Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
Act No. 27 of 1936 as amended
This compilation was prepared on 11 September 2012
taking into account amendments up to Act No. 115 of 2012
Volume 2 includes: Table of Contents
Sections 79A – 121L
The text of any of those amendments not in force
on that date is appended in the Notes section
The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be
affected by application provisions that are set out in the Notes section
Part III—Liability to taxation
Part III—Liability to taxation
Division 3—Deductions
79A Rebates for residents of isolated areas
79B Rebates for members of Defence Force serving overseas
82 Double deductions
82A Deductions for expenses of self‑education
Subdivision CB—Regional Headquarters (RHQs)
82C Object
82CA Deduction for setup costs of RHQ companies
82CB Interpretation
82CC Associated companies
82CD Application to become an RHQ company
82CE Determination of RHQ companies
Subdivision D—Losses and outgoings incurred under certain tax avoidance schemes
82KH Interpretation
82KJ Deduction not allowable in respect of certain pre‑paid outgoings
82KK Schemes designed to postpone tax liability
82KL Tax benefit not allowable in respect of certain recouped expenditure
Subdivision H—Period of deductibility of certain advance expenditure
82KZL Interpretation
82KZLA Subdivision does not apply to financial arrangements to which Subdivision 250‑E applies
82KZLB How this Subdivision applies to deductible R&D expenditure incurred to associates in earlier income years
82KZM Expenditure by small business entities and individuals incurring non‑business expenditure
82KZMAApplication of section 82KZMD
82KZMDBusiness expenditure and non‑business expenditure by
82KZMEExpenditure under some agreements
82KZMFProportional deduction
82KZMGDeductions for certain forestry expenditure
82KZMGADeductions for certain forestry expenditure
82KZMGBCGT event in relation to interest in 82KZMG agreement
82KZN Transfer etc. of rights under agreement
82KZO Partnership changes where entire interest in agreement rights is not transferred
Division 3A—Convertible notes
82LA Application of Division
82L Interpretation
82M New loans and replacement loans
82N Prescribed stock exchanges
82P Bonus share allotments
82Q Classes of shares
82R Interest on certain convertible notes not to be an allowable deduction
82SA Interest on certain convertible notes to be an allowable deduction—where loan made on or after 1 January 1976
82T Value of shares
Division 5—Partnerships
90 Interpretation
91 Liability of partnerships
92 Income and deductions of partner
92A Deductions in respect of outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amounts
94 Partner not having control and disposal of share in partnership income
Division 5A—Income of certain limited partnerships
Subdivision A—Preliminary
94A Object
94B Interpretation
94C Continuity of limited partnership not affected by changes in composition
Subdivision B—Corporate limited partnerships
94D Corporate limited partnerships
94E Continuity of business test
94F Change in composition of limited partnership—election that partnership not be treated as an eligible limited partnership
94G Continuity of ownership test
Subdivision C—Corporate tax modifications applicable to corporate limited partnerships
94H Corporate tax modifications applicable to corporate limited partnerships
94J Company includes corporate limited partnership
94K Partnership does not include corporate limited partnership
94L Dividend includes distribution of corporate limited partnership
94M Drawings etc. deemed to be dividends paid out of profits
94N Private company does not include corporate limited partnership
94P Share includes interest in corporate limited partnership
94Q Shareholder includes partner in corporate limited partnership
94R Liquidator may include partner in corporate limited partnership
94S Continuity of corporate limited partnership not affected by changes in composition
94T Residence of corporate limited partnership
94U Incorporation
94V Obligations and offences
94X Modification of loss provisions
Division 6—Trust income
95AAA Simplified outline of the relationship between this Division, Division 6E and Subdivisions 115‑C and 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
95AAB Adjustments under Subdivision 115‑C or 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997—references in this Act to assessable income under section 97, 98A or 100
95AAC Adjustments under Subdivision 115‑C or 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997—references in this Act to liabilities under section 98, 99 or 99A
95 Interpretation
95AA Division does not apply in relation to FHSA trust
95AB Modifications for special disability trusts
95A Special provisions relating to present entitlement
95B Certain beneficiaries deemed not to be under legal disability
96 Trustees
97 Beneficiary not under any legal disability
97A Beneficiaries who are owners of farm management deposits
98 Liability of trustee
98A Non‑resident beneficiaries assessable in respect of certain income
98B Deduction from beneficiary’s tax
99 Certain trust income to be taxed as income of an individual
99A Certain trust income to be taxed at special rate
99B Receipt of trust income not previously subject to tax
99C Determining whether property is applied for benefit of beneficiary
99D Refund of tax to non‑resident beneficiary
99E Later trust not taxed on income already taxed under subsection 98(4)
99G Amounts covered by withholding requirement
99H Late payments
100 Beneficiary assessable in respect of certain trust income
100AA Failure to pay or notify present entitlement of exempt entity
100AB Adjusted Division 6 percentage exceeding benchmark percentage: present entitlement of exempt entity
100A Present entitlement arising from reimbursement agreement
101 Discretionary trusts
101A Income of deceased received after death
102 Revocable trusts
Division 6AAA—Special provisions relating to non‑resident trust estates etc.
Subdivision A—Preliminary
102AAAObject of Division
102AACEach listed country and unlisted country to be treated as a
separate foreign country
102AADSubject to tax—application of subsection 324(2)
102AAE Listed country trust estates
102AAF Public unit trusts
102AAGWhen entity is in a position to control a trust estate
102AAHNon‑resident family trusts
102AAJ Transfer of property or services
102AAKDeemed transfers of property or services to trust estate
102AAL Division not to apply to transfers by trustees of deceased estates
Subdivision B—Payment of interest by taxpayer on distributions from certain non‑resident trust estates
102AAMPayment of interest by taxpayer on distributions from certain
non‑resident trust estates
102AANCollection etc. of interest
Subdivision D—Accruals system of taxation of certain non‑resident trust estates
102AAS Object of Subdivision
102AAT Accruals system of taxation—attributable taxpayer
102AAUAttributable income of a trust estate
102AAVDouble tax agreements to be disregarded
102AAWCertain provisions to be disregarded in calculating
attributable income
102AAYModified application of trading stock provisions
102AAZ Modified application of depreciation provisions
102AAZAModified application of Division 13 of Part III
102AAZBGeneral modifications—CGT
102AAZBAModified application of CGT—effect of certain changes
of residence
102AAZCModified application of loss provisions—pre‑1990‑91
102AAZDAssessable income of attributable taxpayer to include
attributable income of trust estate to which taxpayer has transferred property or services
102AAZEAccruals system of taxation does not apply to small amounts
102AAZFOnly resident partners, beneficiaries etc. liable to be assessed
as a result of attribution
102AAZGKeeping of records
Division 6AA—Income of certain children
102AA Interpretation
102AB Application of Division
102AC Persons to whom Division applies
102AD Taxable income to which Division applies
102AE Eligible assessable income
102AF Employment income and business income
102AG Trust income to which Division applies
102AGATransfer of property as the result of a family breakdown
Division 6A—Alienation of income
102A Interpretation
102B Certain income transferred for short periods to be included in assessable income of transferor
102C Effect of certain transfers of rights to receive income from property
102CA Consideration in respect of transfer to be included in assessable income of transferor in certain cases
Division 6B—Income of certain unit trusts
102D Interpretation
102E Prescribed arrangements
102F Eligible unit trusts
102G Public unit trusts
102H Resident unit trusts
102J Corporate unit trusts
102K Taxation of net income of corporate unit trust
102L Modified application of Act in relation to certain unit trusts
Division 6C—Income of certain public trading trusts
102M Interpretation
102MA Arrangements not covered
102MB Investing in land
102MC When trading business not carried on
102MD Application of Division to trustees etc. of exempt life assurance funds and superannuation funds
102N Trading trusts
102NA Certain interposed trusts not trading trusts
102P Public unit trusts
102Q Resident unit trusts
102R Public trading trusts
102S Taxation of net income of public trading trust
102T Modified application of Act in relation to certain unit trusts
Division 6D—Provisions relating to certain closely held trusts
Subdivision A—Overview
102UA What this Division is about
Subdivision B—Interpretation
102UB Definitions—general
102UC Closely held trust
102UD Trustee beneficiary
102UE Meaning of untaxed part
102UG Correct TB statement
102UH TB statement period
102UI Tax‑preferred amount
102UJ Extended concept of present entitlement to capital of a trust
Subdivision C—Trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax on share of net income
102UK Trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax where no correct TB statement
102UL Exclusion of directors of closely held trust from liability to pay tax
102UM Trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax where share is distributed to trustee of closely held trust
Subdivision D—Payment etc. of trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax
102UN Amount of trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax reduced by notional tax offset
102UO Payment of trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax
102UP Late payment of trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax
102UR Notice of liability
102URARequest for notice of liability
102US Evidentiary effect of notice of liability
102USA Recovery of trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax from trustee beneficiaries providing incorrect information etc. to head trustee
Subdivision E—Making correct TB statement about trustee beneficiaries of tax‑preferred amounts
102UT Requirement to make correct TB statement about trustee beneficiaries of tax‑preferred amounts
Subdivision F—Special provisions about tax file numbers
102UU Trustee beneficiary may quote tax file number to trustee of closely held trust
102UV Trustee of closely held trust may record etc. tax file number
Division 6E—Adjustment of Division 6 assessable amount in relation to capital gains, franked distributions and franking credits
102UW Application of Division
102UX Adjustment of Division 6 assessable amount in relation to capital gains, franked distributions and franking credits
102UY Interpretation
Division 7—Private companies
102V Application of Division to non‑share dividends
103 Interpretation
103A Private companies
109 Excessive payments to shareholders, directors and associates deemed to be dividends
Division 7A—Distributions to entities connected with a private company
Subdivision A—Overview of this Division
109B Simplified outline of this Division
Subdivision AA—Application of Division
109BA Application of Division to non‑share dividends
109BB Application of Division to closely‑held corporate limited partnerships
109BC Application of Division to non‑resident companies
Subdivision B—Private company payments, loans and debt forgiveness are treated as dividends
109C Payments treated as dividends
109CA Payment includes provision of asset
109D Loans treated as dividends
109E Amalgamated loan from a previous year treated as dividend if minimum repayment not made
109F Forgiven debts treated as dividends
Subdivision C—Forgiven debts that are not treated as dividends
109G Debt forgiveness that does not give rise to a dividend
Subdivision D—Payments and loans that are not treated as dividends
109H Simplified outline of this Subdivision
109J Payments discharging pecuniary obligations not treated as dividends
109K Inter‑company payments and loans not treated as dividends
109L Certain payments and loans not treated as dividends
109M Loans made in the ordinary course of business on arm’s length terms not treated as dividends
109N Loans meeting criteria for minimum interest rate and maximum term not treated as dividends
109NA Certain liquidator’s distributions and loans not treated as dividends
109NB Loans to purchase shares under employee share schemes not treated as dividends
109P Amalgamated loans not treated as dividends in the year they are made
109Q Commissioner may allow amalgamated loan not to be treated as dividend
109R Some payments relating to loans not taken into account
Subdivision DA—Demerger dividends not treated as dividends
109RA Demerger dividends not treated as dividends
Subdivision DB—Other exceptions
109RB Commissioner may disregard operation of Division or allow dividend to be franked
109RC Dividend may be franked if taken to be paid because of family law obligation
109RD Commissioner may extend period for repayments of amalgamated loan
Subdivision E—Payments and loans through interposed entities
109S Simplified outline of this Subdivision
109T Payments and loans by a private company to an entity through one or more interposed entities
109U Payments and loans through interposed entities relying on guarantees
109UA Certain liabilities under guarantees treated as payments
109V Amount of private company’s payment to target entity through one or more interposed entities
109W Private company’s loan to target entity through one or more interposed entities
109X Operation of Subdivision D in relation to payment or loan
Subdivision EA—Unpaid present entitlements
109XA Payments, loans and debt forgiveness by a trustee in favour of a shareholder etc. of a private company with an unpaid present entitlement
109XB Amounts included in assessable income
109XC Modifications
109XD Forgiveness of loan debt does not give rise to assessable income if loan gives rise to assessable income
Subdivision EB—Unpaid present entitlements—interposed entities
109XE Simplified outline of this Subdivision
109XF Payments through interposed entities
109XG Loans through interposed entities
109XH Amount and timing of payment or loan through interposed entities
109XI Entitlements to trust income through interposed trusts
Subdivision F—General rules applying to all amounts treated as dividends
109Y Proportional reduction of dividends so they do not exceed distributable surplus
109Z Characteristics of dividends taken to be paid under this Division
109ZA No dividend taken to be paid for withholding tax purposes
109ZB Amount treated as dividend is not a fringe benefit
109ZC Treatment of dividend that is reduced on account of an amount taken under this Division to be a dividend
109ZCA Treatment of dividend that is reduced on account of an amount included in assessable income under Subdivision EA
Subdivision G—Defined terms
109ZD Defined terms
109ZE Interpretation rules about entities
Division 9—Co‑operative and mutual companies
117 Co‑operative companies
118 Company not co‑operative if less than 90% of business with members
119 Sums received to be taxed
120 Deductions allowable to co‑operative company
121 Mutual insurance associations
Division 9AA—Demutualisation of insurance companies and affiliates
Subdivision A—What this Division is about
121AA What this Division is about
Subdivision B—Key concepts and related definitions
121AB Insurance company definitions
121AC Mutual affiliate company
121AD Demutualisation and demutualisation resolution day
121AE Demutualisation methods, the policyholder/member group and the listing period
121AEA Replacement of policyholders by persons exercising certain rights
121AF Demutualisation method 1
121AG Demutualisation method 2
121AH Demutualisation method 3
121AI Demutualisation method 4
121AJ Demutualisation method 5
121AK Demutualisation method 6
121AL Demutualisation method 7
121AM Embedded value of a mutual life insurance company
121AN Net tangible asset value of a general insurance company or mutual affiliate company
121AO Treasury bond rate, capital reserve adequacy level, eligible actuary and security
121AP Subsidiary and wholly‑owned subsidiary
121AQ Other definitions
121AR List of definitions
Subdivision C—Tax consequences of demutualisation
121AS CGT consequences of demutualisation
121AT Other tax consequences of demutualisation
121AU This Subdivision does not apply to demutualisation of friendly society health or life insurers
Division 9A—Offshore banking units
Subdivision A—Object and simplified outline
121A Object
121B Simplified outline
Subdivision B—Interpretation
121C Interpretation
121D Meaning of OB activity
121DA Meaning of expressions relevant to investment activity
121E Meaning of offshore person
121EA OBU requirement
121EB Internal financial dealings of an OBU
121EC Meaning of OBU resident‑owner money
121ED Meaning of trade with a person
121EE Definitions relating to assessable income of an OBU
121EF Definitions relating to allowable deductions of an OBU
Subdivision C—Operative provisions
121EG Reduction of assessable OB income, allowable OB deductions and foreign income tax paid
121EH Loss of special treatment where excessive use of non‑OB money
121EJ Source of income derived from OB activities
121EK Deemed interest on 90% of certain OBU resident‑owner money
121EL Exemption of income etc. of OBU offshore investment trusts
121ELA Exemption of income etc. of overseas charitable institutions
121ELB Adjustment of capital gains and losses from disposal of units in OBU offshore investment trusts
Division 9C—Assessable income diverted under certain tax avoidance schemes
121F Interpretation
121G Diverted income and diverted trust income
121H Assessment of diverted income and diverted trust income
121J Ascertainment of diverted income or diverted trust income deemed to be an assessment
121K Application of International Tax Agreements Act
121L Division applies notwithstanding exemption under other laws
79A Rebates for residents of isolated areas
(1) For the purpose of granting to residents of the prescribed area an income tax concession in recognition of the disadvantages to which they are subject because of the uncongenial climatic conditions, isolation and high cost of living in Zone A and, to a lesser extent, in Zone B, in comparison with parts of Australia not included in the prescribed area, a taxpayer (not being a company or a taxpayer in the capacity of a trustee) who is a resident of the prescribed area in the year of income is entitled, in the taxpayer’s assessment in respect of income of that year of income, to a rebate of tax ascertained in accordance with this section.
(2) Subject to subsections (2A) and 79B(4), the rebate allowable under this section in the assessment of a taxpayer in respect of income of the year of income is:
(a) if the taxpayer is a resident of the special area in Zone A, or of the special area in Zone B, in the year of income—an amount equal to the sum of:
(i) $1,173 increased by 50% of the relevant rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the year of income; and
(ii) if the taxpayer was not entitled to a rebate under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) or an invalid spouse or carer spouse for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2)—the dependent spouse relevant rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the income year; or
(d) if the taxpayer is a resident of Zone A in the year of income but has not resided or actually been in the special area in Zone A or the special area in Zone B during any part of the year of income—an amount equal to the sum of:
(i) $338 increased by 50% of the relevant rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the year of income; and
(ii) if the taxpayer was not entitled to a rebate under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) or an invalid spouse or carer spouse for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2)—the dependent spouse relevant rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the income year; or
(e) if the taxpayer is a resident of Zone B in the year of income but has not resided or actually been in Zone A or the special area in Zone B during any part of the year of income—an amount equal to the sum of:
(i) $57 increased by 20% of the relevant rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the year of income; and
(ii) if the taxpayer was not entitled to a rebate under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) or an invalid spouse or carer spouse for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2)—the dependent spouse relevant rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the income year; or
(f) in any other case—such amount as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is reasonable in the circumstances, being an amount not greater than the amount of the rebate to which the taxpayer would have been entitled under this section if paragraph (a) had applied to the taxpayer in respect of the year of income and not less than the amount of rebate to which the taxpayer would have been so entitled if paragraph (e) had so applied to the taxpayer.
(2A) The amount of any rebate that would, but for this subsection, be allowable to a taxpayer under this section in the taxpayer’s assessment in respect of income of a year of income shall be reduced by the amount of any prescribed allowance paid to the taxpayer in respect of the year of income.
(3) Any alteration of the boundaries of any area referred to in Schedule 2 made (otherwise than by an amendment of this Act) after the commencement of this section shall not affect the operation of this section.
(3A) This section has effect subject to section 23AB.
(3B) For the purposes of this section, a taxpayer is a resident of a particular area, being the prescribed area, Zone A, Zone B, the special area in Zone A or the special area in Zone B (in this subsection referred to as the relevant area) in a year of income if:
(a) the taxpayer resided in the relevant area in the year of income for a period of more than one‑half of the year of income;
(b) the taxpayer was actually in the relevant area in the year of income for a period of more than one‑half of the year of income;
(c) the taxpayer died during the year of income and at the date of his or her death resided in the relevant area;
(d) the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) the taxpayer resided, or actually was, in the relevant area in the year of income for a period of not more than one‑half of the year of income;
(ii) the taxpayer resided, or actually was, in the relevant area in the next preceding year of income for a period of not more than one‑half of the next preceding year of income;
(iii) for the purposes of this section, the taxpayer was not a resident of the relevant area in the next preceding year of income; and
(iv) the sum of:
(A) the number of days in the period mentioned in subparagraph (i); and
(B) the number of days in the period mentioned in subparagraph (ii), other than days included in a period to which subsection 23AB(8) or 79B(3) applied in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the next preceding year of income;
exceeds 182; or
(e) the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) the taxpayer resided in the relevant area in the year of income for a period of not more than one‑half of the year of income, being a period that included the first day of the year of income;
(ii) the taxpayer resided in the relevant area, in a relevant preceding year of income, for a period of not more than one‑half of that relevant preceding year of income;
(iii) for the purposes of this section, the taxpayer was not a resident of the relevant area in that relevant preceding year of income;
(iv) the sum of:
(A) the number of days in the period mentioned in subparagraph (i); and
(B) the number of days in the period mentioned in subparagraph (ii), other than days included in a period to which subsection 23AB(8) or 79B(3) applied in relation to the taxpayer in relation to that relevant preceding year of income;
exceeds 182; and
(v) the taxpayer resided in the relevant area continuously from the commencement of the period mentioned in subparagraph (ii) until the end of the period mentioned in subparagraph (i).
(3C) In subsection (3B), a reference to a taxpayer residing, or actually being, in a particular area in a year of income for a period of more than, or not more than, one‑half of the year of income is a reference to the taxpayer:
(a) residing, or actually being, in that area in the year of income for one period of more than, or not more than, as the case may be, one‑half of the year of income; or
(b) residing, or actually being, in that area in the year of income for 2 or more periods the aggregate of the lengths of which is more than, or not more than, as the case may be, one‑half of the year of income.
(3D) For the purposes of this section:
(a) the special area within Zone A or Zone B is constituted by:
(i) the points in that Zone that were not, as at 1 November 1981, situated at a distance of 250 kilometres or less by the shortest practicable surface route, from the centre point of the nearest urban centre (whether or not within that Zone) with a census population of not less than 2,500; and
(ii) the points in that Zone that were within the special area in that Zone for the purposes of this section as in force immediately before the commencement of the Income Tax Assessment Amendment Act (No. 4) 1984; and
(b) the distance, by the shortest practicable surface route, between a point in Zone A or Zone B and the centre point of an urban centre is:
(i) where there is only one location within that urban centre from which distances between the urban centre and other places are usually measured—the distance, by the shortest practicable surface route, between that point in Zone A or Zone B and that location; and
(ii) where there are 2 or more locations within that urban centre from which distances between parts of the urban centre and other places are usually measured—the distance, by the shortest practicable surface route, between that point in Zone A or Zone B and the one of those locations that is in the principal one of those parts.
(3E) For the purposes of this section other than this subsection, the Commissioner may, if he or she considers it appropriate having regard to all the circumstances, treat a point in Zone A or Zone B that is not in the special area in that Zone but is adjacent to or in close proximity to the special area in that Zone as being a point in the special area in that Zone.
(3F) For the purposes of this section, the census population of Nhulunbuy is taken to be less than 2,500.
(4) In this section:
census population, in relation to an urban centre, means the population of that urban centre specified in the results of the Census of Population and Housing taken by the Australian Statistician on 30 June 1981, being the results published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the documents entitled “Persons and Dwellings in Local Government Areas and Urban Centres”.
dependent spouse relevant rebate amount means the amount of any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) if it were assumed that subsection 159J(1C) did not apply.
prescribed allowance means:
(a) so much of a payment under the Social Security Act 1991 or the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 as was included in the payment by way of remote area allowance; or
(b) so much of an exceptional circumstances relief payment, or a payment of farm help income support, under the Farm Household Support Act 1992 as would have been included by way of remote area allowance if it had been a payment of newstart allowance under the Social Security Act 1991 instead of an exceptional circumstances relief payment, or a payment of farm help income support.
relevant preceding year of income, in relation to a year of income, means any of the next 4 preceding years of income other than the immediately preceding year of income.
relevant rebate amount, in relation to a taxpayer in relation to a year of income, means the sum of the following rebates (if any):
(a) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159K, apart from subsection 159K(1A);
(aa) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159L, apart from section 159LA;
(b) any rebate to which the taxpayer is entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant who is an invalid relative for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2) or a dependant included in class 6 in the table in subsection 159J(2);
(ba) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 2 in the table in subsection 159J(2), apart from section 159JA;
(c) any rebate to which the taxpayer would, disregarding subsection 159J(1A), be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 3 or 4 in the table in subsection 159J(2);
(d) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) (ignoring subsection 159J(1C) and section 159JA) if subsection 159J(1B) also included a reference to any dependant included in class 1 of that table and the amount applicable to class 1 of that table were $2,440.
Note 1: This definition lets a taxpayer include the dependent spouse rebate (without child), the child‑housekeeper rebate or the housekeeper rebate for the purpose of working out the relevant rebate amount under this section, even if the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s spouse is eligible for family tax benefit at the Part B rate for the whole or part of a year.
Note 2: Another effect of the definition (see paragraph (d)) is to let a taxpayer include the dependent spouse rebate (with child), despite its abolition by the A New Tax System) (Consequential and Related Measures) Act (No. 1) 1999, for the purpose of working out the relevant rebate amount.
surface route means a route other than an air route.
the prescribed area means the area comprised in Zone A and Zone B.
urban centre means an area that is described as an urban centre or bounded locality in the results of the Census of Population and Housing taken by the Australian Statistician on 30 June 1981, being the results published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the documents entitled “Persons and Dwellings in Local Government Areas and Urban Centres”.
Zone A means the area described in Part I of Schedule 2.
Zone B means the area described in Part II of Schedule 2.
79B Rebates for members of Defence Force serving overseas
(1) Subject to this section, a taxpayer who, during the year of income, serves as a member of the Defence Force at an overseas locality is entitled, in his or her assessment in respect of income of the year of income, to a rebate of tax ascertained in accordance with this section.
(1A) A taxpayer is not entitled to a rebate under this section in relation to service:
(a) as or under an attachè at an Australian Embassy or Legation in an overseas locality at a time as at which that locality was, or is deemed to have been, a specified locality for the purposes of this subsection; or
(b) with the South‑East Asia Treaty Organization Military Planning Office.
(1B) Where the Chief of the Defence Force or a service chief or a person authorized by a chief of staff to give certificates under this subsection certifies, and the Treasurer is satisfied, that any service of a taxpayer in any locality was or will be performed in circumstances similar to those in which any service referred to in subsection (1A) is performed, the taxpayer is not entitled to a rebate under this section in relation to that service.
(2) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, the rebate allowable under this section in the assessment of a taxpayer in respect of income of the year of income is:
(a) where the total period of service of the taxpayer at overseas localities during the year of income is more than one‑half of the year of income, or where the taxpayer dies at an overseas locality during the year of income—an amount equal to the sum of:
(i) $338; and
(ii) an amount equal to 50% of the concessional rebate amount; and
(iii) if the taxpayer was not entitled to a rebate under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 or an invalid spouse or carer spouse for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2)—an amount equal to the dependent spouse concessional rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the income year; or
(b) in any other case—such amount as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is reasonable in the circumstances, being an amount not greater than the amount of the rebate to which the taxpayer would have been entitled under this section if paragraph (a) had applied to him or her in respect of the year of income.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the total periods of service of the taxpayer in any year of income at overseas localities shall be deemed to include any period of service of the taxpayer as a member of the Defence Force in that year of income in the prescribed area.
(3A) For the purposes of subsection (2), the total periods of service of the taxpayer in any year of income at overseas localities shall be deemed not to include any period of service of the taxpayer in respect of which an exemption from income tax applies under section 23AC, 23AD or 23AG.
(4) The aggregate of the rebates allowable under this section and section 23AB or under this section and section 79A in the assessment of a taxpayer in respect of income of a year of income shall not exceed an amount equal to the sum of:
(a) $338; and
(b) an amount equal to 50% of the concessional rebate amount; and
(c) if the taxpayer was not entitled to a rebate under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) or an invalid spouse or carer spouse for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2)—an amount equal to the dependent spouse concessional rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the income year.
(4A) Where:
(a) but for subsection (4) and this subsection, a rebate would be allowable under this section and a rebate would be allowable under section 79A in the assessment of a taxpayer in respect of income of a year of income; and
(b) the rebate allowable under section 79A exceeds an amount equal to the sum of:
(i) $338; and
(ii) an amount equal to 50% of the concessional rebate amount; and
(iii) if the taxpayer was not entitled to a rebate under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) or an invalid spouse or carer spouse for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2)—an amount equal to the dependent spouse concessional rebate amount in relation to the taxpayer in relation to the income year;
the taxpayer is not entitled to a rebate under this section in that assessment and subsection (4) does not apply in relation to that assessment.
(5) For the purposes of this section the Treasurer may, by writing signed by the Treasurer and deposited with the Commissioner, declare that a locality outside Australia specified in the declaration shall:
(a) by reason of the uncongenial nature of service in that locality and the isolation of the locality, be, or be deemed to have been, as from a date, or during a period, (whether before or after the date of the declaration) specified in the declaration, a locality in relation to which this section applies; or
(b) as from a date (whether before or after the date of the declaration) specified in the declaration, cease, or be deemed to have ceased, to be such a locality;
and this section shall apply, or be deemed to have applied, and shall cease to apply, or be deemed to have ceased to apply, in relation to any such locality accordingly.
(5A) The Treasurer may, by writing signed by the Treasurer and deposited with the Commissioner, declare that an overseas locality specified in the declaration shall become, or be deemed to have become, on a specified date, or shall cease, or be deemed to have ceased, on a specified date, to be, a specified locality for the purposes of subsection (1A).
(5B) Nothing in section 170 prevents the amendment of an assessment at any time for the purpose of allowing a rebate to which the taxpayer has become entitled under this section after the making of the assessment.
(6) For the purpose of this section:
concessional rebate amount, in relation to a taxpayer in relation to a year of income, means the sum of the following rebates (if any):
(a) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159K, apart from subsection 159K(1A);
(aa) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159L, apart from section 159LA;
(b) any rebate to which the taxpayer is entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant who is an invalid relative for the purposes of class 5 in the table in subsection 159J(2) or a dependant included in class 6 in the table in subsection 159J(2);
(ba) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 2 in the table in subsection 159J(2), apart from section 159JA;
(c) any rebate to which the taxpayer would, disregarding subsection 159J(1A), be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 3 or 4 in the table in subsection 159J(2);
(d) any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) (ignoring subsection 159J(1C) and section 159JA) if subsection 159J(1B) also included a reference to any dependant included in class 1 of that table and the amount applicable to class 1 of that table were $2,440.
Note 1: This definition lets a taxpayer include the dependent spouse rebate (without child), the child‑housekeeper rebate or the housekeeper rebate for the purpose of working out the concessional rebate amount under this section, even if the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s spouse is eligible for family tax benefit at the Part B rate for the whole or part of a year.
Note 2: Another effect of this definition (see paragraph (d)) is to let a taxpayer include the dependent spouse rebate (with child), despite its abolition by the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Consequential and Related Measures) Act (No. 1) 1999, for the purpose of working out the concessional rebate amount.
dependent spouse concessional rebate amount means any rebate to which the taxpayer would be entitled under section 159J in respect of a dependant included in class 1 in the table in subsection 159J(2) if it were assumed that subsection 159J(1C) did not apply.
locality means an area of land or waters or an area of land and waters.
overseas locality means, in relation to service during any period or death at any time, a locality in relation to which, during that period or at that time, this section applies or is deemed to have applied; and
the prescribed area has the same meaning as that expression has in section 79A.
Where the profit arising from the sale of any property is included in the assessable income of any person, or where the loss arising from the sale is an allowable deduction, and any expenditure incurred by the person in connexion with that property has been allowed or is allowable as a deduction under this Act, that expenditure shall not be deducted in ascertaining the amount of the profit or loss.
82A Deductions for expenses of self‑education
(1) Where a deduction is, or but for this section would be, allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of a year of income in respect of expenses of self‑education, the deduction, or the aggregate of the deductions, so allowable to the taxpayer in respect of those expenses shall not be greater than the amount by which the net amount of expenses of self‑education exceeds $250.
(2) In this section:
educational assistance means amounts (other than amounts in the nature of an allowance for maintenance or accommodation) payable under a scheme for the provision by the Commonwealth of assistance for secondary education, technical or tertiary education or post‑graduate study.
expenses of self‑education means expenses necessarily incurred by the taxpayer for or in connection with a prescribed course of education but does not include:
(ba) a student contribution amount within the meaning of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 paid to a higher education provider (within the meaning of that Act); or
(bb) a payment made in respect of, or in respect of the reduction or discharge of, any indebtedness to the Commonwealth under Chapter 4 of that Act; or
(c) a payment made in respect of, or in respect of the reduction or discharge of, any indebtedness to the Commonwealth or to a participating corporation under Chapter 2B of the Social Security Act 1991 or Part 4A of the Student Assistance Act 1973.
net amount of expenses of self‑education means the amount ascertained by subtracting from the total amount of expenses of self‑education incurred by the taxpayer in the year of income the sum of:
(a) any payment or payments of educational assistance that were capable of being claimed in the year of income by the taxpayer or by another person in respect of the taxpayer other than:
(i) a payment the amount of which has been, or will be, included in the assessable income of the taxpayer of any year of income; or
(ii) a payment that was capable of being claimed in a preceding year of income; and
(b) any payment or payments (other than a payment the amount of which has been, or will be, included in the assessable income of the taxpayer of any year of income) received by the taxpayer, or that the taxpayer was entitled to receive, in the year of income, from the taxpayer’s employer, or from any other person, in respect of:
(i) expenses of self‑education that were incurred by the taxpayer during the year of income; or
(ii) expenses of self‑education in respect of which a deduction has been allowed, or is allowable, or in respect of which a rebate of tax has been allowed, or is allowable, in an assessment in respect of income derived by the taxpayer in a preceding year of income.
prescribed course of education means a course of education provided by a school, college, university or other place of education, and undertaken by the taxpayer for the purpose of gaining qualifications for use in the carrying on of a profession, business or trade or in the course of any employment.
Subdivision CB—Regional Headquarters (RHQs)
The object of this Subdivision is to provide a deduction for certain expenditure incurred by approved companies in establishing a regional headquarters in Australia.
82CA Deduction for setup costs of RHQ companies
RHQ setup costs incurred on or after 1 July 1994 by an RHQ company in a year of income are an allowable deduction from the assessable income of the RHQ company of the year of income.
(1) In this Subdivision:
associated company has the meaning given by section 82CC.
management related services include the following:
(a) finance and treasury services;
(b) business planning services;
(c) marketing services;
(d) accounting services;
(e) research and development services.
RHQ company means a company that the Treasurer, under section 82CE, has determined to be an RHQ company.
RHQ setup costs means expenditure (whether or not of a capital nature) incurred by an RHQ company:
(a) both:
(i) in setting up the facilities referred to in subsection 82CD(1); and
(ii) in the period starting 12 months before, and ending 12 months after, the company first derives assessable income from the provision of regional headquarters support from those facilities; or
(b) in reimbursing expenditure incurred by a non‑resident associated company of the RHQ company if the latter expenditure would have been covered by paragraph (a) if it had instead been incurred by the RHQ company at the time when it was incurred by the associated company;
but does not include:
(c) costs incurred in connection with feasibility studies in relation to the setting up of facilities in Australia to provide regional headquarters support; or
(d) costs incurred in connection with moving facilities that provide regional headquarters support from one location in Australia to another location in Australia; or
(e) the cost of depreciating assets, equipment, land, buildings or similar items.
