1940. No. 91.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the National Security Act 1939.

Dated this Twenty fourth day of May 1940.


By His Excellency’s Command,

Signature of Frederick Stewart.

for Minister of State for Defence Co-Ordination.


Amendment of National Security (General) Regulations.†

After regulation 59 of the National Security (General) Regulations the following regulation is inserted:—

Training and employment of persons for the production of munitions or supplies.

“59a.—(1.) If it appears to the Minister of State for Supply and Development that the production of munitions of war or supplies required for the efficient prosecution of the war is likely to be seriously prejudiced by reason of a shortage of persons skilled in any particular trade, he may make such arrangements as he considers necessary for the training of a sufficient number of persons in that trade or in any branch of that trade, and for the employment of persons so trained in connexion with the production of munitions of war or supplies.

(2.) The training and employment of any person in accordance with any such arrangement shall be lawful notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment other than the National Security Act 1939, or in any instrument (including any award, determination or agreement) having effect by virtue of any such enactment, but nothing in this regulation shall authorize the imposition of any form of industrial conscription.

(3.) Where, by any enactment or instrument referred to in the last preceding sub-regulation, provision is made for the increase of the number of tradesmen in the Metal Trade classifications as stated in


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on  May, 1940.

† Statutory Rules 1939, No. 87, as amended by Statutory Rules 1939, Nos. 103, 174 and 177; and 1940, Nos. 8, 32, 34, 45, 67 and 71.

3078.—8/16.5.1940.—Price 3d.

Clause 5 of the Consolidated Metal Trades Award made by the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (Serial No. 3477) and varied prior to the first day of May, 1940, the enactment or instrument shall have effect subject to any arrangement which has been or may be made in pursuance of this regulation, except so far as the Minister of State for Supply and Development, by notice in the Gazette, otherwise directs.”


By Authority: L. F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.