 647 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 120 | 100 | 69 |
| 2,770 | 2,770 | 2,215 |
Total Division No. 4............. | 9,910 | 9,560 | 9,034 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 149...... | 10,110 | 10,970 | 9,700 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 4,700 | 2,875 | 4,485 |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 95 | 92 |
| 14,810 | 13,940 | 14,277 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence...................... | 100 | 100 | 136 |
2. Office requisites and equipment and stationery........ | 50 | 30 | 18 |
3. Postage, telegrams, telephone and fire services........ | 2,560 | 2,460 | 2,809 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 2,680 | 2,800 | 2,221 |
5. Water supply and sanitation..................... | 400 | 400 | 595 |
6. Parliament gardens........................... | 250 | 250 | 285 |
7. Maintenance and repairs....................... | 1,150 | 1,150 | 1,063 |
8. Other incidental expenses...................... | 250 | 250 | 313 |
| 7,440 | 7,440 | 7,440 |
Total Division No. 5............. | 22,250 | 21,380 | 21,717 |
Under Control of Joint House Department. | 1941–42 | 1940–41. | |
| Vote. | Expenditure. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 149..... | 1,140 | 1,410 | 1,157 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 10 | 10 | .. |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 190 | 183 |
| 1,150 | 1,610 | 1,340 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 190 | 420 | 43 |
2. Office requisites and equipment and stationery........ | 30 | 50 | 6 |
3. Postage and telegrams........................ | 15 | 15 | .. |
4. Other incidental expenses...................... | 15 | 15 | 4 |
| 250 | 500 | 53 |
Total Division No. 6............. | 1,400 | 2,110 | 1,393 |
Under Control of Department of the Treasury. |
1. Printing of Hansard, including cost of distribution...... | 8,000 | 8,000 | 7,239 |
2. Parliamentary papers......................... | 5,000 | 8,000 | 4,676 |
3. Other printing and binding..................... | 3,000 | 5,000 | 2,444 |
Total Division No. 7............. | 16,000 | 21,000 | 14,359 |
Under Control of Department of the Interior. |
Division No. 8.—MISCELLANEOUS. |
1. Conveyance of Members of Parliament and others..... | 40,000 | 40,000 | 40,254 |
2. Maintenance of Ministers’ and Members’ rooms in capital cities, including salaries of attendants | (a)18,000 | (a)14,500 | (a)16,969 |
Total Division No. 8............. | 58,000 | 54,500 | 57,223 |
Total Parliament............... | 155,400 | 149,600 | 143,560 |
(a) Includes salaries of staff—1941–42, £4,280; 1940–41, Vote £3,730; Expenditure £3,980.
Division Number. | — | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | Increase on Expenditure. 1940–41. | Decrease on Expenditure, 1940–41. | |||||||
Vote. | Expenditure. | |||||||||||
| £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | ||||||
9 | ADMINISTRATIVE........ | (a) 62,610 | (a) 64,000 | (a) 64,919 | .. | 2,309 | ||||||
10 | EXTERNAL TERRITORIES... | 6,500 | (b) | (b) | 6,500 | .. | ||||||
11 | AUDIT OFFICE........... | (a) 69,200 | (a) 62,600 | (a) 66,407 | 2,793 | .. | ||||||
12 | PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD... | 48,900 | 50,400 | 46,364 | 2,536 | .. | ||||||
13 | GOVERNOR-GENERAL’S OFFICE | 5,900 | 5,900 | 4,389 | 1,511 | .. | ||||||
14 | NATIONAL LIBRARY...... | 3,000 | 3,500 | 2,567 | 433 | .. | ||||||
15 | HIGH COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE —UNITED KINGDOM | (a) 86,000 | (a) 80,500 | (a) 81,037 | 4,963 | .. | ||||||
16 | COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH | 419,390 | 330,500 | 316,873 | 102,517 | .. | ||||||
17 | SHIPPING AND MAIL SERVICES TO PACIFIC ISLANDS | 43,500 | 40,000 | 38,456 | 5,044 | .. | ||||||
| Total......... | 745,000 | 637,400 | 621,012 | 123,988 | .. | ||||||
(a) The additional administrative expenditure occasioned by the war is provided under War (1939–41) Services. (b) Provided in 1940–41 under Division No. 9—Administrative. | ||||||||||||
| Salaries and payments in the nature of salary............... | 504,008 | 424,715 | 415,551 | 88,457 | .. | ||||||
| General expenses................................. | 240,992 | 212,685 | 205,461 | 35,531 | .. | ||||||
| Total................................ | 745,000 | 637,400 | 621,012 | 123,988 | .. | ||||||
| £ |
| ||||||||
| Estimate, 1941–42....................... | 745,000 |
| ||||||||
| Vote, 1940-41.......................... | 637,400 |
| ||||||||
| Increase........... | 107,600 |
| ||||||||
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 9.—ADMINISTRATIVE. | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 150..... | 30,900 | 30,890 | 29,203 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 9,500 | 7,160 | 6,830 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 2,050 | 1,550 | 2,661 |
4. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 50 | .. | 15 |
| 42,500 | 39,600 | 38,709 |
Less amount provided under Division No. 118–a—War (1939–41) Services | 11,000 | 6,700 | 6,700 |
B.—General Expenses— | 31,500 | 32,900 | 32,009 |
| |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 9,570 | 7,500 | 10,144 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 1,650 | 1,250 | 1,739 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 6,940 | 8,000 | 6,626 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 400 | 500 | 385 |
5. Cablegrams and radiograms (moneys paid by persons for cablegrams sent on their behalf may be credited to this vote) | 35,000 | 14,500 | 29,438 |
6. Printing and distribution (including postage) of Commonwealth Gazettes | 6,000 | 5,580 | 5,569 |
7. Commonwealth Statutes—Special distribution........ | 1,400 | 1,500 | 1,204 |
8. Travelling expenses of Commonwealth Ministers and Members of Advisory War Council | 6,000 | 3,500 | 6,252 |
9. National broadcasts by the Prime Minister and other Federal Ministers | 650 | 620 | 464 |