(2) A company provides regional headquarters support if:
(a) the company provides to an associated company that is located in a country other than Australia; or
(b) a part of the company provides to another part of the company that is located in a country other than Australia;
any of the following:
(c) management related services; or
(d) data services; or
(e) software support services.
(3) A reference in this section to the provision of data services to a company, or a part of a company, is a reference to:
(a) the substantial input, transmission or manipulation of data; or
(b) the production of information from data;
for, or on behalf of, that company or that part of that company.
(4) A reference in this section to the provision of software support services to a company, or a part of a company, is a reference to the provision, to clients of that company or that part of that company, of advice and assistance in relation to computer software sold by that company or that part of that company.
For the purposes of this Subdivision, a company is an associated company of another company if:
(a) either company controls at least 10% of the votes in the other company (either directly or through one or more interposed companies, partnerships or trust estates); or
(b) a third company is an associated company (including by one or more applications of this paragraph) of both of the companies.
82CD Application to become an RHQ company
(1) A company may, in writing, apply to the Treasurer to become an RHQ company if the company intends to establish facilities in Australia mainly for the purpose of providing regional headquarters support.
(2) The Treasurer must publish the address to which applications must be sent.
82CE Determination of RHQ companies
(1) Subject to subsection (3), the Treasurer may, on application by a company under section 82CD, determine, by legislative instrument, that the company is an RHQ company for the purposes of this Subdivision.
(2) The determination must:
(a) specify the day when the company commences to be an RHQ company; and
(b) contain any other information the Treasurer considers appropriate.
(3) A determination of the Treasurer under subsection (1):
(a) may only be made if the Treasurer is satisfied that the company has the intention mentioned in subsection 82CD(1); and
(b) must be made in accordance with guidelines determined by the Treasurer under this section.
(4) The Treasurer must, by legislative instrument, determine guidelines for the making of determinations under subsection (1). The guidelines may require the Treasurer to take into account:
(a) specified criteria; or
(b) recommendations of particular bodies; or
(c) any other factors.
Subdivision D—Losses and outgoings incurred under certain tax avoidance schemes
(1) In this Subdivision, unless the contrary intention appears:
additional benefit, in relation to an amount of eligible relevant expenditure, means the additional benefit, or the aggregate of the additional benefits, as the case may be, referred to in paragraph (1F)(b) in relation to that eligible relevant expenditure.
agreement means any agreement, arrangement, understanding or scheme, whether formal or informal, whether express or implied and whether or not enforceable, or intended to be enforceable, by legal proceedings.
associate, in relation to a taxpayer, means:
(a) in the case of a taxpayer who is a natural person, other than a taxpayer in the capacity of a trustee:
(i) a relative of the taxpayer;
(ii) a partner of the taxpayer;
(iii) if a person who is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of subparagraph (ii) is a natural person—the spouse or a child of that person;
(iv) a trustee of a trust estate where the taxpayer or another person who is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of another subparagraph of this paragraph benefits or is capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting under the trust, either directly or through any interposed companies, partnerships or trusts; or
(v) a company where:
(A) the company is, or its directors are, accustomed or under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of the taxpayer, of another person who is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of another subparagraph of this paragraph, of a company that is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of another application of this subparagraph or of any 2 or more such persons; or
(B) the taxpayer is, the persons who are associates of the taxpayer by virtue of sub-subparagraph (A) and the preceding subparagraphs of this paragraph are, or the taxpayer and the persons who are associates of the taxpayer by virtue of that sub‑subparagraph and those subparagraphs are, in a position to cast, or control the casting of, more than 50% of the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the company;
(b) in the case of a taxpayer being a company, other than a taxpayer in the capacity of a trustee:
(i) a partner of the taxpayer;
(ii) if a person who is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of subparagraph (i) is a natural person—the spouse or a child of that person;
(iii) a trustee of a trust estate where the taxpayer or another person who is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of another subparagraph of this paragraph benefits or is capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting under the trust, either directly or through any interposed companies, partnerships or trusts;
(iv) another person where:
(A) the taxpayer company is, or its directors are, accustomed or under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of that person, or of that person and another person or other persons, whether those directions, instructions or wishes are communicated directly to the taxpayer company or its directors, or through any interposed companies, partnerships or trusts; or
(B) that person is, or that person and the persons who, if that person were the taxpayer, would be associates of that person by virtue of paragraph (a), by virtue of sub-subparagraph (A), by virtue of another subparagraph of this paragraph or by virtue of paragraph (c) are, in a position to cast, or control the casting of, more than 50% of the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the taxpayer company;
(v) another company where:
(A) the other company is, or its directors are, accustomed or under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of the taxpayer company, of a person who is an associate of the taxpayer company by virtue of another subparagraph of this paragraph, of a company that is an associate of the taxpayer company by virtue of another application of this subparagraph or of any 2 or more such persons; or
(B) the taxpayer company is, the persons who are associates of the taxpayer company by virtue of sub-subparagraph (A) and the other subparagraphs of this paragraph are, or the taxpayer company and the persons who are associates of the taxpayer company by virtue of that sub‑subparagraph and those subparagraphs are, in a position to cast, or control the casting of, more than 50% of the maximum number of votes that might be cast at a general meeting of the other company; or
(vi) any other person who, if a third person who is an associate of the taxpayer company by virtue of subparagraph (iv) were the taxpayer, would be an associate of that third person by virtue of paragraph (a), by virtue of another subparagraph of this paragraph or by virtue of paragraph (c);
(c) in the case of a taxpayer in the capacity of a trustee of a trust estate:
(i) any person who benefits or is capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting under the trust estate, either directly or through any interposed companies, partnerships or trusts;
(ii) where a person who is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of subparagraph (i) is a natural person—any person who, if that natural person were the taxpayer, would be an associate of that natural person by virtue of paragraph (a) or this paragraph; or
(iii) where a person who is an associate of the taxpayer by virtue of subparagraph (i) or (ii) is a company—any person who, if that company were the taxpayer, would be an associate of that company by virtue of paragraph (b) or this paragraph; or
(d) in the case of a taxpayer being a partnership:
(i) a partner in the partnership;
(ii) where any partner in the partnership is a natural person—any person who, if that natural person were the taxpayer, would be an associate of that natural person by virtue of paragraph (a) or (c); or
(iii) where any partner in the partnership is a company—any person who, if the company were the taxpayer, would be an associate of the company by virtue of paragraph (b) or (c).
consumable supplies means property other than:
(a) trading stock; or
(b) choses in action.
expected tax saving, in relation to an amount of eligible relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer, means:
(a) where only one amount is, under subsection (1B), a tax saving amount for the purposes of the application of this definition in relation to the eligible relevant expenditure—that tax saving amount; and
(b) where 2 or more amounts are, under subsection (1B), tax saving amounts for the purposes of the application of this definition in relation to the eligible relevant expenditure—the sum of those tax saving amounts.
film means an aggregate of images, or of images and sounds, embodied in any material.
market research means:
(a) the undertaking of research to ascertain the location, extent, value or other characteristics of the market, or the potential market, for goods or services; and
(b) the provision of information, advice or assistance in connection with the marketing of particular goods or services or of goods or services generally.
property includes a chose in action and also includes any estate, interest, right or power, whether at law or in equity, in or over property.
relevant expenditure, in relation to a taxpayer, means:
(a) expenditure in respect of which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 25‑25 (Borrowing expenses) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;
(b) expenditure in respect of which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 25‑30 (Expenses of discharging a mortgage) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;
(c) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in the purchase by the taxpayer of property (not being a chose in action) that, for the purposes of the application of this Act in relation to the taxpayer, is trading stock, to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(d) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in respect of interest to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(e) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in respect of rent to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(f) a bad debt incurred by the taxpayer in respect of money lent by the taxpayer in the course of carrying on a business to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 or section 25‑35 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the bad debt;
(g) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in respect of:
(i) the production, marketing or distribution of a film; or
(ii) the acquisition of a copyright subsisting in a film;
to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(h) expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in respect of a unit of industrial property, being a unit of industrial property that relates to copyright subsisting in a film, to the extent to which the amount of that expenditure is taken into account, or would, apart from former subsections 124R(2) and (3), be taken into account, in calculating the residual value of the unit of industrial property in ascertaining whether, apart from section 82KL, a deduction would be allowable to the taxpayer under former section 124M or 124N in respect of the residual value of the unit of industrial property;
(ka) expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in respect of an item of intellectual property (as defined in of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) that relates to copyright subsisting in a film, but only to the extent described at the end of this definition;
(k) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in the purchase of consumable supplies to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(m) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in respect of market research to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(n) expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the acquisition of a unit of industrial property, being a licence under a copyright subsisting in computer software, to the extent to which the amount of that expenditure is taken into account, or would, apart from former subsection 124R(3) be taken into account, in calculating the residual value of the unit of industrial property in ascertaining whether, apart from section 82KL, a deduction would be allowable to the taxpayer under former section 124M or 124N in respect of the residual value of the unit of industrial property;
(oa) expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in respect of acquiring an item of intellectual property (as defined in of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) that is a licence under a copyright subsisting in computer software, but only to the extent described at the end of this definition;
(o) a loss or outgoing or expenditure incurred by the taxpayer by way of commission for collecting assessable income of the taxpayer to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing or the expenditure;
(p) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the growing, care or supervision of trees on behalf of the taxpayer to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(pa) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the establishment and tending of trees for felling on behalf of the taxpayer to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 394‑10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(q) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer for the purpose of increasing the value of shares in a company, being shares held or beneficially owned by the taxpayer as trading stock, to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(r) a loss or outgoing incurred by the taxpayer in respect of:
(i) the production by another person of a master sound recording; or
(ii) the procuration of the production by another person of a master sound recording;
to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing;
(s) calls paid by the taxpayer on shares owned by the taxpayer in respect of which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under Division 30 (which is about gifts) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;
(v) expenditure (other than expenditure to which a preceding paragraph of this definition applies) incurred by the taxpayer in respect of a unit of industrial property to the extent to which the amount of that expenditure is taken into account, or would, apart from former subsections 124R(2) and (3), be taken into account, in calculating the residual value of the unit of industrial property in ascertaining whether, apart from section 82KL, a deduction would be allowable to the taxpayer under former section 124M or 124N in respect of the residual value of the unit of industrial property; or
(wa) expenditure (unless covered by an earlier paragraph of this definition) incurred by the taxpayer in respect of an item of intellectual property (as defined in of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997), but only to the extent described at the end of this definition;
(w) a loss or outgoing (other than a loss or outgoing referred to in subsection 52A(1) or to which a preceding paragraph of this definition applies) incurred by the taxpayer to the extent to which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the loss or outgoing.
However, paragraph (ka), (oa) or (wa) only covers expenditure to the extent that:
(x) it is taken into account in working out under Division 40 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 the adjustable value of the item to the taxpayer in determining whether, apart from section 82KL of this Act, the taxpayer could deduct an amount under that Division for the item for a year of income; or
(y) it would be so taken into account apart from item 8 in the table in subsection 40‑180(2), or item 1 in the table in subsection 40‑190(3) (both about non‑arm’s length transactions).
rent means rent in respect of land or premises.
tax avoidance agreement means an agreement that was entered into or carried out for the purpose, or for purposes that included the purpose, of securing that a person who, if the agreement had not been entered into or carried out, would have been liable to pay income tax in respect of a year of income would not be liable to pay income tax in respect of that year of income or would be liable to pay less income tax in respect of that year of income than that person would have been liable to pay if the agreement had not been entered into or carried out.
unit of industrial property has the same meaning as in former Division 10B.
(1A) In determining for the purposes of this Subdivision whether an agreement is a tax avoidance agreement, no regard shall be had to a purpose that is a merely incidental purpose.
(1AA) A reference in this Subdivision to the incurring by a taxpayer of a bad debt shall be read as a reference to a debt, or a part of a debt, owed to the taxpayer becoming a bad debt.
(1AB) A reference in:
(a) subsection 82KL(2); or
(b) former section 80 in relation to this Subdivision;
to the incurring by a taxpayer of a loss or outgoing shall be read as including a reference to the incurring by a taxpayer of a bad debt.
(1ABA) This section has the same effect in relation to an allowable deduction under section 63E in respect of the extinguishing of the whole or part of a debt as it has in respect of an allowable deduction under section 8‑1 or 25‑35 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the writing off of the whole or part of a debt as bad.
(1AC) In this Subdivision:
(a) a reference to a copyright subsisting in a film shall be read as including a reference to:
(i) a licence under a copyright subsisting in a film; and
(ii) an interest, whether at law or in equity, in respect of a copyright, or in respect of a licence under a copyright, subsisting in a film; and
(b) a reference to a licence under a copyright subsisting in computer software shall be read as including a reference to an interest, whether at law or in equity, in a licence under a copyright subsisting in computer software.
(1AD) A reference in this Subdivision to a tax benefit being allowed or allowable or not being allowed or allowable in respect of relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer shall be read as a reference to:
(a) in a case where the relevant expenditure is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (h), (n) or (v) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies—a deduction being allowed or allowable or not being allowed or allowable, as the case may be, to the taxpayer under former section 124M or 124N in respect of the residual value of a unit of industrial property where that residual value would be calculated by reference to the relevant expenditure; and
(b) if paragraph (ka), (oa) or (wa) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) covers the expenditure—the taxpayer deducting or being able to deduct, or not deducting or not being able to deduct, as appropriate, an amount under Division 40 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for an item of intellectual property for a year of income because the taxpayer’s adjustable value of the item would be calculated under that Division by reference to the relevant expenditure; and
(d) in any other case—a deduction being allowed or allowable or not being allowed or allowable, as the case may be, to the taxpayer in respect of the relevant expenditure.
(1B) For the purposes of the application of the definition of expected tax saving in subsection (1) in relation to an amount of eligible relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer:
(a) where:
(i) if a tax benefit were not allowable in respect of any part of that eligible relevant expenditure, a person (whether the taxpayer or another person and whether in the capacity of a trustee of a trust estate or otherwise) would be liable to pay income tax in respect of a year of income; and
(ii) if a tax benefit or tax benefits were allowable under this Act in respect of that eligible relevant expenditure, that person would be liable to pay a lesser amount of income tax in respect of that year of income;
the amount by which the amount of the tax referred to in subparagraph (i) exceeds the amount of the tax referred to in subparagraph (ii) is a tax saving amount; and
(b) where:
(i) if a tax benefit were not allowable in respect of any part of that eligible relevant expenditure, a person (whether the taxpayer or another person and whether in the capacity of a trustee of a trust estate or otherwise) would be liable to pay income tax in respect of a year of income; and
(ii) if a tax benefit or tax benefits were allowable under this Act in respect of that eligible relevant expenditure, that person would not be liable to pay income tax in respect of that year of income;
the amount of the tax referred to in subparagraph (i) is a tax saving amount.
(1BA) In the application of subsection (1B) in determining whether there is a tax saving amount in relation to an amount of eligible relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer in a case where, if a tax benefit or tax benefits were allowable in respect of that eligible relevant expenditure, a person (whether the taxpayer or another person and whether in the capacity of a trustee of a trust estate or otherwise) would:
(a) have a tax loss for a year of income that the person would not have; or
(b) have a greater tax loss for a year of income than the person would have;
if a tax benefit were not allowable in respect of any part of that eligible relevant expenditure, apply Division 36 and former Subdivision 375‑G of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 as if the amount were relevant expenditure but not eligible relevant expenditure.
(1D) Subject to subsection (1E), where, in respect of any 2 or more amounts of eligible relevant expenditure (whether incurred by one taxpayer or by 2 or more taxpayers and whether incurred in one year of income or in 2 or more years of income), the following conditions are satisfied, namely:
(a) if subsection (1B) were applied in relation to one of those amounts of eligible relevant expenditure in relation to a person (whether or not that person is the person or one of the persons who incurred the eligible relevant expenditure) in relation to a year of income on the assumption that no tax benefit is or was allowable in respect of any part of the other amount of eligible relevant expenditure, or in respect of any part of any of the other amounts of eligible relevant expenditure, as the case may be, the tax saving amount determined in accordance with that subsection would be greater than the tax saving amount that would be determined in accordance with that subsection in relation to that amount of eligible relevant expenditure in relation to that person in relation to that year of income if that subsection were applied on the assumption that a tax benefit or tax benefits were allowable under this Act in respect of the other amount of eligible relevant expenditure, or in respect of each of the other amounts of eligible relevant expenditure, as the case may be; and
(b) if paragraph (a) of this subsection were applied in relation to that person in relation to that year of income in relation to the other amount of eligible relevant expenditure, or in relation to each of the other amounts of eligible relevant expenditure, as the case may be, the condition specified in that paragraph would be satisfied in relation to that other amount or in relation to each of those other amounts, as the case may be;
then, in the application of subsection (1B) in calculating the tax saving amount in relation to that person in relation to the year of income in relation to any one of the amounts of eligible relevant expenditure first referred to in this subsection, it shall be assumed that no tax benefit is or was allowable in respect of any part of the other of those amounts or in respect of any part of any of the other of those amounts, as the case may be.
(1E) Where:
(a) but for this subsection, subsection (1D) would apply to require it to be assumed, for the purposes of the application of subsection (1B) in relation to an amount of eligible relevant expenditure, that no tax benefit is or was allowable in respect of any part of another amount of eligible relevant expenditure (in this subsection referred to as the allowable relevant expenditure); and
(b) section 82KL does not and will not operate to deem a tax benefit not to be allowable and never to have been allowable in respect of any part of the allowable relevant expenditure;
subsection (1D) shall not apply and shall be taken never to have applied so as to require it to be assumed, in the application of subsection (1B) in relation to an amount of eligible relevant expenditure other than the allowable relevant expenditure, that no tax benefit is or was allowable in respect of any part of the allowable relevant expenditure.
(1F) For the purposes of this Subdivision, an amount of relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer shall be taken to be an amount of eligible relevant expenditure if:
(a) that amount of relevant expenditure was incurred after 24 September 1978 by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement entered into after that date;
(b) by reason of, as a result of or as part of the tax avoidance agreement the taxpayer has obtained, in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred, a benefit or benefits in addition to:
(i) in a case to which subparagraph (ii) does not apply:
(A) the benefit in respect of which the relevant expenditure was incurred; and
(B) any benefit that resulted directly or indirectly from the benefit in respect of which the relevant expenditure was incurred and is a benefit that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, might reasonably be expected to have resulted if the benefit in respect of which the relevant expenditure was incurred had been obtained otherwise than by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement; or
(ii) in a case where the relevant expenditure is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (w) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies—any benefit that resulted directly or indirectly from the incurring of the relevant expenditure and is a benefit that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, might reasonably be expected to have resulted if the relevant expenditure had been incurred otherwise than by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement; and
(c) in a case where the relevant expenditure is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (s), (v) or (w) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies—that amount of relevant expenditure was incurred by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement entered into before 28 May 1981.
(1FA) For the purposes of the application of subsection (1F) in relation to an amount of relevant expenditure to which paragraph (f) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies, any benefit obtained by the taxpayer in relation to the making of the loan in respect of which the bad debt is incurred shall be taken to be a benefit obtained by the taxpayer in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred.
(1G) The reference in subsection (1F) to the benefit in respect of which relevant expenditure was incurred by a taxpayer shall be read as a reference to:
(a) in a case where the relevant expenditure is expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in borrowing money, being expenditure in respect of which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 25‑25 (Borrowing expenses) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997—the making available to the taxpayer of the money borrowed by the taxpayer;
(b) in a case where the relevant expenditure is expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in connection with the discharge of a mortgage, being expenditure in respect of which a deduction would, apart from section 82KL, be allowable to the taxpayer under section 25‑30 (Expenses of discharging a mortgage) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997—the discharge of the mortgage;
(c) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in the purchase of property that, for the purposes of the application of this Act in relation to the taxpayer, is or was trading stock—the acquisition of that property by the taxpayer;
(d) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of interest—the availability to the taxpayer of the money borrowed by the taxpayer;
(e) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of rent—the use of the property in respect of which the rent was paid;
(f) in a case where the relevant expenditure incurred by the taxpayer was in respect of a bad debt—any interest received or receivable by the taxpayer in respect of the loan in respect of which the bad debt was incurred;
(g) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the production, marketing or distribution of a film or the acquisition of a copyright subsisting in a film and is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (g) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies—the production, marketing or distribution of the film, or the acquisition of the copyright by the taxpayer, as the case may be;
(h) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of a unit of industrial property, being a unit of industrial property that relates to copyright subsisting in a film, and is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (h) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies—the ownership by the taxpayer of the unit of industrial property;
(k) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in the purchase of consumable supplies—the acquisition of those consumable supplies by the taxpayer;
(m) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of market research—the undertaking of the research, or the provision of the information, advice or assistance, in respect of which the relevant expenditure was incurred;
(n) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the acquisition of a unit of industrial property, being a licence under a copyright subsisting in computer software—the acquisition by the taxpayer of the unit of industrial property;
(o) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer by way of commission for collecting assessable income of the taxpayer—the collection on behalf of the taxpayer of assessable income of the taxpayer;
(p) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the growing, care or supervision of trees on behalf of the taxpayer—the growing, care or supervision of the trees on behalf of the taxpayer;
(pa) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the establishment and tending of trees for felling on behalf of the taxpayer—the establishment and tending of trees for felling on behalf of the taxpayer;
(q) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer for the purpose of increasing the value of shares in a company, being shares held or beneficially owned by the taxpayer as trading stock—the increase in the value of those shares;
(r) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the production of, or the procuration of the production of, a master sound recording—any amount payable to the taxpayer in respect of the master sound recording, being an amount that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, would be payable to the taxpayer as a result of the incurring by the taxpayer of the relevant expenditure if that expenditure had been incurred by reason of, as a result of or as part of an agreement other than a tax avoidance agreement;
(s) in a case where the relevant expenditure consists of calls paid by the taxpayer on shares owned by the taxpayer and is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (s) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies—the satisfaction of any liability of the taxpayer to pay the calls and the taxpayer’s continuing ownership of the shares; and
(u) in a case where the relevant expenditure was incurred by the taxpayer in respect of a unit of industrial property and is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (v) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies—the ownership by the taxpayer of the unit of industrial property.
(1H) For the purposes of paragraph (1F)(b), but without limiting the generality of that paragraph, where:
(a) an amount of relevant expenditure is incurred by a taxpayer by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement;
(b) in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred and by reason of, as a result of or as part of the tax avoidance agreement or by reason of an act, transaction or circumstance occurring as part of, in connection with or as a result of the tax avoidance agreement, the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer acquires from another person the right to recover the amount of a debt that was owed to that other person; and
(c) by reason of, as a result of or as part of the tax avoidance agreement or by reason of an act, transaction or circumstance occurring as part of, in connection with or as a result of the tax avoidance agreement, no consideration was paid or given by the taxpayer or the associate of the taxpayer, as the case may be, in respect of the acquisition of that right or the amount or value of the consideration paid or given by the taxpayer or the associate of the taxpayer, as the case may be, in respect of the acquisition of that right was less than the amount of the debt;
the taxpayer shall be deemed to have obtained, by reason of the tax avoidance agreement and in relation to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer, a benefit having a value equal to:
(d) in a case where no consideration was paid or given by the taxpayer or the associate of the taxpayer, as the case may be, in respect of the acquisition of the right to recover the amount of the debt—the amount of the debt; and
(e) in any other case—the amount by which the amount of the debt exceeds the amount or value of the consideration paid or given by the taxpayer or the associate of the taxpayer, as the case may be, in respect of the acquisition of the right to recover the amount of the debt.
(1J) For the purposes of paragraph (1F)(b), but without limiting the generality of that paragraph, where:
(a) an amount of relevant expenditure is incurred by a taxpayer by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement;
(b) in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred and by reason of, as a result of or as part of the tax avoidance agreement or by reason of an act, transaction or circumstance occurring as part of, in connection with or as a result of the tax avoidance agreement:
(i) a debt becomes owing by the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer; or
(ii) a debt became owing, before or at the time of the incurring of the relevant expenditure, by the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer; and
(c) it may reasonably be expected that, by reason of, as a result of or as part of the tax avoidance agreement or by reason of an act, transaction or circumstance occurring as part of, in connection with or as a result of the tax avoidance agreement, the person to whom the debt is owed will release, abandon or fail to demand repayment of the debt or of a part of the debt;
the taxpayer shall be deemed to have obtained, by reason of the tax avoidance agreement and in relation to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer, a benefit of an amount equal to the amount of the debt or that part of the debt, as the case may be.
(1JA) For the purposes of the application of subsection (1H) in relation to an amount of relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer, being relevant expenditure to which paragraph (f) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies, a reference in paragraph (1H)(b) to the acquisition by the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer, in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred, of the right to recover a debt shall be read as including a reference to the acquisition by the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer, in relation to the making by the taxpayer of the loan in respect of which the relevant expenditure was incurred, of such a right.
(1JB) For the purposes of the application of subsection (1J) in relation to an amount of relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer, being relevant expenditure to which paragraph (f) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies, a reference in paragraph (1J)(b) to a debt becoming owing, or having become owing, by the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred, shall be read as including a reference to a debt becoming owing, or having become owing, by the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer, in relation to the making by the taxpayer of the loan in respect of which the relevant expenditure was incurred.
(1JE) For the purposes of paragraph (1F)(b), but without limiting the generality of that paragraph, where:
(a) an amount of relevant expenditure is incurred by a taxpayer by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement;
(b) that relevant expenditure consists of calls paid by the taxpayer on shares owned by the taxpayer and is relevant expenditure to which paragraph (s) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies; and
(c) in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred and by reason of, as a result of or as part of the tax avoidance agreement or by reason of an act, transaction or circumstance occurring as part of, in connection with or as a result of the tax avoidance agreement, consideration (in this subsection referred to as the relevant consideration) is paid or given to the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer in respect of the acquisition by any person from the taxpayer of:
(i) all or any of those shares;
(ii) the right to purchase all or any of those shares; or
(iii) the right to require a person to vote, in a meeting of shareholders of the company, in favour of a resolution to vary the rights attached to all or any of those shares;
the taxpayer shall be deemed to have obtained, by reason of the tax avoidance agreement and in relation to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer, a benefit in addition to the benefits referred to in subparagraphs (1F)(b)(i) and (ii) having a value equal to the amount or value of the relevant consideration reduced by the amount or value of the part (if any) of that relevant consideration that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is attributable to expenditure (other than the relevant expenditure) incurred by the taxpayer in respect of the shares.
(1K) Where:
(a) 2 or more amounts of relevant expenditure are incurred by a taxpayer (whether in the same year of income or in different years of income) by reason of, as a result of or as part of the same tax avoidance agreement;
(b) the same paragraph of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts; and
(c) those amounts were incurred in respect of the same benefit;
those amounts shall, for the purposes of this Subdivision, be treated as together constituting one amount of relevant expenditure.
(1L) For the purposes of subsection (1K), 2 or more amounts of relevant expenditure shall be taken to have been incurred in respect of the same benefit if:
(a) in a case where paragraph (a) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same loan;
(b) in a case where paragraph (b) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the discharge of the same mortgage;
(c) in a case where paragraph (c) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in the purchase of the same property;
(d) in a case where paragraph (d) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same loan;
(e) in a case where paragraph (e) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same property;
(f) in a case where paragraph (f) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same loan;
(g) in a case where paragraph (g) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same film;
(h) in a case where paragraph (h) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same film;
(k) in a case where paragraph (k) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in the purchase of the same property;
(m) in a case where paragraph (m) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same market research;
(n) in a case where paragraph (n) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same unit of industrial property;
(o) in a case where paragraph (o) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same source of assessable income;
(p) in a case where paragraph (p) or paragraph (pa) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of trees on the same parcel of land;
(q) in a case where paragraph (q) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same shares;
(r) in a case where paragraph (r) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were payable to the same person;
(s) in a case where paragraph (s) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were calls paid on shares in the same company;
(v) in a case where paragraph (v) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same unit of industrial property; and
(w) in a case where paragraph (w) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies in relation to each of those amounts—those amounts were incurred in respect of the same source of assessable income or in carrying on the same business.
(1M) For the purposes of this Subdivision, a person who obtains a benefit by reason of an act, transaction or circumstance that occurs as part of, in connection with or as a result of a tax avoidance agreement shall be deemed to have obtained that benefit by reason of the tax avoidance agreement.
(1N) Where, for the purposes of the application of any provision of this Subdivision, it is required to be assumed that a tax benefit is not or was not allowable in respect of any part of an amount of eligible relevant expenditure and that expenditure is expenditure that was incurred in the acquisition of property that, for the purposes of the application of this Act in relation to the person who incurred the expenditure, is or was trading stock, it shall also be assumed, for the purposes of the application of that provision, that, for the purposes of the application of Division 70 (Trading stock) or 385 (Primary production) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation to that property in relation to the person who incurred the expenditure, that the cost of that property is, and at all times was, nil.
(1P) For the purposes of this Subdivision, any benefit that has been obtained by an associate of a taxpayer by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement, being a benefit that was obtained in relation to the incurring by the taxpayer, by reason of, as a result of or as part of that tax avoidance agreement, of relevant expenditure, not being relevant expenditure to which subsection (1Q) applies, shall be taken to be a benefit that was obtained by the taxpayer by reason of that tax avoidance agreement and in relation to that relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer.
(1Q) For the purposes of this Subdivision, any benefit that has been obtained by an associate of a taxpayer by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement, being a benefit that was obtained in relation to:
(a) the incurring by the taxpayer, by reason of, as a result of or as part of that tax avoidance agreement, of relevant expenditure to which paragraph (f) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies; or
(b) the making by the taxpayer, by reason of, as a result of or as part of that tax avoidance agreement, of the loan in respect of which relevant expenditure to which that paragraph applies was incurred;
shall be taken to be a benefit that was obtained by the taxpayer by reason of that tax avoidance agreement and in relation to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer or that loan being made by the taxpayer, as the case may be.
(1S) For the purposes of the application of this section in determining the amount of any additional benefit obtained by a taxpayer in relation to an amount of relevant expenditure to which paragraph (h) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies being incurred, being expenditure that, by virtue of the expenditure of moneys (in this subsection referred to as the partnership moneys) by a partnership, is deemed by former section 124KA to have been incurred by the taxpayer:
(a) the partnership shall be taken to be an associate of the taxpayer;
(b) a reference to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer shall be read as including a reference to the partnership moneys being expended by the partnership; and
(c) any benefit obtained by the partnership in relation to the partnership moneys being expended by the partnership shall be taken to have been obtained by the taxpayer in relation to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer to such extent only as the Commissioner considers fair and reasonable.
(1T) Where:
(a) a taxpayer expends moneys (in this subsection referred to as the film moneys) in producing, or by way of contribution to the cost of producing, a film; and
(b) by virtue of the operation of former subsection 124K(2), a part only of the film moneys is taken to be an amount of relevant expenditure to which paragraph (h) of the definition of relevant expenditure in subsection (1) applies;
for the purposes of the application of this section in determining the amount of any additional benefit obtained by the taxpayer in relation to the relevant expenditure being incurred:
(c) a reference to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer shall read as including a reference to the film moneys being expended by the taxpayer; and
(d) any benefit obtained by the taxpayer in relation to the film moneys being expended by the taxpayer shall be taken to have been obtained by the taxpayer in relation to the relevant expenditure being incurred by the taxpayer to such extent only as the Commissioner considers fair and reasonable.
(2) A reference in this Subdivision to the supply of goods or the provision of services shall be read as not including a reference to the making available of money by way of loan.
(3) For the purposes of this Subdivision, an agreement shall be taken to have been entered into or carried out for a particular purpose, or for purposes that included a particular purpose, if any of the parties to the agreement entered into or carried out the agreement for that purpose, or for the purposes that included that purpose, as the case may be.
(4) A reference in this Subdivision to a person shall be read as including a reference to a person in the capacity of a trustee.
(5) A reference in this Subdivision to a provision of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 includes a reference to the corresponding provision of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
82KJ Deduction not allowable in respect of certain pre‑paid outgoings
(a) a loss or outgoing in respect of which a deduction would, but for this Subdivision, be allowable, was incurred by a taxpayer after 19 April 1978 by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement;
(b) having regard to the benefit in respect of which the loss or outgoing was incurred (but without regard to any benefit relating to the acquisition or possible acquisition of the property referred to in paragraph (c)), the amount of the loss or outgoing was greater than the amount (if any) that might reasonably be expected to have been incurred, at the time when the loss or outgoing was incurred, in respect of that benefit if the loss or outgoing had not been incurred by reason of, as a result of or as part of a tax avoidance agreement;
(c) property has been, will be, or may reasonably be expected to be, acquired by the taxpayer or by an associate of the taxpayer as a result of, by reason of, or as part of the tax avoidance agreement; and
(d) the consideration (if any) that was payable in respect of the acquisition of that property was less, or the consideration that may reasonably be expected to be payable in respect of the acquisition of that property is less, than the consideration that might reasonably be expected to have been payable, or to be payable, as the case may be, in respect of the acquisition of that property if the loss or outgoing had not been incurred;
notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a deduction is not allowable to the taxpayer in respect of the loss or outgoing.
