No. 24 of 1917.

An Act to amend the War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1914-1916 and the War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1915-1916.

[Assented to 20th September, 1917.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1917.

(2.) The War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1914-1916 as amended by this Act may be cited as the War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1914-1917.

(3.) The War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1915-1916 as amended by this Act may be cited as the War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1915-1917.

Purpose for which moneys may be borrowed.

2. Section three of the War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1914-1916 is amended by adding after the words Loan Fund the words and any moneys so paid into the Loan Fund shall be issued and applied only for the expenses of borrowing and for war purposes.

Purpose for which moneys may be borrowed.

3. Section three of the War Loan (United Kingdom) Act 1915-1916 is amended by adding after the words. Loan Fund the words and any moneys so paid into the Loan Fund shall be issued and applied only for the expenses of borrowing and for war purposes.