10. Other incidental expenses...................... | 1,000 | 950 | 789 |
| 68,610 | 43,900 | 62,610 |
Less amount provided under Division No. 118–b—War (1939–41) Services | 37,500 | 12,800 | 29,700 |
| 31,110 | 31,100 | 32,910 |
Total Division No. 9............. | 62,610 | 64,000 | 64,919 |
(Under Control of Minister for External Territories.) |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 151..... | 4,200 | .. | .. |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 350 | .. | .. |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 50 | .. | .. |
| 4,600 | .. | .. |
Carried forward................. | 4,600 | .. | .. |
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 10.—EXTERNAL TERRITORIES—continued. | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
£ | £ | £ | |
Brought forward................. | 4,600 | .. | .. |
B.—General Expenses— |
| |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 850 | .. | .. |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 150 | .. | .. |
3. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams... | 650 | .. | .. |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 50 | .. | .. |
5. Other incidental expenses...................... | 200 | .. | .. |
| 1,900 | .. | .. |
Total Division No. 10............. | 6,500 | (a) | (a) |
Division No. 11.—AUDIT OFFICE. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 155..... | 105,740 | 81,980 | 70,248 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 15,700 | 2,000 | 16,153 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 80 | 40 | 120 |
4. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 1,380 | 80 | 698 |
| 122,900 | 84,100 | 87,219 |
Less amount provided under Division No. 118–a—War (1939-41) Services | 57,400 | 24,800 | 24,800 |
| 65,500 | 59,300 | 62,419 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 2,850 | 2,040 | 2,722 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 630 | 332 | 588 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 1,080 | 827 | 910 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 190 | 134 | 129 |
5. Freight and cartage, including removal expenses....... | 820 | 860 | 321 |
6. Papuan office contingencies.................... | 60 | 60 | 60 |
7. Other incidental expenses...................... | 830 | 357 | 568 |
Less— | 6,460 | 4,610 | 5,298 |
| |
Amount to be recovered from Administration of Papua. | 60 | 60 | 60 |
Amount to be recovered from Special Funds........ | 200 | 250 | 250 |
Amounts provided under Parts 2 and 3............ | 400 | 400 | 400 |
Amount provided under Division No. 1 18–b—War (1939–41) Services | 2,100 | 600 | 600 |
| 2,760 | 1,310 | 1,310 |
| 3,700 | 3,300 | 3,988 |
Total Division No. 11............. | 69,200 | 62,600 | 66,407 |
(a) Provided under Division No. 9—Administrative in 1940–41.
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 12.— PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD. | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 156..... | 37,530 | 38,620 | 34,876 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 850 | 550 | 853 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 300 | 300 | 259 |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 50 | 41 |
| 38,680 | 39,520 | 36,029 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,000 | 800 | 1,049 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 500 | 800 | 707 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 2,500 | 2,500 | 2,456 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 300 | 410 | 286 |
5. Expenses of holding examinations, including advertising. | 4,600 | 4,600 | 4,632 |
6. Expenses in connexion with Arbitration Court proceedings | 250 | 350 | 210 |
7. Fees for free and assisted courses at Universities....... | 450 | 800 | 472 |
8. Payment to the Postmaster-General’s Department for cleaning and other services rendered | 160 | 160 | 151 |
9. Expenses in connexion with election of Divisional Representatives | 60 | 10 | .. |
10. Other incidental expenses..................... | 400 | 450 | 372 |
| 10,220 | 10,880 | 10,335 |
Total Division No. 12............. | 48,900 | 50,400 | 46,364 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 157..... | 1,228 | 1,136 | 1,233 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 732 | 714 | 628 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 20 | 20 | .. |
4. Deferred pay—for payment to the credit of the Deferred Pay (Naval) Trust Account | 180 | 180 | 174 |
| 2,160 | 2,050 | 2,035 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,650 | 1,600 | 1,351 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 350 | 450 | 188 |
3. Postage, telegrams and cablegrams................ | 600 | 650 | 569 |
4. Purchase of State portraits..................... | 720 | 720 | .. |
5. Other incidental expenses...................... | 420 | 430 | 246 |
| 3,740 | 3,850 | 2,354 |
Total Division No. 13............. | 5,900 | 5,900 | 4,389 |
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 14.—NATIONAL LIBRARY. | 1941–42 | 1940–41. | |
| Vote. | Expenditure. | |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 157..... | 1,380 | 1,418 | 1,085 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 170 | 172 | 392 |
3. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 30 | .. | .. |
| 1,580 | 1,590 | 1,477 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 20 | 30 | 2 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 10 | 50 | 7 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 70 | 70 | 67 |
4. Books, maps, plates, documents and insurance (moneys received by way of fines in connexion with overdue books may be credited to this vote) | 650 | 1,200 | 527 |
5. Subscriptions to newspapers, periodicals and annuals... | 200 | 260 | 292 |
6. Fuel, light and power......................... | 100 | 200 | 78 |
7. Library services to outlying territories.............. | 300 | .. | .. |
8. Other incidental expenses...................... | 70 | 100 | 117 |
| 1,420 | 1,910 | 1,090 |
