No. 9 of 1909.

An Act relating to Telegraphic Communication in Time of Emergency.

[Assented to 30th October, 1909.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title.

1. This Act may be cited as the Telegraph Act 1909.


2. In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears—

Emergency means any emergency in the nature of war or danger of war:

Submarine cable means any submarine cable used or capable of being used for telegraphic or telephonic purposes, and includes all stations, instruments, land wires, and appliances used in connexion with any submarine cable:

This Act includes the regulations under this Act:

Wireless telegraph includes all stations, instruments, and appliances used in connexion with wireless telegraphy or telephony:

Wireless telegraphy includes all systems of transmitting and receiving telegraphic or telephonic messages by means of electricity without a continuous metallic connexion between the transmitter and the receiver.

Power to assume control of cables and wireless telegraphs.

3.—(1.) The Governor-General may, whenever any emergency has arisen which, in his opinion, renders it desirable in the public interest so to do, authorize any officer of the Commonwealth to take possession or control of any submarine cable or any wireless telegraph or telephone.

(2.) Any officer so authorized, and any person acting under his authority, may take possession or control of the submarine cable or wireless telegraph or telephone, and may continue in possession or control thereof for such period as the Governor-General thinks fit to direct.

(3.) No person shall obstruct or hinder any officer so authorized, or any person acting under his authority, in the exercise of any power under this Act.

Penalty: Twenty pounds.


4. The Governor-General may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, prescribing all matters and things which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act, and in particular for regulating and controlling telegraphic or telephonic communication in times of emergency by means of submarine cables or wireless telegraphy or telephony.