82KK Schemes designed to postpone tax liability
(1) This section applies to a loss or outgoing incurred by a taxpayer if:
(a) the loss or outgoing was incurred after 19 April 1978 and was incurred to an associate of the taxpayer;
(b) a deduction is allowable to the taxpayer in respect of that loss or outgoing; and
(c) the deduction allowable in respect of that loss or outgoing would, but for this section, be allowable to the taxpayer in the year of income in which the loss or outgoing was incurred and:
(i) in a case where the loss or outgoing is in respect of interest that, if it had actually been paid, would be subject to withholding tax under Division 11A—the withholding tax payable in respect of the whole or a part of the interest is not payable until a time occurring in a subsequent year of income; and
(ii) in any other case—the whole or a part of the amount incurred to the associate will not be included in the assessable income of the associate until a subsequent year of income.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, where:
(a) a taxpayer incurs in a year of income (in this subsection referred to as the relevant year of income) a loss or outgoing (not being a loss or outgoing in respect of the supply of goods or the provision of services at a time that occurs after, or during a period that occurs after or extends beyond, the end of the relevant year of income) and the loss or outgoing is a loss or outgoing to which this section applies; and
(b) the loss or outgoing was incurred by reason of, as a result of, as part of or in connection with an agreement, course of conduct or course of business that was entered into or carried out for the purpose, or for purposes that included the purpose, of securing that:
(i) in a case where the loss or outgoing is in respect of interest that, if it had actually been paid, would be subject to withholding tax under Division 11A—the withholding tax payable in respect of the whole or a part of the interest will not be payable until a time occurring in a subsequent year of income; and
(ii) in any other case—the whole or a part of the amount incurred to the associate would not be included in the assessable income of the associate until a subsequent year of income;
the loss or outgoing shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been incurred by the taxpayer in the relevant year of income and in any subsequent year of income only to the extent to which the loss or outgoing represents an amount actually paid during the relevant year of income or that subsequent year of income by the taxpayer to the person to whom the loss or outgoing is incurred.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act but subject to subsection (4), where:
(a) a taxpayer incurs in a year of income a loss or outgoing in respect of the supply of goods or the provision of services at a time that occurs after, or during a period that occurs after or extends beyond, the end of the year of income and the loss or outgoing is a loss or outgoing to which this section applies; and
(b) the loss or outgoing was incurred by reason of, as a result of or as part of an agreement that was entered into or carried out for the purpose, or for purposes that included the purpose, of securing that:
(i) a deduction would be allowable to the taxpayer in a year of income in respect of the loss or outgoing; and
(ii) the whole or a part of the amount of the loss or outgoing would not be included in the assessable income of the person to whom the loss or outgoing was incurred until a subsequent year of income;
that loss or outgoing shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been incurred by the taxpayer in the year of income in which, or in the years of income in which, goods to which the loss or outgoing relates are supplied or services to which the loss or outgoing relates are provided.
(4) Where, by virtue of subsection (3), a loss or outgoing incurred by a taxpayer in respect of the supply of goods or the provision of services is deemed to have been incurred by the taxpayer in each of 2 or more years of income, there shall be allowable as a deduction to the taxpayer in each such year of income so much only of the amount that, apart from this section, would be allowable as a deduction in respect of the loss or outgoing as the Commissioner considers reasonable having regard to the extent to which the goods in respect of which the loss or outgoing was incurred were supplied or the services in respect of which the loss or outgoing was incurred were provided, in each of those years of income.
(5) In determining whether paragraph (2)(b) or (3)(b) applies in relation to a loss or outgoing, no regard shall be had to a purpose that is a merely incidental purpose.
82KL Tax benefit not allowable in respect of certain recouped expenditure
(1) Where the sum of the amount or value of the additional benefit in relation to an amount of eligible relevant expenditure incurred by a taxpayer and the expected tax saving in relation to that amount of eligible relevant expenditure is equal to or greater than the amount of the eligible relevant expenditure, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act but subject to this section, a tax benefit is not and shall be deemed never to have been, allowable in respect of any part of that amount of eligible relevant expenditure.
(2) Where, at any time, the Commissioner is of the opinion that, apart from this subsection, subsection (1) might reasonably be expected, at a later time, to operate to deem a tax benefit not to be allowable and never to have been allowable in respect of expenditure or a loss or outgoing incurred by a taxpayer then, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act but subject to this section, a tax benefit is not allowable and shall be deemed never to have been allowable in respect of that expenditure or that loss or outgoing, as the case may be.
(3) Where, in the making of an assessment, subsection (2) has been applied by reason that the Commissioner was of the opinion that a particular circumstance would exist and the Commissioner later becomes satisfied that that circumstance will not exist, then, notwithstanding anything contained in section 170, the Commissioner may amend the assessment at any time for the purposes of ensuring that this Subdivision shall be taken always to have applied on the basis that that circumstance did not, and would not, exist.
(4) Where:
(a) an amount of eligible relevant expenditure is incurred by a partnership;
(b) apart from this subsection, this section would not operate to deem a tax benefit not to be allowable and never to have been allowable in respect of any part of that amount of eligible relevant expenditure; and
(c) the Commissioner is satisfied that any partner in the partnership became a partner in the partnership by reason of or as a result of an agreement (whether or not that agreement was the agreement by virtue of which the partner became a partner in the partnership) that was entered into by any of the parties to the agreement for the purpose, or primarily for the purpose, of ensuring that this section would not operate to deem a tax benefit not to be allowable and never to have been allowable in respect of any part of the amount of the eligible relevant expenditure;
then, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a tax benefit is not allowable and shall be deemed never to have been allowable in respect of any part of that amount of eligible relevant expenditure.
(5) Where:
(a) in the making of an assessment, this section has been applied on the basis that a taxpayer was to be taken to have obtained a benefit by reason that it was reasonable to expect that a person to whom a debt was owed by the taxpayer or an associate of the taxpayer would release, abandon or fail to demand repayment of the debt or of a part of the debt; and
(b) the whole or a part of that debt or of that part of the debt is repaid;
then, notwithstanding anything contained in section 170, the Commissioner may amend the assessment at any time for the purposes of ensuring that this Subdivision shall be taken never to have applied on the basis that it was reasonable to expect that the person to whom the debt was owed would release, abandon or fail to demand repayment of the amount that was repaid.
(6) Where subsection (1), (2) or (4) deems a tax benefit not to be and never to have been allowable in respect of a loss or outgoing incurred by a taxpayer in the purchase of property that, for the purposes of the application of this Act and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation to the taxpayer is or was trading stock, then, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or that Act, the cost or cost price of that property, for the purposes of the application of (Primary production) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 Subdivision B of Division 2 of Part III of this Act or Division 70 (Trading stock) or 385 in relation to that property in relation to the taxpayer, shall be taken to be, and at all times to have been, nil.
(7) Where, at any time after the making of an assessment in relation to a taxpayer, the taxpayer considers that the Commissioner ought to amend the assessment in accordance with subsection (3) or (5), the taxpayer may post to or lodge with the Commissioner a request in writing for an amendment of the assessment in accordance with subsection (3) or (5) or in accordance with subsections (3) and (5).
(8) The Commissioner shall consider the request and shall serve on the taxpayer, by post or otherwise, a written notice of the Commissioner’s decision on the request.
(9) If the taxpayer is dissatisfied with the Commissioner’s decision on the request, the taxpayer may object against it in the manner set out in Part IVC of the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
Subdivision H—Period of deductibility of certain advance expenditure
(1) In this Subdivision, unless the contrary intention appears:
agreement means any agreement, arrangement, understanding or scheme, whether formal or informal, whether express or implied and whether or not enforceable, or intended to be enforceable, by legal proceedings.
associate has the meaning given by section 318.
eligible service period, in relation to an amount of expenditure incurred under an agreement, means the period from the beginning of:
(a) the day, or the first day, on which the thing to be done under the agreement in return for the amount of expenditure is required, or permitted, as the case may be, to commence being done; or
(b) if the expenditure is incurred on a later day—the day on which the expenditure is incurred;
until the end of:
(c) the day, or the last day, on which the thing to be done under the agreement in return for the amount of expenditure is required, or permitted, as the case may be, to cease being done; or
(d) if that day or last day ends more than 10 years after the beginning of the period—10 years after the beginning of the period.
excluded expenditure means an amount of expenditure:
(a) less than $1,000; or
(b) required to be incurred by a law, or by an order of a court, of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory; or
(c) under a contract of service; or
(d) to the extent that it is of a capital nature and cannot be deducted under:
(i) section 355‑205 (R&D expenditure); or
(ii) section 355‑480 (earlier year associate R&D expenditure);
of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or
(da) to the extent that it is of a private or domestic nature; or
(e) that has been or is incurred after 21 September 1999 by a general insurance company in connection with the issue of a general insurance policy and was related or relates to the gross premiums derived by the company in respect of the policy; or
(f) that has been or is incurred after 21 September 1999 by a general insurance company in payment of reinsurance premiums in respect of the reinsurance of risks covered by general insurance policies, other than reinsurance premiums that were or are paid in respect of a particular class of insurance business where, under the contract of reinsurance, the reinsurer agrees, in respect of a loss incurred by the company that is covered by the relevant policy, to pay only some or all of the excess over an agreed amount.
pre‑RBT obligation means a contractual obligation that:
(a) exists under an agreement at or before 11.45 am (by legal time in the Australian Capital Territory) on 21 September 1999; and
(b) requires the payment of an amount for the doing of a thing under the agreement; and
(c) requires the payment to be made before the doing of the thing; and
(d) cannot be escaped by unilateral action by the party bound by the obligation to make the payment.
R&D activities has the same meaning as in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
transfer includes assign.
(2) Without otherwise limiting the generality of references in this Subdivision to expenditure being incurred under an agreement in return for the doing of a thing under the agreement:
(a) where expenditure incurred under an agreement consists of a payment of loan interest or a payment of a similar kind, the expenditure shall, for the purposes of this Subdivision, be taken to be incurred in return for the making available or continued making available, as the case requires, of the loan principal, or other amount of a similar kind, under the agreement during the period to which the payment relates; and
(b) where expenditure incurred under an agreement consists of a payment of rent, a lease payment or a payment of a similar kind, the expenditure shall, for the purposes of this Subdivision, be taken to be incurred in return for the making available or continued making available, as the case requires, of the thing rented or leased, or other thing of a similar kind, under the agreement during the period to which the payment relates; and
(c) where expenditure incurred under an agreement consists of a payment of an insurance premium or a payment of a similar kind, the expenditure shall, for the purposes of this Subdivision, be taken to be incurred in return for the provision or continued provision, as the case requires, of insurance against the risk concerned, or of a thing of a similar kind, under the agreement during the period to which the payment relates.
(3) This Subdivision has effect as if conducting R&D activities were carrying on a business.
82KZLA Subdivision does not apply to financial arrangements to which Subdivision 250‑E applies
To avoid doubt, this Subdivision does not apply to:
(a) a Division 230 financial arrangement (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); or
(b) a financial benefit (within the meaning of that Act) that is provided or received in relation to such an arrangement.
Note: See section 250‑210 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
In addition to its application apart from this section, this Subdivision applies to expenditure deductible under section 355‑480 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 as if:
(a) references in this Subdivision to incurring the expenditure were references to paying the expenditure; and
(b) references in this Subdivision to the expenditure year were references to the payment year.
82KZM Expenditure by small business entities and individuals incurring non‑business expenditure
(1) Where:
(a) a taxpayer incurs expenditure under an agreement entered into after 25 May 1988; and
(aa) at least one of the following applies:
(i) the taxpayer is a small business entity for the year of income and has not chosen to apply section 82KZMD to the expenditure;
(ii) the taxpayer is an individual and the expenditure is not incurred in carrying on a business;
(iii) the expenditure meets a pre‑RBT obligation (see subsection 82KZL(1)); and
(b) the expenditure is not excluded expenditure; and
(ba) either:
(i) the eligible service period for the expenditure is longer than 12 months; or
(ii) the eligible service period for the expenditure is 12 months or shorter but ends after the last day of the year of income after the one in which the expenditure was incurred; and
(c) apart from this section, a deduction under:
(i) section 8‑1; or
(ii) section 355‑205 (R&D expenditure) or 355‑480 (earlier year associate R&D expenditure);
of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, in respect of the expenditure, would be allowable from the taxpayer’s assessable income for the year of income in which the expenditure is incurred;
then, for the purposes of this Act, instead of the deduction being allowable as mentioned in paragraph (c), a proportion of the deduction is allowable from the assessable income of the taxpayer of each year of income during which the whole or part of the eligible service period in relation to the expenditure occurs, being a proportion ascertained in accordance with the formula:
Period in year is the number of days in the whole or the part of the eligible service period that occurs in the year of income.
Eligible service period is the number of days in the eligible service period.
(2) Subsection (1) has effect subject to Division 245 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
82KZMA Application of section 82KZMD
(1) Section 82KZMD sets the amount and timing of deductions for expenditure that a taxpayer incurs in a year of income (the expenditure year), if:
(a) apart from that section, the taxpayer could deduct the expenditure for the expenditure year under:
(i) section 8‑1; or
(ii) section 355‑205 (R&D expenditure) or 355‑480 (earlier year associate R&D expenditure);
of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(b) the requirements in subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) are met.
Requirements for taxpayer
(2) The taxpayer:
(a) must:
(i) carry on a business; or
(ii) be a taxpayer that is not an individual and that does not carry on a business; and
(b) if the taxpayer is a small business entity for the expenditure year—must, before lodging its return of income for that year or within such further time as the Commissioner allows, choose to apply section 82KZMD to the expenditure.
(3) The expenditure must be:
(a) either:
(i) incurred in carrying on a business; or
(ii) incurred otherwise than in carrying on a business by a taxpayer that is not an individual; and
(b) incurred under an agreement (see subsection 82KZL(1); and
(c) incurred in return for the doing of a thing under the agreement that is not to be wholly done within the expenditure year.
Requirement for expenditure not to be excluded expenditure
(4) The expenditure must not be excluded expenditure (see subsection 82KZL(1)).
Requirement for expenditure not to meet pre‑RBT obligation
(5) The expenditure must not meet a pre‑RBT obligation (see subsection 82KZL(1)).
Relationship with other provisions
(6) Section 82KZMD has effect:
(a) despite section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(b) subject to Division 245 of that Act.
82KZMD Business expenditure and non‑business expenditure by non‑individual
(2) For each year of income containing all or part of the eligible service period for the expenditure, the taxpayer may deduct the amount worked out using the formula:
Note: This section does not apply to expenditure incurred by a small business entity unless the small business entity chooses to apply this section to the expenditure: see paragraph 82KZMA(2)(b).
82KZME Expenditure under some agreements
(1) Section 82KZMF applies to set the amount and timing of deductions for expenditure that a taxpayer incurs in a year of income (the expenditure year) if:
(a) apart from that section, the taxpayer could deduct the expenditure for the expenditure year under:
(i) section 8‑1; or
(ii) section 355‑205 (R&D expenditure) or 355‑480 (earlier year associate R&D expenditure);
of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(c) the requirements of subsections (2) and (3) are met.
Note: There are some exceptions: see subsections (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9).
General requirements for expenditure
(2) The expenditure must be incurred:
(a) after 1 pm (by legal time in the Australian Capital Territory) on 11 November 1999 under an agreement; and
(b) in return for the doing of a thing under the agreement that is not to be wholly done within the expenditure year.
Requirements for agreement
(3) There are these requirements for the agreement:
(a) the taxpayer’s allowable deductions for the expenditure year that are attributable to the agreement must exceed the taxpayer’s assessable income (if any) for the expenditure year that is attributable to the agreement; and
(b) the taxpayer does not have day to day control over the operation of the agreement (whether or not the taxpayer has the right to be consulted or give directions); and
(c) at least one of these must be satisfied:
(i) there is more than one participant in the agreement in the same capacity as the taxpayer;
(ii) the person who manages, arranges or promotes the agreement, or an associate of that person, manages, arranges or promotes similar agreements for other taxpayers.
Activities that relate to the agreement
(4) Without affecting the operation of any other section in this Subdivision, an agreement referred to in this section includes all activities that relate to the agreement, including those that give rise to deductions or assessable income.
Exception 1: certain negatively geared investments
(5) The expenditure must not be:
(a) a premium for building insurance, contents insurance or rent protection insurance; or
(b) interest on money borrowed to acquire:
(i) real property or an interest in real property; or
(ii) shares that are listed for quotation in the official list of an approved stock exchange; or
(iii) units in a trust that has at least 300 beneficiaries and is a widely held unit trust as defined in section 272‑105 in Schedule 2F;
(c) the taxpayer has obtained, or can reasonably be expected to obtain, rent, dividends or trust income from the agreement; and
(d) the taxpayer has not obtained and will not obtain any other kind of assessable income from the agreement (except a capital gain or an insurance receipt); and
(e) all aspects of the agreement have been conducted at arm’s length.
Exception 2: infrastructure borrowings
(6) The expenditure must not be an allowable deduction because of section 159GZZZZF in respect of an infrastructure borrowing as defined in subsection 93D(1) of the Development Allowance Authority Act 1992.
Exception 3: expenditure is excluded expenditure
(7) The expenditure must not be excluded expenditure (see subsection 82KZL(1)).
Exception 4: expenditure meets a pre‑existing obligation
(8) The expenditure by the taxpayer must not meet a contractual obligation that:
(a) exists under an agreement at or before 1 pm (by legal time in the Australian Capital Territory) on 11 November 1999; and
(b) requires the payment of an amount for the doing of a thing under the agreement; and
(c) requires the payment to be made before the doing of the thing; and
(d) cannot be escaped by unilateral action by the taxpayer.
Exception 5: agreement to which a product ruling applies
(9) The expenditure must not be under an agreement to which a product ruling applies, describing expenditure under the agreement as being allowable as a deduction.
(10) The product ruling must be made:
(a) on or before 1 pm (by legal time in the Australian Capital Territory) on 11 November 1999; or
(b) in response to an application for a product ruling where:
(i) the application was received by the Commissioner on or before the time specified in paragraph (a); and
(ii) the Commissioner acknowledged receiving the application.
(11) In this section:
product ruling means a public ruling made under Part IVAAA of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 about a particular investment product.
(1) If this section applies to expenditure incurred by a taxpayer in a year of income:
(a) the taxpayer cannot deduct all of the expenditure for the expenditure year; and
(b) instead, the taxpayer can deduct, for each year of income during which part of the eligible service period for the expenditure occurs, an amount worked out using this formula:
(2) This section has effect:
(a) despite section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(b) subject to Division 245 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Note: Deductions under section 355‑205 or 355‑480 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for R&D expenditure are subject to this section (see subsection 8‑5(2) and section 355‑105 of that Act).
82KZMG Deductions for certain forestry expenditure
(1) Sections 82KZMD and 82KZMF do not affect the timing of a deduction for expenditure incurred by a taxpayer in a year of income (the expenditure year) to the extent that the requirements of this section are met.
General requirements for expenditure
(2) There are these requirements for the expenditure:
(a) it must be incurred on or after 2 October 2001 and on or before 30 June 2008 under an agreement; and
(b) the eligible service period for the expenditure must be 12 months or shorter and must end on or before the last day of the year of income after the expenditure year; and
(c) it must be incurred in return for the doing of a thing under the agreement that is not to be wholly done within the expenditure year.
Requirements for agreement
(3) There are these requirements for the agreement:
(a) the agreement must be for planting and tending trees for felling; and
(b) the taxpayer must not have day to day control over the operation of the agreement (whether or not the taxpayer has the right to be consulted or give directions); and
(c) at least one of these must be satisfied:
(i) there is more than one participant in the agreement in the same capacity as the taxpayer;
(ii) the person (the manager) who manages, arranges or promotes the agreement, or an associate of that person, manages, arranges or promotes similar agreements for other taxpayers.
Requirements for expenditure
(4) The expenditure incurred by the taxpayer must be paid for seasonally dependent agronomic activities undertaken by the manager during the establishment period for the relevant planting of trees for felling.
Example: Examples of seasonally dependent agronomic activities include:
(5) The establishment period for a particular planting of trees starts on the day when the first seasonally dependent agronomic activity for that planting is done and ends on the later of:
(a) the day when the last seedling is planted as part of that planting, not including replacement of seedlings already planted; and
(b) the day when any fertiliser, herbicide or pesticide is applied to the seedlings in conjunction with that planting.
82KZMGA Deductions for certain forestry expenditure
(1) A taxpayer cannot deduct expenditure in relation to which the requirements in section 82KZMG (apart from paragraph 82KZMG(2)(a)) are met if:
(a) the taxpayer holds the taxpayer’s interest in the agreement mentioned in section 82KZMG as an initial participant in the agreement; and
(b) a CGT event happens in relation to that interest within 4 years after the end of the year of income in which the taxpayer first incurred expenditure under the agreement; and
(c) the expenditure is incurred on or before 30 June 2008.
(1A) Paragraph (1)(b) does not apply to a CGT event if:
(a) the CGT event happens because of circumstances outside the taxpayer’s control; and
Example: The interest is compulsorily acquired.
(b) when the taxpayer acquired the interest, the taxpayer could not reasonably have foreseen the CGT event happening.
(2) Despite section 170, the Commissioner may amend the taxpayer’s assessment at any time within 2 years after the end of the year of income in which the CGT event happens, for the purpose of giving effect to this section.
82KZMGB CGT event in relation to interest in 82KZMG agreement
(1) This section applies if:
(a) a taxpayer holds an interest in an agreement mentioned in section 82KZMG as an initial participant in the agreement; and
(b) at least one of these conditions is satisfied:
(i) the taxpayer can deduct or has deducted an amount for a year of income in relation to the interest;
(ii) the condition in subparagraph (i) would be satisfied if section 82KZMGA were disregarded; and
(c) subsection 82KZMG(1) applies to the timing of the deduction (or would apply if section 82KZMGA were disregarded); and
(d) a CGT event happens in relation to the interest, other than a CGT event that happens in respect of thinning.
(2) The taxpayer’s assessable income for the year of income in which the CGT event happens includes:
(a) if, as a result of the CGT event, the taxpayer no longer holds the interest—the market value of the interest (worked out as at the time of the event); or
(b) otherwise—the decrease (if any) in the market value of the interest as a result of the CGT event.
(3) Any amount that the taxpayer actually receives because of the CGT event is not included in the taxpayer’s assessable income (nor is it exempt income).
82KZN Transfer etc. of rights under agreement
(a) under an agreement entered into either before or after the commencement of this section, a taxpayer (in this section called the original taxpayer) incurs expenditure in return for the doing of a thing during a period after the incurring of the expenditure; and
(b) either:
(i) the original taxpayer transfers to another taxpayer (in this section called the recipient taxpayer) all of his or her rights under the agreement in relation to the doing of the thing during the remainder of the period; or
(ii) the agreement is discharged (whether by performance or otherwise) in so far as it relates to the doing of the thing during the remainder of the period;
the following provisions have effect for the purpose of this Subdivision:
(c) if the whole or part of a deduction under former section 51 of this Act or section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the expenditure is, because of this Subdivision, allowable from the assessable income of the original taxpayer of any year of income occurring after the year of income in which the transfer or discharge occurs—that deduction is instead allowable from the assessable income of the year of income in which the transfer, assignment or discharge occurs;
(d) if the recipient taxpayer incurs expenditure in return for the transfer—the recipient taxpayer shall be taken to have incurred, under an agreement entered into at the time of the transfer, so much of that expenditure as is not of a capital, private or domestic nature in return for the doing of the thing during the remainder of the period.
82KZO Partnership changes where entire interest in agreement rights is not transferred
(a) under an agreement entered into after 25 May 1988, a person (in this section called the original person), or the partners in a partnership (in this section called the original partnership), incurs or incur expenditure in return for the doing of a thing during a period after the incurring of the expenditure;
(b) either of the following (in this section called a partnership change) happens:
(i) a partnership is formed or the original partnership is dissolved, or both; or
(ii) the constitution of the original partnership, or the interests of the partners in the original partnership, is or are varied;
with the result that, after the partnership change:
(iii) a person (in this section called the later person), or the partners in a partnership (in this section called the later partnership), holds or hold all of any rights under the agreement to have the thing done during the period after the partnership change; and
(iv) the original person, or one or more of the partners in the original partnership, has an interest in the rights after the partnership change; and
(c) the whole or part of a deduction under former section 51 of this Act or section 8‑1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of the expenditure (which whole or part is in this section called a spread deduction) is, because of the application of this Subdivision, allowable from the assessable income of the original person or the original partnership of the year of income in which the partnership change happens or a subsequent year of income;
the following provisions have effect:
(d) if a spread deduction is allowable in relation to the year of income in which the partnership change occurs—the entitlement to the deduction shall, for the purposes of this Act but subject to any later application of this section, be apportioned between the original person or original partnership and the later person or later partnership according to the portions of the eligible service period in the year of income (or, if the case requires, of so much of the period as occurs after a partnership change resulting from a previous application of this section) that occur before and after the partnership change;
(e) if a spread deduction relates to a subsequent year of income—the later person or later partnership, instead of the original person or original partnership, shall, for the purposes of this Act but subject to any later application of this section, be entitled to the deduction;
(f) for the purposes of any later application of this section or section 82KZN, the later person or later partnership, instead of the original person or original partnership, shall be taken to have incurred the expenditure under the agreement.
(1) This Division applies only for the purposes of:
(a) calculating an eligible CFC’s attributable income for the purposes of Part X; and
(b) defining convertible note.
(2) A term used in paragraph (1)(a) has the same meaning as it has when used in Part X.
(1) In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears:
attributable income has the meaning given by Division 7 of Part X.
CFC or controlled foreign company has the meaning given by section 340.
convertible note includes a note issued by a company that provides, whether in pursuance of or by virtue of a trust deed or otherwise:
(a) that the amount of the loan to the company that is evidenced, acknowledged or created by the note or to which the note relates:
(i) whether with or without interest;
(iii) whether at the option of the holder or owner of the note or of some other person or not;
(iv) whether in whole or in part; or
(v) whether exclusively or otherwise;
is to be or may be converted into shares in the capital of the company or of another company or is to be or may be redeemed, repaid or satisfied by:
(vi) the allotment or transfer of shares in the capital of the company or of some other company, whether to the holder or owner of the note or to some other person;
(vii) the acquisition of such shares, whether by the holder or owner or by some other person, otherwise than as mentioned in subparagraph (vi); or
(viii) application in or towards paying‑up, in whole or in part, the balance unpaid on shares issued or to be issued by the company or by some other company, whether to the holder or owner or to some other person; or
(b) that the holder or owner of the note is to have, or may have, any right or option to have allotted or transferred to him or her or to some other person, or for him or her or some other person otherwise to acquire, shares in the capital of the company or of some other company.
foreign loan means a loan to a company raised outside Australia in a currency other than the currency of Australia.
instrument includes debenture, bond, certificate, receipt or any other document or writing.
issued includes given and executed, and issue has a corresponding meaning.
loan, in relation to a company, means:
(a) a loan, advance or deposit of money to or with the company;
(b) money subscribed to the company; or
(c) any other form of debt or liability of the company;
whether secured or unsecured and whenever redeemable, repayable or to be satisfied.
note means a note or other instrument issued by a company that evidences, acknowledges, creates or relates to a loan to the company.
qualified person, in relation to the valuing of a share in the capital of a company, means a person registered as a company auditor under a law in force in a State or a Territory, but does not include:
(a) a director, secretary or employee of the company;
(b) a partner, employer or employee of a person referred to in paragraph (a); or
(c) a partner or employee of an employee of a person so referred to.
the date of offer, in relation to a loan to a company means the earliest date on which, by any relevant prospectus, notice, circular, advertisement or other written invitation, any person was or persons were invited to subscribe to the loan:
(a) in the case of a new loan—by the payment of money to the company; or
(b) in the case of an approved replacement loan—by converting, in whole or in part, an earlier loan, or by converting, in whole or in part, an earlier loan and the payment of money to the company.
the maturity date, in relation to a loan to which a convertible note applies, means the date by which the whole of the loan is, under the terms applicable to the note, to be repaid, redeemed or satisfied.
the relevant valuation period, in relation to a share, means:
(a) where neither paragraph (b) nor (c) applies in relation to the share—the period of one month ending on the date that is the valuation date in relation to the share;
(b) where:
(i) the share is included in a class of shares that, during the whole of the period of 2 months ending on the valuation date, was listed for quotation in the official list of a stock exchange that was a prescribed stock exchange during the whole of that period of 2 months, or in the official lists of 2 or more stock exchanges each of which was a prescribed stock exchange during the whole of that period of 2 months; and
(ii) fully paid shares included in that class of shares were not recorded by that stock exchange or by any of those stock exchanges, as the case may be, as having been sold during the period of one month specified in paragraph (a) but were recorded by that stock exchange or by one or more of those stock exchanges, as the case may be, as having been sold during the period of one month immediately preceding the commencement of the period of one month so specified;
that preceding period of one month; or
(c) where:
(i) the share is included in a class of shares that, during the whole of the period of 3 months ending on the valuation date, was listed for quotation in the official list of a stock exchange that was a prescribed stock exchange during the whole of that period of 3 months, or in the official lists of 2 or more stock exchanges each of which was a prescribed stock exchange during the whole of that period of 3 months; and
(ii) fully paid shares included in that class of shares were not recorded by that stock exchange or by any of those stock exchanges, as the case may be, as having been sold during the period of 2 months ending on the valuation date but were recorded by that stock exchange or by one or more of those stock exchanges, as the case may be, as having been sold during the period of one month immediately preceding the commencement of that period of 2 months;
that preceding period of one month.
the valuation date, in relation to a share, means the date that is earlier by 6 weeks than the date that is the date of offer in relation to the loan in respect of which the value of the share is to be ascertained.
(2) Where the combined effect or operation of 2 or more related instruments, whether issued at the same time or not, would have the effect or operation of a convertible note, those instruments shall, for the purposes of this Division, be deemed to be together a convertible note.
(3) Where:
(a) a company issues a note that provides that the amount of the loan to the company that is evidenced, acknowledged or created by the note or to which the note relates:
(i) whether with or without interest;
(iii) whether at the option of the holder or owner of the note or of some other person or not;
(iv) whether in whole or in part; or
(v) whether exclusively or otherwise;
is to be or may be redeemed, repaid or satisfied by the issue, whether by the same company or by another company, of an instrument or a series of instruments; and
(b) that instrument, or any instrument in that series of instruments, is to provide, whether in pursuance of or by virtue of a trust deed or otherwise, as mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of convertible note in subsection (1);
that note and the instrument, or that note and each of the instruments in the series of instruments, shall, for the purposes of this Division, be deemed to be a convertible note.
(4) For the purposes of this Division, a convertible note issued by a company applies to a loan to a company if it evidences, acknowledges or creates the loan.
(5) A reference in this Division to the terms, or a term, applicable to a convertible note shall be read as including a reference to terms, or a term, that so apply or applies in pursuance of or by virtue of a trust deed or otherwise.
82M New loans and replacement loans
(1) Where:
(a) a loan to a company is made, and is wholly made, by money being paid to the company at the time when the loan is made; and
(b) the loan is not part of or related to a transaction, or is not one of a series of related transactions, under which the person making the loan is to receive or has received, for the purpose of enabling him or her to make, or of assisting him or her in making, the loan, any money or other property from the company, or from another company or person as a result of arrangements made with that other company or person by the first‑mentioned company;
the loan shall, for the purposes of this Division, be treated as a new loan.
(2) Where:
(a) a loan to a company is, under subsection (1), to be treated as a new loan for the purposes of this Division;
(b) the loan is not evidenced, acknowledged or created by a convertible note or is not a loan to which a convertible note otherwise applies;
(c) the loan is for a fixed period;
(d) the rate of interest payable in respect of the loan is the same in respect of all periods occurring before the date by which the whole of the loan is to be repaid, redeemed or satisfied; and
(e) the loan is, in whole or in part, converted into another loan to the company or to another company, or the loan is, in whole or in part, converted into a part of another loan to the company or to another company and the remainder of the other loan:
(i) is made by money being paid to the company or other company at the time when the loan is made; and
(ii) would, if it were a separate loan, be a loan that, under subsection (1), is to be treated as a new loan for the purposes of this Division;
that other loan shall, for the purposes of this Division, be treated as an approved replacement loan.
82N Prescribed stock exchanges
For the purposes of this Division, a stock exchange is a prescribed stock exchange during a particular period or at a particular time if, in the regulations as in force during that period or at that time, it is specified as a prescribed stock exchange for the purposes of this Division or if it is declared by the regulations to have been a prescribed stock exchange for the purposes of this Division during that period or a period that includes that period or to have been a prescribed stock exchange for the purposes of this Division during a period that includes that time, as the case may be.
(1) For the purposes of this section, the making of a bonus share allotment by a company is the allotment by the company of shares (in this section referred to as bonus shares) in the capital of the company (being shares all of which are of the same class as each other) to persons who are the holders of other shares (in this section referred to as qualifying shares) in the capital of the company or in the capital of another company (being shares all of which are of the same class as each other but which are not necessarily of the same class as the bonus shares), being an allotment made to the holders of all shares of the same class as the qualifying shares or an allotment made in pursuance of applications for the allotment of the bonus shares by the holders of the qualifying shares in accordance with an invitation to apply for the allotment of shares given to the holders of the qualifying shares and the holders of all other shares of the same class as the qualifying shares.
(2) Where:
(a) the option to convert that exists under a convertible note is an option to have shares allotted to the holder or owner of the note; and
(b) the terms applicable to the note are such that, if a bonus share allotment is made by the company that issued the note or by another company in respect of qualifying shares that are of the same class as the shares that are to be allotted to the holder or owner of the note upon the exercise of the option to convert, the holder or owner of the note is to have the right to have allotted to him or her shares in the capital of the company or of that other company, as the case may be, of the same class as the bonus shares on terms and conditions that are the same as or correspond with, or are no more favourable to him or her than, the terms and conditions on which bonus shares are allotted to any holder of qualifying shares;
that right shall, for the purposes of subparagraph 82SA(1)(d)(ii), be deemed to be an approved right relating to the allotting or transfer of bonus shares to the holder or owner of the convertible note.
(3) Where:
(a) the option to convert that exists under a convertible note is an option to have shares transferred to the holder or owner of the note; and
(b) the terms applicable to the note are such that, if a bonus share allotment is made by the company that issued the note or by another company, being an allotment the qualifying shares relating to which include the shares that are to be transferred to the holder or owner of the note upon the exercise of the option to convert, and bonus shares allotted in respect of the qualifying shares to be so transferred are allotted to the holder of those shares on terms and conditions that are the same as or correspond with, or are no more favourable to him or her than, the terms and conditions on which bonus shares are allotted to any other holder of qualifying shares, the holder or owner of the note is to have the right to have the bonus shares allotted to that person transferred to him or her upon the payment by him or her, where a consideration was paid or is payable in respect of the allotment of the bonus shares to the other person, of a consideration not less than that consideration;
that right shall, for the purposes of subparagraphs 82S(1)(d)(ii) and 82SA(1)(d)(ii), be deemed to be an approved right relating to the allotting or transfer of bonus shares to the holder or owner of the convertible note.