Total Division No. 14............. | 3,000 | 3,500 | 2,567 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 157..... | 35,820 | 33,162 | 32,317 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 2,900 | 2,768 | 3,644 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 420 | 800 | 620 |
4. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 160 | 120 | 87 |
| 39,300 | 36,850 | 36,668 |
Less amount provided under Division No. 118–a—War (1939–41) Services | 2,000 | 1,500 | 1,500 |
B.—General Expenses— | 37,300 | 35,350 | 35,168 |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 2,400 | 1,700 | 2,509 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 1,750 | 1,750 | 1,585 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 10,600 | 5,540 | 8,318 |
4. Freight and cartage, including removal expenses....... | 300 | 400 | 45 |
5. Cablegrams............................... | 12,000 | 11,000 | 11,933 |
6. Municipal and other taxes...................... | 11,720 | 11,750 | 11,423 |
7. General upkeep of “Australia House”.............. | (a)17,200 | (a)14,570 | (a)16,116 |
8. Upkeep of official residence.................... | 650 | 715 | 655 |
| 56,620 | 47,425 | 52,584 |
| 37,300 | 35,350 | 35,168 |
(1) Includes wages of staff employed on upkeep as follows:—1941–42, £8,755: 1940–41, Vote, £8,202; Expenditure, £9,500.
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 15.—HIGH COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE—UNITED KINGDOM—continued. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
| £ | £ | £ |
Brought forward............... | 37,300 | 35,350 | 35,168 |
B.—General Expenses—continued. |
Brought forward............... | 56,620 | 47,425 | 52,584 |
9. Allowance to High Commissioner for expenses of official residence | 2,510 | 2,510 | 2,507 |
10. Entertainment allowance to High Commissioner...... | 1,250 | 1,250 | 1,254 |
11. Special removal expenses..................... | 3,700 | 3,930 | 3,256 |
12. Other incidental expenses..................... | 620 | 635 | 773 |
| 64,700 | 55,750 | 60,374 |
Less amount provided under Division No. 118–b—War (1939–41) Services | 16,000 | 10,600 | 14,505 |
| 48,700 | 45,150 | 45,869 |
Total Division No. 15............. | 86,000 | 80,500 | 81,037 |
(For Payment to the credit of the Science and Industry Investigation Trust Account.) |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 159..... | 26,490 | 18,640 | 19,533 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 800 | 800 | 799 |
| 27,290 | 19,440 | 20,332 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,250 | 1,300 | 1,181 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 1,000 | 850 | 953 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 1,300 | 1,200 | 1,245 |
4. Printing of journal and bulletins.................. | 3,250 | 3,250 | 2,508 |
5. Scientific Research Liaison Officers overseas......... | 3,210 | .. | 1,583 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 1,150 | 1,000 | 1,046 |
Losses by theft.............................. | .. | .. | 5 |
| 11,160 | 7,600 | 8,521 |
C.—Investigations— |
1. Animal health and nutrition.................... | (a)73,950 | (a)71,520 | 67,672 |
2. Plant industry.............................. | (a)44,770 | (a)41,650 | 39,422 |
3. Entomology............................... | 18,990 | (a)22,080 | 21,894 |
4. Horticulture, including soil survey and irrigation....... | (a)33,860 | (a)29,260 | 27,605 |
5. Food preservation and transport.................. | (a)20,230 | (a)18,920 | 17,662 |
6. Forest products............................. | (a)36,320 | (a)33,810 | 35,321 |
7. Mining and metallurgy....................... | (a) 860 | (a) 860 | 790 |
| (a) 4,900 | (a) 5,100 | 4,476 |
Carried forward................. | 233,880 | 223,200 | 214,842 |
| 38,450 | 27,040 | 28,853 |
(a) Includes expenditure from contributions from outside sources.
II.—Prime Minister’s Department.
Division No. 16.—COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH—continued. | 1941–42. | 1940–41. |
(For Payment to the credit of the Science and Industry | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
Investigation Trust Account.) | £ | £ | £ |
Brought forward................ | 38,450 | 27,040 | 28,853 |
C.—Investigations—continued. |
Brought forward............... | 233,880 | 223,200 | 214,842 |
9. Information service, including library.............. | 5,500 | 5,200 | 4,898 |
10. Research in connexion with the gold-mining industry... | 4,000 | 3,750 | 3,483 |
11. Fisheries investigations....................... | 20,500 | 19,930 | 20,076 |
12. Aeronautical research........................ | 40,500 | 24,390 | 20,321 |
13. National Standards Laboratory.................. | (a)104,860 | 66,310 | 67,260 |
14. Industrial Chemistry......................... | 30,930 | 11,760 | 11,714 |
15. Unforeseen and urgent investigations.............. | 2,500 | 3,000 | 494 |
16. Miscellaneous............................. | (a) 16,790 | 7,575 | 11,203 |
Apple and Pear Industry—Research and demonstration.. | .. | (a) 5,450 | 4,754 |
Training of Students—Secondary industry research..... | .. | 1,920 | 1,260 |
| 459,460 | 372,485 | 360,305 |
Less amounts recoverable by way of grants from outside, sources and from sales of produce, &c., in connexion with investigations | 76,894 | 67,350 | 70,610 |
| 382,566 | 305,135 | 289,695 |
Less amount payable from the Science and Industry Investigation Trust Account | 1,626 | 1,675 | 1,675 |
Total Investigations............... | 380,940 | 303,460 | 288,020 |
Total Division No. 16............. | 419,390 | 330,500 | 316,873 |
| (b) | (b) | (b) |
1. Mail Services to Papua, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island and New Hebrides (Contributions by the Government of the Western Pacific towards the cost of these services may be credited to this vote) | 43,500 | 40,000 | 38,456 |
Total Prime Minister’s Department........ | 745,000 | 637,400 | 621,012 |
(a) Includes expenditure from contributions from outside sources.
