1926. No. 125.
I, THE DEPUTY OF THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Science and Industry Research Act 1920-1926, to come into operation as from the 1st July, 1926.
Dated this ninth day of September, 1926.
Deputy of the Governor-General.
By His Excellency’s Command,
for Prime Minister.
Science and Industry Research Regulations.
Short title.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Science and Industry Research Regulations.
2. In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears “the Act” means the Science and Industry Research Act 1920-1926 as amended from time to time.
Constitution of State Committees and terms of appointment.
3. (1) A State Committee shall consist of a Chairman and not more than fifteen members, exclusive of ex officio members.
(2) The Chairman shall be appointed by the Governor-General on the nomination of the Minister.
(3) The State Government shall have the right of nominating three members from the staffs of its Scientific Departments.
(4) The Australian National Research Council shall have the right of nominating three members, eminent in science, of whom at least two shall be members of the staff of the University in the State.
(5) The Chairman and such members as may have been nominated under sub-regulations (3) and (4) of this regulation shall have the right of nominating three members associated with industry.
(6) A State Committee, with the consent of the Executive Committee of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, may co-opt further members, not exceeding six, by reason of their special qualifications.
(7) Members of the Executive Committee shall be ex officio members of all State Committees.
(8) Co-opted members of the Council shall be ex officio members of the State Committees of the States in which they reside.
C.13179.—Price 3d.
(9) Members of the State Committees when travelling on the business of the Council shall be paid the cost of their conveyance together with an allowance at the rate of two guineas per day.
(10) The Chairman or a member of a State Committee shall hold office from the date of his appointment, nomination, or co-option, as the case may be, until the thirtieth day of June in the year next following the year in which he is appointed, but he shall be eligible for reappointment.
Salaries and periods of appointment of officers.
4. (1) Officers employed under the Act shall be engaged for such periods and shall be paid such salaries as the Council, with the approval of the Minister, determines.
(2) All officers employed under the Act shall hold office subject to good behaviour and compliance with these Regulations.
5. Where the terms of appointment of an officer do not provide for the payment of increments, such increments may be paid, subject to the necessary appropriation by Parliament, as the Council, with the approval of the Minister, determines.
Applications of Commonwealth Public Service Regulations.
6. The provisions of the Regulations under the Commonwealth Public Service Act 1922-1924 for the time being in force in regard to:—
(a) Leave of absence;
(b) Travelling allowances;
(c) Attendance of officers;
(d) Performance of duties; and
(e) Overtime payment,
shall apply to officers appointed under the Act, subject to the following modifications:—
(i) In regard to officers of the Council, the powers and functions of the Public Service Board under those Regulations shall be exercised by the Council, and the powers and functions of the Permanent Head and the Chief Officer shall be exercised by the Secretary of the Council; and
(ii) In cases where the Council considers it desirable in the interests of the Council that leave of absence be accumulated for more than two years, leave of absence may be so accumulated.
Powers of Council in regard to expenditure.
7. The Council shall have power to expend at its sole discretion, from moneys standing to the credit of the Science and Industry Investigation Trust Account, sums not exceeding One hundred pounds in each case, on any matters or subjects of investigation or on apparatus connected with any work of the Council, for which provision has been made in the Estimates of expenditure which have been passed by both Houses of the Parliament.
Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by H. J. Green, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.