(1) Shares in the capital of a company to which there are attached the same rights, including the following rights:
(a) rights in respect of voting;
(b) rights in respect of dividends;
(c) rights in respect of distribution of share capital in consequence of a reduction of share capital;
(d) rights in respect of distribution of the property of the company in the event of the winding up of the company;
constitute a class of shares for the purposes of this Division, and no other shares in the capital of the company constitute a class of shares for such purposes.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1), a share in the capital of a company to be allotted upon the exercise of the option to convert given under the terms applicable to a convertible note shall not, for the purposes of this Division, be deemed to be a share of a different class from a share in the capital of the company already allotted by reason only that during the period of one year after the allotment of the first‑mentioned share, any dividend payable in respect of the share will or may be less than any dividend payable in respect of the second‑mentioned share.
82R Interest on certain convertible notes not to be an allowable deduction
(1) Subject to section 82SA, this section applies to a convertible note issued by a company, not being:
(a) a convertible note issued on or before 15 November 1960; or
(b) a convertible note:
(i) the terms of the issue of which were announced by the company on or before that date; or
(ii) that the company was, in pursuance of an agreement made on or before that date, bound to issue.
(2) Where, in pursuance of the terms upon which any convertible notes were issued by a company, a person was entitled to have a convertible note issued to him or her by that company, the company shall, for the purposes of subsection (1), be deemed to have issued the convertible note to that person at the time when the person first became entitled to have the convertible note issued to him or her.
(3) An outgoing consisting of interest, or a payment in the nature of interest, under a convertible note to which this section applies shall be deemed not to be an allowable deduction from the assessable income of the company.
(4) Where a payment has been made by a person (whether under a guarantee or otherwise) that represents, in effect, a payment of interest under a convertible note to which this section applies and the company has incurred an outgoing by way of making good the first‑mentioned payment to that person, whether by way of indemnification or otherwise, the amount of that outgoing shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to be an outgoing consisting of interest under the convertible note.
(5) Section 25‑25 (Borrowing expenses) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 does not apply to the expenditure incurred by the company in borrowing money by means of convertible notes to which this section applies.
(1) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, section 82R does not apply in relation to a convertible note issued by a company where:
(a) the loan to the company to which the note applies is, under section 82M, to be treated as a new loan or an approved replacement loan for the purposes of this Division;
(b) the loan was made on or after 1 January 1976;
(c) the convertible note was issued before the expiration of 2 months after the loan was made; and
(d) the terms applicable to the convertible note are, at the time the note was issued and at all subsequent times, such that:
(i) an option is given to the holder or owner of the convertible note (in this Division referred to as the option to convert) to have allotted or transferred to him or her shares in the capital of the company or of another company;
(ii) no provision is made for the allotting or transferring of shares in the capital of the company or of another company to the holder or owner of the convertible note except in pursuance of the exercise of the option to convert or except in pursuance of a right that, under section 82P, is an approved right relating to the allotting or transfer of bonus shares to the holder or owner of the note;
(iii) the convertible note would not, but for the option to convert and any right of the kind referred to in subparagraph (ii), be a convertible note;
(iv) the earliest date on which the option to convert may be exercised is a date not later than 2 years after the date of offer;
(v) the latest date on which the option to convert may be exercised is a date not later than the maturity date of the loan or, if the date of offer is more than 10 years earlier than the maturity date, a date not later than 10 years after the date of offer;
(vi) the rate of interest payable in respect of the loan is, subject to subsection (5), the same in respect of all periods occurring before the maturity date of the loan;
(vii) subject to subsection (6), the obligations and rights of the holder or owner of the convertible note (including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, obligations and rights with respect to the amount payable on repayment, redemption or satisfaction of the loan and the terms on which shares are to be allotted or transferred in pursuance of the exercise of the option to convert) do not vary in his or her favour by reason that he or she exercises the option, or he, she or the company exercises any other right in relation to the note, at a later rather than at an earlier time after the issue of the note;
(viii) the rights of the holder or owner of the convertible note with respect to the amount payable on repayment, redemption or satisfaction of the loan do not vary according to whether or not he or she exercises the option to convert;
(ix) the shares to be allotted or transferred upon the exercise of the option to convert:
(A) are to be allotted or transferred within 2 months after the exercise of the option;
(B) in the case of shares to be allotted, are, upon payment of the amount payable in respect of the allotment, to be fully paid shares or, in the case of shares to be transferred, are, at the time of transfer, to be fully paid shares; and
(C) are to be shares of the same class as shares in the capital of the company that, not later than 6 weeks before the date that is the date of offer in relation to the loan, had been allotted and were fully paid;
(x) the shares to be allotted or transferred upon the exercise of the option to convert are to be shares with respect to which no provision is made (whether by the memorandum, or memorandum and articles, of the company, or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the company, or otherwise) for changing or converting them into shares of another class, except for the purpose of enabling, in accordance with any law relating to companies, the consolidation and division of all or any of the share capital of the company or of another company or the sub‑division of all or any of the shares in the capital of the company or of another company; and
(xi) the amount payable in respect of the allotment or transfer of a share in pursuance of the exercise of the option to convert is to be paid not later than 1 month after the allotment or transfer, and is to be not less than 90% of the amount that, in accordance with section 82T, is the value as at the valuation date of a fully paid share included in the class of shares in which the share to be allotted or transferred will be, or is, included.
(2) Where subsection (1) ceases to have effect in relation to a convertible note by reason of a change in the terms applicable to the note (not being a change resulting from a compromise or arrangement approved by a court), subsection (1) shall be deemed never to have had effect in relation to the note.
(3) Where a note is a convertible note in relation to which subsection (1) has effect and the right to exercise the option to convert relating to the note becomes exercisable by a person other than the holder or owner of the note by reason of an assignment of that right, the assignment shall, for the purposes of this section, be disregarded.
(4) Where, in relation to a convertible note issued by a company, the company or a director of the company does any act or thing for the purpose of, or purposes that include the purpose of, and having the effect of, causing the amount that, for the purposes of subsection (1), is the minimum amount applicable to a share to be allotted or transferred in pursuance of the exercise of the option to convert relating to the note, to be less than it would otherwise have been, subsection (1) does not have effect in relation to the note.
(5) Where, under the terms applicable to a convertible note, the rate of interest payable in respect of the loan to which the note applies is to be varied from time to time (otherwise than with retrospective effect) in accordance with changes, or changes exceeding a specified percentage, in the rate of interest prevailing from time to time:
(a) where the loan is a foreign loan, at a specified place outside Australia in respect of a specified class of transactions; or
(b) where the loan is not a foreign loan, in respect of a specified class of Commonwealth securities;
the term shall, for the purposes of subparagraph (1)(d)(vi), be deemed not to be a term providing for a variation in the rate of interest payable in respect of the loan.
(6) For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(d)(vii), the obligations and rights of the holder or owner of a convertible note shall not be deemed to vary in a manner referred to in that subparagraph by reason only that any dividend payable in respect of a share in the capital of a company to be allotted upon the exercise of the option to convert relating to the note, being a dividend payable during the period of 1 year after the allotment of the share, will or may vary according to the time when, in relation to the period to which the dividend relates, the option to convert is exercised.
(1) For the purposes of section 82SA, the value of a fully paid share as at the valuation date is:
(a) where:
(i) the share is included in a class of shares that, during the whole of the relevant valuation period, was listed for quotation in the official list of a stock exchange that was a prescribed stock exchange during the whole of that period, or in the official lists of 2 or more stock exchanges each of which was a prescribed stock exchange during the whole of that period; and
(ii) fully paid shares included in that class of shares were recorded by that stock exchange, or by one or more of those stock exchanges, as the case may be, as having been sold during that period;
an amount ascertained by dividing the total consideration paid or payable in respect of those sales by the total number of shares so recorded as having been sold; and
(b) in any other case—the amount that a person who is a qualified person in relation to the valuing of the share certifies that, on a true and fair view of the state of the company’s affairs, would, in respect of a sale at the end of the relevant valuation period between a willing but not anxious seller and a willing but not anxious buyer, be expected to be the consideration paid for the share, on the assumption, in a case where the class of shares in which that share is included was not, at the end of the relevant valuation period, listed for quotation in the official list of a stock exchange that, at that time, was a prescribed stock exchange, that the memorandum, or memorandum and articles, of the company, or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the company, satisfied, at that time, such of the requirements of a stock exchange that, at that time, was a prescribed stock exchange as it would have been necessary to satisfy to enable that class of shares to be listed for quotation in the official list of that stock exchange.
In this Division:
exempt income, in relation to a partnership, means the exempt income of the partnership calculated as if the partnership were a taxpayer who was a resident.
net income, in relation to a partnership, means the assessable income of the partnership, calculated as if the partnership were a taxpayer who was a resident, less all allowable deductions except deductions allowable under section 290‑150 or Division 36 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
non‑assessable non‑exempt income, in relation to a partnership, means the non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the partnership calculated as if the partnership were a taxpayer who was a resident.
partnership loss, in relation to a partnership, means the excess (if any) of the allowable deductions, other than deductions allowable under section 290‑150 or Division 36 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, over the assessable income of the partnership calculated as if the partnership were a taxpayer who was a resident.
A partnership shall furnish a return of the income of the partnership, but shall not be liable to pay tax thereon.
92 Income and deductions of partner
(1) The assessable income of a partner in a partnership shall include:
(a) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the net income of the partnership of the year of income as is attributable to a period when the partner was a resident; and
(b) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the net income of the partnership of the year of income as is attributable to a period when the partner was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
(2) Subject to section 830‑45 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, if a partnership loss is incurred by a partnership in a year of income, there shall be allowable as a deduction to a partner in the partnership:
(a) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the partnership loss as is attributable to a period when the partner was a resident; and
(b) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the partnership loss as is attributable to a period when the partner was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
(2AA) However, if:
(a) the partner is a limited partner in a partnership; and
(b) the partnership is a VCLP, an ESVCLP, an AFOF or a VCMP during the year of income;
the amount allowable under subsection (2), in respect of the year of income, as a deduction must not exceed the amount worked out as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. Work out the sum of the amounts that the partner has contributed (the partner’s contribution) to the partnership.
Step 2. Subtract the sum of all the amounts (if any) of the partner’s contribution that are repaid to the partner.
Step 3. Subtract the sum of all deductions allowed to the partner for losses of the partnership in previous years of income.
Step 4. Subtract the sum of the amounts of all the debt interests issued by the partner to the extent that they are secured by the partner’s interest in the partnership.
Example: A limited partner contributes $100,000 to a VCLP, having borrowed $80,000. Because the lender values the partner’s interest in the partnership at $70,000, the partner also provides, as additional security, other assets valued at $10,000.
If none of the partner’s contribution has been repaid and the partner has not been allowed deductions for partnership losses in previous years of income, the amount allowable to the partner for a partnership loss cannot exceed $30,000.
(2A) Subsection (2) does not apply to a partnership loss if the partner’s interest in the partnership at the end of the year of income is:
(a) a segregated exempt asset (as defined in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) of a life assurance company; or
(b) a segregated current pension asset (as defined in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) of a complying superannuation fund.
(3) The exempt income of a partner in a partnership shall include:
(a) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the exempt income of the partnership of the year of income as is attributable to a period when the partner was a resident; and
(b) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the exempt income of the partnership of the year of income as is attributable to a period when the partner was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
(4) The non‑assessable non‑exempt income of a partner in a partnership shall include:
(a) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the partnership of the year of income as is attributable to a period when the partner was a resident; and
(b) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the partnership of the year of income as is attributable to a period when the partner was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
92A Deductions in respect of outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amounts
(1) If:
(a) the partner is a limited partner in a partnership; and
(b) the partnership is a VCLP, an ESVCLP, an AFOF or a VCMP during the year of income; and
(c) the amount allowable under subsection 92(2) as a deduction to the partner for partnership losses incurred by the partnership in the year of income is not reduced because of subsection 92(2AA); and
(d) the partner has an outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amount for the year of income;
there is allowable as a deduction to the partnership an amount worked out as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. Subtract the amount allowable under subsection 92(2) as a deduction to the partner for partnership losses incurred by the partnership in the year of income from the amount worked out using the method statement in subsection 92(2AA).
Step 2. If the amount worked out under step 1 is greater than or equal to the outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amount for the year of income, the amount of the deduction allowable under this section is the outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amount.
Step 3. If the amount worked out under step 1 is less than the outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amount for the year of income, the amount of the deduction allowable under this section is the amount worked out under step 1.
(2) The partner has an outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amount for a year of income if:
(a) an amount allowable under subsection 92(2) as a deduction to the partner for partnership losses incurred by the partnership in a previous year of income was reduced because of subsection 92(2AA); and
(b) the difference between:
(i) the sum of all reductions made under subsection 92(2AA) to amounts allowable under subsection 92(2) as deductions to the partner for partnership losses incurred by the partnership in previous years of income; and
(ii) the sum of all amounts allowable under this section, in respect of previous years of income, as deductions to the partner in relation to those reductions;
is greater than zero.
The amount of that difference is the partner’s outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amount for the year of income.
(3) To avoid doubt, a partner’s outstanding subsection 92(2AA) amount for a year of income cannot form part of a tax loss for the purposes of Division 36 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
94 Partner not having control and disposal of share in partnership income
(1) Subject to this section, where:
(a) a share in the net income of a partnership of a year of income is included in the assessable income of a partner in the partnership, not being:
(i) a company;
(ii) a person in the capacity of a trustee; or
(iii) a person who was under the age of 18 years on the last day of the year of income of the person that corresponds with the year of income of the partnership; and
(b) the partnership is so constituted or controlled, or its operations are so conducted, that the partner has not the real and effective control and disposal of that share or of a part of that share;
this section applies to that share or that part of that share, as the case may be.
(2) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, where:
(a) a partnership is so constituted or controlled, or its operations are so conducted, that a partner in the partnership, being a trustee of a trust estate, has not the real and effective control and disposal of his or her share in the net income of the partnership of a year of income or of a part of that share (which share or part of a share, as the case may be, is in this subsection referred to as uncontrolled partnership income); and
(b) in calculating in accordance with section 95 the net income of that trust estate or of any other trust estate, there is included in the assessable income of the trust estate any uncontrolled partnership income;
(c) if:
(i) a beneficiary, not being a company or a person who was under the age of 18 years on the last day of the year of income of the person that corresponds with the year of income of the partnership, is presently entitled to the whole of the income of the trust estate otherwise than in the capacity of a trustee; or
(ii) there is no part of the net income of the trust estate that is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary in pursuance of section 97 or in respect of which the trustee is assessed and liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98;
this section applies to the portion of the net income of the trust estate that was derived from uncontrolled partnership income;
(d) if a beneficiary, not being a company or a person who was under the age of 18 years on the last day of the year of income of the person that corresponds with the year of income of the partnership, is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate otherwise than in the capacity of a trustee, this section applies to so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as bears to that share the same proportion as the portion of the net income of the trust estate that was derived from uncontrolled partnership income bears to the net income of the trust estate; and
(e) if there is a part of the net income of the trust estate that is not included in the assessable income of a beneficiary in pursuance of section 97 and in respect of which the trustee is not assessed and is not liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98, this section applies to so much of that part of the net income of the trust estate as bears to that part the same proportion as the portion of the net income of the trust estate that was derived from uncontrolled partnership income bears to the net income of the trust estate.
(5) For the purposes of this section:
(a) where:
(i) the assessable income of a trust estate includes the net income or a share of the net income of another trust estate; and
(ii) the assessable income of the other trust estate by reference to which that net income is calculated included income of a particular class (including an amount that is to be deemed by an application or applications of this paragraph to be income of a particular class);
the assessable income of the first‑mentioned trust estate shall be deemed to include income of that class of an amount equal to so much of the net income or share of the net income of the other trust estate that is included in the assessable income of the first‑mentioned trust estate as bears to that net income or share of that net income the same proportion as the portion of the net income of the other trust estate that was derived from income of that class bears to the net income of the other trust estate; and
(b) the portion of the net income of a trust estate that is derived from income of a particular class that is included in the assessable income of the trust estate is the amount remaining after deducting from the income of that class that is included in the assessable income of the trust estate:
(i) any prescribed deductions that relate exclusively to that income of that class;
(ii) so much of any other prescribed deductions (other than apportionable deductions) as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, may appropriately be related to that income of that class; and
(iii) the amount that bears to the prescribed deductions (being apportionable deductions) the same proportion as the amount that, but for this subparagraph, would be the portion of the net income of the trust estate that is derived from that income of that class bears to the sum of the net income of the trust estate and those last‑mentioned prescribed deductions.
(6) Where the assessable income of a trust estate includes, or, by virtue of paragraph (5)(a), is to be deemed to include, income of a particular class but the Commissioner is of the opinion that it would be unreasonable to treat each part or share of the net income of the trust estate that is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary, or on or in respect of which the trustee is assessed and liable to pay tax, as including a proportionate part of the portion of the net income of the trust estate that is derived from income of that class, the amount:
(a) that is the amount of a part or share of the net income of the trust estate to which this section applies by virtue of paragraph (2)(d) or (e); or
(b) that is, by virtue of paragraph (5)(a), the amount of the income of that class that is to be deemed to be included in the assessable income of another trust estate;
is, in lieu of the amount that, but for this subsection, would be the amount of that part or share of that net income or the amount of that income of that class, as the case may be, such amount as the Commissioner considers reasonable in the circumstances.
(8) Where the Commissioner is of the opinion that, by reason of special circumstances, it would be unreasonable that this section should apply to any income, this section does not apply to that income.
(8A) In forming an opinion for the purposes of subsection (8) as to whether it is unreasonable that this section should apply in relation to any of the net income of a trust estate, the Commissioner shall take into consideration the extent (if any) to which that net income represents income to which a beneficiary is presently entitled that is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources out of Australia.
(9) Where the assessable income of a taxpayer, other than a taxpayer in the capacity of a trustee, includes income to which this section applies, the taxpayer shall be assessed and is liable to pay further tax, in accordance with subsection (10A) or (10B), upon the portion (in this section referred to as the eligible portion) of his or her taxable income that is derived from income to which this section applies.
(10) For the purposes of subsection (9), the portion of the taxable income of a taxpayer that is derived from income to which this section applies is the amount remaining after deducting from the income to which this section applies that is included in his or her assessable income:
(a) any deductions allowed or allowable in his or her assessment that relate exclusively to the income to which this section applies that is included in his or her assessable income;
(b) so much of any other deductions allowed or allowable in his or her assessment (other than apportionable deductions) as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, may appropriately be related to the income to which this section applies that is included in his or her assessable income; and
(c) the amount that bears to the apportionable deductions allowed or allowable in his or her assessment the same proportion as the amount that, but for this paragraph, would be the portion of his or her taxable income that is derived from income to which this section applies bears to the sum of his or her taxable income and those apportionable deductions.
(10A) Where Division 392 (Long‑term averaging of primary producers’ tax liability) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 does not apply in relation to the income of a taxpayer of the year of income, the taxpayer is liable to pay further tax upon the eligible portion of his or her taxable income at the rate declared by the Parliament to be the rate of further tax payable in pursuance of subsection (9) in respect of the relevant part of the taxable income.
(10B) Where Division 392 (Long‑term averaging of primary producers’ tax liability) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 applies in relation to the income of a taxpayer of the year of income, the taxpayer is liable to pay further tax upon the relevant part of the eligible portion of his or her taxable income at the rate declared by the Parliament to be the rate of further tax payable in pursuance of subsection (9) in respect of the relevant part of the taxable income and is, in addition, liable to pay further tax upon the prescribed part of the eligible portion of his or her taxable income at the rate declared by the Parliament to be the rate of further tax payable in pursuance of subsection (9) in respect of the prescribed part of the taxable income.
(10C) For the purposes of subsections (10A) and (10B):
(a) the prescribed part of the eligible portion of the taxable income of a taxpayer of a year of income is:
(i) in a case to which subparagraph (ii) does not apply—the sum of:
(A) the amount ascertained by deducting from so much of the assessable primary production income of the taxpayer as is also income to which this section applies so much of the deductions allowable in his or her assessment as constitutes primary production deductions and is also deductible in accordance with subsection (10) from income to which this section applies; and
(B) the amount (if any) ascertained in accordance with the formula , where:
A is the amount shown in the following table:
Value of A for formula | ||
| Taxpayer’s taxable non‑primary production income |
1 | Nil | Nil |
2 | Not more than $5,000 (but more than nil) | Difference between basic taxable income and taxable primary production income |
3 | Between $5,000 and $10,000 | $10,000 taxable non‑primary production income |
4 | At least $10,000 | Nil |
B is the number of whole dollars in the amount ascertained by deducting from the eligible portion the amount calculated in accordance with sub-subparagraph (A); and
C is the number of whole dollars in the amount ascertained by deducting from the taxable income of the taxpayer of the year of income the taxable primary production income of the taxpayer of the year of income; and
(ii) in a case where the taxpayer’s primary production deductions for the year of income exceed the taxpayer’s assessable primary production income for that year—the amount ascertained in accordance with the formula , where:
A is the amount shown in the following table:
Value of A for formula | ||
| Taxpayer’s taxable non‑primary production income |
1 | Nil | Nil |
2 | Not more than $5,000 (but more than nil) | Basic taxable income |
3 | Between $5,000 and $10,000 | Non‑primary production shade‑out amount worked out under subsection 392‑90(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 |
4 | At least $10,000 | Nil |
B is the number of whole dollars in the eligible portion.
C is the number of whole dollars in the taxable income of the taxpayer of the year of income; and
D is the number of whole dollars in the difference between the taxpayer’s primary production deductions for the year of income and the taxpayer’s assessable primary production income for that year; and
(b) the relevant part of the eligible portion of the taxable income of the taxpayer is the amount ascertained by deducting from the amount of that eligible portion so much of that eligible portion as is the prescribed part of that eligible portion.
(11) Where:
(a) section 98 applies in relation to the net income of a trust estate or a share of that net income; and
(b) this section applies to a portion (in this subsection referred to as the relevant portion) of that net income or of that share of that net income, as the case may be;
the trustee of the trust estate shall be assessed and is liable to pay further tax, in accordance with subsection (12A) or (12B), upon the relevant portion of that net income or of that share of that net income, as the case may be.
(12) Where:
(a) section 99 applies in relation to the net income of a trust estate or a part of that net income; and
(b) this section applies to a portion (in this section referred to as the eligible trust portion) of that net income or of that part of that net income, as the case may be;
the trustee of the trust estate shall be assessed and is liable to pay further tax, in accordance with subsection (12A) or (12B), upon the eligible trust portion.
(12A) Where Division 16 does not apply in respect of the net income of a trust estate of which the eligible trust portion is a portion, the trustee is liable to pay further tax upon the eligible trust portion at the rate declared by the Parliament to be the rate of further tax payable in pursuance of subsection (11) or (12) in respect of the relevant part of the net income of a trust estate.
(12B) Where Division 16 applies in respect of the net income of a trust estate of which the eligible trust portion is a portion, the trustee is liable to pay further tax upon the relevant part of the eligible trust portion at the rate declared by the Parliament to be the rate of further tax payable in pursuance of subsection (11) or (12) in respect of the relevant part of the net income of a trust estate and is, in addition, liable to pay further tax upon the prescribed part of the eligible trust portion at the rate declared by the Parliament to be the rate of further tax payable in pursuance of subsection (11) or (12) in respect of the prescribed part of the net income of a trust estate.
(12C) For the purposes of subsections (12A) and (12B):
(a) the prescribed part of the eligible trust portion in relation to a trust estate in relation to a year of income is:
(i) in a case to which subparagraph (ii) does not apply—the sum of:
(A) the amount ascertained by deducting from so much of the assessable primary production income of the trust estate of the year of income as is also income that was taken into account in determining the amount of the eligible trust portion so much of the deductions allowable in the assessment of the trustee of the trust estate as constitutes relevant primary production deductions and was also deductible in accordance with subsection (5) in determining the amount of the eligible trust portion; and
(B) the amount (if any) ascertained in accordance with the formula , where:
A is the amount of the notional net income from primary production of the trust estate of the year of income.
B is the number of whole dollars in the amount ascertained by deducting from the eligible trust portion the amount calculated in accordance with sub-subparagraph (A); and
C is the number of whole dollars in the amount ascertained by deducting from the net income of the trust estate of which the eligible trust portion is a portion the actual net income from primary production of the trust estate of the year of income; and
(ii) in a case where the aggregate of the relevant primary production deductions allowable in calculating the net income of the trust estate of the year of income exceeds the assessable primary production income of the trust estate of the year of income—the amount ascertained in accordance with the formula , where:
A is the amount of the notional net income from primary production of the trust estate of the year of income.
B is the number of whole dollars in the eligible trust portion.
C is the number of whole dollars in the net income of the trust estate of which the eligible trust portion is a portion; and
D is the number of whole dollars in the amount by which the net income of the trust estate of which the eligible trust portion is a portion would have been increased if the aggregate of the relevant primary production deductions allowable in calculating the net income of the trust estate of the year of income had been equal to the assessable primary production income of the trust estate of the year of income; and
(b) the relevant part of the eligible trust portion in relation to a trust estate is the amount ascertained by deducting from that eligible trust portion so much of that eligible trust portion as is the prescribed part of that eligible trust portion.
(13) In this section:
prescribed deductions, in relation to a trust estate, means the deductions that are allowable in calculating in accordance with section 95 the net income of the trust estate.
share in the net income of a partnership, in relation to a partner, means:
(a) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the net income of the partnership and of any income derived by the partner from the partnership otherwise than as a partner as is attributable to a period when the partner was a resident; and
(b) so much of the individual interest of the partner in the net income of the partnership and of any income derived by the partner from the partnership otherwise than as a partner as is attributable to a period when the partner was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
(14) In this section, actual net income from primary production, assessable primary production income, notional net income from primary production and relevant primary production deductions have the same respective meanings as in section 156.
(15) In this section, the following terms have the same meanings that they have in Division 392 (Long‑term averaging of primary producers’ tax liability) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997:
(a) assessable primary production income;
(b) basic taxable income;
(c) non‑primary production shade‑out amount;
(d) primary production deductions;
(e) taxable non‑primary production income;
(f) taxable primary production income.
Division 5A—Income of certain limited partnerships
The object of this Division is to provide for certain limited partnerships to be treated as companies for tax purposes.
In this Division:
income tax law means:
(a) this Act (other than this Division and Division 830 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); and
(b) an Act that imposes any tax payable under this Act; and
(c) the Income Tax Rates Act 1986; and
(d) the Taxation Administration Act 1953, so far as it relates to an Act covered by paragraph (a), (b) or (c); and
(e) any other Act, so far as it relates to an Act covered by paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d); and
(f) regulations under an Act covered by any of the preceding paragraphs.
year of income means (except in paragraph 94L(b)) the year of income in which 19 August 1992 occurred or a later year of income.
94C Continuity of limited partnership not affected by changes in composition
For the purposes of this Division, a change in the composition of a limited partnership does not affect the continuity of the partnership.
Subdivision B—Corporate limited partnerships
94D Corporate limited partnerships
(1) For the purposes of this Division, a limited partnership is a corporate limited partnership in relation to a year of income of the partnership if:
(a) the year of income is the 1995‑96 year of income or a later year of income; or
(b) the partnership was formed on or after 19 August 1992; or
(c) both:
(i) the partnership was formed before 19 August 1992; and
(ii) the partnership does not pass the continuity of business test set out in section 94E; or
(d) all of the following apply:
(i) the partnership was formed before 19 August 1992;
(ii) a change in the composition of the partnership occurs during the period:
(A) beginning on 19 August 1992; and
(B) ending at the end of the year of income;
(iii) the partners do not elect, in accordance with section 94F, that the partnership is not to be treated as a corporate limited partnership in relation to the year of income.
(2) However, a partnership that is a VCLP, an ESVCLP, an AFOF or a venture capital management partnership cannot be a corporate limited partnership.
Note 1: This subsection can apply without the partnership meeting the applicable registration requirements under the Venture Capital Act 2002. It must be registered under that Act in order to be a VCLP, an ESVCLP or an AFOF, but it is possible for it to remain registered while the requirements are not met.
Note 2: VCLPs, ESVCLPs, AFOFs and VCMPs are taxed as ordinary partnerships under Division 5.
Note 3: If the partnership’s registration as a VCLP, ESVCLP or AFOF is unconditional, some partners’ share in capital gains and losses from CGT events relating to some investments may be disregarded: see Subdivision 118‑F of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(3) A venture capital management partnership is a limited partnership that:
(a) is a general partner of one or more of the following:
(i) one or more VCLPs;
(ia) one or more ESVCLPs;
(ii) one or more AFOFs; and
(b) only carries on activities that are related to being such a general partner.
A limited partnership ceases to be a venture capital management partnership if it ceases to meet the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b).
Note: In this Act, the term “venture capital management partnership” is usually abbreviated to “VCMP”.
(4) The place of residence of a VCMP is the place at which the partnership has its central management and control.
(5) A limited partnership that is a foreign hybrid limited partnership in relation to a year of income because of subsection 830‑10(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 is not a corporate limited partnership in relation to the year of income.
Note: As result, both the normal partnership provisions and special provisions relating to foreign hybrid limited partnerships will apply to the entity.
(6) If, for the purpose of applying this Act and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation to a partner’s interest in a limited partnership, the partnership is a foreign hybrid limited partnership in relation to a year of income because of subsection 830‑10(2) of that Act, the partnership is not a corporate limited partnership in relation to the partner’s interest in relation to the year of income.
Note: As result, both the normal partnership provisions and special provisions relating to foreign hybrid limited partnerships will apply to the entity, but only in relation to the partner’s interest.
94E Continuity of business test
In determining whether a limited partnership is a corporate limited partnership in relation to a year of income, the partnership passes the continuity of business test if, and only if:
(a) at all times during the period:
(i) beginning on 19 August 1992; and
(ii) ending at the end of the year of income;
the partnership carried on the same business as it carried on immediately before the beginning of that period; and
(b) the partnership did not, at any time during that period, derive income from a business of a kind that it did not carry on, or from a transaction of a kind that it had not entered into in the course of its business operations, before that period.
An election referred to in paragraph 94D(1)(d) in relation to a limited partnership and in relation to a year of income has no effect unless:
(a) the partnership passes the continuity of ownership test set out in section 94G; and
(b) the election is made:
(i) within 6 months after the end of the later of the following years of income:
(A) the year of income to which the election relates;
(B) the year of income in which the Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 6) 1992 received the Royal Assent; or
(ii) within such further period as the Commissioner allows.
94G Continuity of ownership test
In determining whether a limited partnership is a corporate limited partnership in relation to a year of income, the partnership passes the continuity of ownership test if, and only if:
(a) at all times during the period:
(i) beginning on 19 August 1992; and
(ii) ending at the end of the year of income;
more than 50% of the interests in the partnership were held by persons who, immediately before that period, held more than 50% of the interests in the partnership; or
(b) the condition set out in paragraph (a) is not satisfied only because of the acquisition during so much of that period as occurred before 1 July 1993 of interests in the partnership, where the acquisitions are in response to, and in accordance with the terms of:
(i) a prospectus, offer or invitation issued before 19 August 1992; or
(ii) if that prospectus, offer or invitation was varied before 19 August 1992—that prospectus, offer or invitation as so varied.
Subdivision C—Corporate tax modifications applicable to corporate limited partnerships
94H Corporate tax modifications applicable to corporate limited partnerships
If a partnership is a corporate limited partnership in relation to a year of income, the income tax law has effect, in relation to the partnership and in relation to the year of income, subject to the changes set out in the following provisions of this Subdivision.
94J Company includes corporate limited partnership
A reference in the income tax law (other than the definitions of dividend, and resident or resident of Australia, in section 6 of this Act and other than Division 355 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) to a company or to a body corporate includes a reference to the partnership.
94K Partnership does not include corporate limited partnership
A reference in the income tax law to a partnership does not include a reference to the partnership.
94L Dividend includes distribution of corporate limited partnership
A reference in the income tax law to a dividend or to a dividend within the meaning of section 6:
(a) includes a reference to a distribution made by the partnership, whether in money or in other property, to a partner in the partnership; and
(b) does not include a reference to a distribution to the extent to which the distribution is attributable to profits or gains arising during a year of income in relation to which the partnership was not a corporate limited partnership.
94M Drawings etc. deemed to be dividends paid out of profits
(1) If the partnership pays or credits an amount to a partner in the partnership:
(a) against the profits or anticipated profits of the partnership; or
(b) otherwise in anticipation of the profits of the partnership;
(whether or not the amount of the profits or anticipated profits is ascertainable), the amount paid or credited is taken, for the purposes of the income tax law, to be a dividend paid by the partnership to the partner out of profits derived by the partnership.
(2) If the partnership makes a subsequent distribution, the Commissioner must take such steps (if any) as are necessary to ensure that the partner is not subject to double taxation.
94N Private company does not include corporate limited partnership
A reference in the income tax law to a private company in relation to the year of income does not include a reference to the partnership.
Note: Division 7A (Distributions to entities connected with a private company) applies to certain corporate limited partnerships in the same way as it applies to private companies: see section 109BB.
94P Share includes interest in corporate limited partnership
A reference in the income tax law to a share includes a reference to an interest in the partnership.
94Q Shareholder includes partner in corporate limited partnership
A reference in the income tax law to a shareholder includes a reference to a partner in the partnership.
94R Liquidator may include partner in corporate limited partnership
For the purposes of the income tax law:
(a) a reference to the liquidator of the partnership includes a reference to a partner in the partnership who carries out the winding‑up of the partnership; and
(b) a reference to distributions made by a liquidator in the course of winding up the partnership includes a reference to distributions made by such a partner to himself or herself in the course of winding‑up the partnership.
94S Continuity of corporate limited partnership not affected by changes in composition
For the purposes of the income tax law, a change in the composition of the partnership does not affect the continuity of the partnership.