(b) Expenditure allocated as follow :— | 1941–42. |
| 1940–41. | ||
| Vote. |
| Expenditure. |
| £ |
| £ |
| £ |
Salaries and payments in the nature of salary....................... | 312,933 | .. | 246,803 | .. | 236,914 |
General expenses......................................... | 106,457 | .. | 84,697 | .. | 79,959 |
| 419,390 | .. | 830,500 | .. | 316,873 |
Division Number. | — | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | Increase on Expenditure, 1940–41. | Decrease on Expenditure, 1940–41. | |||||
Vote. | Expenditure. | |||||||||
| £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | ||||
18 | ADMINISTRATIVE.............................. | 24,400 | 18,300 | 24,268 | 132 | .. | ||||
19 | AUSTRALIAN LEGATION— UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 32,000 | 28,600 | 34,807 | .. | 2,807 | ||||
20 | AUSTRALIAN LEGATION— JAPAN.................. | 34,400 | 29,200 | 23,456 | 10,944 | .. | ||||
21 | AUSTRALIAN LEGATION— CHINA.................. | 29,000 | .. | .. | 29,000 | .. | ||||
22 | HIGH COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE—CANADA........... | 14,200 | 16,100 | 15,517 | .. | 1,317 | ||||
| Total............................... | 134,000 | 92,200 | 98,048 | 35,952 | .. | ||||
| Salaries and payments in the nature of salary............... | 72,050 | 53,100 | 50,057 | 21,993 | .. | ||||
| General expenses................................. | 61,950 | 39,100 | 47,991 | 13,959 | .. | ||||
| Total.............................. | 134,000 | 92,200 | 98,048 | 35,952 | .. | ||||
| £ |
| ||||||
| Estimate, 1941–42............................ | 134,000 |
| ||||||
| Vote, 1940–41.............................. | 92,200 |
| ||||||
| Increase................. | 41,800 |
| ||||||
III.—Department of External Affairs.
Division No. 18.—ADMINISTRATIVE. | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
| £ | £ | £ |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 160..... | 11,320 | 11,450 | 10,749 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 1,600 | 1,450 | 1,396 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 830 | 300 | 733 |
| 13,750 | 13,200 | 12,878 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,100 | 1,250 | 1,308 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 1,100 | 1,250 | 1,020 |
3. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams... | 8,000 | 2,130 | 8,618 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 150 | 120 | 99 |
5. Other incidental expenses...................... | 300 | 350 | 345 |
| 10,650 | 5,100 | 11,390 |
Total Division No. 18............. | 24,400 | 18,300 | 24,268 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 160..... | 14,190 | 12,960 | 13,358 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 5,390 | 4,120 | 4,820 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 20 | 20 | .. |
| 19,600 | 17,100 | 18,178 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,400 | 2,600 | 2,540 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 250 | 250 | 642 |
3. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams... | 9,000 | 4,300 | 8,994 |
4. Freight and cartage.......................... | 150 | 100 | 184 |
5. Rent and maintenance, office and residence.......... | 900 | 3,300 | 3,061 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 700 | 850 | 548 |
Expenses of establishment..................... | .. | 100 | 660 |
| 12,400 | 11,500 | 16,629 |
Total Division No. 19............. | 32,000 | 28,600 | 34,807 |
III.—Department of External Affairs.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 20.—AUSTRALIAN LEGATION—JAPAN. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
| £ | £ | £ |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 161..... | 13,730 | 9,700 | 7,854 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 2,300 | 3,300 | 1,149 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 20 | .. | .. |
4. Payment as act of grace to dependant of deceased official. | 50 | .. | .. |
| 16,100 | 13,000 | 9,003 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 500 | 2,500 | 1,450 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 250 | 400 | 309 |
3. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams... | 14,000 | 3,000 | 3,929 |
4. Freight and cartage.......................... | 200 | 800 | 1,427 |
5. Rent and maintenance, office and residence.......... | 3,000 | 2,500 | 884 |
6. Expenses of establishment..................... | 100 | 6,500 | 6,100 |
7. Other incidental expenses...................... | 250 | 500 | 354 |
| 18,300 | 16,200 | 14,453 |
Total Division No. 20............. | 34,400 | 29,200 | 23,456 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 161..... | 9,880 | .. | .. |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 2,120 | .. | .. |
| 12,000 | .. | .. |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 2,500 | .. | .. |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 300 | .. | .. |
3. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams... | 8,000 | .. | .. |
4. Freight and cartage.......................... | 800 | .. | .. |
5. Rent and maintenance, office and residence.......... | 1,000 | .. | .. |
6. Expenses of establishment..................... | 4,000 | .. | .. |
7. Other incidental expenses...................... | 400 | .. | .. |
| 17,000 | .. | .. |
