1919. No. 48.



Regulations for the Employment of Persons in a Civil Capacity in Connexion with the Department of Defence.—Amendments.

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Defence Act 1903-1918 to come into operation on and from the 1st day of September, 1918.

Dated this fifth day of March, 1919.



By His Excellency’s Command,


Acting Minister of State for Defence.


Regulations for the Employment of Persons in a Civil Capacity in Connexion with the Department of Defence.—Amendments.

Repeal regulation 75 and insert the following new regulation:—

75. Notwithstanding the maximum rate of salary prescribed for Senior Assistants in Table “B” of regulation 74, Senior Assistants who are performing clerical duties which, in the opinion of the Staff Committee, warrant higher pay than such maximum rate may, on the approval of the Secretary, be paid a salary not exceeding £210 per annum.

Repeal regulation 78.

After regulation 109, insert the following new regulation:—

109a. (1) Special examinations shall be arranged from time to time as necessary, but not more than once in twelve months, to enable Senior Assistants to qualify for transfer to the Clerical Division, and such examinations shall be open only to those Senior Assistants who are certified by the Chief Officer to have satisfactorily performed clerical duties for a period of not less than two years.

(2) The subjects and rules of examination, marks, &c, will be as prescribed by the Minister and notified in the Gazette and Military Orders.

(3) The examination will be qualifying only, and successful candidates will be eligible for transfer to the Clerical Division at a salary not less than that received by them immediately prior to such transfer.

(4) The seniority of persons transferred to the Clerical Division in accordance with this regulation will be determined as if they had been appointed to the Clerical Division on the date of their appointment or promotion to a position not lower than Junior Assistant, provided that in exceptional cases the Secretary may specially determine seniority.

Amend regulation 108a by inserting after the word “Officer” whereever it appears in the regulation, the words “or employee”.


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.