No. 1 of 1914.
An Act to facilitate the proceedings of the Commissioner appointed to hold an Inquiry respecting the operations of any person, combination, or trust tending to create any restraint of trade or monopoly in connexion with the export of meat from Australia.
[Assented to 15th June, 1914.]
WHEREAS a commission has been issued by the Governor-General, by Letters Patent in the name of the King, whereby the Honorable Philip Whistler Street, a puisne judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, has been authorized and directed to inquire into and report as to the operations of any person, combination, or trust tending to create any restraint of trade or monopoly in connexion with the export of meat from Australia:
And whereas doubts have arisen as to the powers of the commission to compel answers to questions and order the production of documents:
Be it therefore enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—
Short title.
Powers &c. of commission.
2. The Commissioner appointed by the Governor-General, by Letters Patent in the name of the King, to inquire into and report as to the operations of any person, combination, or trust tending to create any restraint of trade or monopoly in connexion with the export of meat from Australia, shall have all the powers rights and privileges which are contained in the Royal Commissions Act 1902–1912, and that Act shall have effect in relation to the said commission as if it were herein re-enacted and in terms made applicable to the said commission.