Total Division No. 21............. | 29,000 | .. | .. |
III.—Department of External Affairs.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 22.—HIGH COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE—CANADA. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 161..... | 8,760 | 8,700 | 8,607 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 1,810 | 1,070 | 1,391 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 30 | 30 | .. |
| 10,600 | 9,800 | 9,998 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 800 | 700 | 722 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 250 | 200 | 180 |
3. Postage, telegrams, telephone services and cablegrams... | 1,100 | 700 | 995 |
4. Freight and cartage.......................... | 50 | 100 | 11 |
5. Rent and maintenance, office and residence.......... | 1,200 | 2,400 | 1,808 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 200 | 100 | 1,578 |
Expenses of establishment...................... | .. | 2,100 | 225 |
| 3,600 | 6,300 | 5,519 |
Total Division No. 22............. | 14,200 | 16,100 | 15,517 |
Total Department of External Affairs.......... | 134,000 | 92,200 | 98,048 |
Division Number. | — | 1941–42. | 1940–41. | Increase on Expenditure, 1940–41. | Decrease on Expenditure, 1940–41. | |||||||||
| Vote. | Expenditure. | ||||||||||||
| £ | £ | £ | £ | £ | ||||||||
23 | TREASURY.................................... | (a)75,400 | (a)67,900 | (a)74,270 | 1,130 | .. | ||||||||
24 | COMMONWEALTH STORES SUPPLY AND TENDER BOARD | 1,850 | 1,800 | 1,817 | 33 | .. | ||||||||
25 | TAXATION OFFICE.............................. | 858,900 | 787,200 | 768,578 | 90,322 | .. | ||||||||
26 | INCOME TAX BOARD OF REVIEW................... | 700 | 700 | 493 | 207 | .. | ||||||||
27 | WAR-TIME (COMPANY) TAX— BOARD OF REFEREES.... | 5,400 | .. | 111 | 5,289 | .. | ||||||||
28 | LAND VALUATION BOARD........................ | 550 | 500 | 506 | 44 | .. | ||||||||
29 | SUPERANNUATION BOARD....................... | 8,300 | 9,000 | 7,709 | 591 | .. | ||||||||
30 | CENSUS AND STATISTICS......................... | (a)70,000 | 63,000 | 66,312 | 3,688 | .. | ||||||||
31 | GOVERNMENT PRINTER.......................... | (b) | (b) | (b) | .. | .. | ||||||||
| Total.................................. | 1,021,100 | 930,100 | 919,796 | 101,304 | .. | ||||||||
(a) Additional administrative expenditure occasioned by the War la provided under War (1939–41) Services. | ||||||||||||||
SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE. | ||||||||||||||
| Salaries and payments in the nature of salary............... | 470,760 | 430,310 | 424,910 | 45,850 | .. | ||||||||
| General expenses................................. | 550,340 | 499,790 | 494,886 | 55,454 | .. | ||||||||
| Total................................. | 1,021,100 | 930,100 | 919,796 | 101,304 | .. | ||||||||
(b) Cost of printing for Parliament shown under “Parliament.” See page 10. | ||||||||||||||
| £ |
| |||||||||||
Estimate, 1941–42............... | 1,021,100 |
| |||||||||||
Vote, 1940–41.................. | 930,100 |
| |||||||||||
Increase.................. | 91,000 |
| |||||||||||
IV.—Department of the Treasury.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 23.—TREASURY. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 165..... | 58,060 | 53,350 | 55,381 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 15,470 | 8,400 | 15,498 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 1,270 | 850 | 1,689 |
4. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 100 | 100 | 1,096 |
| 74,900 | 62,700 | 73,664 |
Less amounts provided under Divisions Nos. 120 and 181— War Services payable from Revenue | 25,000 | 15,000 | 23,000 |
| 49,900 | 47,700 | 50,664 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 3,690 | 3,850 | 3,646 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 4,420 | 2,800 | 4,489 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 23,060 | 17,350 | 20,146 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 450 | 410 | 414 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 880 | 790 | 911 |
| 32,500 | 25,200 | 29,606 |
Less amounts provided under Divisions Nos. 120 and 181— War Services payable from Revenue | 7,000 | 5,000 | 6,000 |
| 25,500 | 20,200 | 23,606 |
Total Division No. 23............. | 75,400 | 67,900 | 74,270 |
1. Fees to members of Board, travelling expenses, office requisites, stationery, payment to Postmaster-General’s Department, and other expenses incidental to the operations of the Board | (a)1,850 | (a)1,800 | (a)1,817 |
Division No. 25.—TAXATION OFFICE. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 169..... | 334,690 | 314,090 | 293,776 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 22,690 | 14,900 | 19,660 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 140 | 80 | 2,740 |
4. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 1,080 | 2,900 | 4,167 |
6. Payment of child endowment to taxation officers taken over by State Governments | 10 | 420 | 264 |
6. Payments as acts of grace to officers transferred from the State Service of Tasmania | 1,020 | .. | .. |
| 359,630 | 332,390 | 320,607 |
Carried forward.................. | 359,630 | 332,390 | 320,607 |
(a) Includes salaries and payments in the nature of salary as follows:—1941–42, £1,640: 1940–41, Vote, £1,580; Expenditure, £1,590.