94T Residence of corporate limited partnership
For the purposes of the income tax law, the partnership is:
(a) a resident; and
(b) a resident within the meaning of section 6; and
(c) a resident of Australia; and
(d) a resident of Australia within the meaning of section 6;
if and only if:
(e) the partnership was formed in Australia; or
(f) either:
(i) the partnership carries on business in Australia; or
(ii) the partnership’s central management and control is in Australia.
For the purposes of the income tax law, the partnership is taken to have been incorporated:
(a) in the place where it was formed; and
(b) under a law in force in that place.
(1) The application of the income tax law to the partnership as if the partnership were a company is subject to the following changes:
(a) obligations that would be imposed on the partnership are imposed instead on each partner, but may be discharged by any of the partners;
(b) the partners are jointly and severally liable to pay any amount that would be payable by the partnership;
(c) any offence against the income tax law that would otherwise be committed by the partnership is taken to have been committed by each of the partners.
(2) In a prosecution of a person for an offence that the person is taken to have committed because of paragraph (1)(c), it is a defence if the person proves that the person:
(a) did not aid, abet, counsel or procure the relevant act or omission; and
(b) was not in any way knowingly concerned in, or party to, the relevant act or omission (whether directly or indirectly and whether by any act or omission of the person).
94X Modification of loss provisions
Subdivisions 165‑A and 165‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 apply in relation to the partnership as if the provisions relating to voting power had not been enacted.
The following is a simplified outline of the relationship between this Division, Division 6E and Subdivisions 115‑C and 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
This Division sets out the basic income tax treatment of the net income of the trust estate. Generally:
(a) it has the result of assessing beneficiaries on a share of the net income of the trust estate based on their present entitlement to a share of the income of the trust estate; and
(b) it has the result of assessing the trustee directly on any residual net income; and
(c) as a collection mechanism, it has the result of assessing the trustee in respect of some beneficiaries, such as non‑residents or those under a legal disability.
If the trust estate has capital gains, franked distributions or franking credits, this basic treatment is modified as described below.
Division 6E modifies the operation of this Division for the purpose of excluding amounts relevant to capital gains, franked distributions and franking credits from the calculations of assessable amounts under sections 97, 98, 99, 99A and 100.
Division 6E does not modify the operation of this Division (or any other provision of this Act) for any other purpose. For example:
(a) it does not modify the operation of this Division for the purposes of applying section 100A; and
(b) it does not modify amounts taxed in the hands of the trustee under Subdivisions 115‑C and 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Subdivisions 115‑C and 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 provide the corresponding taxation treatment for those capital gains, franked distributions and franking credits. Specifically:
(a) Subdivision 115‑C of that Act has the effect that an amount corresponding to each of those capital gains is taxed in the hands of the beneficiaries of the trust (as a capital gain) and, if necessary, assessed to the trustee.
(b) Subdivision 207‑B of that Act has the effect that an amount corresponding to each of those franked distributions is taxed in the hands of the beneficiaries of the trust and, if necessary, the trustee. It also has the effect that the entity in whose hands those distributions are taxed can take advantage of the relevant amount of related franking credits.
(1) Subsection (2) applies if an amount is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of a trust estate because of Subdivision 115‑C or 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(2) For the purposes of a provision of this Act (other than a provision mentioned in subsection (3)), treat the amount as being included in the beneficiary’s assessable income in relation to the net income of the trust estate under section 97, 98A or 100 (as the case requires).
(3) The provisions are as follows:
(a) sections 97, 98A (other than subsection 98A(2)) and 100 (other than subsections 100(2) and (3));
(b) sections 98, 99 and 99A;
(c) Subdivisions 115‑C and 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(4) To avoid doubt, subsection (2) applies despite subsection 6(1AA).
(1) Subsection (2) applies if an amount in respect of which a trustee of a trust estate is liable to be assessed (and pay tax) under section 98 in respect of the beneficiary is increased because of Subdivision 115‑C or 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(2) For the purposes of a provision of this Act (other than a provision mentioned in subsection (5)), treat the amount of the increase as being an amount in respect of which the trustee is liable to be assessed (and pay tax) under section 98 in respect of the beneficiary’s interest in or share of the net income of the trust estate.
(3) Subsection (4) applies if an amount in respect of which a trustee of a trust estate is liable to be assessed (and pay tax) under section 99 or 99A is increased because of Subdivision 115‑C or 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(4) For the purposes of a provision of this Act (other than a provision mentioned in subsection (5)), treat the amount of the increase as being an amount in respect of which the trustee is liable to be assessed (and pay tax) under section 99 or 99A in respect of the net income of the trust estate.
(5) The provisions are as follows:
(a) sections 97, 98A (other than subsection 98A(2)) and 100 (other than subsections 100(2) and (3));
(b) sections 98, 99 and 99A;
(c) Subdivisions 115‑C and 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(6) To avoid doubt, subsections (2) and (4) apply despite subsection 6(1AA).
(1) In this Division:
adjusted Division 6 percentage, of an entity that is a beneficiary or trustee of a trust estate, means the entity’s Division 6 percentage of the income of the trust estate calculated on the assumption that the amount of a capital gain or franked distribution to which any beneficiary or the trustee of the trust estate is specifically entitled were disregarded in working out the income of the trust estate.
adjusted net income, in relation to a trust estate, has the meaning given by subsection 100AB(4).
Division 6 percentage:
(a) a beneficiary of a trust estate has a Division 6 percentage of the income of the trust estate equal to the share (expressed as a percentage) of the income of the trust estate to which the beneficiary is presently entitled; and
(b) the trustee of a trust estate has a Division 6 percentage of the income of the trust estate equal to the share (expressed as a percentage) of the income of the trust estate to which no beneficiary is presently entitled.
However, if the income of a trust estate is nil:
(c) a beneficiary of a trust estate has a Division 6 percentage of the income of the trust estate of 0%; and
(d) the trustee of a trust estate has a Division 6 percentage of the income of the trust estate of 100%.
exempt income, in relation to a trust estate, means the exempt income of the trust estate calculated as if the trustee were a taxpayer who was a resident.
Note: See also Division 54 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (in particular, the provisions in section 54‑70 about trusts), which provides a tax exemption for certain payments under structured settlements and structured orders.
net income, in relation to a trust estate, means the total assessable income of the trust estate calculated under this Act as if the trustee were a taxpayer in respect of that income and were a resident, less all allowable deductions, except deductions under Division 393 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Farm management deposits) and except also, in respect of any beneficiary who has no beneficial interest in the corpus of the trust estate, or in respect of any life tenant, the deductions allowable under Division 36 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of such of the tax losses of previous years as are required to be met out of corpus.
A trust may be required to work out its net income in a special way by Division 266 or 267 in Schedule 2F to this Act or Division 275 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
non‑assessable non‑exempt income, in relation to a trust estate, means the non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the trust estate calculated as if the trustee were a taxpayer who was a resident.
specifically entitled has the same meaning as in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(2) For the purposes of this Division, a trust estate shall be taken to be a resident trust estate in relation to a year of income if:
(a) a trustee of the trust estate was a resident at any time during the year of income; or
(b) the central management and control of the trust estate was in Australia at any time during the year of income.
(3) In this Division, a trust estate that is not a resident trust estate in relation to a year of income is referred to as a non‑resident trust estate in relation to that year of income.
95AA Division does not apply in relation to FHSA trust
This Division does not apply in relation to a trust estate that is an FHSA trust.
95AB Modifications for special disability trusts
(1) This Division applies with the modifications set out in this section in relation to a year of income in relation to a trust estate that is a special disability trust at the end of the year of income.
(2) Treat the principal beneficiary of the trust estate as being presently entitled to all of the income of the trust estate of the year of income.
(3) If the principal beneficiary of the trust estate is a resident of Australia at the end of the year of income treat that person as being under a legal disability throughout the year of income.
(4) If there is no income of the trust estate assume that:
(a) there is income of the trust estate of the year of income; and
(b) the principal beneficiary of the trust estate is presently entitled to all of the income of the trust estate of the year of income.
(5) If the amount to be deducted under subsection 100(2) from the income tax assessed against the principal beneficiary is greater than the amount of the income tax assessed against the principal beneficiary, the Commissioner must pay to the principal beneficiary an amount equal to the difference between those 2 amounts.
Note: The tax offset is subject to the refundable tax offset rules: see section 67‑23 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
95A Special provisions relating to present entitlement
(1) For the purposes of this Act, where a beneficiary of a trust estate is presently entitled to any income of the trust estate, the beneficiary shall be taken to continue to be presently entitled to that income notwithstanding that the income is paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary.
(2) For the purposes of this Act, where a beneficiary has a vested and indefeasible interest in any of the income of a trust estate but is not presently entitled to that income, the beneficiary shall be deemed to be presently entitled to that income of the trust estate.
95B Certain beneficiaries deemed not to be under legal disability
For the purposes of this Act, a beneficiary of a trust estate who is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate shall, in respect of his or her present entitlement to that share, be deemed not to be under a legal disability.
Except as provided in this Act, a trustee shall not be liable as trustee to pay income tax upon the income of the trust estate.
97 Beneficiary not under any legal disability
(1) Subject to Division 6D, where a beneficiary of a trust estate who is not under any legal disability is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate:
(a) the assessable income of the beneficiary shall include:
(i) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(ii) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia; and
(b) the exempt income of the beneficiary shall include:
(i) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the exempt income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(ii) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the exempt income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia;
except to the extent to which the exempt income to which that individual interest relates was taken into account in calculating the net income of the trust estate; and
(c) the non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the beneficiary shall include:
(i) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(ii) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
(2) A reference in this section to income of a trust estate to which a beneficiary is presently entitled shall be read as not including a reference to income of a trust estate:
(a) to which a beneficiary is deemed to be presently entitled by virtue of the operation of subsection 95A(2) where the beneficiary:
(i) is a natural person;
(ii) is a resident at the end of the year of income;
(iii) is not, in respect of that income, a beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate; and
(iv) is not a beneficiary to whom subsection 97A(1) or (1A) applies in relation to the year of income; or
(b) to which a beneficiary is presently entitled where the beneficiary:
(i) is a non‑resident at the end of the year of income;
(ii) is not a beneficiary to whom subsection (3) of this section or subsection 97A(1) or (1A) applies in relation to the year of income; and
(iii) is not, in respect of that income, a beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate.
(3) Where:
(a) a beneficiary of a trust estate is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate;
(b) the beneficiary is a non‑resident at the end of the year of income; and
(c) the beneficiary is:
(i) a body, association, fund or organization the income of which is exempt from tax by virtue of the operation of Subdivision 50‑A or section 51‑5, 51‑10 or 51‑30 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; or
(ii) an organization the income of which is exempt from tax by virtue of a regulation in force under the International Organisations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1963;
that beneficiary is, for the purposes of the application of this Division in relation to that beneficiary in relation to that year of income, a beneficiary to whom this subsection applies.
97A Beneficiaries who are owners of farm management deposits
(1) Where a beneficiary who is under a legal disability:
(a) is presently entitled to a share of the income of a trust estate derived during a year of income of the beneficiary; and
(b) is the owner of a farm management deposit made during the year of income;
this Division applies in relation to the beneficiary in relation to the year of income as if the beneficiary were not under any legal disability.
(1A) Where a beneficiary who is deemed by subsection 95A(2) to be presently entitled to any income of a trust estate derived during a year of income of the beneficiary:
(a) is not under a legal disability; and
(b) is the owner of a farm management deposit made during the year of income;
the beneficiary is, for the purposes of the application of this Division in relation to that beneficiary in relation to that year of income, a beneficiary to whom this subsection applies.
Note: This section applies to certain beneficiaries as if they were individuals who are carrying on a primary production business: see subsections 393‑25(3), (4), (5) and (6) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(1) Where a beneficiary of a trust estate who is under a legal disability is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate, the trustee of the trust estate shall be assessed and liable to pay tax in respect of:
(a) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(b) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia;
as if it were the income of an individual and were not subject to any deduction.
(2) Where a beneficiary of a trust estate:
(a) is deemed to be presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate of a year of income by virtue of the operation of subsection 95A(2);
(aa) is a natural person and is not, in respect of that share of the income of the trust estate, a beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate;
(b) is not a beneficiary to whom subsection 97A(1) or (1A) applies in relation to the year of income; and
(c) is not under a legal disability;
the trustee of the trust estate shall be assessed and liable to pay tax in respect of:
(d) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(e) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia;
as if it were the income of an individual and were not subject to any deduction.
(2A) If:
(a) a beneficiary of a trust estate who is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate:
(i) is a non‑resident at the end of the year of income; and
(ii) is not, in respect of that share of the income of the trust estate, a beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate; and
(iii) is not a beneficiary to whom section 97A applies in relation to the year of income; and
(iv) is not a beneficiary to whom subsection 97(3) applies; and
(b) the trustee of the trust estate is not assessed and is not liable to pay tax under subsection (1) or (2) in respect of any part of that share of the net income of the trust estate;
subsection (3) applies to the trustee in respect of:
(c) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(d) so much of that share of the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
(3) A trustee to whom this subsection applies in respect of an amount of net income is to be assessed and is liable to pay tax:
(a) if the beneficiary is not a company—in respect of the amount of net income as if it were the income of an individual and were not subject to any deduction; or
(b) if the beneficiary is a company—in respect of the amount of net income at the rate declared by the Parliament for the purposes of this paragraph.
Note: If the trust estate’s net income includes a net capital gain, and the beneficiary is a company, Subdivision 115‑C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the assessment of the trustee.
(4) If:
(a) a beneficiary of a trust estate (the first trust estate) who is presently entitled to a share of the income of the first trust estate:
(i) is, in respect of that share of the income of the first trust estate, a beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate; and
(ii) is not a beneficiary to whom subsection 97(3) applies; and
(b) a trustee of the other trust estate is a non‑resident at the end of the year of income;
the trustee of the first trust estate is to be assessed and is liable to pay tax in respect of so much of that share of the net income of the first trust estate as is attributable to sources in Australia at the rate declared by the Parliament for the purposes of this subsection.
Note: If the trust estate’s net income includes a net capital gain, Subdivision 115‑C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the assessment of the trustee.
98A Non‑resident beneficiaries assessable in respect of certain income
(1) Where the trustee of a trust estate is assessed and is liable to pay tax in respect of the whole or a part of a share of the net income of a trust estate of a year of income in pursuance of subsection 98(3), the assessable income of the beneficiary who is presently entitled to that share of the income of the trust estate shall include:
(a) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(b) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia.
(2) Where the trustee of a trust estate is assessed and is liable to pay tax in respect of the whole or a part of a share of the net income of a trust estate of a year of income in pursuance of subsection 98(3):
(a) there shall be deducted from the income tax assessed against the beneficiary the amount (in this subsection referred to as the relevant amount) of the tax paid by the trustee in respect of the beneficiary’s interest in the net income of the trust estate; and
(b) if the relevant amount is greater than the amount of the income tax assessed against the beneficiary—the Commissioner shall pay to the beneficiary an amount equal to the difference between those 2 amounts.
Note: See Division 3A of Part IIB of, and section 105‑65 in Schedule 1 to, the Taxation Administration Act 1953 for the rules about how the Commissioner must pay the entity. Division 3 of Part IIB allows the Commissioner to apply the amount owing as a credit against tax debts that the entity owes to the Commonwealth.
(3) If a beneficiary of a trust estate who is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate:
(a) is not, in respect of that share of the income of the trust estate, a beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate; and
(b) is a non‑resident at the end of the year of income;
the assessable income of the beneficiary includes so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate as is reasonably attributable to a part of the net income of another trust estate in respect of which the trustee of the other trust estate is assessed and is liable to pay tax under subsection 98(4).
(4) To the extent that subsection (3) includes an amount in the assessable income of a beneficiary of a trust estate, the amount is not included by subsection (1) or section 100.
98B Deduction from beneficiary’s tax
(1) This section applies to a beneficiary of a trust estate for a year of income if the assessable income of the beneficiary of the year of income includes an amount covered by subsection (2).
(2) This subsection covers an amount (the assessable amount) if:
(a) the amount is included in the assessable income of the beneficiary under one of the following:
(i) section 97;
(ii) subsection 98A(3);
(iii) section 100; and
(b) the amount does not represent income of the trust estate to which the beneficiary is presently entitled in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate; and
(c) the amount is reasonably attributable to an amount (the taxed net income) in respect of which the trustee of another trust estate is assessed and liable to pay tax (the subsection 98(4) tax) under subsection 98(4).
(3) A proportion of the subsection 98(4) tax is to be deducted from the income tax assessed against the beneficiary of the year of income. That proportion is the same as the proportion of the taxed net income that gave rise to the assessable amount.
Note: To work out the proportion of the taxed net income that gives rise to assessable income for a beneficiary of another trust estate, you would have regard to the share of the income of each interposed trust estate to which a beneficiary (including a beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee) is presently entitled.
Example: The P Trust has two non‑resident trustee beneficiaries, the trustees of the S Trust and the H Trust. Each trustee is presently entitled to a 1/2 share of the income of the P Trust. The net income of the P Trust is $100,000. The trustee of the P Trust pays tax of $22,500 under subsection 98(4) in respect of the trustee of the S Trust’s interest and $22,500 under subsection 98(4) in respect of the trustee of the H Trust’s interest.
The S Trust has a non‑resident beneficiary, G, who is presently entitled to a 1/3 share of the income of the S Trust. The net income of the S Trust is $30,000. Subsection 98A(3) includes $10,000 in G’s assessable income.
The taxed net income of the P trust is $50,000. The proportion of that taxed net income that gave rise to the $10,000 being included in G’s assessable income is 1/3.This is because G had a 1/3 share of the income of the S Trust. $7,500 (1/3 x $22,500) is deducted from the income tax assessed against G.
If section 97, subsection 98A(3) or section 100 also includes amounts in the assessable income of any beneficiaries of the H Trust, each of those beneficiaries also works out the amount of the deduction against the income tax assessed against them in the same way.
(4) If the amount to be deducted under subsection (3) is greater than the amount of the income tax assessed against the beneficiary, the Commissioner must pay to the beneficiary an amount equal to the difference between those 2 amounts.
Note: See Division 3A of Part IIB of, and section 105‑65 in Schedule 1 to, the Taxation Administration Act 1953 for the rules about how the Commissioner must pay the entity. Division 3A of Part IIB allows the Commissioner to apply the amount owing as a credit against tax debts that the entity owes to the Commonwealth.
99 Certain trust income to be taxed as income of an individual
(1) This section applies in relation to a trust estate in relation to a year of income only if section 99A does not apply in relation to that trust estate in relation to that year of income.
(2) Where there is no part of the net income of a resident trust estate:
(a) that is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97;
(b) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is assessed and liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98; or
(c) that represents income to which a beneficiary is presently entitled that is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources out of Australia;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on the net income of the trust estate as if it were the income of an individual who was a resident and were not subject to any deduction.
(3) Where there is a part of the net income of a resident trust estate:
(a) that is not included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97;
(b) in respect of which the trustee is not assessed and is not liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98; and
(c) that does not represent income to which a beneficiary is presently entitled that is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources out of Australia;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on that part of the net income of the trust estate as if it were the income of an individual who was a resident and were not subject to any deduction.
(4) Where there is no part of the net income of a trust estate that is not a resident trust estate:
(a) that is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97;
(b) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is assessed and liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98; or
(c) that is attributable to sources out of Australia;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on the net income of the trust estate as if it were the income of an individual and were not subject to any deduction.
(5) Where there is a part of the net income of a trust estate that is not a resident trust estate:
(a) that is attributable to sources in Australia;
(b) that is not included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97; and
(c) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is not assessed and is not liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on that part of the net income of the trust estate as if it were the income of an individual and were not subject to any deduction.
99A Certain trust income to be taxed at special rate
(2) This section does not apply in relation to a trust estate in relation to a year of income, being a trust estate:
(a) that resulted from:
(i) a will, a codicil or an order of a court that varied or modified the provisions of a will or a codicil; or
(ii) an intestacy or an order of a court that varied or modified the application, in relation to the estate of a deceased person, of the provisions of the law relating to the distribution of the estates of persons who die intestate;
(b) that consists of the property of a person who has become bankrupt, being property that has vested in The Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, or in a registered trustee, under the Bankruptcy Act 1966;
(c) that is administered under Part XI of the Bankruptcy Act 1966; or
(d) that consists of property of a kind referred to in paragraph 102AG(2)(c);
if the Commissioner is of the opinion that it would be unreasonable that this section should apply in relation to that trust estate in relation to that year of income.
(3) In forming an opinion for the purposes of subsection (2):
(a) the Commissioner shall have regard to the circumstances in which and the conditions, if any, upon which, at any time, property (including money) was acquired by or lent to the trust estate, income was derived by the trust estate, benefits were conferred on the trust estate or special rights or privileges were conferred on or attached to property of the trust estate, whether or not the rights or privileges have been exercised;
(b) if a person who has, at any time, directly or indirectly:
(i) transferred or lent any property (including money) to, or conferred any benefits on, the trust estate; or
(ii) conferred or attached any special right or privilege, or done any act or thing, either alone or together with another person or persons, that has resulted in the conferring or attaching of any special right or privilege, on or to property of the trust estate whether or not the right or privilege has been exercised;
has not, at any time, directly or indirectly:
(iii) transferred or lent any property (including money) to, or conferred any benefits on, another trust estate; or
(iv) conferred or attached any special right or privilege, or done any act or thing, either alone or together with another person or persons, that has resulted in the conferring or attaching of any special right or privilege, on or to property of another trust estate, whether or not the right or privilege has been exercised;
the Commissioner shall have regard to that fact; and
(c) the Commissioner shall have regard to such other matters, if any, as he or she thinks fit.
(3A) For the purposes of the application of paragraph (3)(a) in relation to a trust estate of the kind referred to in paragraph (2)(a), a reference in that first‑mentioned paragraph to the trust estate shall be read as including a reference to the person as a result of whose death the trust estate arose.
(4) Where there is no part of the net income of a resident trust estate:
(a) that is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97;
(b) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is assessed and liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98; or
(c) that represents income to which a beneficiary is presently entitled that is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources out of Australia;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on the net income of the trust estate at the rate declared by the Parliament for the purposes of this section.
Note: If the trust estate’s net income includes a net capital gain, Subdivision 115‑C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the assessment of the trustee.
(4A) Where there is a part of the net income of a resident trust estate:
(a) that is not included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97;
(b) in respect of which the trustee is not assessed and is not liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98; and
(c) that does not represent income to which a beneficiary is presently entitled that is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources out of Australia;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on that part of the net income of the trust estate at the rate declared by the Parliament for the purposes of this section.
Note: If the trust estate’s net income includes a net capital gain, Subdivision 115‑C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the assessment of the trustee.
(4B) Where there is no part of the net income of a trust estate that is not a resident trust estate:
(a) that is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97;
(b) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is assessed and liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98; or
(c) that is attributable to sources out of Australia;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on the net income of the trust estate at the rate declared by the Parliament for the purposes of this section.
Note: If the trust estate’s net income includes a net capital gain, Subdivision 115‑C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the assessment of the trustee.
(4C) Where there is a part of the net income of a trust estate that is not a resident trust estate:
(a) that is attributable to sources in Australia;
(b) that is not included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of the trust estate in pursuance of section 97; and
(c) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is not assessed and is not liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98;
the trustee shall be assessed and is liable to pay tax on that part of the net income of the trust estate at the rate declared by the Parliament for the purposes of this section.
Note: If the trust estate’s net income includes a net capital gain, Subdivision 115‑C of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 affects the assessment of the trustee.
99B Receipt of trust income not previously subject to tax
(1) Where, at any time during a year of income, an amount, being property of a trust estate, is paid to, or applied for the benefit of, a beneficiary of the trust estate who was a resident at any time during the year of income, the assessable income of the beneficiary of the year of income shall, subject to subsection (2), include that amount.
(2) The amount that, but for this subsection, would be included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of a trust estate under subsection (1) by reason that an amount, being property of the trust estate, was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary shall be reduced by so much (if any) of the amount, as represents:
(a) corpus of the trust estate (except to the extent to which it is attributable to amounts derived by the trust estate that, if they had been derived by a taxpayer being a resident, would have been included in the assessable income of that taxpayer of a year of income);
(b) an amount that, if it had been derived by a taxpayer being a resident, would not have been included in the assessable income of that taxpayer of a year of income;
(ba) an amount that is non‑assessable non‑exempt income of the beneficiary because of section 802‑17 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;
(c) an amount:
(i) that is or has been included in the assessable income of the beneficiary in pursuance of section 97; or
(ii) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is or has been assessed and liable to pay tax in pursuance of section 98, 99 or 99A; or
(iii) that is reasonably attributable to a part of the net income of another trust estate in respect of which the trustee of the other trust estate is assessed and is liable to pay tax under subsection 98(4);
(d) an amount that is or has been included in the assessable income of any taxpayer (other than a company) under section 102AAZD; or
(e) if the beneficiary is a company—an amount that is or has been included in the assessable income of the beneficiary under section 102AAZD.
(2A) An amount that is not included in a beneficiary’s assessable income because of paragraph (2)(d) or (e) is not assessable income and is not exempt income.
(3) In paragraphs (2)(d) and (e):
company means a company other than a company in the capacity of a trustee.
99C Determining whether property is applied for benefit of beneficiary
(1) In determining for the purposes of section 99B whether any amount has been applied for the benefit of a beneficiary of a trust estate, regard shall be had to all benefits that have accrued at any time to the beneficiary (whether or not the beneficiary had rights at law or in equity in or to those benefits) as a result of the derivation of, or in relation to, that amount, irrespective of the nature or form of the benefits.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), an amount shall be taken, for the purposes of section 99B, to have been applied for the benefit of a beneficiary if:
(a) whether by re‑investment, accumulation, capitalization or otherwise, and whether directly or indirectly, the amount has been so dealt with that it will, at a future time, and whether in the form of income or not, enure for the benefit of the beneficiary;
(b) the derivation of the amount has operated to increase the value to the beneficiary of any property or rights of any kind held by or for the benefit of the beneficiary;
(c) the beneficiary has received or become entitled to receive any benefit (including a loan or a repayment, in whole or in part, of a loan, or any other payment of any kind) provided directly or indirectly out of that amount or out of property or money that was available for the purpose by reason of the derivation of the amount;
(d) the beneficiary has power, by means of the exercise by the beneficiary of any power of appointment or revocation or otherwise, to obtain, whether with or without the consent of any other person, the beneficial enjoyment of the amount; or
(e) the beneficiary has directly or indirectly assigned to another person his or her interest in the amount or is able, in any manner whatsoever, and whether directly or indirectly, to control the application of that interest.
99D Refund of tax to non‑resident beneficiary
(1) Where:
(a) a trustee of a trust estate has been assessed and was liable to pay tax in pursuance of subsection 99(2) or (3) or subsection 99A(4) or (4A) in respect of the net income or a part of the net income of the trust estate of a year of income (in this subsection referred to as the relevant year of income), being the year of income that commenced on 1 July 1978 or a subsequent year of income;
(b) the amount (in this subsection referred to as the relevant tax amount) of the tax so assessed in respect of that net income or that part of that net income has been paid;
(c) the trustee of the trust estate has, in accordance with the terms of the trust, paid an amount (in this subsection referred to as the distributed amount) of the income of the trust estate of the relevant year of income to a beneficiary of the trust estate;
(d) before the expiration of 60 days after the date on which the payment was made, or within such further period as the Commissioner allows, the beneficiary, by writing signed by or on behalf of the beneficiary, makes an application to the Commissioner for a refund under this section in relation to the distributed amount; and
(e) the beneficiary satisfies the Commissioner that the whole or a part (which whole or part, as the case may be, is in this subsection referred to as the non‑Australian distributed amount) of the distributed amount:
(i) is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources out of Australia;
(ii) was taken into account in calculating the net income of the trust estate of the relevant year of income; and
(iii) is not income that, by the operation of section 100A, is deemed not to have been paid to or applied for the benefit of the beneficiary or to be income to which the beneficiary is not presently entitled;
the Commissioner shall, subject to subsection (2), refund to the beneficiary so much (if any) of the relevant tax amount as is attributable to the non‑Australian distributed amount, reduced by so much of any refund or credit to which the trustee is or was entitled in respect of the relevant tax amount as is attributable to the non‑Australian distributed amount.
(2) The Commissioner may refuse to make a refund of tax in relation to an amount paid to a beneficiary of a trust estate if the Commissioner considers that the whole or a part of that amount was paid to the beneficiary by the trustee for the purpose or for purposes that included the purpose of enabling the beneficiary to become entitled to a refund of tax under this section in relation to that amount.
99E Later trust not taxed on income already taxed under subsection 98(4)
Sections 98, 99 and 99A do not apply to so much of the net income of a trust estate of a year of income as is reasonably attributable to a part of the net income of another trust estate in respect of which the trustee of the other trust estate is assessed and is liable to pay tax under subsection 98(4).
99G Amounts covered by withholding requirement
Subsection 98(4) does not apply to so much of the net income of a trust estate as represents income to which a beneficiary is presently entitled and gives rise to an amount from which an entity is required to withhold an amount under Subdivision 12‑H in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
(1) This section applies if:
(a) a beneficiary of a trust estate that is a managed investment trust is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate of a year of income; and
(b) the beneficiary is a non‑resident at the end of the year of income; and
(c) all or part of that share of the net income of the trust estate (the late amount) has not been paid to the beneficiary by the end of the period applicable under subsection 12‑405(4) in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953; and
Note: That subsection requires payments to be made before the end of 3 months after the end of the relevant year of income or within a longer period allowed by the Commissioner.
(d) if the late amount had been paid to the beneficiary within that period, the payment would have been a fund payment made by the trustee of the managed investment trust.
(2) This Division applies as if that portion of the beneficiary’s income that represents the late amount were income to which no beneficiary was presently entitled.
(3) In working out the net income of the trust estate for the year of income for the purposes of subsection (1), disregard these amounts (excluded amounts):
(a) a dividend (as defined in Division 11A of Part III) that is subject to, or exempted from, a requirement to withhold under Subdivision 12‑F in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953;
(b) interest (as so defined) that is subject to, or exempted from, such a requirement;
(c) a royalty that is subject to, or exempted from, such a requirement;
(d) a capital gain or capital loss from a CGT event that happens in relation to a CGT asset that is not taxable Australian property;
(e) amounts that are not from a source in Australia;
and disregard deductions relating to excluded amounts.
100 Beneficiary assessable in respect of certain trust income
(1) The assessable income of any beneficiary who:
(a) is under a legal disability or is deemed to be presently entitled to any of the income of a trust estate by virtue of the operation of subsection 95A(2); and
(b) is a beneficiary in more than one trust estate or derives income from any other source;
shall include:
(c) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate or of each of the trust estates as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident; and
(d) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate or of each of the trust estates as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributed to sources in Australia.
Note: An amount is not included in assessable income under this section to the extent that subsection 98A(3) already includes it: see subsection 98A(4).
(1AA) If an amount is included in the assessable income of a beneficiary of a trust estate because of Subdivision 115‑C or 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), treat the beneficiary as deriving income from another source.
(1A) If:
(a) a beneficiary in a trust estate is under a legal disability or is deemed to be presently entitled to any of the income of the trust estate by virtue of the operation of subsection 95A(2); and
(b) the beneficiary is not a beneficiary in any other trust estate and does not derive income from any other source; and
(c) the beneficiary would receive a refund of tax offsets under Division 67 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for a particular year of income if the following amounts were included in the assessable income of the beneficiary for that year:
(i) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate for that year as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was a resident;
(ii) so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate for that year as is attributable to a period when the beneficiary was not a resident and is also attributable to sources in Australia;
then those amounts are included in the assessable income of the beneficiary for that year.
(1B) If a beneficiary in a trust estate who is under a legal disability or is deemed to be presently entitled to any of the income of the trust estate by virtue of the operation of subsection 95A(2):
(a) is a resident at the end of the year of income; and
(b) is not a beneficiary in any other trust estate and does not derive income from any other source;
the assessable income of the beneficiary includes so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate as is reasonably attributable to a part of the net income of another trust estate in respect of which the trustee of the other trust estate is assessed and is liable to pay tax under subsection 98(4).
Note 2: A credit is available under section 98B for an appropriate part of the subsection 98(4) tax.
Note 3: An amount is not included in assessable income under this section to the extent that subsection 98A(3) already includes it: see subsection 98A(4).
(1C) If a beneficiary in a trust estate who is under a legal disability or is deemed to be presently entitled to any of the income of the trust estate by virtue of the operation of subsection 95A(2):
(a) is a resident at the end of the year of income; and
(b) is not a beneficiary in any other trust estate and does not derive income from any other source;
the assessable income of the beneficiary includes so much of the individual interest of the beneficiary in the net income of the trust estate as is represented by or reasonably attributable to a payment from which an entity was required to withhold an amount under Subdivision 12‑H in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
Note: A credit is available under section 18‑50 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 for an appropriate part of the amount withheld.
(2) There shall be deducted from the income tax assessed against a beneficiary to whom subsection (1) or (1A) applies (or a beneficiary under a legal disability whose assessable income is increased as a result of Subdivision 115‑C or 207‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) the tax paid or payable by any trustee in respect of that beneficiary’s interest in the net income of the trust estate.
(3) However, an amount of tax is not to be deducted under subsection (2) from the income tax assessed against a beneficiary to the extent that the amount is deducted under section 98B from the income tax assessed against the beneficiary.
100AA Failure to pay or notify present entitlement of exempt entity
(1) Subsection (3) applies if:
(a) an exempt entity is presently entitled to an amount of the income of a trust estate; and
(b) the exempt entity is not an exempt Australian government agency (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); and
(c) at the end of 2 months after the end of the relevant income year, the trustee has failed to notify the exempt entity in writing of the present entitlement.
(2) For the purposes of this section, treat the trustee as giving the exempt entity notice in writing of the present entitlement at a time to the extent that the trustee pays the exempt entity the amount of the present entitlement at that time.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, treat the exempt entity as not being presently entitled, and having never been presently entitled, to the amount mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) of the income of the trust estate, to the extent that the trustee failed to notify the exempt entity of that amount as mentioned in paragraph (1)(c).