IV.—Department of the Treasury.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | ||
Division No. 25.—TAXATION OFFICE—continued. | Vote. | Expenditure. | ||
| £ | £ | £ | |
Brought forward................. | 359,630 | 332,390 | 320,607 | |
B.—General Expenses— |
| |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 15,380 | 15,400 | 14,383 | |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 18,040 | 79,480 | 57,039 | |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 18,490 | 13,510 | 15,710 | |
4. Fuel, light, power, water supply and sanitation........ | 3,210 | 1,510 | 1,451 | |
5. Law costs................................ | 5,320 | 3,600 | 3,859 | |
6. Valuation fees and expenses other than travelling...... | 1,290 | 970 | 915 | |
7. Advances to valuers for purchase of motor cars used for official duties | £ 125 |
Less repayments by valuers ................. | 115 |
| 10 | 600 | .. |
8. Payments to State Governments for collection of Commonwealth Taxes | 409,200 | 349,860 | 337,589 | |
9. Payments to Postmaster-General’s Department and State Governments for office cleaning and other services rendered | 4,270 | 4,160 | 4,288 | |
10. Payment for services rendered in connexion with sale of tax instalment stamps (amounts recovered from other administrations may be credited to this vote) | 22,500 | .. | 17,715 | |
11. Compensation to tenants removed from premises required for taxation purposes | 5,620 | .. | 3,680 | |
12. Other incidental expenses..................... | 3,660 | 3,370 | 3,905 | |
| 506,990 | 472,460 | 460,534 | |
Less— |
| |
Amounts estimated to be recovered from the States of— |
| |
New South Wales.................... | 920 | 1,150 | 895 | |
Western Australia.................... | 6,300 | 12,200 | 11,294 | |
Tasmania.......................... | 500 | 500 | 374 | |
Amount estimated to remain unexpended at close of year | .. | 3,800 | .. | |
| 7,720 | 17,650 | 12,563 | |
| 499,270 | 454,810 | 447,971 | |
Total Division No. 25............. | 858,900 | 787,200 | 768,578 |
IV.—Department of the Treasury.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 26.—INCOME TAX BOARD OF REVIEW. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
| £ | £ | £ |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 169..... | 270 | 240 | 231 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 330 | 350 | 176 |
2. Other incidental expenses...................... | 100 | 110 | 86 |
| 430 | 460 | 262 |
Total Division No. 26............. | 700 | 700 | 493 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 169..... | 4,500 | .. | 109 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 800 | .. | 2 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 50 | .. | .. |
3. Postages, telegrams and telephone services.......... | 25 | .. | .. |
4. Other incidental expenses...................... | 25 | .. | .. |
| 900 | .. | 2 |
Total Division No. 27............. | 5,400 | .. | 111 |
Division No. 28.—LAND VALUATION BOARD. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 169..... | 280 | 240 | .. |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 10 | 10 | 244 |
| 290 | 250 | 244 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 230 | 220 | 248 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 10 | 10 | 5 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 10 | 10 | 6 |
4. Other incidental expenses...................... | 10 | 10 | 3 |
| 260 | 250 | 262 |
Total Division No. 28............. | 650 | 600 | 506 |
IV.—Department of the Treasury.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. |
Division No. 29.—SUPERANNUATION BOARD. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
| £ | £ | £ |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 170..... | 6,980 | 7,200 | 6,600 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 400 | 200 | 166 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 150 | 250 | .. |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | .. | 19 |
| 7,530 | 7,650 | 6,785 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 120 | 200 | 72 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 160 | 160 | 138 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 230 | 230 | 253 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 120 | 120 | 89 |
5. Medical examinations........................ | 50 | 50 | 22 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 90 | 90 | 38 |
Quinquennial investigation under Section 11 of the Superannuation Act 1922–1937 | .. | 500 | 312 |
| 770 | 1,350 | 924 |
Total Division No. 29............. | 8,300 | 9,000 | 7,709 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 171..... | 38,620 | 38,900 | 35,509 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 11,780 | 1,400 | 8,960 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 300 | 100 | 191 |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 100 | 20 |
| 50,700 | 40,500 | 44,680 |
Less amount provided under Division No. 120—a—War (1939–41) Services | 3,700 | .. | .. |
| 47,000 | 40,500 | 44,680 |
Carried forward................ | 47,000 | 40,500 | 44,680 |
IV.—Department of the Treasury.
| 1941–42. | 1940-41. | |
Division No. 30.—CENSUS AND STATISTICS—continued. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
| £ | £ | £ |
Brought forward................ | 47,000 | 40,500 | 44,680 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,760 | 1,400 | 1,756 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and other printing | 4,830 | 3,900 | 4,319 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 1,640 | 1,500 | 1,558 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 500 | 500 | 553 |
5. Library.................................. | 120 | 120 | 121 |
6. Printing of official publications.................. | 5,800 | 5,800 | 4,316 |
7. Writing cards relating to vital statistics............. | 450 | 430 | 442 |
8. Hire, service and maintenance of machines for tabulation of trade and other statistics | 10,650 | 8,250 | 7,599 |
9. Other incidental expenses...................... | 1,550 | 600 | 968 |
| 27,300 | 22,500 | 21,632 |
Less amount provided under Division No. 120—b—War (1939–41) Services | 4,300 | .. | .. |
| 23,000 | 22,500 | 21,632 |
Total Division No. 30............. | 70,000 | 63,000 | 66,312 |
Division No. 31.—GOVERNMENT PRINTER. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and wages as per Schedule, page 172........ | 26,670 | 28,900 | 26,182 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 50,590 | 47,790 | 42,982 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 750 | 850 | 521 |
| 78,010 | 77,540 | 69,685 |
Deduct amounts chargeable for Parliamentary and Departmental printing | 78,010 | 77,540 | 69,685 |
Total Division No. 31............. | (a) | (a) | (a) |
Total Department of the Treasury........... | 1,021,100 | 930,100 | 919,796 |
(a) Expenditure charged to Parliament and Departments concerned.
Division Number. |
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | Increase on Expenditure, 1940–41. | Decrease on Expenditure, 1940–41. | |
Vote. | Expenditure. | |||||
| £ | £ | £ | £ | £ |
32 | ADMINISTRATIVE.............................. | 29,600 | 23,830 | 26,893 | 2,707 | .. |
33 | REPORTING BRANCH............................ | 15,300 | 12,330 | 20,224 | .. | 4,924 |
34 | CROWN SOLICITOR’S OFFICE...................... | 44,300 | 31,650 | 33,025 | 11,275 | .. |
35 | HIGH COURT.................................. | 15,000 | 16,570 | 13,307 | 1,693 | .. |
36 | BANKRUPTCY ADMINISTRATION | 44,100 | 42,330 | 40,033 | 4,067 | .. |
37 | COURT OF CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION........ | 24,700 | 18,290 | 21,056 | 3,644 | .. |
38 | PUBLIC SERVICE ARBITRATOR’S OFFICE............. | 1,600 | 1,620 | 1,459 | 141 | .. |
39 | COMMONWEALTH INVESTIGATION BRANCH......... | 24,500 | 22,600 | 23,224 | 1,276 | .. |
40 | SECURITY SERVICE............................. | 24,900 | .. | 710 | 24,190 | .. |
41 | PATENTS, TRADE MARKS AND DESIGNS............. | 67,600 | 65,380 | 60,430 | 7,170 | .. |
| Total................................... | 291,600 | 234,600 | 240,361 | 51,239 | .. |
| Salaries and payments in the nature of salary............... | 218,680 | 177,130 | 178,446 | 40,234 | .. |
| General expenses................................. | 72,920 | 57,470 | 61,915 | 11,005 | .. |
| Total................................ | 291,600 | 234,600 | 240,361 | 51,239 | .. |
| £ |
| Estimate, 1941–42....................... | 291,600 |
| ||
| Vote, 1940–41.......................... | 234,600 |
| ||
| Increase......................... | 57,000 |
V.—Attorney-General’s Department.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
| Vote. | Expenditure. | |
Division No. 32.—ADMINISTRATIVE. | £ | £ | £ |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 173..... | 18,200 | 17,230 | 16,743 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 4,000 | 1,600 | 3,109 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 200 | 200 | 119 |
4. Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | 860 | .. | .. |
| 23,260 | 19,030 | 19,971 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,850 | 1,300 | 1,887 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 600 | 500 | 779 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 1,700 | 850 | 1,640 |
4. Books for departmental library.................. | 350 | 350 | 356 |
5. Legal expenses............................. | 100 | 100 | 16 |
6. Publication of Commonwealth Statutes and Statutory Rules | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,526 |
7. Administration of Law at Seat of Government........ | 340 | 300 | 325 |
8. Other incidental expenses...................... | 400 | 400 | 393 |
| 6,340 | 4,800 | 6,922 |
Total Division No. 32............. | 29,600 | 23,830 | 26,893 |
Division No. 33.—REPORTING BRANCH. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 174..... | 7,280 | 5,910 | 6,139 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 5,500 | 4,520 | 11,217 |
| 12,780 | 10,430 | 17,356 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,200 | 900 | 1,351 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 900 | 600 | 1,124 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 230 | 230 | 218 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 50 | 20 | 3 |
5. Other incidental expenses...................... | 140 | 150 | 172 |
| 2,520 | 1,900 | 2,868 |
Total Division No. 33............. | 15,300 | 12,330 | 20,224 |
V.—Attorney-General’s Department.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 34.—CROWN SOLICITOR’S OFFICE. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 175..... | 38,210 | 29,100 | 28,094 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 3,350 | 500 | 2,194 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 40 | .. | .. |
| 41,600 | 29,600 | 30,288 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 200 | 250 | 192 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 400 | 250 | 376 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 1,200 | 850 | 1,269 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 250 | 250 | 214 |
5. Law books............................... | 350 | 350 | 204 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 300 | 100 | 382 |
Advance to Deputy Crown Solicitor, Sydney, for official purposes | .. | .. | 100 |
| 2,700 | 2,050 | 2,737 |
Total Division No. 34............. | 44,300 | 31,650 | 33,025 |
Division No. 35.—HIGH COURT. |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 176..... | 7,590 | 7,370 | 6,219 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 610 | 699 | 589 |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 821 | .. |