(4) However, subsection (3) does not apply if the Commissioner decides that the failure mentioned in paragraph (1)(c) of the trustee should be disregarded.
(5) In making a decision under subsection (4) (or refusing to make such a decision), the Commissioner must have regard to the following:
(a) the circumstances that led to the failure mentioned in paragraph (1)(c);
(b) the extent to which the trustee has taken action to try to correct the failure and if so, how quickly that action was taken;
(c) whether this section has operated previously in relation to the trustee, and if so, the circumstances in which this occurred;
(d) any other matters that the Commissioner considers relevant.
(6) If subsection (3) applies, for the purposes of any application of section 99A in relation to the trust estate in relation to the relevant year of income, treat the trust estate as a resident trust estate.
(7) This section does not apply in relation to a trust estate that:
(a) is a managed investment trust (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) in relation to a year of income; or
(b) is treated in the same way as a managed investment trust in relation to a year of income for the purposes of Division 275 of that Act.
(1) Subsection (2) applies if:
(a) an exempt entity is presently entitled to an amount of the income of a trust estate; and
(b) the exempt entity is not an exempt Australian government agency (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997); and
(c) the exempt entity’s adjusted Division 6 percentage of the income of the trust estate exceeds the benchmark percentage determined under subsection (3).
(2) Subject to subsection 100AA(3), for the purposes of this Act, treat the exempt entity as not being presently entitled, and having never been presently entitled, to the amount of the income of the trust estate mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) of this section, to the extent that ensures that the exempt entity’s adjusted Division 6 percentage of the income of the trust estate equals the benchmark percentage determined under subsection (3) of this section.
(3) Determine the benchmark percentage by working out the following fraction (expressed as a percentage):
(4) A trust estate’s adjusted net income for a year of income is its net income for that year of income, with the following adjustments:
(a) firstly, in determining that net income, disregard any capital gain or franked distribution to the extent to which a beneficiary of the trust estate or the trustee is specifically entitled to that gain or distribution;
(b) next, in determining the net capital gain (if any) of the trust for the year of income, disregard steps 3 and 4 of the method statement in subsection 102‑5(1) (CGT discount and small business concessions);
(c) next, reduce that net income by amounts (if any) that do not represent net accretions of value to the trust estate in that year of income (other than amounts included in that net income under Part IVA).
(5) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to a trust estate in relation to a year of income if the Commissioner is of the opinion that it would be unreasonable that the subsection should apply in relation to that trust estate in relation to that year of income.
(6) In forming an opinion for the purposes of subsection (5), the Commissioner must consider the following matters:
(a) the circumstances that led to the exempt entity’s adjusted Division 6 percentage exceeding the benchmark percentage determined under subsection (3);
(b) the extent to which the exempt entity’s adjusted Division 6 percentage exceeds that benchmark percentage;
(c) the extent to which the exempt entity actually received distributions from the trust estate in respect of the year of income;
(d) the extent to which other beneficiaries of the trust estate were entitled to receive distributions of, or otherwise benefit from, amounts representing the adjusted net income of the trust estate;
(e) any other matters that the Commissioner considers relevant.
(7) If subsection (2) applies, for the purposes of any application of section 99A in relation to the trust estate in relation to the relevant year of income, treat the trust estate as a resident trust estate.
(8) This section does not apply in relation to a trust estate that:
(a) is a managed investment trust (within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997) in relation to a year of income; or
(b) is treated in the same way as a managed investment trust in relation to a year of income for the purposes of Division 275 of that Act.
100A Present entitlement arising from reimbursement agreement
(1) Where:
(a) apart from this section, a beneficiary of a trust estate who is not under any legal disability is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate; and
(b) the present entitlement of the beneficiary to that share or to a part of that share of the income of the trust estate (which share or part, as the case may be, is in this subsection referred to as the relevant trust income) arose out of a reimbursement agreement or arose by reason of any act, transaction or circumstance that occurred in connection with, or as a result of, a reimbursement agreement;
the beneficiary shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed not to be, and never to have been, presently entitled to the relevant trust income.
(2) Where:
(a) apart from this section, a beneficiary of a trust estate who is not under any legal disability would, by reason that income of the trust estate was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary, be deemed to be presently entitled to income of the trust estate; and
(b) that income or a part of that income (which income or part, as the case may be, is in this subsection referred to as the relevant trust income) was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary as a result of a reimbursement agreement or as a result of any act, transaction or circumstance that occurred in connection with, or as a result of, a reimbursement agreement;
the relevant trust income shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed not to have been paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary.
(3) In the preceding provisions of this section:
(a) a reference to income of a trust estate to which a beneficiary is, apart from this section, presently entitled shall be read as not including a reference to:
(i) income of the trust estate to which the beneficiary is presently entitled in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate, being income that was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary before 6 March 1980; or
(ii) income that was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary before 12 June 1978; and
(b) a reference to income of a trust estate that was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, a beneficiary of the trust estate shall be read as not including a reference to:
(i) income of the trust estate that, before 6 March 1980, was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate; or
(ii) income of the trust estate that was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary before 12 June 1978.
(3A) Where:
(a) apart from this section, a beneficiary (in this subsection referred to as the trustee beneficiary) of a trust estate is presently entitled to a share of the income of the trust estate in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate (in this subsection referred to as the interposed trust estate);
(b) apart from this subsection, the trustee beneficiary would, by virtue of subsection (1), be deemed not to be, and never to have been, presently entitled to that share or a part of that share of the income of the first‑mentioned trust estate (which share or part is in this subsection referred to as the relevant trust income); and
(c) apart from this section, a beneficiary of the interposed trust estate is or was, or beneficiaries of the interposed trust estate are or were, presently entitled, or deemed to be presently entitled, to any income of the interposed trust estate (in this subsection referred to as the distributable trust income) that is attributable to the relevant trust income;
subsection (1) does not apply, and shall be deemed never to have applied, in relation to the trustee beneficiary, in relation to any part of the relevant trust income to which the distributable trust income is attributable.
(3B) Where:
(a) apart from this section, a beneficiary (in this subsection referred to as the trustee beneficiary) of a trust estate would, by reason that income of the trust estate was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the trustee beneficiary, be deemed to be presently entitled to income of the trust estate in the capacity of a trustee of another trust estate (in this subsection referred to as the interposed trust estate);
(b) apart from this subsection, that income or a part of that income (which income or part is in this subsection referred to as the relevant trust income) would, by virtue of subsection (2), be deemed not to have been paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the trustee beneficiary; and
(c) apart from this section, a beneficiary of the interposed trust estate is or was, or beneficiaries of the interposed trust estate are or were, presently entitled, or deemed to be presently entitled, to any income of the interposed trust estate (in this subsection referred to as the distributable trust income) that is attributable to the relevant trust income;
subsection (2) does not apply, and shall be deemed never to have applied, in relation to the trustee beneficiary, in relation to any part of the relevant trust income to which the distributable trust income is attributable.
(3C) A reference in paragraph (3A)(c) or (3B)(c) to a beneficiary of a trust estate shall be read as not including a reference to a beneficiary who is under a legal disability.
(4) Where subsection (1) or (2) applies in relation to any income of a trust estate of a year of income:
(a) in the application of this Division in relation to the trust estate in relation to the year of income, section 99A shall be read as if subsections (2), (3) and (3A) of that section were omitted; and
(b) for the purposes of any application of section 99A in relation to the trust estate in relation to the year of income, the trust estate shall be deemed to be a resident trust estate.
(5) For the purposes of subsection (1), but without limiting the generality of that subsection, where:
(a) a reimbursement agreement was entered into at or after the time when a person became a beneficiary of a trust estate (whether the person became a beneficiary of the trust estate before or after the commencement of this section); and
(b) the amount (in this subsection referred to as the increased amount) of the share of the income of the trust estate to which the beneficiary is presently entitled exceeds the amount (in this subsection referred to as the original amount) of the income of the trust estate to which the beneficiary would have been, or could reasonably be expected to have been, presently entitled if the reimbursement agreement had not been entered into or if an act, transaction or circumstance that occurred in connection with, or as a result of, the reimbursement agreement had not occurred;
the present entitlement of the beneficiary to so much of the increased amount as exceeds the original amount shall be taken to have arisen out of the reimbursement agreement.
(6) For the purposes of subsection (2), but without limiting the generality of that subsection, where:
(a) a reimbursement agreement was entered into at or after the time when a person became a beneficiary of a trust estate (whether the person became a beneficiary of the trust estate before or after the commencement of this section); and
(b) income of the trust estate was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary and the amount (in this subsection referred to as the increased amount) of that income exceeds the amount (in this subsection referred to as the original amount) that would have been, or could reasonably be expected to have been, paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary if the reimbursement agreement had not been entered into or if an act, transaction or circumstance that occurred in connection with, or as a result of, the reimbursement agreement had not occurred;
so much of the increased amount as exceeds the original amount shall be taken to be income of the trust estate that was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the beneficiary as a result of the reimbursement agreement.
(6A) Where:
(a) subsection (1) or (2) applies, or would but for subsection (3A) or (3B) apply, in relation to a beneficiary of a trust estate in relation to a reimbursement agreement in relation to any income of the trust estate; and
(b) as part of, under or in connection with the reimbursement agreement, the beneficiary incurred or incurs a loss or outgoing after 5 March 1980 in respect of which a deduction has been allowed or would, but for this subsection, be allowable;
then, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a deduction shall be deemed not to have been, or not to be, allowable, as the case may be, in respect of that loss or outgoing.
(6B) Where subsection (6A) deems a deduction not to have been, or not to be, allowable in respect of a loss or outgoing incurred by a taxpayer in the acquisition of property that, for the purposes of the application of this Act and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation to the taxpayer is or was trading stock, then, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or that Act, the cost or cost price of that property, for the purposes of the application of Subdivision B of Division 2 of Part III of this Act or Division 70 (Trading stock) or 385 (Primary production) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in relation to that property in relation to the taxpayer, shall be taken to be, and at all times to have been, nil.
(7) Subject to subsection (8), a reference in this section, in relation to a beneficiary of a trust estate, to a reimbursement agreement shall be read as a reference to an agreement, whether entered into before or after the commencement of this section, that provides for the payment of money or the transfer of property to, or the provision of services or other benefits for, a person or persons other than the beneficiary or the beneficiary and another person or other persons.
(8) A reference in subsection (7) to an agreement shall be read as not including a reference to an agreement that was not entered into for the purpose, or for purposes that included the purpose, of securing that a person who, if the agreement had not been entered into, would have been liable to pay income tax in respect of a year of income would not be liable to pay income tax in respect of that year of income or would be liable to pay less income tax in respect of that year of income than that person would have been liable to pay if the agreement had not been entered into.
(9) For the purposes of subsection (8), an agreement shall be taken to have been entered into for a particular purpose, or for purposes that included a particular purpose, if any of the parties to the agreement entered into the agreement for that purpose, or for purposes that included that purpose, as the case may be.
(10) A reference in subsection (7) to the payment of money to a person or persons shall be read as including a reference to the payment of money to a person or persons by way of loan.
(11) A reference in this section to a person shall be read as including a reference to a person in the capacity of a trustee.
(12) For the purposes of this section, an agreement that provides for a person to release, abandon, fail to demand payment of or postpone payment of, a debt owed by another person shall be deemed to be an agreement that provides for the payment of money to that other person.
(13) In this section:
agreement means any agreement, arrangement or understanding, whether formal or informal, whether express or implied and whether or not enforceable, or intended to be enforceable, by legal proceedings, but does not include an agreement, arrangement or understanding entered into in the course of ordinary family or commercial dealing.
Note: Section 960‑255 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 may be relevant to determining family relationships for the purposes of the definition of agreement.
property includes a chose in action and also includes an estate, interest, right or power, whether at law or in equity, in or over property.
For the purposes of this Act, where a trustee has a discretion to pay or apply income of a trust estate to or for the benefit of specified beneficiaries, a beneficiary in whose favour the trustee exercises the trustee’s discretion shall be deemed to be presently entitled to the amount paid to the beneficiary or applied for the beneficiary’s benefit by the trustee in the exercise of that discretion.
101A Income of deceased received after death
(1) Where in the year of income, the trustee of the estate of a deceased person receives any amount which would have been assessable income in the hands of the deceased person if it had been received by him or her during his or her lifetime, that amount shall be included in the assessable income of that year of the trust estate and shall be deemed to be income to which no beneficiary is presently entitled.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to an amount received by the trustee of the estate of a deceased person to the extent to which, if it had been received by the deceased person during his or her lifetime, it would have been included in the assessable income of that person by virtue of section 83‑10 or 83‑80 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(3) To avoid doubt, if in the year of income an amount is included in the assessable income of a deceased taxpayer under Division 82 or 302 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of a payment received by the trustee of the estate of the deceased taxpayer, that amount shall be included in the assessable income of that year of income of the trust estate.
(4) This section does not apply in relation to any amount received by the trustee of the estate of a deceased person if the amount is a farm management deposit, of which the deceased person was the owner, that has become repayable.
(1) Where a person has created a trust in respect of any income or property (including money) and:
(a) the person has power, whenever exercisable, to revoke or alter the trusts so as to acquire a beneficial interest in the income derived by the trustee during the year of income, or the property producing that income, or any part of that income or property; or
(b) income is, under that trust, in the year of income, payable to or accumulated for, or applicable for the benefit of a child or children of that person who is or are under the age of 18 years;
the Commissioner may assess the trustee to pay income tax, under this section, and the trustee shall be liable to pay the tax so assessed.
(2) The amount of the tax payable in pursuance of this section shall be the amount by which the tax actually payable on the person’s own taxable income by the person who created the trust is less than the tax which would have been payable by the person if he or she had received, in addition to any other income derived by the person, so much of the net income of the trust estate as:
(a) is attributable to the property in which he or she has power to acquire the beneficial interest;
(b) represents the income, or the part of the income, in which he or she has power to acquire the beneficial interest; or
(c) is payable to or accumulated for, or applicable for the benefit of, a child or children of that person who is or are under the age of 18 years.
(2A) Where any property the subject of a trust has been converted into other property, this section shall apply in the same way as if the trust had originally been created in respect of that other property.
(2B) In the application of subsection (2) in determining the amount of tax that is payable by a trustee of a trust estate in pursuance of this section, the reference in that subsection to the net income of the trust estate shall be read as a reference to that net income reduced by:
(a) so much (if any) of that net income as is attributable to a period when the person who created the trust was not a resident and is also attributable to sources out of Australia; and
(b) so much (if any) of that net income as is not covered by paragraph (a) and represents an amount included in the assessable income of any taxpayer under section 102AAZD.
(3) Where this section is applied to the assessment of the income of a trust estate or part thereof derived in the year of income, no beneficiary shall be assessed in his or her individual capacity in respect of his or her individual interest in the income or part to which this section has been so applied, and the trustee shall not be assessed in respect of that income or part otherwise than under this section.
Division 6AAA—Special provisions relating to non‑resident trust estates etc.
The object of this Division is to set out rules relating to the following:
(a) the payment of interest on distributions from certain non‑resident trust estates (Subdivision B);
(b) the winding‑up of certain non‑resident trust estates in existence on 12 April 1989 (Subdivision C);
(c) an accruals system of taxation of certain non‑resident trust estates (Subdivision D).
In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears:
1 July 1990 net worth, in relation to a trust estate, means the market value, as at the beginning of 1 July 1990, of the assets of the trust estate, reduced by the liabilities of the trust estate as at the beginning of that day.
accounts has the same meaning as in Part X.
actual transfer, in relation to property or services, means a transfer of the property or services other than a transfer that is taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(1), (2), (5), (6), (8), (10) or (11).
arm’s length amount, in relation to an actual transfer of property or services to a trust estate, means the amount that the trustee could reasonably be expected to have been required to pay to obtain the property or the services concerned from the transferor under a transaction where the parties to the transaction are dealing with each other at arm’s length in relation to the transaction.
associate has the same meaning as in Part X.
attributable income, in relation to a trust estate, has the meaning given by section 102AAU.
attributable taxpayer has the meaning given by section 102AAT.
attribution account payment has the same meaning as in Part X.
attribution debit has the same meaning as in Part X.
Australian entity has the same meaning as in Part X.
Australian trust has the same meaning as in Part X.
base interest rate for a day has the same meaning as in section 8AAD of the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
CFC has the same meaning as in Part X.
controlled foreign trust has the same meaning as in Part X.
corporate unit trust, in relation to a year of income, means a unit trust that is a corporate unit trust in relation to the year of income for the purposes of Division 6B.
de facto relationship means:
(a) a relationship between 2 persons (whether of the same sex or different sexes) that is registered under a law of a State or Territory prescribed for the purposes of section 2E of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 as a kind of relationship prescribed for the purposes of that section; or
(b) a relationship between 2 persons (whether of the same sex or different sexes) who, although not legally married to each other, live with each other on a genuine domestic basis in a relationship as a couple.
depreciation provision means:
(a) any provision of Division 40 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (other than Subdivision 40‑E); or
(b) any provision of Division 43 of that Act.
designated concession income has the same meaning as in Part X.
discretionary trust estate means a trust estate where:
(a) both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) a person (who may include the trustee) is empowered (either unconditionally or on the fulfilment of a condition) to exercise any power of appointment or other discretion;
(ii) the exercise of the power or discretion, or the failure to exercise the power or discretion, has the effect of determining, to any extent, either or both of the following:
(A) the identities of those who may benefit under the trust;
(B) how beneficiaries are to benefit, as between themselves, under the trust; or
(b) one or more of the beneficiaries under the trust have a contingent or defeasible interest in some or all of the corpus or income of the trust estate; or
(c) the trustee of another trust estate, being a trust estate where both of the conditions in paragraph (a) are satisfied, benefits, or is capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting, under the first‑mentioned trust estate.
eligible designated concession income has the same meaning as in Part X.
entity means any of the following:
(a) a company;
(b) a partnership;
(c) a person in the capacity of trustee;
(d) any other person.
exempt income, in relation to a trust estate, means the exempt income of the trust estate calculated as if the trustee were a taxpayer who was a resident.
IP time means 7.30 p.m., by standard time in the Australian Capital Territory, on 12 April 1989.
listed country has the same meaning as in Part X.
listed country trust estate has the meaning given by section 102AAE.
net income, in relation to a trust estate, in relation to a year of income, means:
(a) if the trust estate is a corporate unit trust in relation to the year of income—the net income (within the meaning of Division 6B) of the corporate unit trust of the year of income; or
(b) if the trust estate is a public trading trust in relation to the year of income—the net income (within the meaning of Division 6C) of the public trading trust of the year of income; or
(c) in any other case—the net income (within the meaning of Division 6) of the trust estate.
non‑attributable year of income, in relation to a trust estate, means a non‑resident year of income of the trust estate where no amount calculated by reference to the attributable income of the trust estate of that year of income is included in the assessable income of any taxpayer under subsection 102AAZD(1).
non‑discretionary trust estate means a trust estate other than a discretionary trust estate.
non‑resident family trust has the meaning given by section 102AAH.
non‑resident trust estate (except in section 102AAA), in relation to a year of income, means a trust estate that is not a resident trust estate in relation to the year of income.
non‑resident year of income, in relation to a trust estate, means a year of income in relation to which the trust estate is a non‑resident trust estate.
profits includes gains, whether of an income or capital nature.
property includes money.
public trading trust, in relation to a year of income, means a unit trust that is a public trading trust in relation to the year of income for the purposes of Division 6C.
public unit trust has the meaning given by section 102AAF.
resident trust estate, in relation to a year of income, means:
(a) a resident trust estate in relation to the year of income within the meaning of Division 6; or
(b) a unit trust that is a corporate unit trust, or a public trading trust, in relation to the year of income; or
(c) a complying superannuation fund, a non‑complying superannuation fund, a complying approved deposit fund, a non‑complying approved deposit fund or a pooled superannuation trust in relation to the year of income.
scheme means:
(a) any agreement, arrangement, understanding, promise or undertaking, whether express or implied and whether or not enforceable, or intended to be enforceable, by legal proceedings; and
(b) any scheme, plan, proposal, action, course of action or course of conduct, whether there are 2 or more parties or only one party involved.
services includes any benefit, right (including a right in relation to, and an interest in, real or personal property), privilege or facility and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes a benefit, right, privilege, service or facility that is, or is to be, provided under:
(a) an arrangement for or in relation to:
(i) the performance of work (including work of a professional nature), whether with or without the provision of property; or
(ii) the provision of, or of the use of facilities for, entertainment, recreation or instruction; or
(iii) the conferring of benefits, rights or privileges for which remuneration is payable in the form of a royalty, tribute, levy or similar exaction; or
(b) a contract of insurance; or
(c) an arrangement for or in relation to the lending of money.
subject to tax has the same meaning as in Part X.
tax accounting period has the same meaning as in Part X.
tax law, in relation to a listed country or an unlisted country, has the same meaning as in Part X.
tax offset has the same meaning as in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
(a) in relation to property—includes dispose of (whether by assignment, declaration of trust or otherwise) or provide; and
(b) in relation to services—includes allow, confer, give, grant, perform or provide.
trust estate, in relation to a transfer of property or services, means the trust estate or, as the case requires, the trustee of the trust estate.
underlying transfer, in relation to a transfer of property or services to a trust estate, means:
(a) if that transfer was an actual transfer—the actual transfer; or
(b) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(1)—the actual transfer referred to in that subsection; or
(c) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(2)—the actual transfer referred to in paragraph 102AAK(2)(d); or
(d) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(5)—the actual transfer referred to in paragraph 102AAK(5)(b); or
(e) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of the application of subsection 102AAK(6) or (8) to an actual transfer—the actual transfer; or
(f) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of the application of subsection 102AAK(6) or (8) to a transfer that was taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(1)—the actual transfer referred to in subsection 102AAK(1); or
(g) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of the application of subsection 102AAK(6) or (8) to a transfer that was taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(5)—the actual transfer referred to in paragraph 102AAK(5)(b); or
(h) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(10)—the actual transfer referred to in paragraph 102AAK(10)(b); or
(j) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of one or more applications of subsection 102AAK(11) to an actual transfer—the actual transfer; or
(k) if that transfer was taken to have been made because of one or more applications of subsection 102AAK(11) to a transfer (in this paragraph called the deemed transfer) that was taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(1), (2), (5), (6), (8) or (10)—the actual transfer that, under a preceding paragraph of this definition, is the underlying transfer in relation to the deemed transfer.
underlying transferor, in relation to a transfer of property or services to a trust estate, means the entity who made the underlying transfer concerned.
unlisted country has the same meaning as in Part X.
weighted statutory interest rate, in relation to a year of income, means:
(a) if there is only one base interest rate in relation to the year of income—that rate; or
(b) if there are 2 or more base interest rates in relation to the year of income—the weighted average of the base rates for the year of income.
102AAC Each listed country and unlisted country to be treated as a separate foreign country
For the purposes of the application of section 6AB to this Division, each listed country and each unlisted country is to be treated as a separate foreign country.
102AAD Subject to tax—application of subsection 324(2)
Subsection 324(2) applies in relation to this Division in a corresponding way to the way in which it applies in relation to Part X.
102AAE Listed country trust estates
(1) For the purposes of this Division, a trust estate is taken to be a listed country trust estate in relation to a year of income if, and only if, either of the following paragraphs applies to each item of income or profit derived by the trust estate in the year of income:
(a) the income or profit is either:
(i) subject to tax in a listed country in a tax accounting period ending before the end of the year of income or commencing during the year of income; or
(ii) designated concession income in relation to any listed country;
(b) both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) a part of the income or profit is either:
(A) subject to tax in a listed country in a tax accounting period ending before the end of the year of income or commencing during the year of income; or
(B) designated concession income in relation to any listed country;
(ii) the remaining part, or each of the remaining parts, of the income or profit:
(A) is subject to tax in another listed country or in different listed countries, as the case may be, in a tax accounting period ending before the end of the year of income or commencing during the year of income; or
(B) is designated concession income in relation to any listed country.
(2) For the purposes of the application of subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) to a trust estate, if a particular part of an item of income or profit (which part is in this subsection called the item part) derived by the trust estate is included, or would apart from Subdivision 50‑A or section 51‑5, 51‑10 or 51‑30 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 be included, in the assessable income of the trust estate of a year of income (in this subsection called the trust’s year of income) and one of the following paragraphs applies:
(a) both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) the trustee of the trust estate is liable to be assessed and pay tax under section 98, 99 or 99A in respect of a part of, or a share in, the net income of the trust estate of the trust’s year of income;
(ii) the whole or a part of the part or share of the net income is attributable to the item part;
(b) all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) an amount is included in the assessable income of another taxpayer of the trust’s year of income or the next following year of income (which taxpayer is in this subsection called the actual taxpayer) under subsection 92(1) or section 97, 98A or 100;
(ii) the actual taxpayer is:
(A) a company or a natural person (other than a company or a natural person in the capacity of a trustee); or
(B) the trustee of a complying superannuation fund, a non‑complying superannuation fund, a complying approved deposit fund, a non‑complying approved deposit fund or a pooled superannuation trust in relation to the year of income concerned; or
(C) the trustee of a corporate unit trust in relation to the year of income concerned; or
(D) the trustee of a public trading trust in relation to the year of income concerned; or
(E) the trustee of a trust estate who is liable to be assessed and pay tax under section 98, 99 or 99A in respect of a part of, or a share in, the net income of a trust estate;
(iii) if sub-subparagraph (ii)(A), (B), (C) or (D) applies—the whole or a part of the amount so included in the actual taxpayer’s assessable income is attributable (either directly or indirectly through one or more interposed partnerships or trusts) to the item part;
(iv) if sub-subparagraph (ii)(E) applies—the whole or a part of the part or share of the net income is attributable (either directly or indirectly through one or more interposed partnerships or trusts) to the item part;
(c) both of the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax is payable under Division 6D on the whole or part (the net income amount) of a share of the net income of the trust estate of the trust’s year of income;
(ii) the whole or part of the net income amount is attributable to the item part;
the item part is to be treated as if it were subject to tax in a listed country in a tax accounting period ending before the end of the trust’s year of income.
(3) For the purposes of this section, where a part of a particular item of income or profits derived by an entity would, if it were a separate item of income or profits, be taken to be subject to tax in a listed country in a particular tax accounting period, that part is taken to be subject to tax in that listed country in that tax accounting period.
(1) Subject to this section, for the purposes of this Division, a unit trust is a public unit trust at all times during a year of income if either of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) at any time during the year of income:
(i) any of the units in the unit trust were listed for quotation in the official list of a stock exchange in Australia or elsewhere; or
(ii) any of the units in the unit trust were offered to the public;
(b) at all times during the year of income, the units in the unit trust were held by not fewer than 50 persons.
(2) In determining whether a unit trust is a public unit trust at all times during a year of income for the purposes of this Division, subsections 102G(2) to (8) (inclusive) and (10) apply:
(a) as if a reference in those subsections to Division 6B were a reference to this Division; and
(b) as if a reference in those subsections to subsection 102G(1) were a reference to subsection (1) of this section; and
(c) as if a reference in those subsections to a public unit trust in relation to a year of income were a reference to a public unit trust at all times during a year of income.
(3) In determining whether a unit trust (in this subsection called the first unit trust) is a public unit trust at all times during a year of income for the purposes of this Division, the following provisions have effect:
(a) the following entities are taken to be one person:
(i) an entity, whether or not it holds units in the first unit trust; and
(ii) the entity or entities who are the associate or associates of the entity;
(b) where any units in the first unit trust are held by the trustee of another trust that, apart from this paragraph, is a public unit trust at all times during the year of income—a person who has a beneficial interest in property of that other trust that consists of those units is taken to hold those units;
(c) where any units in the first unit trust are held by the trustee of another trust that:
(i) apart from paragraph (b); or
(ii) by virtue of the application of paragraph (b);
is a public unit trust at all times during the year of income—a person who has a beneficial interest in the property of that other trust that consists of those units (whether or not that beneficial interest is taken to be held by virtue of the application of this paragraph) is taken to hold those units.
102AAG When entity is in a position to control a trust estate
(1) For the purposes of this Division, an entity is taken to be in a position to control a trust estate if, and only if:
(a) a group in relation to the entity had the power by means of the exercise by the group of any power of appointment or revocation or otherwise, to obtain, with or without the consent of any other entity, the beneficial enjoyment of the corpus or income of the trust estate; or
(b) a group in relation to the entity was able in any manner whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly, to control the application of the corpus or income of the trust estate; or
(c) a group in relation to the entity was capable under a scheme of gaining the enjoyment or the control referred to in paragraph (a) or (b); or
(d) a trustee of the trust estate was accustomed or under an obligation (whether formally or informally) or might reasonably be expected to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of a group in relation to the entity; or
(e) a group in relation to the entity was able to remove or appoint the trustee, or any of the trustees, of the trust estate.
(2) In subsection (1), a reference to a group in relation to an entity is a reference to:
(a) the entity acting alone; or
(b) an associate of the entity acting alone; or
(c) the entity and one or more associates of the entity acting together; or
(d) 2 or more associates of the entity acting together.
102AAH Non‑resident family trusts
(1) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), for the purposes of this Division, a trust estate is a non‑resident family trust in relation to a natural person at a particular time if, and only if, at that time:
(a) the trust estate is either:
(i) a post‑marital or post‑relationship family trust in relation to the natural person; or
(ii) a family relief trust in relation to the natural person; and
(b) the trust is constituted by:
(i) a deed of trust or other instrument; or
(ii) an order or declaration of a court.
(2) For the purposes of this section, a trust estate is a post‑marital or post‑relationship family trust in relation to a natural person at a particular time if:
(a) either of the following conditions is satisfied:
(i) the trust was created pursuant to:
(A) a decree or order of dissolution or annulment of marriage, being a dissolution or annulment that, because of the Family Law Act 1975, has effect, or continues to have effect in Australia or is recognised as valid in Australia; or
(B) a decree or order of judicial separation or a similar decree or order;
(ii) the trust was created in consequence of the break‑down of a de facto relationship; and
(b) at that time, the only persons who benefit, or are capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting, under the trust (which persons are in subsections (4) and (5) called the primary potential beneficiaries) are natural persons who:
(i) are non‑residents at that time; and
(ii) are covered by any of the following categories:
(A) the spouse or former spouse of the natural person;
(B) a child of the natural person;
(C) a child of the former spouse of the natural person, being a child who was such a child at a time when the former spouse was the spouse of the natural person;
(D) a child of the spouse of the natural person.
(3) For the purposes of this section, a trust estate is a family relief trust in relation to a natural person at a particular time (in this subsection called the test time) if:
(a) the only persons who benefit, or are capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting, under the trust (which persons are in subsections (4) and (5) called the primary potential beneficiaries) are natural persons who:
(i) are identified by name in the trust deed or instrument, or in the court order or declaration, constituting the trust; and
(ii) are non‑residents at that time; and
(iii) are covered by any of the following categories:
(A) the spouse or former spouse of the natural person;
(B) a parent of the natural person or of the natural person’s spouse or former spouse;
(C) a child of the natural person or of the natural person’s spouse or former spouse;
(D) a grandparent of the natural person;
(E) a grandchild of the natural person;
(F) a brother or sister of the natural person or of the natural person’s spouse or former spouse;
(G) a child of a brother or sister mentioned in sub-subparagraph (F); and
(b) the trust was established, and is operated, for the relief of persons who are in necessitous circumstances; and
(c) any of the following conditions is satisfied:
(i) at the test time, the assets of the trust are not excessive having regard to the requirements, or likely requirements, of the primary potential beneficiaries;
(ii) no transfers of property or services to the trust estate were made during the period (in this paragraph called the test period) commencing at the IP time and ending at the test time;
(iii) immediately after each transfer of property or services to the trust estate made during the test period, the assets of the trust were not excessive having regard to the requirements, or likely requirements, of the beneficiaries at the time of the transfer.
Note: Section 960‑255 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 may be relevant to determining relationships for the purposes of subparagraph (3)(a)(iii).
(4) Subsection (1) does not prevent a trust estate from being a non‑resident family trust in relation to a natural person at a particular time if, in the event of the death of a particular primary potential beneficiary at that time, one or more natural persons (which persons are in subsection (5) called the secondary potential beneficiaries) who:
(a) are non‑residents at that time; and
(b) are children of the primary potential beneficiary;
would benefit, or be capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting, under the trust.
(5) Subsections (1) and (4) do not prevent a trust estate from being a non‑resident family trust in relation to a natural person at a particular time if, in the event of the death of all of the primary potential beneficiaries and all of the secondary potential beneficiaries at that time, there are one or more funds, authorities or institutions in Australia covered by an item in any of the tables in Subdivision 30‑B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, or item 2 of the table in section 30‑15 of that Act, that would benefit, or be capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting, under the trust.
(6) For the purposes of this section, if, at a particular time, an entity holds an interest in, or right to benefit under, a trust that is dependent on the death of one or more natural persons, then, the entity is taken to be an entity who, in the event of the death of that natural person or those natural persons immediately after that time, would benefit under the trust.
(7) A reference in this section to a natural person does not include a reference to a natural person in the capacity of a trustee.
102AAJ Transfer of property or services
(1) A reference in this Division to the transfer of property or services to a trust estate includes a reference to the transfer of such property or services by way of the creation of the trust estate.
(2) For the purposes of this Division, where an entity acquires property that did not previously exist, the property is taken to have existed immediately before the acquisition and to have been transferred by the entity who created the property.
(3) For the purposes of this Division, property or services are taken to have been transferred to an entity if the property or services have been applied for the benefit of, or in accordance with the directions of, the entity.
(4) Without limiting the generality of subsection (3), a reference in that subsection to the application of property or services for the benefit of an entity includes a reference to the application of property or services in the discharge, in whole or in part, of a debt due by the entity.
(5) Unless the contrary intention appears, a reference in this Division to a transfer of property or services includes a reference to a transfer made before the commencement of this Division.
(6) A reference in this Division to a transfer of property or services made before the IP time includes a reference to a transfer made at the IP time.
102AAK Deemed transfers of property or services to trust estate
(1) For the purposes of this Division, where an entity (in this subsection called the prime entity) causes another entity to actually transfer property or services to a trust estate, the prime entity is taken to have transferred the property or services (instead of the other entity).
(2) For the purposes of this Division, where:
(a) the trustee of a trust estate issues units in the trust to an entity (in this subsection called the first entity) in the first entity’s capacity as a manager, underwriter or dealer in relation to the marketing or placement of the units; and
(b) in the course of the marketing or placement of the units, the units are disposed of by the first entity to another entity (in this subsection called the second entity); and
(c) at a particular time (in this subsection called the second entity’s transfer time), the second entity transfers property or services to the first entity as consideration for the acquisition of the units; and
(d) the first entity has actually transferred, or actually transfers, property or services (in this subsection called the original property or services) to the trust estate for the sole purpose of acquiring the units;
the second entity is taken to have transferred the original property or services (instead of the first entity) at the second entity’s transfer time.
(3) A reference in subsection (2) to a unit in a trust estate is a reference to an interest (however described) in any of the income or property of the trust estate.
(4) Subsections (1) and (2) do not limit the operation of subsection (5).
(5) Where, under a scheme:
(a) an entity (in this subsection called the scheme entity) actually transfers property or services to another entity; and
(b) property or services are actually transferred to a trust estate at a particular time otherwise than by the scheme entity;
the Commissioner may, for the purposes of this Division, treat the property or services mentioned in paragraph (b) as having been transferred by the scheme entity to the trust estate (instead of by any other entity) at that time to such extent as the Commissioner considers reasonable.
(6) For the purposes of this Division, if (apart from subsections (8), (10) and (11)) an entity, being a partnership, transfers property or services to a trust estate at a particular time:
(a) each partner in the partnership is taken to have transferred a part of the property or services to the trust estate at that time; and
(b) the market value of the part transferred by a particular partner is calculated using the formula:
Market value means the market value, immediately before the transfer, of the property or services transferred by the partnership.
Partner’s interest means:
(i) the partner’s percentage interest in the profits of the partnership as at that time; or
(ii) the partner’s percentage interest in the property of the partnership as at that time;
or, if they are different, whichever is the higher.
(7) Nothing in paragraph (6)(a) affects the application of this Division to the transfer made by the partnership concerned.
(8) For the purposes of this Division, if:
(a) apart from this subsection, subsections (6), (10) and (11), an entity being the trustee of a trust estate (in this subsection called the transferor trust estate) transfers property or services (in this subsection called the transferred property or services) to another trust estate (in this subsection called the transferee trust estate) at a particular time (in this subsection called the transfer time); and
(b) the transferor trust estate was an Australian trust, or a controlled foreign trust, at the transfer time; and
(c) the transferor trust estate was a discretionary trust estate at the transfer time; and
(d) apart from this subsection, subsections (6), (10) and (11), one or more other entities transferred property or services to the transferor trust estate at or before the transfer time;
each of those other entities is taken to have transferred the transferred property or services to the transferee trust estate at the transfer time.
(9) Nothing in subsection (8) affects the application of this Division to the transfer mentioned in paragraph (8)(a).
(10) For the purposes of this Division, where:
(a) any of the following subparagraphs applies:
(i) any of the following events occurs in relation to a company (which company is in this subsection called the transferor):
(A) the company passes a resolution for its winding‑up;
(B) an order is made for the winding‑up of the company;
(C) any similar event;
(ii) a partnership (in this subsection also called the transferor) ceases to exist for the purposes of this Act;
(iii) either of the following sub‑subparagraphs applies in relation to the trustee of a trust estate (in this subsection also called the transferor):
(A) the trust estate commences to be wound‑up;
(B) the trust estate ceases to exist for the purposes of this Act; and
(b) an actual transfer of property or services is made to a trust estate (in this subsection called the transferee) as a consequence of the transferor being wound‑up or ceasing to exist;
the transferor is taken to have transferred to the transferee the property or services concerned.
(11) For the purposes of this Division, where:
(a) the following subparagraphs apply to an entity (in this subsection called the defunct entity):
(i) the defunct entity is a company, a partnership or the trustee of a trust estate;
(ii) the defunct entity transferred property or services to a trust estate (including a transfer that was taken to have been made because of another application or other applications of this subsection) at a particular time;
(iii) if the defunct entity is a company—any of the following events occurs:
(A) the company passes a resolution for its winding‑up;
(B) an order is made for the winding‑up of the company;
(C) any similar event;
(iv) if the defunct entity is a partnership—the partnership ceases to exist for the purposes of this Act;
(v) if the defunct entity is a trustee of a trust estate—either of the following sub‑subparagraphs applies:
(A) the trust estate commences to be wound‑up;
(B) the trust estate ceases to exist for the purposes of this Act; and
(b) the Commissioner is satisfied that another entity (in this subsection called the successor entity) has benefited or is capable (whether by the exercise of a power of appointment or otherwise) of benefiting (either directly or indirectly through one or more interposed companies, partnerships or trusts) by, or as a result of:
(i) a transfer of property or services made by the defunct entity; or
(ii) a transfer of property or services made as a consequence of the defunct entity being wound‑up or ceasing to exist; and
(c) the Commissioner is of the opinion that it is appropriate to apply this subsection to the successor entity;
the assessable income of the successor entity of the year of income in which the event, or the earliest event, mentioned in subparagraph (a)(iii), (iv) or (v) occurred and of each subsequent year of income is to be determined as if the successor entity had transferred to the trust estate mentioned in subparagraph (a)(ii), at the time mentioned in that subparagraph:
(d) the whole of the property or services mentioned in that subparagraph; or
(e) if the Commissioner thinks it appropriate—a part of the property or services referred to in that subparagraph.
102AAL Division not to apply to transfers by trustees of deceased estates
A reference in this Division to a transfer of property or services to a trust estate does not include a reference to a transfer made by the trustee of the estate of a deceased person under:
(a) the terms of the deceased person’s will or codicil; or
(b) an order of a court that varied or modified the provisions of the deceased person’s will or codicil;
(c) the transfer was made in or as the result of the exercise (by the trustee or any other person) of a power of appointment or any other discretion; or
(d) under subsection 102AAK(1), the property or services are taken to have been transferred by an entity other than the trustee, instead of by the trustee; or
(e) under subsection 102AAK(5), the Commissioner treats the property or services as having been (to any extent) transferred by an entity other than the trustee, instead of by the trustee.
102AAM Payment of interest by taxpayer on distributions from certain non‑resident trust estates
(1) For the purposes of this section, if:
(a) an amount is included in the assessable income of a taxpayer of a year of income (which year of income is in this section called the current year of income), being the year of income commencing on 1 July 1990 or a subsequent year of income, under section 99B in relation to a trust estate; and
(b) the whole or a part of the amount so included in the taxpayer’s assessable income (which whole or part is in this section called the distributed amount) is attributable to:
(i) if the trust estate was a listed country trust estate in relation to a particular non‑resident year of income of the trust estate (in this section called the non‑resident trust’s year of income)—so much of the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income as represents eligible designated concession income in relation to any listed country in relation to the non‑resident trust’s year of income; or
(ii) if the trust estate was not a listed country trust estate in relation to a particular non‑resident year of income of the trust estate (in this section also called the non‑resident trust’s year of income)—so much of the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income as has not been subject to tax in any listed country in a tax accounting period:
(A) ending before the end of the non‑resident trust’s year of income; or
(B) commencing during the non‑resident trust’s year of income;
(c) the distributed amount is the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income; and
(d) the taxpayer is the original taxpayer in relation to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
(1A) For the purposes of subsection (1), unless the contrary is established by the taxpayer:
(a) a distributed amount in relation to a listed country trust estate in relation to a non‑resident trust’s year of income is taken to be wholly attributable to income and profits of the trust estate of that year of income that represent eligible designated concession income in relation to a listed country; and
(b) a distributed amount in relation to a trust estate that was not a listed country trust estate in relation to a non‑resident trust’s year of income is taken to be wholly attributable to income and profits of the trust estate of that year of income that have not been subject to tax in any listed country in a tax accounting period.
(1B) This section does not apply to a distributed amount that is attributable to income or profits of the estate of a deceased person if the amount was paid to, or applied for the benefit of, the taxpayer within 3 years after the death of that person.
(1C) This section does not apply to a distributed amount that was included in the assessable income of a taxpayer of a year of income under section 99B in relation to a trust estate if, at all times during the year of income, the trust:
(a) was a public unit trust; and
(b) was not a controlled foreign trust.
(2) Subject to this section, if the original taxpayer in relation to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income is:
(a) a company or a natural person (other than a company or a natural person in the capacity of a trustee); or
(b) the trustee of a corporate unit trust in relation to the current year of income; or
(c) the trustee of a public trading trust in relation to the current year of income; or
(d) the trustee of a complying superannuation fund, a non‑complying superannuation fund, a complying approved deposit fund, a non‑complying approved deposit fund or a pooled superannuation trust in relation to the current year of income;
the taxpayer is liable to pay interest to the Commissioner in respect of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income, calculated under subsection (5), on the amount calculated using the formula:
Distributed amount means the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
Applicable rate of tax has the meaning given by subsection (10).
FITO (Foreign income tax offset) means so much of any tax offset under Division 770 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to which the taxpayer is entitled as is attributable to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
(3) Subject to this section, if:
(a) the original taxpayer in relation to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income is the trustee of a trust estate who is liable to be assessed and pay tax under section 98, 99 or 99A in respect of a part of, or a share in, the net income of the trust estate; and
(b) the whole or a part (which whole or part is in this subsection called the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income) of the part or share of the net income is attributable to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income;
the taxpayer is liable to pay interest to the Commissioner in respect of the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income, calculated under subsection (5), on the amount calculated using the formula:
Taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount means the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
Applicable rate of tax has the meaning given by subsection (10).
FITO (Foreign income tax offset) means so much of any tax offset under Division 770 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to which the taxpayer is entitled as is attributable to the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
(4) Subject to this section, if:
(a) the original taxpayer in relation to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income is the trustee of a trust estate or a partnership; and
(b) the following conditions are satisfied in relation to another taxpayer (in this subsection called the actual taxpayer):
(i) an amount is included in the assessable income of the actual taxpayer of a year of income under subsection 92(1) or section 97, 98A or 100;
(ii) the actual taxpayer is:
(A) a company or a natural person (other than a company or a natural person in the capacity of a trustee); or
(B) the trustee of a complying superannuation fund, a non‑complying superannuation fund, a complying approved deposit fund, a non‑complying approved deposit fund or a pooled superannuation trust in relation to the year of income; or
(C) the trustee of a corporate unit trust in relation to the year of income; or
(D) the trustee of a public trading trust in relation to the year of income; or
(E) the trustee of a trust estate who is liable to be assessed and pay tax under section 98, 99 or 99A in respect of a part of, or a share in, the net income of a trust estate;
(iii) if sub-subparagraph (ii)(A), (B), (C) or (D) applies—the whole or a part of the amount so included in the actual taxpayer’s assessable income (which whole or part is in this subsection called the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income) is attributable (either directly or indirectly through one or more interposed partnerships or trusts) to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income;
(iv) if sub-subparagraph (ii)(E) applies—the whole or a part (which whole or part is in this subsection also called the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income) of the part or share of the net income is attributable (either directly or indirectly through one or more interposed partnerships or trusts) to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income;
the actual taxpayer is liable to pay interest to the Commissioner in respect of the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income, calculated under subsection (5), on the amount calculated using the formula:
Taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount means the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
Applicable rate of tax has the meaning given by subsection (10).
FITO (Foreign income tax offset) means so much of any tax offset under Division 770 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to which the taxpayer is entitled as is attributable to the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
(4A) If:
(a) paragraph 102UK(2)(b) or 102UM(2)(b) has the effect that the whole or a part of a share of the net income of a trust estate (the first trust estate) is not included in the assessable income of the trustee of another trust estate (the second trust estate); and
(b) the whole or the part of the share (which whole or part is in this subsection called the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income) is attributable (either directly or indirectly through one or more interposed partnerships or trusts) to the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income; and
(c) if paragraph 102UK(2)(b) or 102UM(2)(b) were ignored, the second trust estate would be an interposed trust mentioned in applying subparagraph (4)(b)(iii) or (iv) of this section; and
(d) this subsection does not also apply to the trustee of a trust interposed between the first trust estate and the non‑resident trust;
the trustee of the first trust estate is liable to pay interest to the Commissioner in respect of the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income, calculated under subsection (5), on the amount calculated using the formula:
applicable rate of tax has the meaning given by subsection (10).
FITO (Foreign income tax offset) means so much of any tax offset under Division 770 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to which the trustee of the first trust would be entitled, in respect of the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income, if the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s income were an amount in respect of which the trustee were liable to be assessed and to pay tax under section 99A.
taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount means the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
(5) Interest payable by a taxpayer under this section is to be calculated:
(a) in respect of the period commencing at whichever of the following times is the latest:
(i) the beginning of the first year of income of the taxpayer that begins after the end of the non‑resident trust’s year of income;
(ii) the beginning of the year of income of the taxpayer commencing on 1 July 1990;
(iii) if the taxpayer is a natural person (other than a natural person in the capacity of a trustee) who first commenced to be a resident of Australia at a time (in this subparagraph called the first residence time) on or after 1 July 1990—the beginning of the year of income of the taxpayer next following the year of income of the taxpayer in which the first residence time occurred;
and ending at the end of the assessment year of income; and
(b) at the base interest rate.
(6) Where the assessable income of a taxpayer of a year of income includes one or more of the following amounts in relation to one or more non‑resident years of income of a particular trust estate (which amounts are in this subsection called the principal amounts):
(a) the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income;
(b) the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of the non‑resident trust’s year of income;
the aggregate of the interest payable by the taxpayer in respect of the principal amounts is not to exceed the difference between:
(c) the aggregate of the principal amounts; and
(d) so much of the tax payable in respect of the year of income as is attributable to the aggregate of the principal amounts (ignoring any tax offset under Part 3‑6 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997).
(7) For the purposes of this section, the extent to which an amount (in this subsection called the section 99B amount) included in the assessable income of a taxpayer of a year of income under section 99B in relation to a trust estate is attributable to an amount (in this subsection called the trust amount) covered by subparagraph (1)(b)(i) or (ii) is to be determined in accordance with the following paragraphs:
(a) in all cases—distributions of income and profits of the trust estate are to be taken to have been made in the following order:
(i) first, from income and profits of the earliest non‑resident year of income;
(ii) then, successively from income and profits of successive subsequent years of income;
(b) if subparagraph (1)(b)(i) applies—the extent to which the amount (in this paragraph called the adjusted section 99B amount), being so much of the section 99B amount as is attributable to the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income, represents eligible designated concession income in relation to any listed country in relation to the non‑resident trust’s year of income is calculated using the formula:
Adjusted section 99B amount means the adjusted section 99B amount.
Eligible designated concession income means the number of dollars in the amount, being so much of the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income as represents eligible designated concession income in relation to any listed country in relation to the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
Total income means the number of dollars in the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
(c) if subparagraph (1)(b)(ii) applies—the extent to which the amount (in this paragraph called the adjusted section 99B amount), being so much of the section 99B amount as is attributable to the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income, represents income and profits that have not been subject to tax in a listed country in a tax accounting period mentioned in that subparagraph is calculated using the formula:
Adjusted section 99B amount means the adjusted section 99B amount.
Untaxed income means the number of dollars in the amount, being so much of the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income as is not subject to tax in any listed country in a tax accounting period mentioned in that subparagraph.
Total income means the number of dollars in the income and profits of the trust estate of the non‑resident trust’s year of income.
(8) For the purposes of subsection (7), an amount of income or profits of a trust estate is to be taken to be distributed if the amount is paid to, or applied for the benefit of (within the meaning of section 99B), a beneficiary of the trust estate.
(9) Where, apart from this subsection, the amount of interest that would be payable under this section by a taxpayer in respect of the distributed amount of a non‑resident trust’s year of income, or in respect of the taxpayer’s portion of the distributed amount of a non‑resident trust’s year of income, is less than 50 cents, interest is not payable by the taxpayer under this section.
(10) For the purposes of this section, the applicable rate of tax in relation to a taxpayer is:
(a) if the taxpayer is a company (other than a company in the capacity of a trustee)—the corporate tax rate for the year of tax to which the assessment year of income relates; or
(b) in any other case—the maximum rate specified in the table in Part I of Schedule 7 of the Income Tax Rates Act 1986 that applies for the assessment year of income.
(11) For the purposes of the application of this section to a taxpayer, the assessment year of income is:
(a) if subsection (2) or (3) applies—the current year of income; or
(b) if subsection (4) applies—the year of income referred to in subparagraph (4)(b)(i).
(12) For a taxpayer who is not a full self‑assessment taxpayer for the assessment year of income, the Commissioner must make an assessment of the interest payable by the taxpayer under this section.
(13) Nothing in this Act precludes notice of an assessment made in respect of a taxpayer under subsection (12) from being incorporated in a notice of any other assessment made in respect of the taxpayer under this Act.
(13A) If:
(a) a taxpayer is a full self‑assessment taxpayer for the assessment year of income; and
(b) the taxpayer lodges a return for that year;
(c) the Commissioner is taken to have made an assessment of the interest payable by the taxpayer under this section for the year, equal to the amount specified in the return as the interest so payable; and
Note: If any interest is so payable, the return must specify the amount: see section 161AA.
(d) the assessment is taken to have been made on the day on which the return is lodged; and
(e) the return is taken to be a notice of that assessment given to the taxpayer by the Commissioner on that day.
102AAN Collection etc. of interest
Sections 170, 172, 174, 254 and 255 of this Act, and Division 5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (How to work out when to pay your income tax), apply to interest payable under section 102AAM in the same way as they apply to income tax.
Subdivision D—Accruals system of taxation of certain non‑resident trust estates
The object of this Subdivision is to set out rules relating to the following:
(a) the determination of attributable taxpayer status (section 102AAT);
(b) the calculation of the attributable income of a trust estate (sections 102AAU to 102AAZC (inclusive));
(c) the inclusion of amounts in assessable income (sections 102AAZD, 102AAZE and 102AAZF);
(d) the keeping of associated records (section 102AAZG).
102AAT Accruals system of taxation—attributable taxpayer
(1) Subject to this Division, for the purposes of this Division, an entity is an attributable taxpayer in relation to a year of income of the entity (which year of income is in this section called the entity’s current year of income) and in relation to a particular trust estate if, and only if:
(a) either of the following subparagraphs applies:
(i) all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(A) the trust estate was a discretionary trust estate at any time during the entity’s current year of income;
(B) the trust estate was not a public unit trust at all times during the entity’s current year of income;
(C) the entity has transferred property or services to the trust estate at a time (in this subparagraph called the transfer time) before or during the entity’s current year of income;
(D) if the underlying transfer was made in the course of carrying on a business—it is not the case that, at or about the time of the underlying transfer, identical or similar property or services were transferred by the underlying transferor in the ordinary course of business to ordinary clients or customers under arm’s length transactions and in similar circumstances and subject to identical or similar terms and conditions as those that applied in relation to the underlying transfer of the property or services concerned;
(E) if the underlying transfer was made under an arm’s length transaction otherwise than in the course of carrying on a business—the entity was in a position, at any time after the transfer time and before the end of the entity’s current year of income, to control the trust estate;
(F) if the transfer was made before the IP time and the trust estate was in existence, and was a discretionary trust estate, at the IP time—the entity was in a position, at any time after the IP time and before the end of the entity’s current year of income, to control the trust estate;
(ii) all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(A) the trust estate was a non‑discretionary trust estate, or a public unit trust, at all times during the entity’s current year of income when the trust estate was in existence;
(B) the entity has transferred property or services to the trust estate after the IP time and before or during the entity’s current year of income;
(C) the underlying transfer was made for no consideration or for a consideration less than the arm’s length amount in relation to the underlying transfer;
(D) it is not the case that the sole purpose of the underlying transfer was the acquisition of units in the trust estate where the parties to the underlying transfer were at arm’s length with each other in relation to the underlying transfer and the trust estate was a public unit trust at all times during the entity’s current year of income when the trust estate was in existence; and
(b) if the entity is a natural person (other than a natural person in the capacity of a trustee):
(i) if:
(A) the natural person first commenced to be a resident of Australia at a time (in this subparagraph called the first residence time) after the IP time and before the end of the entity’s current year of income; and
(B) the transfer, or each of the transfers, covered by paragraph (a) was made before the first residence time;
the trust estate was not a non‑resident family trust in relation to the natural person at all times:
(C) after the beginning of the first year of income of the natural person after the first residence time; and
(D) before the end of the entity’s current year of income;
when the trust estate was in existence; or
(ii) in any other case—the trust estate was not a non‑resident family trust in relation to the natural person at all times after the beginning of the year of income of the taxpayer commencing on 1 July 1990 and before the end of the entity’s current year of income when the trust estate was in existence; and
(c) it is not the case that:
(i) the entity is a natural person (other than a natural person in the capacity of a trustee) who first commenced to be a resident of Australia at a time (in this paragraph called the first residence time) after the IP time and before the end of the entity’s current year of income; and
(ii) the transfer was made before the first residence time; and
(iii) the entity was not in a position to control the trust estate at any time during the period:
(A) commencing at the beginning of the first year of income of the entity after the first residence time; and
(B) ending at the end of the entity’s current year of income.
(2) For the purposes of this section, if:
(a) an entity (in this subsection called the transferor) being a partnership is an attributable taxpayer in relation to the entity’s current year of income and in relation to a particular trust estate (in this subsection called the transferee trust estate) because of one or more transfers (being actual transfers or transfers taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(1), (2) or (5)) of property or services made by the transferor to the transferee trust estate; or
(b) an entity (in this subsection also called the transferor) being a trust estate is an attributable taxpayer in relation to the entity’s current year of income and in relation to another trust estate (in this subsection also called the transferee trust estate) because of one or more transfers (being actual transfers or transfers taken to have been made because of subsection 102AAK(1), (2) or (5)) of property or services made by the transferor to the transferee trust estate;
the question whether any other entity is an attributable taxpayer in relation to the same year of income and in relation to the transferee trust estate is to be determined as if:
(c) if paragraph (a) applies—subsection 102AAK(6) did not apply in relation to any of the transfers mentioned in that paragraph; or
(d) if paragraph (b) applies—subsection 102AAK(8) did not apply in relation to any of the transfers mentioned in that paragraph.
(3) If:
(a) apart from this subsection, an entity, being a natural person (other than a natural person in the capacity of a trustee), is not an attributable taxpayer in relation to the entity’s current year of income and in relation to a trust estate; and
(b) apart from paragraph (1)(b), the entity would have been such an attributable taxpayer; and
(c) apart from subparagraph 102AAH(2)(b)(i) or (3)(a)(ii), the trust estate was not a non‑resident family trust in relation to the natural person at some time after the entity’s current year of income when the natural person was alive and the trust estate was in existence;
the following provisions have effect:
(d) subsection (1) has effect as if paragraph (1)(b) had applied;
(e) section 170 does not prevent the amendment of an assessment at any time for the purposes of giving effect to this subsection.
(4) If:
(a) apart from this subsection, an entity is not an attributable taxpayer in relation to the entity’s current year of income and in relation to a trust estate; and
(b) apart from sub-subparagraph (1)(a)(i)(E) or (F) or paragraph (1)(c), the entity would have been such an attributable taxpayer; and
(c) the entity was in a position to control the trust estate at some time after the entity’s current year of income when the trust estate was in existence;
the following provisions have effect:
(d) subsection (1) has effect as if sub-subparagraph (1)(a)(i)(E) or (F) or paragraph (1)(c), as the case may be, had applied;
(e) section 170 does not prevent the amendment of an assessment at any time for the purposes of giving effect to this subsection.
102AAU Attributable income of a trust estate
(1) Subject to this Subdivision, the attributable income of a non‑resident trust estate of a year of income is:
(a) if the non‑resident trust estate is not a listed country trust estate in relation to the year of income—the net income of the non‑resident trust estate of the year of income; or
(b) if the non‑resident trust estate is a listed country trust estate in relation to the year of income—the amount that would have been the net income of the non‑resident trust estate of the year of income if the exempt income of the trust estate included all income and profits of the trust estate, other than eligible designated concession income in relation to any listed country in relation to the year of income;
reduced by:
(c) so much (if any) of the amount covered by paragraph (a) or (b) as represents:
(i) an amount:
(A) that is or has been included in the assessable income of a beneficiary under section 97; or
(B) in respect of which the trustee of the non‑resident trust estate is or has been assessed and liable to pay tax under section 98, 99 or 99A; or
(C) on which trustee beneficiary non‑disclosure tax is payable under Division 6D; or
(ii) an amount:
(A) that is paid to a beneficiary, being a resident of a listed country, during the period of 13 months commencing at the beginning of the year of income; and
(B) subject to tax in a listed country in a tax accounting period ending before the end of the year of income or commencing during the year of income; or
(iii) an amount that consists of, or is attributable to, the franked part of a distribution, or the part of a distribution that has been franked with an exempting credit; or
(v) if an amount is or has been included in the assessable income of any taxpayer under section 102AAZD because the taxpayer is an attributable taxpayer in relation to any year of income (in this subparagraph called the taxpayer’s year of income) and in relation to a trust estate other than the non‑resident trust estate—so much of an amount paid to the trustee of the non‑resident trust estate as represents the attributable income of that other trust estate of the taxpayer’s year of income; or
(vii) if:
(A) an attribution account payment is made to the trustee of the trust estate during the year of income; and
(B) the making of the attribution account payment gives rise to an attribution debit, in relation to any taxpayer, for the entity making the payment;
the amount of the attribution debit; or
(viii) an amount of income or profits of the trust estate:
(A) that is subject to tax in any listed country in a tax accounting period ending before the end of the year of income or commencing during the year of income; and
(B) that is not eligible designated concession income in relation to any listed country in relation to the year of income; and
(d) so much of any foreign tax or Australian tax paid by the trustee or a beneficiary as is attributable to so much of the amount covered by paragraph (a) or (b), as the case requires, as remains after the reduction or reductions covered by paragraph (c).
(2) The attributable income of a resident trust estate of a year of income is 0.
(3) For the purposes of sub-subparagraph (1)(c)(ii)(A), a beneficiary is to be taken to be a resident of a listed country if, and only if, the beneficiary is treated as a resident of the listed country for the purposes of the tax law of the listed country.
(4) If the tax law of a listed country adopts some criterion other than treatment as a resident as the criterion for applying a worldwide source tax base to a beneficiary, then, subsection (3) has effect, in relation to that tax law, as if that criterion were the same as treatment as a resident of the listed country for the purposes of that tax law.
(5) For the purposes of this section, where, because of section 101, a beneficiary is presently entitled to a particular amount, the amount is taken to have been paid to the beneficiary.
(6) For the purposes of this section, the extent to which an amount referred to in subparagraph (1)(c)(i) or (ii) (in this subsection called the taxed amount) represents the amount covered by paragraph (1)(b) (in this subsection called the listed country trust amount) is calculated using the formula:
Listed country trust amount means the number of dollars in the listed country trust amount.
Taxed amount means the taxed amount.
Net income means the number of dollars in the net income of the non‑resident trust estate concerned of the year of income concerned.
102AAV Double tax agreements to be disregarded
In calculating the attributable income of a trust estate, the International Tax Agreements Act 1953 is to be disregarded, except for the purpose of references in this Act to that Act.
102AAW Certain provisions to be disregarded in calculating attributable income
(1) For the purpose of applying this Act in calculating the attributable income of a trust estate, sections 23AI, 128D, 456, 457, and 459A of this Act and section 802‑15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 are to be disregarded.
(2) For the purpose of applying this Act in calculating the attributable income of a trust estate:
(aa) Division 230 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(a) Division 974 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(b) the operation of any provision of this Act to the extent to which that operation depends on an expression whose meaning is given by a Division mentioned in paragraph (aa) or (a);
are to be disregarded.
102AAY Modified application of trading stock provisions
When applying this Act and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in calculating the attributable income of the trust estate, Division 70 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 has effect as if the cost of the item of trading stock were the value to be taken into account at the start of the year of income.
102AAZ Modified application of depreciation provisions
(1) For the purpose of determining the attributable income of a trust estate of a year of income (in this section called the attributable year of income), where property has been held by the trustee of the trust estate in a non‑attributable year of income before the attributable year of income, then, in relation to the application of a depreciation provision to the property, subsection (2) applies.
(2) Such amount as the Commissioner considers appropriate to take account of the holding of the property as mentioned in subsection (1) is, under the depreciation provision:
(a) an allowable deduction to the trustee of the trust estate; or
(b) included in the assessable income of the trust estate;
as the case requires, for the attributable year of income in substitution for any amount that would otherwise be so included or allowable.
(4) For the purpose of exercising the Commissioner’s power under subsection (2) in relation to deductions allowable under Division 40 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, the Commissioner must assume that the property was used by the trustee of the trust estate during any non‑attributable year of income wholly and exclusively for a taxable purpose (within the meaning of that Division).
102AAZA Modified application of Division 13 of Part III
In calculating the attributable income of a trust estate of a year of income:
(a) for the purposes of section 136AC, if the trust estate is a non‑resident trust estate in relation to the year of income—the trustee is taken to be a non‑resident, within the meaning of that section, without regard to the assumption about the trustee’s residence that is made in whichever of the following provisions is applicable:
(i) the definition of net income in subsection 95(1);
(ii) the definition of net income in subsection 102D(1);
(iii) the definition of net income in section 102M;
(iv) section 295‑10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and
(b) section 136AF applies as if:
(i) the reference in subsection 136AF(1) to the application of section 136AD in relation to a taxpayer were a reference both to:
(A) the application of that section in relation to any trust estate in calculating its attributable income or in relation to any CFC in calculating its attributable income under Division 7 of Part X; and
(B) the actual application of that section in relation to any taxpayer in calculating the taxable income of the taxpayer apart from this Division; and
(ii) the references in paragraphs 136AF(1)(a) and (b) to assessable income or allowable deductions in relation to the relevant taxpayer were references to assessable income, or to allowable deductions, taken into account in calculating the attributable income of the trust estate.
102AAZB General modifications—CGT
For the purposes of applying this Act in calculating the attributable income of a trust estate, Parts 3‑1 and 3‑3 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (about CGT) apply as if:
(a) sections 118‑12 (about assets used to produce non‑assessable income) and 855‑50 (about a trust becoming a resident trust) were disregarded; and
(b) the trust estate were a resident trust for CGT purposes.
102AAZBA Modified application of CGT—effect of certain changes of residence
For the purposes of applying this Act in calculating the attributable income of a trust estate of a year of income (in this section called the attributable income year), where:
(a) disregarding the assumption in paragraph 102AAZB(b), at any time (in this section called the residence‑change time) during the attributable income year or an earlier year of income, the trust estate ceased to be a resident trust for CGT purposes and became a non‑resident trust estate; and
(b) the trust estate owned a CGT asset at the residence‑change time; and
(c) a CGT event happens in relation to the asset during the attributable income year; and
(d) section 104‑170 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (CGT event I2) applies to the asset in respect of the change of residence for the purposes of the application of this Act apart from this Subdivision;
then sections 411 to 414 (inclusive) apply to the asset as if:
(e) those sections had effect for the purposes of calculating attributable income under this Subdivision instead of Part X; and
(f) any reference in those sections to an eligible CFC were a reference to the trust estate; and
(g) any reference in those sections to a commencing day asset were a reference to the asset; and
(h) any reference in those sections relating to the eligible CFC’s commencing day or the day following the eligible CFC’s commencing day were a reference relating respectively to the residence‑change time or a time immediately after the residence‑change time; and
(j) subsections 412(2) and (3), and paragraphs 414(3)(b) and (4)(b), referred only to the market value of the asset concerned.
102AAZC Modified application of loss provisions—pre‑1990‑91 losses
In calculating the attributable income of a trust estate of a year of income, no deductions are allowable under Division 36 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 in respect of tax losses of a year of income earlier than the year of income commencing on 1 July 1990.
(1) Subject to section 102AAZE and to this section, if:
(a) an entity is an attributable taxpayer:
(i) in relation to the year of income of the taxpayer commencing on 1 July 1990 (which year of income is in this section called the taxpayer’s current year of income) or in relation to a subsequent year of income of the taxpayer (which year of income is in this section also called the taxpayer’s current year of income); and
(ii) in relation to a trust estate; and
(b) any part of a non‑resident year of income of the trust estate occurs during the taxpayer’s current year of income; and
(c) the taxpayer is a resident at any time during the taxpayer’s current year of income;
the assessable income of the taxpayer of the taxpayer’s current year of income includes:
(d) if the taxpayer is a resident at all times during the taxpayer’s current year of income—the whole of the notional attributable income of the trust estate of the taxpayer’s current year of income; or
(e) if the taxpayer is a resident for only part of the taxpayer’s current year of income—the amount calculated using the formula:
Notional attributable income means the notional attributable income of the trust estate of the taxpayer’s current year of income.
Days in residency period means the number of whole days during the taxpayer’s current year of income when the taxpayer was a resident.
Days in year of income means the number of whole days in the taxpayer’s current year of income.
(2) A reference in subsection (1) to the notional attributable income of the trust estate of the taxpayer’s current year of income is a reference to:
(a) if there is a year of income of the trust estate that begins at the same time as the beginning of the taxpayer’s current year of income—the attributable income of the trust estate of that year of income; or
(b) in any other case—the amount obtained:
(i) by calculating, for each year of income of the trust estate (in this paragraph called the trust’s year of income) any part of which occurs during the taxpayer’s current year of income, the amount calculated using the formula:
Attributable income means the attributable income of the trust estate of the trust’s year of income.
Days in overlapping period means the number of whole days in the trust’s year of income that occurred during the taxpayer’s current year of income.
Days in trust’s year of income means the number of whole days in the trust’s year of income; and
(ii) by adding together the amounts calculated under subparagraph (i).