| 8,200 | 8,890 | 6,808 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 4,000 | 4,800 | 3,966 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 190 | 230 | 88 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 600 | 600 | 638 |
4. Law books............................... | 650 | 650 | 455 |
5. Cleaning courts and offices..................... | 400 | 400 | 472 |
6. Payments to States for services of officers........... | 640 | 640 | 640 |
7. Jurors’ fees............................... | 20 | 20 | .. |
8. Other incidental expenses...................... | 300 | 340 | 240 |
| 6,800 | 7,680 | 6,499 |
Total Division No. 35............. | 15,000 | 16,570 | 13,307 |
V.—Attorney-General’s Department.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 36.—BANKRUPTCY ADMINISTRATION. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 178..... | 32,040 | 31,440 | 27,997 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 3,000 | 1,490 | 3,777 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 60 | 100 | .. |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | .. | 16 |
| 35,100 | 33,030 | 31,790 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 1,200 | 1,240 | 1,232 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 1,000 | 1,240 | 862 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 2,000 | 2,000 | 1,792 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 400 | 400 | 321 |
6. Payments to States for services of Judges and officers... | 2,650 | 2,650 | 2,669 |
6. Cost of prosecutions for offences and other proceedings under the Bankruptcy Act | 850 | 900 | 404 |
7. Office cleaning............................. | 300 | 270 | 276 |
8. Other incidental expenses...................... | 600 | 600 | 687 |
| 9,000 | 9,300 | 8,243 |
Total Division No. 36............. | 44,100 | 42,330 | 40,033 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 178..... | 13,650 | 10,380 | 10,100 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 1,340 | 400 | 1,403 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 135 | 210 | 56 |
4. Payment to Chief Judge in lieu of leave on retirement... | 1,375 | .. | .. |
| 16,500 | 10,990 | 11,559 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 2,800 | 2,700 | 3,302 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 500 | 300 | 460 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 800 | 600 | 962 |
4. Reports of cases............................ | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,321 |
5. Payments to States for services of officers........... | 75 | 75 | 70 |
6. Boards of Reference—Fees and other expenses....... | 1,600 | 1,200 | 1,596 |
7. Cleaning courts and offices..................... | 25 | 25 | 5 |
8. Other incidental expenses...................... | 1,400 | 1,400 | 1,781 |
| 8,200 | 7,300 | 9,497 |
Total Division No. 37............. | 24,700 | 18,290 | 21,056 |
V.—Attorney-General’s Department.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 38.—PUBLIC SERVICE ARBITRATOR’S OFFICE. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 179..... | 790 | 810 | 766 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 240 | 230 | 245 |
| 1,030 | 1,040 | 1,011 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 250 | 250 | 221 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 90 | 160 | 18 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 50 | 50 | 37 |
4. Fuel and light.............................. | 20 | 20 | 15 |
5. Reports of cases............................ | 120 | 80 | 133 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 40 | 20 | 24 |
| 570 | 580 | 448 |
Total Division No. 38............. | 1,600 | 1,620 | 1,459 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 180..... | 19,940 | 18,890 | 18,888 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 2,060 | 1,510 | 1,838 |
| 22,000 | 20,400 | 20,726 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 350 | 250 | 391 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 400 | 400 | 294 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 1,400 | 1,000 | 1,449 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 100 | 100 | 77 |
6. Office cleaning............................. | 75 | 50 | 108 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 175 | 100 | 179 |
Contribution to Central Finger Print Bureau.......... | (a) | 300 | .. |
| 2,500 | 2,200 | 2,498 |
Total Division No. 39............. | 24,500 | 22,600 | 23,224 |
(a) Provided in 1941–42 under Division No. 210, Australian Capital Territory Police.
V.—Attorney-General’s Department.
| 1941–42. | 1940–41. | |
Division No. 40.—SECURITY SERVICE. | Vote. | Expenditure. | |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— | £ | £ | £ |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 181..... | 11,320 | .. | 323 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 550 | .. | 21 |
| 11,870 | .. | 344 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 3,000 | .. | 97 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and printing.. | 1,200 | .. | 225 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 3,200 | .. | 41 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 130 | .. | .. |
5. Office cleaning............................. | 200 | .. | .. |
6. Payments to States for services of police............ | 5,000 | .. | .. |
7. Other incidental expenses...................... | 300 | .. | 3 |
| 13,030 | .. | 366 |
Total Division No. 40............. | 24,900 | .. | 710 |
A.—Salaries and Payments in the nature of Salary— |
1. Salaries and allowances as per Schedule, page 182..... | 42,970 | 41,620 | 35,664 |
2. Temporary and casual employees................. | 3,000 | 1,600 | 2,530 |
3. Extra duty pay............................. | 370 | 200 | 5 |
Salaries of officers on retirement leave and payments in lieu | .. | 300 | 394 |
| 46,340 | 43,720 | 38,593 |
B.—General Expenses— |
1. Travelling and subsistence..................... | 200 | 200 | 83 |
2. Office requisites and equipment, stationery and other printing | 2,200 | 3,000 | 2,000 |
3. Postage, telegrams and telephone services........... | 1,200 | 1,400 | 1,119 |
4. Fuel, light and power......................... | 1,000 | 1,000 | 981 |
5. Printing of specifications and publications........... | 16,260 | 14,900 | 16,290 |
6. Other incidental expenses...................... | 400 | 1,160 | 1,364 |
| 21,260 | 21,660 | 21,837 |
Total Division No. 41............. | 67,600 | 65,380 | 60,430 |