(3) If:
(a) an amount is included in the assessable income of an attributable taxpayer of the taxpayer’s current year of income under subsection (1); and
(b) before or during the taxpayer’s current year of income, one or more entities other than the taxpayer have transferred property or services to the trust estate concerned; and
(c) the taxpayer gives to the Commissioner, in accordance with the approved form, such information in connection with the operation of this Division as is required by the form to be set out;
the Commissioner may reduce the amount included in the taxpayer’s assessable income of the taxpayer’s current year of income under subsection (1) having regard to:
(d) the extent to which the attributable income of the trust estate is, in the opinion of the Commissioner, attributable to property or services transferred by the taxpayer; and
(e) such other matters as the Commissioner considers relevant.
(4) If:
(a) apart from this subsection, an amount would be included in the assessable income of an attributable taxpayer of the taxpayer’s current year of income under subsection (1) in relation to a particular trust estate; and
(b) the taxpayer could not reasonably be expected to obtain the information required to determine the attributable income of the trust estate;
the following provisions have effect:
(c) no amount is to be included in the assessable income of the taxpayer of the taxpayer’s current year of income under subsection (1) in relation to the trust estate;
(d) the assessable income of the taxpayer of the taxpayer’s current year of income includes the amount obtained:
(i) if any of the transfers that were taken into account in determining whether the taxpayer was an attributable taxpayer in relation to the taxpayer’s current year of income and in relation to the trust estate were made by the taxpayer to the trust estate after the IP time—by calculating, for each such transfer, the amount calculated using the formula:
Adjusted value of the transfer has the meaning given by subsection (5).
Weighted statutory interest rate means the weighted statutory interest rate in relation to the taxpayer’s current year of income; and
(ii) if any of the transfers that were taken into account in determining whether the taxpayer was an attributable taxpayer in relation to the taxpayer’s current year of income and in relation to the trust estate were made by the taxpayer to the trust estate before the IP time—the amount calculated using the formula:
Adjusted net worth of trust estate has the meaning given by subsection (6).
Weighted statutory interest rate means the weighted statutory interest rate in relation to the taxpayer’s current year of income; and
(iii) by adding together the amounts calculated under subparagraphs (i) and (ii).
(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), the adjusted value of a transfer of property or services made by an attributable taxpayer to a trust estate is:
(a) if the transfer occurred during the taxpayer’s current year of income—the amount calculated using the formula:
Market value of transferred property or services means the market value, immediately before the transfer, of the property or services.
Days after transfer means the number of whole days in the taxpayer’s current year of income after the day on which the transfer took place.
Days in year of income means the number of whole days in the taxpayer’s current year of income; or
(b) if the transfer of the property or services occurred before the taxpayer’s current year of income—the sum of:
(i) the market value, immediately before the transfer, of the property or services; and
(ii) the amount obtained:
(A) by calculating, in respect of the transfer, for each year of income preceding the taxpayer’s current year of income, the amount ascertained using the formula in subparagraph (4)(d)(i); and
(B) by adding together the amounts calculated under sub-subparagraph (A).
(6) For the purposes of the application of subsection (4) in relation to a transfer of property or services made by an attributable taxpayer to a trust estate, the adjusted net worth of the trust estate is:
(a) if the taxpayer’s current year of income is the year of income commencing on 1 July 1990—the 1 July 1990 net worth of the trust estate; or
(b) in any other case—the sum of:
(i) the 1 July 1990 net worth of the trust estate; and
(ii) the amount obtained:
(A) by calculating, in respect of the transfer, for each year of income preceding the taxpayer’s current year of income, the amount ascertained using the formula in subparagraph (4)(d)(ii); and
(B) by adding together the amounts calculated under sub-subparagraph (A).
(7) If:
(a) subsection (4) applies to an attributable taxpayer in relation to the taxpayer’s current year of income; and
(b) any of the transfers taken into account in determining whether the taxpayer was an attributable taxpayer in relation to the taxpayer’s year of income and in relation to the trust estate concerned were made before the IP time; and
(c) the taxpayer gives to the Commissioner, in accordance with the approved form, such information in connection with the operation of this Division as is required by the form to be set out;
the Commissioner may reduce the amount included in the taxpayer’s assessable income of the taxpayer’s current year of income under subsection (4) having regard to:
(d) the extent to which the market value, as at the beginning of the taxpayer’s current year of income, of the assets of the trust estate is, in the opinion of the Commissioner, attributable to property or services transferred by the taxpayer before the IP time; and
(e) such other matters as the Commissioner considers relevant.
102AAZE Accruals system of taxation does not apply to small amounts
An amount is not to be included in the assessable income of the taxpayer of a year of income under section 102AAZD in relation to a trust estate that is a listed country trust estate in relation to the year of income if the amount obtained by:
(a) identifying each trust estate in relation to which the taxpayer is an attributable taxpayer in relation to the year of income; and
(b) calculating the attributable income of the year of income of each such trust estate; and
(c) adding the amounts calculated under paragraph (b);
does not exceed the lesser of the following amounts:
(d) $20,000;
(e) 10% of the total of the net incomes of each of those trust estates of the year of income.
102AAZF Only resident partners, beneficiaries etc. liable to be assessed as a result of attribution
Section 460 applies to an amount included in the assessable income of a taxpayer under section 102AAZD in a corresponding way to the way in which section 460 applies to an amount included in the assessable income of a taxpayer under section 456 or 457 and, for the purposes of that corresponding application, references in sections 336, 338 and 460 to a Part X Australian resident are to be read as references to a resident within the meaning of section 6.
(1) Subject to this section, a person who is an attributable taxpayer:
(a) in relation to the year of income of the person commencing on 1 July 1990 or in relation to a subsequent year of income of the person; and
(b) in relation to a particular trust estate;
must keep records (in Australia or elsewhere) containing particulars of:
(c) the acts, transactions and other circumstances that resulted in the person being an attributable taxpayer in relation to that year of income and in relation to that trust estate; and
(d) except where subsection 102AAZD(4) applies in relation to the trust estate and in relation to the year of income of the person—the basis of the calculation of the attributable income of the trust estate for each year of income of the trust estate any part of which occurred during the year of income of the person; and
(e) the basis of the calculation of the amounts (including nil amounts) included in the assessable income of the person of the year of income of the person under section 102AAZD.
Note: There is an administrative penalty if you do not keep or retain records as required by this section: see section 288‑25 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection(1) is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding 30 penalty units.
Note: See section 4AA of the Crimes Act 1914 for the current value of a penalty unit.
(2A) An offence under subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.
Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.
(3) A person who is required by this section to keep records must:
(a) keep the records in writing in the English language or so as to enable the records to be readily accessible and convertible into writing in the English language; and
(b) keep the records so as to enable the person’s liability under this Act to be readily ascertained.
(4) This section does not require a person to keep a record of information if:
(a) the person did not know, and had no reasonable grounds to suspect, that the person was an attributable taxpayer of the kind mentioned in subsection (1); or
(b) the person did not know that, and made all reasonable efforts to ascertain whether, the person was an attributable taxpayer as mentioned in subsection (1); or
(c) the person did not know, and made all reasonable efforts to obtain, the information.
Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in subsection (4), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.
(5) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), the following provisions apply to a partnership as if the partnership were a person:
(a) subsections (1) to (4) (inclusive) of this section;
(b) subsections 262A(4) and (5), in so far as those subsections apply to records kept under or for the purposes of this section;
(c) Part III of the Taxation Administration Act 1953, in so far as that Part of that Act relates to the provisions covered by paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection.
(6) Where, by virtue of subsection (5), an offence is taken to have been committed by a partnership, that offence is taken to have been committed by each of the partners.
(7) In a prosecution of a person for an offence by virtue of subsection (6), it is a defence if the person proves that the person:
(a) did not aid, abet, counsel or procure the act or omission by virtue of which the offence was taken to have been committed; and
(b) was not in any way, by act or omission, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, an act or omission by virtue of which the offence is taken to have been committed.
Note 1: The defence under subsection (7) does not apply in relation to offences under Part 2.4 of the Criminal Code.
Note 2: A defendant bears a legal burden in relation to the matters in subsection (7), see section 13.4 of the Criminal Code.
Division 6AA—Income of certain children
(1) In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears:
agreement means any agreement, arrangement, understanding or scheme, whether formal or informal, whether express or implied and whether or not enforceable, or intended to be enforceable, by legal proceedings.
occupation includes any office, employment, trade, business, profession, vocation or calling, but does not include a course of education at a school, college, university or similar institution.
property means property whether real or personal, and includes money.
(2) In this Division:
(a) a reference to the derivation by a person of assessable income shall be read as including a reference to the inclusion of an amount in the assessable income of the person; and
(b) a reference to the derivation by a person of any assessable income from particular property shall be read as including a reference to the inclusion of an amount in the assessable income of the person in respect of that property.
(3) In this Division, a reference to the share of a beneficiary of the net income of a trust estate shall be read as a reference to a share of the beneficiary of the net income of a trust estate:
(a) that is included in the assessable income of the beneficiary under section 97 or 100; or
(b) in respect of which the trustee of the trust estate is liable to be assessed and to pay tax in pursuance of section 98.
(4) A reference in this Division to income that is derived from particular property shall be read as including a reference to income that is derived from property that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, represents that property.
This Division applies in relation to the year of income that commenced on 1 July 1979 and in relation to all subsequent years of income.
102AC Persons to whom Division applies
(1) For the purposes of this Division, a person is a prescribed person in relation to a year of income if:
(a) the person is less than 18 years of age on the last day of the year of income; and
(b) the person is not an excepted person in relation to the year of income.
(2) Subject to this section, a person (in this subsection referred to as the minor) is an excepted person in relation to a year of income for the purposes of this Division if, and only if:
(b) the minor was engaged in a full‑time occupation on the last day of the year of income;
(c) the minor is a person:
(i) in respect of whom a carer allowance under the Social Security Act 1991 was payable in respect of a period that included the last day of the year of income; or
(ii) to whom a disability support pension under that Act was payable in respect of a period that included the last day of the year of income; or
(d) the Commissioner:
(i) has received a certificate issued by a legally qualified medical practitioner certifying that the minor is:
(A) a disabled child, or a disabled adult, within the meaning of Part 2.19 of the Social Security Act 1991; or
(B) a person who has a continuing inability to work within the meaning of Part 2.3 of the Social Security Act 1991 or is permanently blind; and
(ii) is satisfied that, on the last day of the year of income, the minor was a person of the kind mentioned in sub-subparagraph (i)(A) or (B);
(da) the minor is the principal beneficiary of a special disability trust;
(e) a double orphan pension was payable in respect of the minor under the Social Security Act 1991 in respect of a period that included the last day of the year of income;
(f) but for section 1003 of the Social Security Act 1991, a double orphan pension would have been payable in respect of the minor under that Act in respect of a period that included the last day of the year of income; or
(g) the Commissioner:
(i) has received a certificate issued by a legally qualified medical practitioner certifying that the minor is a person who, by reason of a permanent disability, is unlikely to be able to engage in a full‑time occupation; and
(ii) is satisfied that, on the last day of the year of income, the minor was such a person.
(3) Where:
(a) a double orphan pension was payable, or would, but for section 1003 of the Social Security Act 1991, have been payable, in respect of a person under that Act in respect of a period during a year of income, being a period that included the last day of the year of income; and
(b) during the whole of the period referred to in paragraph (a), the person was wholly or substantially dependent for support on a relative or relatives of the person;
that person shall not be taken by virtue of paragraph (2)(e) or (f) to be an excepted person in relation to the year of income.
(4) Where:
(a) the Commissioner is of the opinion that, during a period during a year of income, being a period that included the last day of the year of income, a person was a person who, by reason of a permanent disability, was unlikely to be able to engage in a full‑time occupation; and
(b) during the whole of the period referred to in paragraph (a), the person was wholly or substantially dependent for support on a relative or relatives of the person;
that person shall not be taken, by virtue of paragraph (2)(g), to be an excepted person in relation to the year of income.
(5) For the purposes of subsections (3) and (4), a person shall be taken to have been wholly or substantially dependent for support on a relative or relatives of the person during any period during which that person resided with a relative or relatives of the person unless the contrary is established to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
(6) Subject to this section, a person shall be taken, for the purposes of subsection (2), to have been engaged in a full‑time occupation on the last day of a year of income if, and only if:
(a) the person was, on the last day of the year of income, a person engaged in a full‑time occupation; or
(b) in a case to which paragraph (a) does not apply—the person was engaged in a full‑time occupation during the year of income for a period of not less than 3 months or for periods the aggregate of which is not less than 3 months.
(7) Where:
(a) during a period during a year of income, a person was engaged in a full‑time occupation; and
(b) during the year of income and after the expiration of that period, the person was engaged in a course of full‑time education at a school, college, university or similar institution;
no regard shall be had to that period in determining whether the person is to be taken, by virtue of paragraph (6)(b), to have been engaged in a full‑time occupation on the last day of the year of income.
(8) A person shall not be taken to have been engaged in a full‑time occupation on the last day of a year of income unless the Commissioner is satisfied that, on that day:
(a) the person had the intention of engaging in a full‑time occupation or full‑time occupations during the whole or a substantial part of the next succeeding year of income; and
(b) the person did not have the intention of engaging in a course of full‑time education at a school, college, university or similar institution at any time during the next succeeding year of income.
102AD Taxable income to which Division applies
The eligible taxable income of a year of income of a person who is a prescribed person in relation to the year of income is the amount (if any) remaining after deducting from the eligible assessable income of the person of the year of income:
(a) any deductions allowable to the person in relation to the year of income that relate exclusively to that eligible assessable income;
(b) so much of any other deductions (other than apportionable deductions) allowable to the person in relation to the year of income as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, may appropriately be related to that eligible assessable income; and
(c) the amount that bears to the apportionable deductions allowable to the person in relation to the year of income the same proportion as the amount that, but for this paragraph, would be the eligible taxable income of the person of the year of income bears to the sum of:
(i) the taxable income of the person of the year of income; and
(ii) the apportionable deductions allowable to the person in relation to the year of income.
102AE Eligible assessable income
(1) For the purposes of this Division, the eligible assessable income of a year of income of a person is so much of the assessable income of the person of the year of income as is not excepted assessable income.
(2) Subject to this section, an amount included in the assessable income of a person (in this subsection referred to as the minor) is excepted assessable income to the extent to which the amount:
(a) is employment income or business income;
(b) is derived by the minor from the investment of any property transferred to the minor:
(i) by way of, or in satisfaction of a claim for, damages in respect of:
(A) loss by the minor of parental support; or
(B) personal injury to the minor, any disease suffered by the minor or any impairment of the minor’s physical or mental condition;
(ii) pursuant to any law relating to worker’s compensation;
(iii) pursuant to any law relating to the payment of compensation in respect of criminal injuries;
(iv) directly as the result of the death of another person and under the terms of a life assurance policy;
(v) directly as the result of the death of another person and out of a provident, benefit, superannuation or retirement fund;
(vi) directly as the result of the death of another person by an employer of the deceased person;
(vii) out of a public fund established and maintained exclusively for the relief of persons in necessitous circumstances; or
(viii) as the result of a family breakdown (see section 102AGA);
(c) is derived by the minor from the investment of any property:
(i) that devolved upon the minor from the estate of a deceased person;
(ii) that was transferred to the minor by another person out of property that devolved upon that other person from the estate of a deceased person and was so transferred within 3 years after the date of the death of the deceased person; or
(iii) that was acquired by the minor as the beneficial owner of a verifiable prize in a legally authorized and conducted lottery;
(d) not being business income, is included in the assessable income of the minor under section 92;
(e) is included in the assessable income of the minor under section 97 or 100; or
(f) is derived by the minor from the investment of any property that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, represents accumulations of:
(i) excepted assessable income derived by the minor during a year of income in relation to which this Division applies;
(ii) assessable income derived by the minor during a year of income in relation to which this Division does not apply, being assessable income that would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, have been excepted assessable income if this Division were applicable in relation to the year of income during which the assessable income was derived; or
(iii) exempt income derived by the minor to which subparagraph (i) or (ii) would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, apply if that exempt income had been assessable income.
(3) A reference in paragraph (2)(d) to an amount (not being business income) that is included in the assessable income of a person under section 92 in respect of the individual interest of the person in the net income of a partnership shall be read as a reference to so much of an amount so included in that assessable income as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is attributable to so much of the assessable income of the partnership as would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, have been excepted assessable income if the assessable income of the partnership had been derived by that person.
(4) A reference in paragraph (2)(e) to an amount included in the assessable income of a person under section 97 or 100 shall be read as not including a reference to any part to which this Division applies of an amount included in that assessable income under either of those sections.
(5) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), a reference in paragraph (2)(a), in relation to a person (in this subsection referred to as the minor), to business income shall, in relation to any business income derived by the minor during a year of income from the carrying on of a business, be read as a reference to:
(a) in a case where during the year of income, the business was carried on by the minor either alone or in partnership with another person who was, or other persons each of whom was, under the age of 18 years on the first day of the year of income—so much of that business income as the Commissioner considers fair and reasonable having regard to:
(i) the extent to which, during the year of income, the minor had the real and effective conduct and control of the business and participated in the operations and activities of the business;
(ii) the extent to which the minor had the real and effective control over the disposal of income derived by the minor from the business during the year of income;
(iii) the extent to which the capital of the business consisted of property contributed by the minor, being property the income from which would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, be excepted assessable income in relation to the minor; and
(iv) such other matters (if any) as the Commissioner thinks fit; and
(b) in any other case—the amount that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is reasonable remuneration by way of salary or wages for any services rendered by the minor during the year of income in the production of assessable income of the business increased by such amount (if any) as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is reasonable, having regard to the extent to which the capital of the business consisted of property contributed by the minor the income from which would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, be excepted assessable income in relation to the minor.
(6) Subject to subsection (7), if any 2 or more parties to:
(a) the derivation of the excepted assessable income mentioned in subsection (2); or
(b) any act or transaction directly or indirectly connected with the derivation of that excepted assessable income;
were not dealing with each other at arm’s length in relation to the derivation, or in relation to the act or transaction, the excepted assessable income is only so much (if any) of that income as would have been derived if they had been dealing with each other at arm’s length in relation to the derivation, or in relation to the act or transaction.
(7) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to assessable income derived by a person directly or indirectly under or as a result of an agreement that was entered into or carried out by any person (whether before or after the commencement of this subsection) for the purpose, or for purposes that included the purpose, of securing that that assessable income would not be eligible assessable income.
(8) In determining whether subsection (7) applies in relation to an agreement, no regard shall be had to a purpose that is a merely incidental purpose.
(9) Where:
(a) any assessable income is derived by a person from the investment of any property transferred to the person by way of, or in satisfaction of a claim for, damages in respect of:
(i) loss by the person of parental support; or
(ii) personal injury to the person, any disease suffered by the person or any impairment of the person’s physical or mental condition; and
(b) that property was transferred to that person otherwise than in pursuance of an order of a court;
paragraph (2)(b) applies only to so much (if any) of that assessable income as the Commissioner considers fair and reasonable.
(10) Where:
(a) the assessable income of a person (in this subsection referred to as the minor) of a year of income:
(i) includes an amount derived by the minor from property that:
(A) was transferred to the minor by another person out of property that devolved upon that other person from the estate of a deceased person; and
(B) was so transferred within 3 years after the date of the death of the deceased person;
but does not include any amount that:
(C) was derived by the minor from property that devolved upon the minor from the estate of that deceased person; or
(D) is included in the assessable income of the minor under section 97 or 100 in respect of the share of the minor of the net income of a trust estate that resulted from a will or codicil of that deceased person, an order of a court that varied or modified the provisions of a will or codicil of that deceased person, a partial intestacy of that deceased person or an order of a court that varied or modified the application, in relation to the estate of that deceased person, of the provisions of the law relating to the distribution of the estates of persons who die intestate; or
(ii) includes an amount derived by the minor from property that:
(A) was transferred to the minor by another person out of property that devolved upon that other person from the estate of a deceased person; and
(B) was so transferred within 3 years after the date of death of the deceased person;
and also includes an amount or amounts to which sub-subparagraph (i)(C) or (D) applies; and
(b) the amount to which subparagraph (a)(i) applies or the sum of the amounts to which subparagraph (a)(ii) applies, as the case may be, exceeds the amount that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, would have been included in the assessable income of the minor of the year of income in respect of an amount or amounts derived by the minor from property that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, would have devolved upon or for the benefit of the minor from the estate of that deceased person if that deceased person had died intestate;
the amount of the assessable income of the minor of the year of income that would, apart from this subsection, have been excepted assessable income by virtue of subparagraph (2)(c)(ii) shall be reduced by the amount of that excess.
102AF Employment income and business income
(1) A reference in this Division to employment income is to be read as a reference to:
(a) work and income support related withholding payments and benefits; and
(b) payments made for services rendered or to be rendered; and
(c) compensation, sickness or accident payments:
(i) made to an individual because of the individual’s or another’s incapacity for work; and
(ii) calculated at a periodical rate.
(3) In this Division, a reference, in relation to a person in relation to a year of income, to business income shall be read as a reference to income derived by the person during the year of income from carrying on of a business either alone or together with another person or other persons.
102AG Trust income to which Division applies
(1) Where a beneficiary of a trust estate is a prescribed person in relation to a year of income, this Division applies to so much of the share of the beneficiary of the net income of the trust estate of the year of income as, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is attributable to assessable income of the trust estate that is not, in relation to that beneficiary, excepted trust income.
(2) Subject to this section, an amount included in the assessable income of a trust estate is excepted trust income in relation to a beneficiary of the trust estate to the extent to which the amount:
(a) is assessable income of a trust estate that resulted from:
(i) a will, codicil or an order of a court that varied or modified the provisions of a will or codicil; or
(ii) an intestacy or an order of a court that varied or modified the application, in relation to the estate of a deceased person, of the provisions of the law relating to the distribution of the estates of persons who die intestate;
(b) is employment income;
(c) is derived by the trustee of the trust estate from the investment of any property transferred to the trustee for the benefit of the beneficiary:
(i) by way of, or in satisfaction of a claim for, damages in respect of:
(A) loss by the beneficiary of parental support; or
(B) personal injury to the beneficiary, any disease suffered by the beneficiary or any impairment of the beneficiary’s physical or mental condition;
(ii) pursuant to any law relating to worker’s compensation;
(iii) pursuant to any law relating to the payment of compensation in respect of criminal injuries;
(iv) directly as the result of the death of a person and under the terms of a policy of life insurance;
(v) directly as the result of the death of a person and out of a provident, benefit, superannuation or retirement fund;
(vi) directly as the result of the death of a person by an employer of the deceased person;
(vii) out of a public fund established and maintained exclusively for the relief of persons in necessitous circumstances; or
(viii) as the result of a family breakdown (see section 102AGA);
(d) is derived by the trustee of the trust estate from the investment of any property:
(i) that devolved for the benefit of the beneficiary from the estate of a deceased person;
(ii) that was transferred to the trustee for the benefit of the beneficiary by another person out of property that devolved upon that other person from the estate of a deceased person and was so transferred within 3 years after the date of the death of the deceased person; or
(iii) being a verifiable prize in a legally authorized and conducted lottery and being a prize of which the beneficiary is the beneficial owner; or
(e) is derived by the trustee of the trust estate from the investment of any property that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, represents accumulations of:
(i) assessable income derived by the trustee during a year of income in relation to which this Division applies, being assessable income that, in relation to the beneficiary, is excepted trust income;
(ii) assessable income derived by the trustee during a year of income in relation to which this Division does not apply, being assessable income that would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, have been excepted trust income in relation to the beneficiary if this Division were applicable in relation to the year of income during which the assessable income was derived; or
(iii) exempt income derived by the trustee to which subparagraph (i) or (ii) would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, apply if that exempt income had been assessable income.
(2A) Paragraph (2)(c) or subparagraph (2)(d)(ii) does not apply unless the beneficiary of the trust concerned will, under the terms of the trust, acquire the trust property (other than as a trustee) when the trust ends.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), if any 2 or more parties to:
(a) the derivation of the excepted trust income mentioned in subsection (2); or
(b) any act or transaction directly or indirectly connected with the derivation of that excepted trust income;
were not dealing with each other at arm’s length in relation to the derivation, or in relation to the act or transaction, the excepted trust income is only so much (if any) of that income as would have been derived if they had been dealing with each other at arm’s length in relation to the derivation, or in relation to the act or transaction.
(4) Subsection (2) does not apply in relation to assessable income derived by a trustee directly or indirectly under or as a result of an agreement that was entered into or carried out by any person (whether before or after the commencement of this subsection) for the purpose, or for purposes that included the purpose, of securing that that assessable income would be excepted trust income.
(5) In determining whether subsection (4) applies in relation to an agreement, no regard shall be had to a purpose that is a merely incidental purpose.
(5A) In the application of paragraph 102AF(1)(b) for the purposes of the application of paragraph (2)(b) of this section in relation to a beneficiary of a trust estate, payments made for services rendered or to be rendered shall not be taken to be employment income unless the services are rendered or to be rendered by the beneficiary.
(6) Where:
(a) any assessable income is derived by a trustee of a trust estate from the investment of any property transferred to the trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary of the trust estate by way of, or in satisfaction of a claim for, damages in respect of:
(i) loss by the beneficiary of parental support; or
(ii) personal injury to the beneficiary, any disease suffered by the beneficiary or any impairment of the beneficiary’s physical or mental condition; and
(b) that property was transferred to the trustee otherwise than in pursuance of an order of a court;
paragraph (2)(c) applies only to so much (if any) of that assessable income as the Commissioner considers fair and reasonable.
(7) Where:
(a) any assessable income is derived by a trustee of a trust estate from the investment of any property transferred to the trustee for the benefit of a beneficiary of the trust estate by another person out of property that devolved upon that other person from the estate of a deceased person and was so transferred to the trustee within 3 years after the date of death of the deceased person; and
(b) the amount referred to in paragraph (a) or, if the assessable income of that beneficiary of the year of income includes any amount that:
(i) was derived by the beneficiary from property that was transferred to the beneficiary by another person out of property that devolved upon that other person from the estate of that deceased person and was so transferred within 3 years after the date of death of that deceased person;
(ii) was derived by the beneficiary from property that devolved upon the beneficiary from the estate of that deceased person; or
(iii) is included in that assessable income under section 97 or 100 in respect of the share of that beneficiary of the net income of another trust estate, being a trust estate that resulted from a will or codicil of that deceased person, an order of a court that varied or modified the provisions of a will or codicil of that deceased person, a partial intestacy of that deceased person or an order of a court that varied or modified the application, in relation to the estate of that deceased person, of the provisions of the law relating to the distribution of estates of persons who die intestate;
the sum of the amount referred to in paragraph (a) and the amount or amounts applicable by virtue of subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of this paragraph, exceeds the amount that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, would have been included in the assessable income of the beneficiary of the year of income in respect of an amount or amounts derived by the beneficiary from property that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, would have devolved directly upon that beneficiary if that deceased person had died intestate;
the amount of the assessable income of the trust estate that would, apart from this subsection, have been excepted trust income in relation to that beneficiary by virtue of subparagraph (2)(d)(ii) shall be reduced by the amount of that excess.
(8) For the purposes of this section, where:
(a) any property is transferred to the trustee of a trust estate; and
(b) the trustee has a discretion to pay or apply the income derived from that property to or for the benefit of specified beneficiaries or beneficiaries included in a specified class of beneficiaries;
that property shall be taken to have been transferred to the trustee for the benefit of each of those specified beneficiaries or for each of the beneficiaries in that specified class of beneficiaries, as the case may be.
102AGA Transfer of property as the result of a family breakdown
(1) For the purposes of subparagraph 102AE(2)(b)(viii) or 102AG(2)(c)(viii), the transfer of property (the subject property) by a person (the transferor):
(a) to the minor mentioned in subparagraph 102AE(2)(b)(viii); or
(b) to the trustee mentioned in subparagraph 102AG(2)(c)(viii) for the benefit of the beneficiary mentioned in that subparagraph;
is as the result of a family breakdown if the requirements of subsection (2) or (3) of this section are met.
(2) The transfer will be as the result of a family breakdown if:
(a) a person ceases to live with another person as the spouse of that person; and
(b) at least one of the persons:
(i) is the parent; or
(iv) has legal custody or guardianship;
of the minor or the beneficiary; and
(c) an order, determination or assessment of a court, person or body (whether or not in Australia) is made wholly or partly because the person has ceased to live as the spouse of the other person; and
(d) the effect of the order, determination or assessment is that a person (whether one of the spouses, the transferor or any other person) becomes subject to a legal obligation to maintain, transfer property to, or do some other thing for the benefit of, the minor or beneficiary or one of the spouses; and
(e) the transferor transfers the subject property to the minor, or to the trustee for the benefit of the beneficiary, in giving effect to the legal obligation (including in discharging the legal obligation if it falls on someone else, and whether or not the legal obligation could have been given effect in some other way).
(3) The transfer will also be as a result of a family breakdown if:
(a) when the minor or beneficiary is born, his or her parents are not living together as spouses; and
(b) an order, determination or assessment of a court, person or body (whether or not in Australia) is made wholly or partly because the parents are not living together as mentioned in paragraph (a); and
(c) the effect of the order, determination or assessment is that a person (whether one of the parents, the transferor or any other person) becomes subject to a legal obligation to maintain, transfer property to, or do some other thing for the benefit of, the minor or beneficiary or one of the parents of the minor or beneficiary; and
(d) the transferor transfers the subject property to the minor, or to the trustee for the benefit of the beneficiary, in giving effect to the legal obligation (including in discharging the legal obligation if it falls on someone else, and whether or not the legal obligation could have been given effect in some other way).
Division 6A—Alienation of income
(1) In this Division:
associate, in relation to a person, means any person who is an associate, within the meaning of section 318, in relation to the person.
interest, in relation to property, means any legal or equitable estate or interest in the property.
property means any property whether real or personal.
right to receive income from property means a right to have income that will or may be derived from property paid to, or applied or accumulated for the benefit of, the person owning the right.
the prescribed date, in relation to a person who transfers to another person a right to receive income from property, means the day preceding the seventh anniversary of the date on which income from the property is first paid to, or applied or accumulated for the benefit of, the other person by reason of the transfer.
(2) A reference in this Division to a transfer of an interest in property or of a right to receive income from property shall be read as a reference to any such transfer, whether made for valuable consideration or not.
(3) For the purposes of this Division, any income that will or may be derived by a trust estate from a business carried on by the trustee of the trust estate shall be deemed to be income that will or may be derived from property.
(4) For the purposes of this Division:
(a) where a person:
(i) declares that he or she holds a right to receive income from property upon trust for another person; or
(ii) transfers such a right to a trustee to be held upon trust for another person;
the right shall be deemed to be transferred to that other person; and
(b) where a person:
(i) declares that he or she holds a right to receive income from property upon trust for 2 or more other persons in succession; or
(ii) transfers such a right to, or to a trustee to be held upon trust for, 2 or more other persons in succession;
the right shall be deemed to be separately transferred to each of those other persons for the respective periods for which the right is held upon trust for, or transferred to, those persons.
(5) Where an interest in property or a right to receive income from property is transferred by 2 or more persons jointly, each of those persons shall, for the purposes of this Division, be deemed to have transferred an interest in that property or a right to receive income from that property, as the case may be.
(6) In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears:
(a) a reference to the arm’s length consideration in respect of a transfer of a right to receive income from property is a reference to the consideration that might reasonably be expected to have been received or receivable in respect of the transfer if the right had been transferred under an agreement between independent parties dealing at arm’s length with each other in relation to the agreement and transfer; and
(b) a reference to the amount of consideration is, in a case where consideration is paid or given otherwise than in cash, a reference to the money value of the consideration.
102B Certain income transferred for short periods to be included in assessable income of transferor
(1) Subject to this section, where a right to receive income from property is transferred, otherwise than by a will or codicil, by a person (in this subsection referred to as the transferor) to an associate of the transferor for a period that will, or may for any reason other than the death of any person or the associate becoming under a legal disability, terminate before the prescribed date, any income that:
(a) is derived from the property;
(b) is paid to, or applied or accumulated for the benefit of:
(i) the associate; or
(ii) any other associate of the transferor to whom a right to receive income from the property has been transferred (whether by the first‑mentioned associate or any other person) after the first‑mentioned transfer; and
(c) would, if the first‑mentioned transfer had not been made, have been included in the assessable income of the transferor;
shall be treated for the purposes of this Act as if the first‑mentioned transfer had not been made.
(2) Subsection (1) (other than subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)) does not apply in relation to a transfer of a right to receive income from property where:
(a) the right was not a right that arose from the ownership by the transferor of an interest in the property;
(b) the right arose from the ownership by the transferor of an interest in the property and, before or at the time of the first‑mentioned transfer, the transferor transferred that interest to the transferee or another person; or
(c) consideration has been received or is receivable in respect of the transfer and the amount of that consideration is not less than the arm’s length consideration in respect of the transfer.
(3) Where, on a particular day, a person who has transferred to another person a right to receive income from property:
(a) in any case—transfers to the other person or to a third person an interest in the property, being the interest from the ownership of which by the transferor the right arose;
(b) in the case of a natural person—dies; or
(c) in the case of a company—ceases to exist;
subsection (1) (other than subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)) does not apply, in relation to the transfer of the right to receive income, in relation to income that is derived from the property after that day.
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to income derived by a person in pursuance of a transfer to that person of a right to receive income from property where, by reason of subsection 51‑50(3) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, the income so derived by the person is not exempt from tax under section 51‑30 of that Act.
(4A) Where:
(a) subsection (1) (other than subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)) applies in relation to a transfer by a person of a right to receive income from property; and
(b) consideration has been received or is receivable in respect of the transfer;
then, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act (other than a provision of Part IVA), the amount of the consideration shall not be included in the assessable income of the person of a year of income.
(5) Nothing in any other provision of this Act prevents the amendment of an assessment at any time for the purpose of excluding from the assessable income of a person income that is, by virtue of subsection (1), to be included in the assessable income of another person.
(6) Where there is excluded from the assessable income of a person an amount that, in pursuance of subsection (1) was previously treated as assessable income of that person, nothing in any other provision of this Act prevents the amendment of any assessment at any time to give effect to the inclusion in the assessable income of another person of an amount that, in pursuance of that subsection, was treated as not being so included for the purposes of the assessment.